Core 2 duo t8100 vs i3: Intel Core i3-6006U vs Core2 Duo T8100

Intel Core i3-11000 vs Intel Core 2 Duo T8100

Intel Core i3-11000 vs Intel Core 2 Duo T8100

Compare the technical characteristics between the group of processors Intel Core i3-11000 and the processor Intel Core 2 Duo T8100, but also with the respective performance in the benchmarks.

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Intel Core i3-11100HE 2021 Q3 10 nm SuperFin 4 8 1. 9 4.4 8 128 20 45 100

Intel Core i3-11100B 2021 Q2 10 nm SuperFin 4 8 3.6 4.4 12 128 20 65 100

262 997 654 2430 1486 5739 2923 11368

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 2008 Q1 45 nm 2 2 2. 1 2.1 3 4

35 105

179 344 55 106 124 239

825 741

1482 2362 289 507

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Price: For technical reasons, we cannot currently display a price less than 24 hours, or a real-time price. This is why we prefer for the moment not to show a price. You should refer to the respective online stores for the latest price, as well as availability.

This comparative table allows us to better appreciate the differences between the various processors. The performance for Geekbench 4 single-core and multi-core are established by default on the Windows operating system, on Linux if there is at least one server processor present in the comparison, on Mac OS X if we make a parallel with at least one Apple branded processor on Linux and Android if a smartphone processor other than Apple is present. Each time, in 64-bit version.


CPU-Z — Multi-thread & single thread score

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100



Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

CPU-Z is a system information software that provides the name of the processor, its model number, the codename, the cache levels, the package, the process. It can also gives data about the mainboard, the memory. It makes real time measurement, with finally a benchmark for the single thread, as well as for the multi thread.

Cinebench R15 — Multi-thread & single thread score

Intel Core i3-11100B



Intel Core 2 Duo T8100



Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

Cinebench R15 evaluates the performance of CPU calculations by restoring a photorealistic 3D scene. The scene has 2,000 objects, 300,000 polygons, uses sharp and fuzzy reflections, bright areas, shadows, procedural shaders, antialiasing, and so on. The faster the rendering of the scene is created, the more powerful the PC is, with a high number of points.

Cinebench R20 — Multi-thread & single thread score

Intel Core i3-11100B



Intel Core 2 Duo T8100



Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

Cinebench R20 is a multi-platform test software which allows to evaluate the hardware capacities of a device such as a computer, a tablet, a server. This version of Cinebench takes into account recent developments in processors with multiple cores and the latest improvements in rendering techniques. The evaluation is ultimately even more relevant.

Cinebench R23 — Multi-thread & single thread score

Intel Core i3-11100B



Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

Cinebench R23 is cross-platform testing software that allows you to assess the hardware capabilities of a device such as a computer, tablet, server. This version of Cinebench takes into account recent developments in processors with multiple cores and the latest improvements in rendering techniques. The evaluation is ultimately even more relevant. The test scene contains no less than 2,000 objects and more than 300,000 polygons in total.

PassMark — CPU Mark & single thread

Intel Core i3-11100B

2. 923


Intel Core 2 Duo T8100



Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

PassMark is a benchmarking software that performs several performance tests including prime numbers, integers, floating point, compression, physics, extended instructions, encoding, sorting. The higher the score is, the higher is the device capacity.

Geekbench 4 — Multi-core & single core score

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100



Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

Geekbench 4 is a complete benchmark platform with several types of tests, including data compression, images, AES encryption, SQL encoding, HTML, PDF file rendering, matrix computation, Fast Fourier Transform, 3D object simulation, photo editing, memory testing. This allows us to better visualize the respective power of these devices. For each result, we took an average of 250 values on the famous benchmark software.

Geekbench 5 — Multi-core & single core score

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100



Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

Geekbench 5 is a software for measuring the performance of a computer system, for fixed devices, mobile devices, servers. This platform makes it possible to better compare the power of the CPU, the computing power and to compare it with similar or totally different systems. Geekbench 5 includes new workloads that represent work tasks and applications that we can find in reality.


Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 AMD equivalent

See also:

Intel Core i3-1100

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 vs Intel Core i3-4012Y — VsRank

Información General
Características Técnicas
Memoria de acceso aleatorio Unidad integrada de procesamiento de gráficos Tecnologías avanzadas
Pruebas de Cinebench Pruebas Geekbench Otras pruebas

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 victoria!

