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AMD Ryzen 7 2700X vs AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT Benchmarks, Specs, Performance Comparison and Differences

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X vs AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT

Comparison of the technical characteristics between the processors, with the AMD Ryzen 7 2700X on one side and the AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT on the other side. The first is dedicated to the desktop sector, It has 8 cores, 16 threads, a maximum frequency of 4,3GHz. The second is used on the desktop segment, it has a total of 6 cores, 12 threads, its turbo frequency is set to 4,5 GHz. The following table also compares the lithography, the number of transistors (if indicated), the amount of cache memory, the maximum RAM memory capacity, the type of memory accepted, the release date, the maximum number of PCIe lanes, the values ​​obtained in Geekbench and Cinebench.

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Specification comparison:


AMD Ryzen 7 2700X

AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT
Market (main)



x86-64 (64 bit)

x86-64 (64 bit)


Zen 2
Core name

Pinnacle Ridge


Ryzen 7 2000

Ryzen 5 3000
Part number(s), S-Spec



Release date

Q2 2018

Q3 2020

12 nm

7 nm FinFET

4. 800.000.000





Base frequency

3,7 GHz

3,8 GHz
Turbo frequency

4,3 GHz

4,5 GHz
Cache memory

16 MB

32 MB
Max memory capacity

64 GB

128 GB
Memory types



Max # of memory channels


Max memory bandwidth

43,71 GB/s

47,68 GB/s
Max PCIe lanes



105 W

95 W
Suggested PSU

600W ATX Power Supply

600W ATX Power Supply
GPU integrated graphics



AM4, PGA-1331

Compatible motherboard

Socket AM4 Motherboard 

Socket AM4 Motherboard 
Maximum temperature


CPU-Z single thread


CPU-Z multi thread

5. 031

Cinebench R15 single thread


Cinebench R15 multi-thread


Cinebench R23 single thread


Cinebench R23 multi-thread


PassMark single thread


PassMark CPU Mark


Geekbench 4 single core


Geekbench 4 multi-core

26. 797

GFLOPS performance

384,3 GFLOPS

452,1 GFLOPS
(Multi-core / watt performance)
Performance / watt ratio

255 pts / W

308 pts / W


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We can better compare what are the technical differences between the two processors.

Suggested PSU: We assume that we have An ATX computer case, a high end graphics card, 16GB RAM, a 512GB SSD, a 1TB HDD hard drive, a Blu-Ray drive. We will have to rely on a more powerful power supply if we want to have several graphics cards, several monitors, more memory, etc.

Price: For technical reasons, we cannot currently display a price less than 24 hours, or a real-time price. This is why we prefer for the moment not to show a price. You should refer to the respective online stores for the latest price, as well as availability.

The processor AMD Ryzen 7 2700X has more cores, the turbo frequency of AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT is bigger, that the thermal dissipation power of AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT is less. The AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT was started more recently.

Performance comparison with the benchmarks:

Performance comparison between the two processors, for this we consider the results generated on benchmark software such as Geekbench.

CPU-Z — Multi-thread & single thread score
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X


AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT



In single core, the difference is -11%. In multi-core, the differential gap is 18%.

Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

CPU-Z is a system information software that provides the name of the processor, its model number, the codename, the cache levels, the package, the process. It can also gives data about the mainboard, the memory. It makes real time measurement, with finally a benchmark for the single thread, as well as for the multi thread.

Cinebench R15 — Multi-thread & single thread score
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X


AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT



In single core, the difference is -14%. In multi-core, the differential gap is 9%.

Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

Cinebench R15 evaluates the performance of CPU calculations by restoring a photorealistic 3D scene. The scene has 2,000 objects, 300,000 polygons, uses sharp and fuzzy reflections, bright areas, shadows, procedural shaders, antialiasing, and so on. The faster the rendering of the scene is created, the more powerful the PC is, with a high number of points.

Cinebench R23 — Multi-thread & single thread score
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X


AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT



In single core, the difference is -17%. In multi-core, the differential gap is 14%.

Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

Cinebench R23 is cross-platform testing software that allows you to assess the hardware capabilities of a device such as a computer, tablet, server. This version of Cinebench takes into account recent developments in processors with multiple cores and the latest improvements in rendering techniques. The evaluation is ultimately even more relevant. The test scene contains no less than 2,000 objects and more than 300,000 polygons in total.

PassMark — CPU Mark & single thread
AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT


AMD Ryzen 7 2700X



In single core, the difference is 15%. In multi-core, the difference in terms of gap is 7%.

Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

PassMark is a benchmarking software that performs several performance tests including prime numbers, integers, floating point, compression, physics, extended instructions, encoding, sorting. The higher the score is, the higher is the device capacity.

