Benchmark fx 6300 vs q6600: FX-6300 vs Core 2 Quad Q6600 [in 3 benchmarks]

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 vs AMD FX-6300

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 vs AMD FX-6300

Comparison of the technical characteristics between the processors, with the Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 on one side and the AMD FX-6300 on the other side. The first is dedicated to the desktop sector, It has 4 cores, 4 threads, a maximum frequency of 2,4GHz. The second is used on the desktop segment, it has a total of 6 cores, 6 threads, its turbo frequency is set to 3,8 GHz. The following table also compares the lithography, the number of transistors (if indicated), the amount of cache memory, the maximum RAM memory capacity, the type of memory accepted, the release date, the maximum number of PCIe lanes, the values ​​obtained in Geekbench 4 and Cinebench R15.

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Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600

AMD FX-6300
Market (main)



x86-64 (64 bit)

x86-64 (64 bit)


Core name



Core 2 Quad 6000

Part number(s), S-Spec






Release date

Q1 2007

Q4 2012

65 nm

32 nm SOI

582. 000.000




Base frequency

2,4 GHz

3,5 GHz
Turbo frequency

3,8 GHz
Cache memory

8 MB

8 MB
Max memory capacity

4 GB

32 GB
Memory types


Max PCIe lanes



105 W

95 W
Suggested PSU

600W ATX Power Supply

600W ATX Power Supply
GPU integrated graphics




Compatible motherboard

Socket LGA 775 Motherboard 

Socket AM3+ Motherboard 
Maximum temperature


70. 5°C
CPU-Z single thread


CPU-Z multi thread


Cinebench R15 single thread


Cinebench R15 multi-thread


Cinebench R23 single thread


Cinebench R23 multi-thread


PassMark single thread


PassMark CPU Mark


4. 124
(Windows 64-bit)
Geekbench 4 single core


(Windows 64-bit)
Geekbench 4 multi-core


GFLOPS performance


(Multi-core / watt performance)
Performance / watt ratio

43 pts / W

86 pts / W


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We can better compare what are the technical differences between the two processors.

Suggested PSU: We assume that we have An ATX computer case, a high end graphics card, 16GB RAM, a 512GB SSD, a 1TB HDD hard drive, a Blu-Ray drive. We will have to rely on a more powerful power supply if we want to have several graphics cards, several monitors, more memory, etc.

Price: For technical reasons, we cannot currently display a price less than 24 hours, or a real-time price. This is why we prefer for the moment not to show a price. You should refer to the respective online stores for the latest price, as well as availability.

The processor AMD FX-6300 has a larger number of cores, the turbo frequency of AMD FX-6300 is bigger, that the thermal dissipation power of AMD FX-6300 is less. The AMD FX-6300 was started more recently.

Performances :

Performance comparison between the two processors, for this we consider the results generated on benchmark software such as Geekbench 4.

CPU-Z — Multi-thread & single thread score
AMD FX-6300


1. 022
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600



In single core, the difference is 17%. In multi-core, the difference in terms of gap is 34%.

Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

CPU-Z is a system information software that provides the name of the processor, its model number, the codename, the cache levels, the package, the process. It can also gives data about the mainboard, the memory. It makes real time measurement, with finally a benchmark for the single thread, as well as for the multi thread.

Cinebench R15 — Multi-thread & single thread score
AMD FX-6300


Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600



In single core, the difference is 7%. In multi-core, the difference in terms of gap is 44%.

Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

Cinebench R15 evaluates the performance of CPU calculations by restoring a photorealistic 3D scene. The scene has 2,000 objects, 300,000 polygons, uses sharp and fuzzy reflections, bright areas, shadows, procedural shaders, antialiasing, and so on. The faster the rendering of the scene is created, the more powerful the PC is, with a high number of points.

Cinebench R23 — Multi-thread & single thread score
AMD FX-6300


Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600



In single core, the difference is 18%. In multi-core, the difference in terms of gap is 62%.

Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

Cinebench R23 is cross-platform testing software that allows you to assess the hardware capabilities of a device such as a computer, tablet, server. This version of Cinebench takes into account recent developments in processors with multiple cores and the latest improvements in rendering techniques. The evaluation is ultimately even more relevant. The test scene contains no less than 2,000 objects and more than 300,000 polygons in total.

PassMark — CPU Mark & single thread
AMD FX-6300


Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600


1. 764

In single core, the difference is 55%. In multi-core, the difference in terms of gap is 134%.

Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

PassMark is a benchmarking software that performs several performance tests including prime numbers, integers, floating point, compression, physics, extended instructions, encoding, sorting. The higher the score is, the higher is the device capacity.

On Windows 64-bit:

Geekbench 4 — Multi-core & single core score — Windows 64-bit
AMD FX-6300


Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600



In single core, the difference is 56%. In multi-core, the difference in terms of gap is 81%.

On Linux 64-bit:

Geekbench 4 — Multi-core & single core score — Linux 64-bit
AMD FX-6300


Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600



In single core, the difference is 48%. In multi-core, the difference in terms of gap is 96%.

On Mac OS X 64-bit:

Geekbench 4 — Multi-core & single core score — Mac OS X 64-bit
AMD FX-6300


Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600



In single core, the difference is 40%. In multi-core, the difference in terms of gap is 72%.

Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

Geekbench 4 is a complete benchmark platform with several types of tests, including data compression, images, AES encryption, SQL encoding, HTML, PDF file rendering, matrix computation, Fast Fourier Transform, 3D object simulation, photo editing, memory testing. This allows us to better visualize the respective power of these devices. For each result, we took an average of 250 values on the famous benchmark software.


Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 AMD equivalentAMD FX-6300 Intel equivalent

FX-6300 vs Core 2 Quad Q6600 Wolfenstein II Benchmarks

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Change GPU
AMD Radeon HD 6850AMD Radeon HD 6870AMD Radeon HD 6950AMD Radeon HD 6970AMD Radeon HD 6990AMD Radeon HD 7750AMD Radeon HD 7790AMD Radeon HD 7850AMD Radeon HD 7950AMD Radeon HD 7970AMD Radeon HD 7970 GHz EditionAMD Radeon HD 7990AMD Radeon R7 250AMD Radeon R7 265AMD Radeon R7 370AMD Radeon R9 270AMD Radeon R9 280AMD Radeon R9 280XAMD Radeon R9 285AMD Radeon R9 290AMD Radeon R9 290XAMD Radeon R9 295X2AMD Radeon R9 380AMD Radeon R9 380XAMD Radeon R9 390AMD Radeon R9 390XAMD Radeon R9 FURYAMD Radeon R9 FURY XAMD Radeon R9 NanoAMD Radeon RX 460AMD Radeon RX 470AMD Radeon RX 480AMD Radeon RX 550AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT 4GBAMD Radeon RX 5500 XT 8GBAMD Radeon RX 560AMD Radeon RX 5600 XTAMD Radeon RX 570AMD Radeon RX 5700AMD Radeon RX 5700 XTAMD Radeon RX 580AMD Radeon RX 590AMD Radeon RX 6600 XTAMD Radeon RX 6700 XTAMD Radeon RX 6800AMD Radeon RX 6800 XTAMD Radeon RX 6900 XTAMD Radeon RX Vega 56AMD Radeon RX Vega 64AMD Radeon VIIATI Radeon HD 4870NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030NVIDIA GeForce GT 640NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 TiNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GBNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GBNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 TiNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 TiNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPERNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPERNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 TiNVIDIA GeForce GTX 260NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 TiNVIDIA GeForce GTX 560NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 TiNVIDIA GeForce GTX 570NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 TiNVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti BoostNVIDIA GeForce GTX 660NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 TiNVIDIA GeForce GTX 670NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680NVIDIA GeForce GTX 690NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 TiNVIDIA GeForce GTX 760NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 TiNVIDIA GeForce GTX 950NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 TiNVIDIA GeForce GTX TITANNVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN BLACKNVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN XNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPERNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPERNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPERNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 TiNVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 TiNVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 TiNVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 TiNVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 TiNVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090NVIDIA TITAN RTXNVIDIA TITAN VNVIDIA TITAN Xp

Change Resolution
1080p1440p4KUltrawide 1440p

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FX-6300 Six-Core vs Core2 Quad Q6600 — Monster Hunter: World com RX 570 Comparação de desempenho

