2006 NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conferences in the Mathematical Sciences

Mathematical and Numerical Treatment of Fluid Flow and Transport in Porous Media

Zhangxin (John) Chen, lecturer
May 22-26, 2006 at the University of Nevada Las Vegas
Jichun Li and Yi-Tung Chen, organizers
702-895-0365, jichun@unlv.nevada.edu
702-895-1202, uuchen@nscee.edu

Cluster Algebras and Applications

Andrei Zelevinsky, lecturer
June 13-17 at North Carolina State University
Naihuan Jing, organizer
919-513-3584, jing@unity.ncsu.edu

The Interplay between Convex Geometry and Harmonic Analysis

Alexander Koldobsky, lecturer
July 29 - August 2 at Kansas State University
Dmitry Ryabogin and David Auckly, organizers
785-532-6750, ryabs@math.ksu.edu
785-532-6750, dav@math.ksu.edu

Probabilistic and Combinatorial Approach in Analysis

Mark Rudelson, lecturer
August 6-12 at Kent State University
Artem Zvavitch, Per Enflo, and Andrew Tonge, organizers
330-672-3316, zvavitch@math.kent.edu
330-672-9095, enflo@math.kent.edu
330-672-9046, tonge@math.kent.edu