On Windows:

Geekbench 4 — Multi-core & single core score — Windows
AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT


AMD Ryzen 7 2700X



In single core, the difference is 21%. In multi-core, the difference in terms of gap is 9%.

Note: Commissions may be earned from the links above. These scores are only an
average of the performances got with these processors, you may get different results.

Geekbench 4 is a complete benchmark platform with several types of tests, including data compression, images, AES encryption, SQL encoding, HTML, PDF file rendering, matrix computation, Fast Fourier Transform, 3D object simulation, photo editing, memory testing. This allows us to better visualize the respective power of these devices. For each result, we took an average of 250 values on the famous benchmark software.


AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Intel equivalentAMD Ryzen 5 3600XT Intel equivalent

See also:

AMD Ryzen 7 2700AMD Ryzen 7 2700EAMD Ryzen 7 2700U

AMD Ryzen 5 3600X

Porovnání AMD Ryzen 7 2700X vs. AMD Ryzen 5 3600

Porovnání procesorů

Detail procesoru
Kde koupit?

Zobrazit recenze

Detail procesoru
Kde koupit?

Zobrazit recenze

Celkové hodnocení



Nejlepší poměr cena/výkon



Pokud se rozhodujete mezi procesory AMD Ryzen 7 2700X a AMD Ryzen 5 3600, pak je procesor

AMD Ryzen 5 3600 jasná volba — má celkově lepší parametry a také poměr cena/výkon!





Výrobní technologie

12 nm

7 nm

AMD Ryzen 5 3600 má efektivnější technologii výroby než AMD Ryzen 7 2700X

Příkon (TDP)

105 W

65 W

AMD Ryzen 5 3600 má o 38 % nižší příkon než AMD Ryzen 7 2700X

Patice (Socket)



Počet jader a vláken

Počet jader procesoru

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X má 1. 33x více jader než AMD Ryzen 5 3600

Počet výpočetních vláken

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X má 1.33x více výpočetních vláken než AMD Ryzen 5 3600


Základní frekvence procesoru

3,7 GHz

3,6 GHz

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X má o 3 % vyšší základní frekvenci než AMD Ryzen 5 3600

Maximální frekvence (Boost)

4,3 GHz

4,2 GHz

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X má o 2 % vyšší maximální frekvenci než AMD Ryzen 5 3600

Možnost taktování




Velikost L1 cache

768 KB

384 kB

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X má 2x větší L1 cache než AMD Ryzen 5 3600

Velikost L2 cache

4096 kB

3072 kB

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X má 1.33x větší L2 cache než AMD Ryzen 5 3600

Velikost L3 cache

16384 KB

32768 kB

AMD Ryzen 5 3600 má 2x větší L3 cache než AMD Ryzen 7 2700X


Celkové skóre procesoru

17 579

17 796

AMD Ryzen 5 3600 má obecně o 1 % vyšší celkový výkon než AMD Ryzen 7 2700X

Skóre jednoho vlákna

2 424

2 569

AMD Ryzen 5 3600 má o 6 % vyšší výkon na jednom výpočetním vlákně než AMD Ryzen 7 2700X

Skóre herní fyziky

4 813

4 652

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X má o 3 % vyšší výkon při výpočtu herní fyziky než AMD Ryzen 5 3600

Operační paměť

Podporovaný typ paměti



Maximální počet kanálů

Oba procesory podporují stejný počet paměťových kanálů


Chladič v balení



Součástí balení obou procesorů je chladič

Typ chladiče

Wraith Prism RGB

Wraith Stealth

Další funkce a vlastnosti

Produktová řada

AMD Ryzen 7

AMD Ryzen 5



Zen 2

Kódový název

Pinnacle Ridge


Přibližná cena

Přibližná cena

již se neprodává

6 700 Kč

Upozornění: Porovnání těchto produktů je vytvářeno automaticky na základě jejich parametrů, uživatelského hodnocení a ceny. Jedná se o systémové řešení pro usnadnění vašeho výběru, nikoli o přímé doporučení redakce Nalezli jste chybu v parametrech nebo se vám nezdá výsledné hodnocení? Dejte nám vědět!

Uživatelské hodnocení

100 % (

zobrazit recenze)

100 % (

zobrazit recenze)

Celkové hodnocení



Nejlepší poměr cena/výkon



Pokud se rozhodujete mezi procesory AMD Ryzen 7 2700X a AMD Ryzen 5 3600, pak je procesor

AMD Ryzen 5 3600 jasná volba — má celkově lepší parametry a také poměr cena/výkon!