RX 570 with

AMD FX-6300 Six-Core

Monster Hunter: World

RX 570 with

Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 @ 2. 40GHz

FX-6300 Six-Core
Core2 Quad Q6600

Multi-Thread Performance

6385 Pts

2955 Pts

Single-Thread Performance

1407 Pts

923 Pts

Monster Hunter: World

FX-6300 Six-Core vs Core2 Quad Q6600 em Monster Hunter: World usando RX 570 — Comparação do desempenho da CPU em configurações de qualidade Ultra, High, Medium e Low com resoluções de 1080p, 1440p, Ultrawide, 4K

FX-6300 Six-Core
Core2 Quad Q6600

Ultra qualidade
Resolução Frames por segundo

27.9 FPS


19.5 FPS


19.5 FPS


13.7 FPS


9.4 FPS


6.6 FPS


15.5 FPS


10.8 FPS

Alta qualidade
Resolução Frames por segundo

52. 9 FPS


38.7 FPS


38.7 FPS


28.4 FPS


20.4 FPS


14.9 FPS


31.6 FPS


23.0 FPS

Qualidade média
Resolução Frames por segundo

77.8 FPS


57.9 FPS


57.9 FPS


43.1 FPS


31.3 FPS


23.2 FPS


47.8 FPS


35.3 FPS

Baixa qualidade
Resolução Frames por segundo

127. 8 FPS


96.3 FPS


96.3 FPS


72.5 FPS


53.3 FPS


39.7 FPS


80.1 FPS


59.7 FPS

FX-6300 Six-Core
    Core2 Quad Q6600

      Compare FX-6300 Six-Core vs Core2 Quad Q6600 specifications

      Compartilhe seus comentários 22

      Compare FX-6300 Six-Core vs Core2 Quad Q6600 in more games

      Elden Ring


      God of War


      Overwatch 2


      Forza Horizon 5


      Halo Infinite


      Battlefield 2042


      Assassin’s Creed Valhalla


      Microsoft Flight Simulator




      Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War


      Death Stranding


      Marvel’s Avengers




      Cyberpunk 2077


      Apex Legends




      Far Cry New Dawn


      Resident Evil 2


      Metro Exodus


      World War Z


      Gears of War 5


      F1 2019




      Borderlands 3


      Call of Duty Modern Warfare


      Red Dead Redemption 2


      Need For Speed: Heat


      Assassin’s Creed Odyssey


      Battlefield V


      Call of Duty: Black Ops 4


      Final Fantasy XV


      Shadow of the Tomb Raider


      Forza Horizon 4


      Fallout 76


      Hitman 2


      Just Cause 4


      Monster Hunter: World


      Strange Brigade


      Assassin’s Creed Origins


      Dawn of War III


      Ghost Recon Wildlands


      Destiny 2


      PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds


      Fortnite Battle Royale


      Need For Speed: Payback


      For Honor


      Project CARS 2


      Forza Motorsport 7


      Ashes of the Singularity


      Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation


      Battlefield 1


      Deus Ex: Mankind Divided




      F1 2016




      Rise of the Tomb Raider


      The Division


      Total War: Warhammer




      Dishonored 2


      DiRT Rally


      Grand Theft Auto V


      The Witcher 3


      Rocket League


      Need For Speed


      Project CARS


      Rainbow Six Siege


      Battlefield 4


      Crysis 3


      Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


      League of Legends




      AMD A4-6300 vs Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (95W)

      Comparative analysis of AMD A4-6300 and Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (95W) processors for all known characteristics in the following categories: Essentials, Performance, Memory, Graphics, Graphics interfaces, Graphics API support, Compatibility, Peripherals, Advanced Technologies, Virtualization.
      Benchmark processor performance analysis: PassMark — Single thread mark, PassMark — CPU mark, Geekbench 4 — Single Core, Geekbench 4 — Multi-Core, CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Face Detection (mPixels/s), CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Ocean Surface Simulation (Frames/s), CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — T-Rex (Frames/s), CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Video Composition (Frames/s), CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Bitcoin Mining (mHash/s), GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Frames), GFXBench 4.0 — Manhattan (Frames), GFXBench 4.0 — T-Rex (Frames), GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Fps), GFXBench 4.0 — Manhattan (Fps), GFXBench 4.0 — T-Rex (Fps).

      AMD A4-6300

      Buy on Amazon


      Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (95W)

      Buy on Amazon



      Reasons to consider the AMD A4-6300

      • CPU is newer: launch date 5 year(s) 11 month(s) later
      • Around 63% higher clock speed: 3. 9 GHz vs 2.4 GHz
      • A newer manufacturing process allows for a more powerful, yet cooler running processor: 32 nm SOI vs 65 nm
      • Around 46% lower typical power consumption: 65 Watt vs 95 Watt
      • 4x better performance in CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Face Detection (mPixels/s): 2.112 vs 0.522
      • 8.9x better performance in CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Video Composition (Frames/s): 6.647 vs 0.748
      • 5.5x better performance in CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Bitcoin Mining (mHash/s): 21.25 vs 3.829

      Launch date June 2013 vs July 2007
      Maximum frequency 3.9 GHz vs 2.4 GHz
      Manufacturing process technology 32 nm SOI vs 65 nm
      Thermal Design Power (TDP) 65 Watt vs 95 Watt
      CompuBench 1. 5 Desktop — Face Detection (mPixels/s) 2.112 vs 0.522
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Video Composition (Frames/s) 6.647 vs 0.748
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Bitcoin Mining (mHash/s) 21.25 vs 3.829

      Reasons to consider the Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (95W)

      • 2 more cores, run more applications at once: 4 vs 2
      • 2.7x more L1 cache, more data can be stored in the L1 cache for quick access later
      • 8x more L2 cache, more data can be stored in the L2 cache for quick access later
      • 11.4x better performance in CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Ocean Surface Simulation (Frames/s): 24.255 vs 2.119
      • Around 38% better performance in CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — T-Rex (Frames/s): 0.138 vs 0.1

      Number of cores 4 vs 2
      L1 cache 256 KB vs 96 KB
      L2 cache 8192 KB vs 1 MB
      CompuBench 1. 5 Desktop — Ocean Surface Simulation (Frames/s) 24.255 vs 2.119
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — T-Rex (Frames/s) 0.138 vs 0.1

      Compare benchmarks

      CPU 1: AMD A4-6300
      CPU 2: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (95W)

      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Face Detection (mPixels/s)

      CPU 1
      CPU 2

      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Ocean Surface Simulation (Frames/s)

      CPU 1
      CPU 2

      24. 255

      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — T-Rex (Frames/s)

      CPU 1
      CPU 2

      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Video Composition (Frames/s)

      CPU 1
      CPU 2

      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Bitcoin Mining (mHash/s)

      CPU 1
      CPU 2

      Name AMD A4-6300 Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (95W)
      PassMark — Single thread mark 1419
      PassMark — CPU mark 1433
      Geekbench 4 — Single Core 440
      Geekbench 4 — Multi-Core 696
      CompuBench 1. 5 Desktop — Face Detection (mPixels/s) 2.112 0.522
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Ocean Surface Simulation (Frames/s) 2.119 24.255
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — T-Rex (Frames/s) 0.1 0.138
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Video Composition (Frames/s) 6.647 0.748
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Bitcoin Mining (mHash/s) 21.25 3.829
      GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Frames) 372
      GFXBench 4. 0 — Manhattan (Frames) 1351
      GFXBench 4.0 — T-Rex (Frames) 2829
      GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Fps) 372
      GFXBench 4.0 — Manhattan (Fps) 1351
      GFXBench 4.0 — T-Rex (Fps) 2829

      Compare specifications (specs)