Número de puntos: 4583

Intel Core i3-4012Y

Intel Core i3-4012Y perdido!

Número de puntos: 4534

  1. +600 MHz de ventaja de velocidad de reloj del procesador
  2. +2488 MB ventaja caché L2
  3. Por 2 hilos más
  4. +3 MB ventaja caché L3
  5. Por 23 W menos consumo de energía
  6. Por 23 nm menos proceso tecnológico
  7. Ventaja de +16 GB de RAM
  8. Ventaja de reloj RAM de +1600 MHz
  9. Por 2 canales para RAM más
  10. Hay una extensión para el sistema de comando AES
  11. Admite la extensión del sistema de comando AVX

Información sobre la serie y la arquitectura de Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 y Intel Core i3-4012Y, así como la fecha de lanzamiento de estos procesadores.

Core 2 Duo

Core i3



Intel Core 2 Duo T8100

Intel Core i3-4012Y





Las principales características técnicas de los procesadores Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 y Intel Core i3-4012Y.



Líder — AMD Epyc 7702 (64)



Líder — AMD Epyc 7702 (128)

2100 MHz

1500 MHz

Líder — Intel Core i7-10810U 4900 MHz

3 MB

512 KB

Líder — AMD Epyc 7702P (32)

Sin datos

3 MB

Líder — AMD Epyc 7742
256 MB

35 W

12 W

Líder — AMD Epyc 7h22 (280)

45 nm

22 nm

Líder — AMD Ryzen 9 3900X (7)

Información sobre el tipo y la capacidad máxima de RAM posible, así como la frecuencia máxima y el número de canales.

Sin datos

16 GB

Líder — AMD Epyc 7282 (4000)

Sin datos

1600 MHz

Líder — AMD Ryzen 9 4900HS (4266)

Sin datos


Líder — AMD Epyc 7351P (8)

Sin datos


Características de una unidad integrada de procesamiento de gráficos. Soporte de 4K, velocidad de reloj, así como capacidad de memoria central de video.

Iris Pro Graphics P580

HD Graphics 4200

350 MHz

200 MHz

Líder — Intel Core i7-8706G (931)

1.15 GHz

0.85 GHz

Líder — AMD Ryzen 7 4800H 2 MHz

64 GB

2 GB

Líder — Intel Xeon E-2176G (128)



Intel Core 2 Duo T8100

Intel Core i3-4012Y


11. 1



Soporte por parte de procesadores de tecnologías tan avanzadas como multihilo, modo Turbo, algoritmo criptográfico AES y extensión del sistema de comando x86 AVX.

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100

Intel Core i3-4012Y

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100

Intel Core i3-4012Y

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100

Intel Core i3-4012Y

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100

Intel Core i3-4012Y

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100

Intel Core i3-4012Y

Cinebench benchmark is a widely known and free computer performance test (testing a CPU and a video card). The program has been developed based upon MAXON Cinema 4D – a professional application for creating 3D animation.

Sin datos


Líder — Intel Core i7-6700K (8800)

Sin datos


Líder — Intel Core i9-9900KS (216)

Sin datos

1. 38

Líder — Intel Core i9-9980XE (41)

Sin datos


Líder — Intel Core i9-9900KS (2)



Líder — Intel Core i9-9980XE (61667)



Líder — Intel Core i5-8500 (8606)

Geekbench is a synthetic computer performance test. The program performs a number of test tasks that simulate real scenarios that a computer has to deal with in everyday work.

Sin datos


Líder — Intel Core i9-9980XE (80967)

Sin datos


Líder — Intel Core i9-9980XE (4875)

Sin datos


Líder — Intel Core i9-9980XE (43557)

Una serie de pruebas diferentes que incluyen CPU 3DMark06, SuperPI, Octane y muchas otras.



Líder — AMD Ryzen 7 2700X (106435)



Líder — Intel Core i9-9900KS (7)



Líder — Intel Core i9-10980XE (410)



Líder — Intel Core i9-9980XE (2)

Sin datos


Líder — AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2970WX (38)

Sin datos


Líder — Intel Core i7-6950X (8450)

Sin datos