      AMD A4-6300 Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (95W)
      Architecture codename Richland Kentsfield
      Family AMD A-Series Processors
      Launch date June 2013 July 2007
      OPN Tray AD6300OKA23HL
      Place in performance rating 1799 2702
      Series AMD A4-Series APU for Desktops
      Vertical segment Desktop Desktop
      64 bit support
      Base frequency 3. 7 GHz
      Die size 246 mm 2x 143 mm
      L1 cache 96 KB 256 KB
      L2 cache 1 MB 8192 KB
      Manufacturing process technology 32 nm SOI 65 nm
      Maximum case temperature (TCase) 70 °C 62 °C
      Maximum core temperature 70°C
      Maximum frequency 3. 9 GHz 2.4 GHz
      Number of cores 2 4
      Number of threads 2
      Transistor count 1178 million 582 million
      Max memory channels 2
      Supported memory frequency 1600 MHz
      Supported memory types DDR3-1600 DDR1, DDR2, DDR3
      Graphics max frequency 760 MHz
      iGPU core count 128
      Number of pipelines 128
      Processor graphics AMD Radeon HD 8370D
      Switchable graphics
      Unified Video Decoder (UVD)
      Video Codec Engine (VCE)
      DirectX 11
      Max number of CPUs in a configuration 1 1
      Sockets supported FM2 775
      Thermal Design Power (TDP) 65 Watt 95 Watt
      PCI Express revision 2. 0
      AMD App Acceleration
      AMD Elite Experiences
      AMD HD3D technology
      Enhanced Virus Protection (EVP)
      Fused Multiply-Add (FMA)
      Fused Multiply-Add 4 (FMA4)
      Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)
      Intel® AES New Instructions
      AMD Virtualization (AMD-V™)
      IOMMU 2. 0

      CPU-Z Benchmark for Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (1T)

      Best CPU performance — 64-bit — October 2022

      Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (1T)

      Back to validation

      Intel Core i9-12900KF

      Intel Core i9-12900K

      Intel Core i7-12700K

      Intel Core i7-12700KF

      Intel Core i5-12600K

      Intel Core i5-12600KF

      Intel Core i9-11900K

      AMD Ryzen 9 5950X

      AMD Ryzen 9 5900X

      Intel Core i7-11700K

      AMD Ryzen 7 5800X

      Intel Core i7-11700KF

      Intel Core i5-11600K

      AMD Ryzen 5 5600X

      Intel Core i5-11600KF

      Intel Core i7-11700

      Intel Core i7-11700F

      AMD Ryzen 7 5700G

      AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX

      Intel Core i5-11500

      Intel Core i9-10900KF

      AMD Ryzen 5 5600G

      Intel Core i7-11800H

      Intel Core i9-10900K

      Intel Core i9-10850K

      Intel Core i7-10700KF

      Intel Core i5-11400

      Intel Core i5-11400F

      Intel Core i9-10900

      Intel Core i5-11400H

      AMD Ryzen 7 5800H

      Intel Core i9-9900KF

      Intel Core i7-9700KF

      Intel Core i7-10700K

      Intel Core i7-9700K

      AMD Ryzen 5 5600H

      Intel Core i9-9900K

      Intel Core i5-10600KF

      Intel Core i5-9600KF

      Intel Core i7-10700

      Intel Core i5-10600K

      Intel Core i7-10700F

      Intel Core i7-1165G7

      AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT

      Intel Core i7-9700F

      Intel Core i7-9700

      AMD Ryzen 9 3950X

      Intel Core i5-9600K

      AMD Ryzen 9 3900X

      AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT

      AMD Ryzen 7 3800X

      Intel Core i7-8700K

      AMD Ryzen 7 3700X

      Intel Core i5-1135G7

      AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G

      Intel Core i5-8600K

      AMD Ryzen 7 5700U

      AMD Ryzen 5 3600X

      Intel Core i7-7700K

      AMD Ryzen 7 4800H

      Intel Core i7-10875H

      Intel Core i5-7600K

      AMD Ryzen 5 3600

      Intel Core i7-8700

      AMD Ryzen 5 3500X

      Intel Core i3-1115G4

      AMD Ryzen 5 3500

      Intel Core i7-10870H

      AMD Ryzen 5 4500U

      AMD Ryzen 5 5500U

      Intel Core i7-10750H

      Intel Core i3-10105F

      Intel Core i3-9100F

      Intel Core i5-8500

      Intel Core i7-6700K

      Intel Core i5-10400

      Intel Core i5-9400

      AMD Ryzen 5 4600H

      Intel Core i3-10100

      Intel Core i3-10100F

      Intel Core i5-9400F

      Intel Core i5-6600K

      Intel Core i5-10400F

      AMD Ryzen 3 3100 4-Core

      AMD Ryzen 7 2700X

      Intel Core i5-10300H

      Intel Core i7-4790K

      Intel Core i7-9750H

      Intel Core i5-8400

      AMD Ryzen 5 2600X

      Intel Core i7-7700

      Intel Core i5-4690K

      AMD Ryzen 5 3400G

      Intel Core i7-8750H

      AMD Ryzen 3 3200G

      Intel Core i5-9300H

      AMD Ryzen 5 2600

      Intel Core i3-8100

      Intel Core i7-10510U

      Intel Core i5-7500

      Intel Core i5-4670K

      Intel Core i5-8300H

      AMD Ryzen 5 1600X

      Intel Core i7-8565U

      AMD Ryzen 3 2200G

      Intel Core i7-4770K

      Intel Core i5-4690

      Intel Core i5-10210U

      Intel Core i5-1035G1

      AMD Ryzen 5 2400G

      Intel Core i7-4790

      AMD Ryzen 7 1700X

      Intel Core i7-6700

      AMD Ryzen 7 2700

      Intel Core i7-4770

      Intel Core i5-8265U

      AMD Ryzen 7 1700

      AMD Ryzen 5 1600

      Intel Core i3-1005G1

      Intel Core i5-4590

      AMD Ryzen 5 3550H with

      Intel Core i5-3570K

      Intel Core i5-7400

      Intel Core i7-3770K

      Intel Core i5-6500

      Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3

      Intel Core i7-8550U

      Intel Core i5-4570

      Intel Core i3-7100

      AMD Ryzen 3 1200

      Intel Core i5-3570

      Intel Core i5-2500K

      AMD Ryzen 7 3750H with

      Intel Core i7-3770

      Intel Core i7-2600K

      Intel Core i7-7700HQ

      Intel Core i5-8250U

      Intel Core i5-7300HQ

      Intel Core i5-6400

      AMD Ryzen 5 1400

      Intel Core i3-6100

      Intel Core i5-4460

      Intel Core i5-3470

      AMD Ryzen 5 3500U with

      Intel Xeon E5-2640 v3

      Intel Xeon E5-2678 v3

      AMD Athlon 3000G

      Intel Core i5-4440

      Intel Xeon E3-1230 V2

      Intel Core i3-4170

      Intel Core i5-2500

      Intel Pentium G4560

      Intel Core i7-2600

      Intel Core i3-4160

      AMD Ryzen 5 2500U with

      Intel Xeon E5-2689

      Intel Core i7-6700HQ

      Intel Core i7-7500U

      Intel Core i5-2400

      Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3

      Intel Core i3-4130

      Intel Xeon E5-2650 v2

      Intel Core i5-3330

      Intel Core i5-7200U

      Intel Core i3-3240

      Intel Core i7-6500U

      Intel Core i3-3220

      Intel Core i5-6300U

      Intel Xeon E5450

      Intel Core i3-2120

      Intel Core i5-3230M

      Intel Core i3-2100

      Intel Core 2 Duo E8400

      Intel Core i5-6200U

      Intel Core i5 750

      Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550

      Intel Core i5-5200U

      Intel Core i5-2520M

      Intel Core 2 Duo E7500

      Intel Core i5 650

      Intel Core i5-3210M

      Intel Core i7 920

      AMD FX -8350

      Intel Core i5-2450M

      Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400

      AMD FX -4300

      AMD FX -8320

      AMD FX -6300

      Intel Core i5-2410M

      Intel Core i5-4210U

      AMD FX -8300

      Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600

      Intel Core i3-7020U

      Pentium E5200

      Intel Core i5-4200U

      Intel Core i3-3110M

      Intel Core i3-5005U

      Intel Core i3-6006U

      (YOU) Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600

      AMD Phenom II X4 955

      Intel Core i3-4005U

      Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 – Techgage

      Dual Core CPUs have been in consumers’ hands for a couple years now, but it was a slow process before we started seeing applications exploit them. Today, things are different. Most of our everyday applications are multi-threaded, including a few that we benchmarked earlier. Nero is one of the ones that stands out in my mind, because I use it regularly. It’s not always the multi-threaded applications that people care about though, it’s the fact that they have spare cores to play with.

      There’s been one major gripe ever since we first received Dual Core CPUs, namely that there are no games out there that support them. The benefits would be obvious. Some newer games are not just taxing on your graphics card, but CPU as well. Using a Dual Core, you’d essentially be doubling the amount of information that can be passed along. It sounds good in thought, but the problem is that few developers are taking an initiative.

      The most common complaint from game studios is that making a multi-thread game is not an easy task. In fact, it requires additional training and understanding in order to execute properly. This results in a more costly title in the end. Time is another factor, for obvious reasons. Planning out a multi-core capable game takes a lot of planning to make sure it flows as it should.

      That being said, the future for gaming is still bright. It will be a while before multi-threaded gaming becomes commonplace, but later this year we should be seeing a few titles that will effectively use additional cores. Will these extra cores wipe out the need for a physics card? Probably not right from the get-go, if at all. Like GPUs, PPUs are highly optimized for the specific type of calculations they perform. But in the end, we will likely see extra cores used as common practice far before we see a physics card becoming mainstream, simply because -every- gamer out there will have a CPU, while PPU add-on cards are another expense.

      While visiting Intel at CES, they showed off two demos, both of which I examined in-depth over the past week of testing. The first was their Ice Storm Fighters, which was developed by Futuremark exclusively for them. There is one reason this demo was developed and one reason only, to show the immediate benefits that a multi-core processor can have on gaming. Reminiscent to the Tie Fighter scene in Star Wars episode IV, Ice Fighters consists of a large snow covered level that has many vehicles and Mechs right in the heat of battle.

      There are two options at the main screen, Low and High. High is for quad-core CPUs while Low is for dual-core. This demo stresses ALL cores like no other game, so if you choose High while using a dual-core, it will lag significantly. You have the ability to add or remove bots if you want, but the more you add will simply slow down the demo even further. Even with just 20 units on the screen, it put all four cores to good use.

      The cores are essentially being used for physics engines, where all of the AI and particle effects are being placed on each core. Not only is the actual AI stressing the CPU, but everything else in the scene, including left over bullet marks in the snow, which you can see an example of in the picture below.

      While this demo can be manually played, it’s not designed to become a full blown retail release, it’s strictly a tech demo. What it proves though, is that multi-core processors can be used to their full potential in gaming and have obvious benefits. Instead of bullet-hole decals fading away after a few seconds, the extra CPU power can be used to keep them there, resulting in a more realistic experience. Lets face it, in this day in age it is weird to play a game and see your bullet-holes disappear right after you put them there.

      This is just one example though, but it goes to show that extra cores can be put to good use -if- the developers want to go that route. One thing I will mention is that installing the Ice Fighters demo will also install the AGEIA PhysX engine. So while you may not need a PhysX card up front, AGEIA seems to have a good thing going with their API. To give the demo a try for yourself, you can grab it here. You do need an Intel dual-core or quad-core to use the demo; it will error on an AMD.

      Valve Particle Benchmark

      In addition to their Ice Fighters demo, Intel showed us even more benefits of multi-core processors using Valve’s Particle Benchmark. Essentially, this is another physics type demo that throws all of the particle computations onto the CPU. Particles could be a number of things.. smoke from a gun, rain, a waterfall, et cetera. The difference here though, is instead of these being pre-rendered objects, they are all computed in real time, which is why it’s so taxing on the CPU. The processor is computing the scene as it happens to give a more realistic experience.

      That said, unlike the Ice Fighters demo, this is an actual benchmark. It consists of you walking up to a terminal and pushing a button, which will then automatically deliver four “simple” scenes that stress the CPU with particles. As simple as the tests seem, it spits out an even simpler score.

      As you can see, as the cores are increased, the results scale accordingly. The E6300 for example had a 100% increase when moving from single to dual core. While this “benchmark” doesn’t really mean much in the grand scheme of things, it again shows that multi-core CPUs can be used to their full potential in gaming.

      The good news is that multi-core games, despite being hard to code for, will become more commonplace as time goes on. It’s a matter of consumer demand, and bragging rights in pushing the performance envelope. Some engines currently available already offer good multi-core capabilities out of the box, like Unreal Engine 3 which powers such games as UT3, Gears of War and Rainbow Six: Vegas. Game companies that license the engine will likely have an easier time creating their game around a multi-core CPU.

      One example benefit of multi-core gaming is in regards to a quote from an interview with a UT3 developer. I haven’t been able to track down the exact article, but what was mentioned was that UT3 (the artist formally known as Unreal Tournament 2007) -could- use up to five cores out of the box, one for each class of gameplay, whether it be particles, AI, physics, etc. Whether or not that was a quote of “what is” or “what could be”, it shows that a few developers are interested in getting the ball rolling on working with multi-core possibilities. It’s just a matter of waiting it out for now…

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      Core2 Quad Q6600 vs FX-6300 Six-Core — Strange Brigade vs R5 performance comparison

      R5 with

      Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.40GHz

      Strange Brigade

      R5 with

      AMD FX-6300 Six-Core

      Core2 Quad Q6600
      FX-6300 Six-Core

      Multi-Thread Performance

      2955 Pts

      6385 Pts

      Single-Thread Performance

      923 Pts

      1407 Pts

      Strange Brigade

      Core2 Quad Q6600 vs FX-6300 Six-Core in Strange Brigade using R5 — processor performance comparison at Ultra, High, Medium and Low Quality settings at 1080p, 1440p, Ultrawide, 4K

      Core2 Quad Q6600
      FX-6300 Six-Core

      Ultra Quality
      Resolution Frames per second

      11. 9 FPS


      16.9 FPS


      8.3 FPS


      11.8 FPS


      4.5 FPS


      6.4 FPS


      6.8 FPS


      9.7 FPS

      High quality
      Resolution Frames per second

      25.1 FPS


      34.1 FPS


      18.2 FPS


      24.9 FPS


      10.6 FPS


      14.5 FPS


      15.3 FPS


      20. 9 FPS

      Medium quality
      Resolution Frames per second

      38.3 FPS


      51.4 FPS


      28.2 FPS


      38.0 FPS


      16.7 FPS


      22.6 FPS


      23.8 FPS


      32.2 FPS

      Poor quality
      Approval Frames per second

      64.6 FPS


      85.9 FPS


      48.1 FPS


      64. 2 FPS


      28.8 FPS


      38.7 FPS

      God of War


      Overwatch 2


      Forza Horizon 5


      Halo Infinite


      Battlefield 2042


      Assassin’s Creed Valhalla


      Microsoft Flight Simulator




      Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War


      Death Stranding


      Marvel’s Avengers




      Cyberpunk 2077


      Apex Legends




      Far Cry New Dawn


      Resident Evil 2


      Metro Exodus


      World War Z


      Gears of War 5


      F1 2019




      Borderlands 3


      Call of Duty Modern Warfare


      Red Dead Redemption 2


      Need for Speed: Heat


      Forza Horizon 4


      Fallout 76


      Hitman 2


      Just Cause 4


      Monster Hunter: World


      Strange Brigade


      PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds


      Fortnite Battle Royale


      Need For Speed: Payback


      For Honor


      Project CARS 2


      Forza Motorsport 7


      Ashes of the Singularity




      Rise of the Tomb Raider


      The Division




      Dishonored 2


      DiRT Rally


      Grand Theft Auto V


      The Witcher 3


      Total War: Attila


      Rocket League


      Need For Speed ​​


      Project CARS


      Rainbow Six Siege


      Dragon Age: Inquisition


      Far Cry 4


      GRID Autosport


      Shadow of Mordor


      The Talos Principle


      Battlefield 4


      Crysis 3


      Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


      League of Legends




      Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 or AMD A4-6300 APU

        Main Page

        Performance in games and similar applications, according to our tests.

        The performance of 4 cores, if any, and performance per core has the greatest impact on the result, since most games do not fully use more than 4 cores.

        The speed of caches and working with RAM is also important.

        Speed ​​in office use

        Core2 Quad Q6600


        A4-6300 APU

        46.6 (+16.5%)

        Performance in everyday work, such as browsers and office programs.

        The performance of 1 core has the greatest impact on the result, since most of these applications use only one, ignoring the rest.

        Similarly, many professional applications such as various CADs ignore multi-threaded performance.

        Speed ​​in heavy applications

        Core2 Quad Q6600

        20.2 (+0.5%)

        A4-6300 APU


        The performance of all cores and their number have the greatest impact on the result, since most of these applications willingly use all the cores and increase the speed accordingly.

        At the same time, certain periods of work can be demanding on the performance of one or two cores, for example, applying filters in the editor.

        Data obtained from tests by users who tested their systems with and without overclocking. Thus, you see the average values ​​corresponding to the processor.

        Speed ​​of numerical operations

        Simple household tasks

        Core2 Quad Q6600


        A4-6300 APU

        41.3 (+21.5%)

        Demanding games and tasks

        Core2 Quad Q6600

        12.7 (+24.4%)

        A4-6300 APU



        Core2 Quad Q6600

        2. 5 (+24%)

        A4-6300 APU


        Different tasks require different CPU strengths. A system with few fast cores and low memory latency will be fine for the vast majority of games, but will be inferior to a system with a lot of slow cores in a rendering scenario.

        We believe that a minimum of 4/4 (4 physical cores and 4 threads) processor is suitable for a budget gaming PC. At the same time, some games can load it at 100%, slow down and freeze, and performing any tasks in the background will lead to a drop in FPS.

        Ideally, the budget shopper should aim for a minimum of 4/8 and 6/6. A gamer with a big budget can choose between 6/12, 8/8 and 8/16. Processors with 10 and 12 cores can perform well in games with high frequency and fast memory, but are overkill for such tasks. Also, buying for the future is a dubious undertaking, since in a few years many slow cores may not provide sufficient gaming performance.

        When choosing a processor to work with, consider how many cores your programs use. For example, photo and video editors can use 1-2 cores when working with filtering, and rendering or converting in the same editors already uses all threads.

        Data obtained from tests by users who tested their systems both with overclocking (maximum value in the table) and without (minimum). A typical result is shown in the middle, the more filled in the color bar, the better the average result among all tested systems.


        Benchmarks were run on stock hardware, that is, without overclocking and with factory settings. Therefore, on overclocked systems, the points can noticeably differ upwards. Also, small performance changes may be due to the BIOS version.


        Intel Core2 Quad Q6600

        1767 (+20.9%)

        AMD A4-6300 APU



        Manufacturer Intel AMD
        DescriptionInformation about the processor, taken from the official website of the manufacturer. Intel® Core™2 Quad Processor Q6600 (8M Cache, 2.40 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB)
        ArchitectureCode name for the microarchitecture generation. Kentsfield
        Process The manufacturing process, measured in nanometers. The smaller the technical process, the more perfect the technology, the lower the heat dissipation and power consumption. 65 No data
        Release dateMonth and year of the processor’s availability. 10-2009 10-2016
        Model Official name. Q6600
        Cores The number of physical cores. 4 No data
        ThreadsNumber of threads. The number of logical processor cores that the operating system sees. 4 2
        Multi-Threading Technology With Intel’s Hyper-threading and AMD’s SMT technology, one physical core is recognized by the operating system as two logical cores, thereby increasing processor performance in multi-threaded applications. Missing SMT (note that some games may not work well with SMT, you can disable the technology in the BIOS of the motherboard for maximum FPS).
        Base frequencyGuaranteed frequency of all processor cores at maximum load. Performance in single-threaded and multi-threaded applications and games depends on it. It is important to remember that speed and frequency are not directly related. For example, a new processor at a lower frequency may be faster than an old one at a higher one. 2. 4 GHz 3.7 GHz
        Turbo frequencyThe maximum frequency of one processor core in turbo mode. Manufacturers allow modern processors to independently increase the frequency of one or more cores under heavy load, due to which performance is noticeably increased. It may depend on the nature of the load, the number of loaded cores, temperature and the specified limits. Significantly affects the speed in games and applications that are demanding on the frequency of the CPU. No data 3.9
        L3 cache size The third level cache acts as a buffer between the computer’s RAM and the processor’s level 2 cache. Used by all cores, the speed of information processing depends on the volume. 8 No data
        Instructions 64-bit
        Extended instruction set Allows you to speed up calculations, processing and execution of certain operations. Also, some games require instruction support.
        Embedded Options Available Two enclosure versions. Standard and designed for mobile devices. In the second version, the processor can be soldered on the motherboard. No No
        Bus frequency The speed of communication with the system. 1066 MHz FSB
        Number of QPI links
        TDPThermal Design Power is an indicator that determines the heat dissipation in standard operation. The cooler or water cooling system must be rated for a larger value. Remember that with a factory bus or manual overclocking, TDP increases significantly. 105 No data
        Cooling system specifications

        Video core

        Integrated graphics core Allows you to use your computer without a discrete graphics card. The monitor is connected to the video output on the motherboard. If earlier integrated graphics made it possible to simply work at a computer, today it can replace budget video accelerators and makes it possible to play most games at low settings.
        GPU base clockFrequency in 2D and idle. No data No data
        Maximum GPU frequencyMaximum 3D frequency. No data No data
        Intel® Wireless Display (Intel® WiDi) Supports Wireless Display technology using the Wi-Fi 802.11n standard. Thanks to it, a monitor or TV equipped with the same technology does not require a cable to connect.
        Supported monitorsThe maximum number of monitors that can be connected to the integrated video core at the same time.


        Maximum amount of RAMThe amount of RAM that can be installed on the motherboard with this processor. No data No data
        Supported type of RAM The type of RAM depends on its frequency and timings (speed), availability, price.
        RAM Channels The multi-channel memory architecture increases data transfer speed. On desktop platforms, two-channel, three-channel and four-channel modes are available.
        RAM bandwidth
        ECC Memory Support for error-correcting memory that is used in servers. Usually more expensive than usual and requires more expensive server components. However, second-hand server processors, Chinese motherboards and ECC memory sticks, which are sold relatively cheaply in China, have become widespread. No data No data


        PCI-E Computer bus version of PCI Express. The bandwidth and power limit depend on the version. There is backward compatibility. No data No data
        PCI configuration options
        Number of PCI lanes No data

        Data Security

        AES-NI The AES command set extension speeds up applications that use appropriate encryption. No data No data
        Intel® Secure Key An RDRAND instruction that allows you to create a high performance random number generator. No data No data


        Dimensions No data No data
        Supported sockets No data No data
        Maximum processors per motherboard No data No data

        Which is better

        Intel Core2 Quad Q6600

        • In complex multi-threaded applications, faster and outperforms by 1%.
        • 3 more physical cores.
        • 2 more threads.

        AMD A4-6300 APU

        • On average, gaming performance is 1% better.
        • The speed of work in office applications and browsers is increased by 8%.
        • The base frequency is 1.3 GHz higher.

        What are similar

        • Prices for new processors are approximately equal.

        drags or not? Page 1

        > AMD FX-6300 gaming test in 2020: drags or not?


        Page 1
        Page 2
        One page

        It is with great pleasure that we continue to explore the possibilities of AMD FX processors in modern realities. The FX-4320 was the first to fall into our hands. In the same material, AMD FX-6300 will be considered, kindly provided for the test by the Megabyte store.

        This is a 32nm member of the Vishera family based on the Piledriver microarchitecture. The chip itself includes 3 modules — these are 6 cores with a base frequency of 3.9 GHz and dynamic overclocking to 4.1 GHz, 8 MB of L3 cache with a thermal package of 95 W.

        An important advantage of all Fufiks is an unlocked multiplier for easy overclocking. In other words, we take the youngest representative of the line and in a couple of clicks we get the performance of the older model, and if we’re lucky, then even more. The built-in memory controller is guaranteed to support DDR3-1866 modules in 2-channel mode.

        Let’s move on to the test stand. It is based on the top motherboard of its time ASRock Fatal1ty 990FX Killer .

        The 16 GB G.Skill TridentX Series Kit is enough for any project and setup. In nominal terms, it worked at a frequency of 1333 MHz with timings of 9-9-9-24.

        CPU cooling entrusted to an efficient 2-section coolant ID COOLING DashFlow 240. 00 It uses a large water block with increased performance. There is support for all modern platforms without exception, as well as a number of obsolete ones.

        Two 2.5-inch PATRIOT P200 1 TB hard drives were used to install the operating system, benchmarks and games.

        So that nothing rests on the video subsystem, we took the flagship accelerator MSI GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Gaming X TRIO for which we should say thanks to the online store Telemart .

        All components were powered by a platinum Seasonic FOCUS PX-650. Its advantages include Japanese capacitors, modern circuitry, a reliable fan, a 10-year warranty, a complete list of protections and a fully modular design.

        Full tower system RIOTORO CR1288TG . It has excellent airflow due to the abundance of perforations on the front, top and rear panels, and the package includes several turntables at once.

        Now a few words about the periphery. In this cycle, we use devices from Defende r .

        First of all, we are talking about a full-size membrane keyboard Defender Doom Keeper GK-100DL USB . In addition to the standard set of keys, there are a number of gray buttons with additional functions at the top of the case. The package also includes interchangeable caps for the WASD block and hands. In the presence of the palmar area.

        Medium Format Mouse Defender Forced GM-020L USB Black has room for thumb and little finger. The main type of grip can be considered «palm» or «fingers». The sides are smooth, but not slippery. The arsenal has five programmable keys, which are located in the usual places.

        In pair with the manipulator we recommend an impressive game carpet Defender Black XXL .

        The Defender Warhead G-120 Black-Orange headset is suitable for small to medium-sized heads. The bundled ear pads seemed to us not soft enough, which can cause discomfort during long gaming sessions.

        Universal Philips Brilliance 329P9H was used as a monitor. Gameplays recorded by external system with AVerMedia Live Gamer 4K , i.e. without loss of performance.

        Immediately after assembling and setting up the system, we started overclocking. We managed to achieve stable operation of the processor at a frequency of 4.7 GHz at a voltage of 1.5 V. Alas, at a lower voltage, the blue screen of death was periodically caught. We didn’t bother with RAM: we activated the DDR3-2400 XMP profile with timings 10-12-12-31 and drove on. Next, the northbridge was accelerated to 2600 MHz at a voltage of 1.4 V. The Hyper-Transport bus worked at 2400 MHz.

        In this mode, the system passed the AIDA64 stress test without any problems. At the same time, the maximum temperature of the processor cores rose only to 63°C.

        Now let’s see how overclocking affects performance. For this, we have several standard synthetic tests in store. According to AIDA64 , the speed of writing, copying and reading from RAM increased by 24-55%. Access latency decreased by 33%.

        Growth of CineBench R15 was about 30-35%. Even at face value, the FX-6300 is ahead of the overclocked FX-4320 in points. Overclocking allows you to overtake the Ryzen 3 1300X and Core i5-7400.

        In CPU-Z we get an additional 30% and 33% for single and multi-threaded mode. In single stream, the FX-4320 was able to outperform the FX-6300 thanks to its higher frequencies. The latter is out of competition with a multi-threaded load.

        Now to the gaming benchmarks. At World of Tanks EnCore RT After overclocking, the 6-core gets a bonus of 39-48%.

        A similar situation in Shadow of the Tomb Raider : even in the FX-6300 nominal value turned out to be slightly better than the overclocked FX-4320. Overclocking gives an additional 35-40% performance.

        In Gears 5 , the observed trend is repeated: even in stock, the FX-6300 overtakes the overclocked FX-4320. After overclocking, we get 16-27% FPS from above.

        But with Wolfenstein: Youngblood , the picture is somewhat different: the overclocked FX-4320 was able to outperform its 6-core counterpart in nominal terms. But after overclocking, the results of the FX-6300 increased by 30-46%, and it pulled far ahead.

        On average, the FX-6300 increased its performance by 34% after overclocking. For the more inquisitive, the average difference between the stock FX-6300 and FX-4320 is a hefty 37%. After overclocking the 4-core, the gap is reduced to a modest 4%. In turn, overclocking the 6-core helps it get ahead of the accelerated FX-4320 by 39%.

        Comparison of AMD FX-4300 and AMD Phenom II X4 840

        Comparative analysis of AMD FX-6300 and AMD FX-6100 processors by all known characteristics in the categories: General Information, Performance, Memory, Compatibility, Peripherals, Technology, Virtualization. Analysis of processor performance by benchmarks: PassMark — Single thread mark, PassMark — CPU mark, Geekbench 4 — Single Core, Geekbench 4 — Multi-Core, 3DMark Fire Strike — Physics Score, CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Face Detection (mPixels/s), CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Ocean Surface Simulation (Frames/s), CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — T-Rex (Frames/s), CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Video Composition (Frames/s), CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Bitcoin Mining (mHash/s).

        AMD FX-6300


        AMD FX-6100


        General result

        Based on 4 tests: Intel Core i5 6300hQ faster 43%
        Intel Core I5 ​​6300HQ 9000 9000 AUS


        Geekbench 3 (Multi-Core)

        Intel Core i5 6300HQ faster 36. 18%

        Intel Core i5 6300HQ

        AMD FXD FX B 39000


      CPU 1 1397
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Face Detection (mPixels/s) CPU 1 4.824
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Ocean Surface Simulation (Frames/s) CPU 1 10.042
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — T-Rex (Frames/s) CPU 1 0.216
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Bitcoin Mining (mHash/s) CPU 1 3.548 0
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Face Detection (mPixels/s) 4.824 2.92
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Ocean Surface Simulation (Frames/s) 10.042 8.884
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — T-Rex (Frames/s) 0.216 0.159
      CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Bitcoin Mining (mHash/s) 3. 548 3.91

      Reasons to choose AMD FX 6100

      • High frequency (3.3 GHz vs 2.3 GHz) means more operations that the processor performs in 1 second
      • High frequency in turbo mode: 3.9 GHz vs 3, 2 GHz
      • More cores (6 vs. 4) allows more processes to run simultaneously, speeding up computer performance and processing speed
      • Unlocked multiplier makes it easier to overclock the processor
      • Larger L3 cache (8MB vs. 6MB) allows processor to access data faster
      • Larger L2 cache (6MB vs. 1MB) allows processor to access data faster
      • Larger L2 cache per core : 1 MB/core versus 0.25 MB/core

      Using software

      It is much easier to overclock AMD FX-4300 using special utilities. Moreover, the manufacturer himself recommends using software such as OverDrive for these purposes. This is AMD’s own development to improve the speed of PCs based on its microprocessors. The algorithm for increasing the performance of a personal computer in this case is as follows:

    • Download the installation version of this utility from the Internet and install it.
    • The next step is to launch it.
    • In the interface window that opens, go to the Clock/Voltage section.
    • Next, select the All Cores checkbox. That is, in the process of increasing the speed of work, all computing resources of the central microprocessor will take part.
    • Then increase the voltage on the CPU to 1.35 V. A higher value can not be set for the reason that the PC may become unstable.
    • After that, increase the Multiplier parameter to 45 in case of using an air cooler. This will allow you to get a clock frequency of 4.5 GHz. If a liquid heat sink system is used, then the multiplier can be set to 48. In this case, the operating frequency will already be 4.8 GHz.
    • At the next stage, we check the stability of the computer. To do this, just click on the Stress Test button and wait for it to finish. If the check was successful, you can save the settings and exit the program. Otherwise, you need to lower the frequency and voltage. It is also recommended to re-check the stability of the computer after this. x86-64 x86-64 Streams 4 6 levels 2 level

      1 MB

      6 MB level 2 levels for level

      Kesh 2 levels MB/Nucleus 1 MB/Nucleus level 3 levels 6 MB 8 MB levels 3 levels for the core 1.5 MB/COMPLE 1.33 MB/TAP Process 14 nm 32 nm


      Reasons to choose AMD FX-6300

      • Newer processor, release date difference 1 year(s) 0 month(s)
      • Approximately 1% higher maximum core temperature : 70.50°C vs 70°C
      • PassMark performance — Single thread mark about 13% faster: 1479 vs 1307
      • PassMark performance — CPU mark about 13% faster: 4125 vs 3642
      • Benchmark performance Geekbench 4 — Single Core about 13% bigger: 527 vs 466
      • Approximately 12% increase in Geekbench 4 — Multi-Core performance: 1914 vs 1702
      • Approximately 13% increase in CompuBench 1. 5 Desktop performance — Face Detection (mPixels/s): 6.963 vs 6.171
      • Benchmark performance CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Ocean Surface Simulation (Frames/s) about 2% more: 16.205 vs 15.905
      • Performance in CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — T-Rex (Frames/s) about 6% more: 0.347 vs 0.327 PassMark — CPU mark 4125 vs 3642 Geekbench 4 — Single Core 527 vs 466 Geekbench 4 — Multi-Core 1914 vs 1702 CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Face Detection (mPixels/s) 6.963 vs 6.171 CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Ocean Surface Simulation (Frames/s) 16.205 vs 15.905 CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — T-Rex (Frames/s)

        AMD FX 6100 mmx sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4 sse41 sse4a SSE42 FMA4 AMD64 AMD_V ABM XOP 25600 MB/C 29866. 66 MB/s Maximum memory 65536 MB

        #Company of Heroes 2

        COH 2 — very difficult game — very difficult game — very difficult Intel processor test results show that it is this component that primarily limits the frame rate. The game loves high clock speeds, as well as a large number of cores: at equal frequencies, an increase in a couple of cores (up to six) makes the FPS shoot up. Hyper-threading in Core i3 processors has once again demonstrated its usefulness.

        Unfortunately for rival brand fans, the Core i3 and low-wattage Core i5 variants are the best AMD processors can match in this benchmark, and that’s only for the eight-core FX chips. Quad- and six-core FX, along with A10-family APUs, are only suitable for rivals here, Pentiums and Celerons.

        We will probably stop commenting on the performance of dual-core A6s in this game: in all benchmarks, there is such a pattern that A6, regardless of the frequency, allows the video adapter to develop only half the frame rate than the dual-core Celeron on the Haswell core.

        Chip specialization. Package contents

        Before we consider overclocking the FX-4300, let’s determine the specialization of this CPU and find out its delivery list. This chip belongs to the AM3+ platform and includes 4 computing units. Each of them operates at a clock frequency of 4 GHz. The amount of cache memory on both the second and third levels is 4 MB. That is, in total its size is 8 MB. Again, the presence of only four cores indicates that this is an entry-level microprocessor. That is, when implementing resource-intensive software, its capabilities may no longer be enough. Especially on a desktop computer.

        ⇡#Metro: Last Light

        As with Battlefield 4, the number of cores is critical in this game. Among the 4-8-core Intel processors of the Haswell family, only the Core i5, whose frequency range has a lower initial limit compared to the Core i7 (due to low-wattage modifications), demonstrates a weak relationship between frame rate and frequency.

        Intel dual-core processors, on the contrary, successfully compensate for the lack of parallelism by increasing the clock frequency — up to the fact that the Core i3 at frequencies corresponding to older modifications is already stepping on the tail of the younger Core i5. Pentium and Celeron chips, lacking Hyper-threading support and limited frequencies, are content with much more modest results.

        AMD’s octa-core processors are showing promise again, sitting somewhere between the Core i5 and the most overclocked Core i3. The fate of the A10 and quad-core FX is to compete for a place under the sun with Pentium and Celeron. The six-core AMD FX line is somewhere in the middle between the two previous groups of participants.

        Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Features and Reviews /

        6 x 2
        cache L3, KB
        power voltage, in 0.85 ~ 1.5
        TDP, WT 105 (B3)/95 (G0)
        Number of transistors, mln 582
        Chip area, sq. mm 143×2
        The maximum temperature, ° C 62.2 (B3)/71 (G0)
        RISC, IA32, XD Bit, MMX, EM64T, SSE, SSE2, SUPLEMENTALMENTAL SSE390T BEPhenom II X6 1075TPhenom II X6 1065TPhenom II X6 1055TPhenom II X6 1045TPhenom II X6 1035TAthlon II X4 650Athlon II X4 645Athlon II X4 640Athlon II X4 635Athlon II X4 630Athlon II X4 620eAthlon II X4 620Athlon II X4 615eAthlon II X4 615Athlon II X4 610eAthlon II X4 605eAthlon II X4 605Athlon II X4 600eAthlon II X3 460Athlon II X3 455Athlon II X3 450Athlon II X3 445Athlon II X3 440Athlon II X3 435Athlon II X3 425eAthlon II X3 425Athlon II X3 420Athlon II X3 420eAthlon II X3 415eAthlon II X3 410Athlon II X3 405eAthlon II X3 400Athlon II X2 265Athlon II X2 270uAthlon II X2 260Athlon II X2 255Athlon II X2 250eAthlon II X2 250Athlon II X2 245eAthlon II X2 245Athlon II X2 240eAthlon II X2 240Athlon II X2 235eAthlon II X2 220Athlon II X2 215Athlon II X2 210eAthlon II 160uSempron 180Sempron 150Sempron 145Sempron 140Sempron 130Athlon X2 7850Athlon X2 7750Athlon X2 7550Athlon X2 7450Athlon X2 6500 BEPhenom II X4 980 BEPhenom II X4 975 BEPhenom II X4 970 BE (Zosma)Phenom II X4 970 BEPhenom II X4 965 BEPhenom II X4 960T BEPhenom II X4 955 BEPhenom II X4 945Phenom II X4 940Phenom II X4 925Phenom II X4 920Phenom II X4 IIphenom 910 905ePhenom II X4 900ePhenom II X4 850Phenom II X4 840Phenom II X4 840TPhenom II X4 830Phenom II X4 820Phenom II X4 810Phenom II X4 805Phenom II X3 740 BEPhenom II X3 720Phenom II X3 715 BEPhenom II X3 710Phenom II X3 705ePhenom II X3 700ePhenom II X2 570 BEPhenom II X2 565 BEPhenom II X2 560 BEPhenom II X2 555 BEPhenom II X2 550 BEPhenom II X2 550Phenom II X2 545Phenom II X2 521Phenom II X2 511Phenom X4 9950 BEPhenom X4 9850 BEPhenom X4 9850Phenom X4 9750BPhenom X4 9750Phenom X4 9650Phenom X4 9600 Black EditionPhenom X4 9600BPhenom X4 9600Phenom X4 9550Phenom X4 9500Phenom X4 9450ePhenom X4 9350ePhenom X4 9150ePhenom X4 9100ePhenom X3 8850Phenom X3 8750 BEPhenom X3 8750BPhenom X3 8750Phenom X3 8650Phenom X3 8600BPhenom X3 8600Phenom X3 8550Phenom X3 8450ePhenom X3 8450Phenom 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LE-1620Athlon 64 LE-1600Athlon 64 4000+Athlon 64 3800+Athlon 64 3500+Athlon 64 3200+Athlon 64 3Athlon 64 FX-557 -55Athlon 64 FX-53Athlon 64 FX-51Athlon 64 4200+Athlon 64 4000+ (San Diego)Athlon 64 4000+ (Clawhammer)Athlon 64 3800+ (Venice)Athlon 64 3800+ (Newcastle)Athlon 64 3700 +Athlon 64 (Manchester)Athlon 64 3500+ (Venice)Athlon 64 3500+ (San Diego)At hlon 64 3500+ (Winchester)Athlon 64 3500+ (Newcastle)Athlon 64 3500+ (Clawhammer)Athlon 64 3200+ (Manchester)Athlon 64 3200+ (Venice)Athlon 64 3200+ (Winchester)Athlon 64 3000+ (Venice)Athlon 64 3000+ (Winchester)Athlon 64 3700+Athlon 64 3400+ (Newcastle)Athlon 64 3400+ (Clawhammer)Athlon 64 3200+ (Venice)Athlon 64 3200+ (Newcastle)Athlon 64 3200+ (Clawhammer)Athlon 64 3000+ ( Venice) Athlon 64 3000+ (Newcastle) Athlon 64 3000+ (Clawhammer) Athlon 64 2800+ (Newcastle) Athlon 64 2800+ (Clawhammer) +Sempron 3000+ (Palermo)Sempron 3400+Sempron 3300+Sempron 3100+ (Palermo)Sempron 3100+ (Paris)Sempron 3000+ (Palermo)Sempron 3000+ 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2.0APentium 4 2.0Pentium 4 1.9Pentium 4 1.8 APentium 4 1.8 Pentium 4 1.7Pentium 4 1.6 APentium 4 1.6Pentium 4 1.5Pentium 4 1.4Pentium 4 2.0Pentium 4 1.9Pentium 4 1.8Pentium 4 1.7Pentium 4 1.6Pentium 4 1.5Pentium 4 1.4Pentium 4 1.3Pentium III-S 1400Pentium III 1400Pentium III 1333Pentium III-S 1266Pentium III 1200Pentium III-S 1133Pentium III 1133APentium III 1000BPentium III 1133Pentium III 1100Pentium III 1000EBPentium III 1000Pentium III 933Pentium III 900Pentium III 866Pentium III 850Pentium III 800EBPentium III 800Pentium III 750Pentium III 733Pentium III 700Pentium III 667Pentium III 650Pentium III 600EBPentium III 600EPentium III 550EPentium III 533EBPentium III 500EPentium III 1000BPentium III 1000Pentium III 933Pentium III 866Pentium III 850Pentium III 800EBPentium III 800Pentium III 750Pentium III 733Pentium III 700Pentium III 667Pentium III 650Pentium III 600BPentium III 600Pentium III 600EBPentium III 600EPentium III 550Pentium III 550EPentium III 533BPentium III 533EBPentium III 500Pentium III 450Pentium II Overdrive 333Pentium II Overdrive 300Pentium II 450Pentium II 400Pentium II 350Pentium II 333Pentium II 300APentium II 300Pentium II 266APentium II 266Pentium II 233Pentium Overdrive MMX 200Pentium Overdrive MMX 180Pentium Overdrive MMX 166Pentium Overdrive MMX 150Pentium Overdrive 166Pentium Overdrive 150Pentium Overdrive 125Pentium Overdrive 133Pentium Overdrive 120Pentium Pro 200MHz (1024 KB)Pentium Pro 200MHz (512 KB)Pentium Pro 200MHz (256 KB)Pentium Pro 180MHzPentium Pro 166MHzPentium Pro 150MHzPentium 233 MMXPentium 200 MMXPentium 166 MMXPentium 200Pentium 166Pentium 150Pentium 133Pentium 120Pentium 100Pentium 90Pentium 75Pentium 66Pentium 60Celeron G1101Celeron E3500Celeron E3400Celeron E3300Celeron E3200Celeron E1600Celeron E1500Celeron E1400Celeron E1200Celeron 450Celeron 445Celeron 440Celeron 430Celeron 420Celeron 220Celeron D 365Celeron D 360Celeron D 356Celeron D 352Celeron D 355Celeron D 351Celeron D 350Celeron D 346Celeron D 345JCeleron D 345Celeron D 341Celeron D 340JCeleron D 340Celeron D 336Celeron D 335JCeleron D 335Celeron D 331Celeron D 330JCeleron D 330Celeron D 326Celeron D 325JCeleron D 325Celeron D 320Celeron D 315Celeron D 310Celeron 2. 8Celeron 2.7Celeron 2.6Celeron 2.5Celeron 2.4Celeron 2.3Celeron 2.2Celeron 2.1Celeron 2.0Celeron 1.8Celeron 1.7Celeron 1400Celeron 1300Celeron 1200Celeron 1100ACeleron 1000ACeleron 1100Celeron 1000Celeron 950Celeron 900Celeron 850Celeron 800Celeron 766Celeron 733Celeron 700Celeron 667Celeron 633Celeron 600Celeron 566Celeron 533ACeleron 533Celeron 500Celeron 466Celeron 433 (S370)Celeron 433 (Slot 1)Celeron 400 (S370)Celeron 400 (Slot 1)Celeron 366 (S370)Celeron 366 (Slot 1)Celeron 333 ( S370) Celeron 333 (Slot 1) Celeron 300A (S370) Celeron 300A (SLOT 1) Celeron 300CELERON 266

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        AMDryzen 9 7950XRYZEN 9 7900XRRYZEN 7 7700XRRYZEN 5 75950XRyzen 9 5900XRyzen 7 5800X3DRyzen 7 5800XRyzen 7 5700XRyzen 7 5700GRyzen 5 5600XRyzen 5 5600Ryzen 5 5600GRyzen 5 5500Ryzen 7 PRO 4750GRyzen 7 PRO 4750GERyzen 5 PRO 4650GRyzen 5 PRO 4650GERyzen 3 PRO 4350GRyzen 3 PRO 4350GERyzen Threadripper 3960XRyzen 9 3950XRyzen 9 3900XTRyzen 9 3900XRyzen 7 3800XTRyzen 7 3800XRyzen 7 3700XRyzen 5 3600XTRyzen 5 3600XRyzen 5 3600Ryzen 5 3400GRyzen 3 3300XRyzen 3 3200GRyzen 3 3100Athlon 3000GRyzen 7 2700XRyzen 7 2700Ryzen 5 2600XRyzen 5 2600Ryzen 5 2500XRyzen 5 2400GRyzen 5 2400GERyzen 3 2300XRyzen 3 2200GRyzen 3 2200GEAthlon 240GEAthlon 220GEAthlon 200GERyzen 7 1800XRyzen 7 1700XRyzen 7 1700Ryzen 5 1600XRyzen 5 1600 AFRyzen 5 1600Ryzen 5 1500XRyzen 5 1400Ryzen 3 1300XRyzen 3 1200 AFRyzen 3 1200FX-8350FX-8320FX-8150FX-8120FX-8100FX-6350FX-6100FX-4170FX-4100A10-7870KAthlon 5350A10-7850KAthlon X4 860KAthlon X4 760KAthlon X4 750KAthlon X4 740Athlon X2 340A10-5800KA10-5700A8 -5600KA8-5500A6-5400KA4-5300A8-3850A8-3800Athlon II X4 631A6-3650A6-3600A6-3500 A4-3400A4-3300Phenom II X6 1100TPhenom II X6 1090T BEPhenom II X6 1075TPhenom II X6 1065TPhenom II X6 1055TPhenom II X6 1045TPhenom II X6 1035TAthlon II X4 650Athlon II X4 645Athlon II X4 640Athlon II X4 635Athlon II X4 630Athlon II X4 620eAthlon II X4 620Athlon II X4 615eAthlon II X4 615Athlon II X4 610eAthlon II X4 605eAthlon II X4 605Athlon II X4 600eAthlon II X3 460Athlon II X3 455Athlon II X3 450Athlon II X3 445Athlon II X3 440Athlon II X3 435Athlon II X3 425eAthlon II X3 425Athlon II X3 420Athlon II X3 420eAthlon II X3 415eAthlon II X3 410Athlon II X3 405eAthlon II X3 400Athlon II X2 265Athlon II X2 270uAthlon II X2 260Athlon II X2 255Athlon II X2 250eAthlon II X2 250Athlon II X2 245eAthlon II X2 245Athlon II X2 240eAthlon II X2 240Athlon II X2 235eAthlon II X2 220Athlon II X2 215Athlon II X2 210eAthlon II 160uSempron 180Sempron 150Sempron 145Sempron 140Sempron 130Athlon X2 7850Athlon X2 7750Athlon X2 7550Athlon X2 7450Athlon X2 6500 BEPhenom II X4 980 BEPhenom II X4 975 BEPhenom II X4 970 BE (Zosma)Phenom II X4 970 BEPhenom II X4 965 BEPhenom II X4 960T BEPhenom II X4 955 BEPhenom II X4 945Phenom II X4 940Phenom II X4 925Phenom II X4 920Phenom II X4 IIphenom 910 905ePhenom II X4 900ePhenom II X4 850Phenom II X4 840Phenom II X4 840TPhenom II X4 830Phenom II X4 820Phenom II X4 810Phenom II X4 805Phenom II X3 740 BEPhenom II X3 720Phenom II X3 715 BEPhenom II X3 710Phenom II X3 705ePhenom II X3 700ePhenom II X2 570 BEPhenom II X2 565 BEPhenom II X2 560 BEPhenom II X2 555 BEPhenom II X2 550 BEPhenom II X2 550Phenom II X2 545Phenom II X2 521Phenom II X2 511Phenom X4 9950 BEPhenom X4 9850 BEPhenom X4 9850Phenom X4 9750BPhenom X4 9750Phenom X4 9650Phenom X4 9600 Black EditionPhenom X4 9600BPhenom X4 9600Phenom X4 9550Phenom X4 9500Phenom X4 9450ePhenom X4 9350ePhenom X4 9150ePhenom X4 9100ePhenom X3 8850Phenom X3 8750 BEPhenom X3 8750BPhenom X3 8750Phenom X3 8650Phenom X3 8600BPhenom X3 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        • From Pentium E to Core 2 Quad. Big comparative testing of 8 Intel processors. The study of the processor dependence of modern games

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