Další srovnání

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
vs. Intel Core i7-9700K
vs. AMD Ryzen 5 3600X
vs. AMD Ryzen 7 2700
vs. AMD Ryzen 5 3600
AMD Ryzen 5 3600
vs. Intel Core i5-10400F
vs. AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
vs. Intel Core i5-11400F
vs. Intel Core i5-10400

Page not found

Page not found

We did not find such a page on our website: /ru/cpu/ryzen-7-2700x-protiv-ryzen-5-3600%23technologies

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1660 Super


GeForce RTX
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1660 Super


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processor comparisons

Ryzen 5


Core i5

Core i5


Core i3

Ryzen 5


Ryzen 5

Ryzen 5


Core i5

Ryzen 5


Core i3

Ryzen 5


Ryzen 5

Popular processors


Ryzen 5

Core i3

Core i5

Core i5

Ryzen 5

Testing AMD Ryzen processors to work with KOMPAS-3D / Sudo Null IT News

Last summer, AMD released the third generation of Ryzen processors, and we couldn’t miss this event. Our technical support often receives questions about the operation of KOMPAS-3D on a certain hardware, or users are asked to recommend the optimal computer configuration. Therefore, we turned to AMD with a proposal to test their processors. Stanislav Ermokhin, head of the technical support and training department of the ASCON-Volga Regional Center, talks about the test results.

In this post, we will look at the tests of AMD 3rd generation processors that are currently available, compare them with processors of previous generations, and also, to understand the general situation, compare them with competitive solutions.

The speed of KOMPAS-3D on a particular computer depends on the characteristics of individual components, including the processor, which is responsible for processing the file when it is opened, rebuilding models, calculating and forming arrays, and forming types of associative drawing. Therefore, it can be argued that KOMPAS-3D, like any other CAD, is a processor-dependent application. It is important for us and our users to understand how the choice of processor affects the performance of the system.

Our internal test, created in the KOMPAS Laboratory, allows you to evaluate and compare different hardware on a sequence of a set of identical tests.
This set contains commands and actions that most of our users have to perform when modeling parts and assemblies in 3D:

  • the first is opening an experimental model;
  • after opening the model, it may be necessary to rebuild it to update the changes made and recalculate the mass-center characteristics. After all, as in the first stage, one does not always want to wait a long time for the model to be rebuilt;
  • during the construction process, the model constantly has to be moved and rotated, and this is the third stage of testing, when the model rotates and moves in all possible variants of its display (wireframe, grayscale, etc.).

The experimental model itself deserves special attention, which contains all the basic solid-state operations (extrusion, rotation, along a trajectory and along sections), plane and spatial curves. It also contains more than a dozen arrays that excite our users so much.

So, fresh 3rd generation Ryzen processors were available for testing:
AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
AMD Ryzen 5 3600
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
AMD Ryzen 7 3800X

An interesting situation regarding the solutions of the previous two generations, namely:
AMD Ryzen 5 2400G
AMD Ryzen 7 1700
AMD Ryzen 5 2600
AMD Ryzen 7 2700
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X

And as a trigger for competitive solutions, we will consider three Intel processors:
Intel Core i7-8700K
Intel Core i5-9600K
Intel Core i7-9700K

The rating of our automatic test must be viewed through the following scores:

  • 800 points or less — a frankly weak result for a processor;
  • to 1000 points — average result;
  • over 1000 points is a good result for a processor that allows solving problems of its level.

A few words about the benchmark from the developers:

Turchin Roman , Head of Testing Department KOMPAS-3D
Alexey Nikonov , Analyst Engineer KOMPAS-3D:

Processor score consists of two indicators: model opening time and model rebuilding time. Due to the longer duration, the rebuild is the main contributor to the CPU score.

Value ranges — good, medium, weak — obtained by experience.

The testing department has «weak», «medium» and «good» test machines respectively.

A car’s belonging to a category is generated on the basis of a comprehensive assessment that takes into account time indicators when working with sets of models — both custom and synthetic. The scenario and the model itself embedded in the benchmark confirm this comprehensive assessment with relatively good reliability.

The ranges of values ​​are adjusted for each new version of the benchmark (the benchmark version is the same as the major version of KOMPAS-3D).

When analyzing the results, the focus should be on comparing the results of different configurations, and not on belonging to a certain range.

There are plans to further develop the benchmark to increase the convergence of its results with real user activity, in particular, adding new scenarios, taking into account the influences of other PC components (RAM, etc. ).

So, we have made a description of our benchmark, it’s time to acquaint you with the test results. For each of the processors, we performed several attempts and took the overall average result.

As you can see from the graph, all processors (with the exception of the lowest AMD Ryzen 5 3400G) not only passed the 1000 points bar, but also showed a significant margin, not lower than 1500 points.
Compared to competitors, we can say that AMD’s estimates turned out to be very correct: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X and AMD Ryzen 7 3700X showed a result comparable to the Intel Core i7-9700K, while the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 showed a result similar to the Intel Core i7-8700K and Intel Core i5-9600K.
It is worth noting that the Intel Core i7-8700K is one of the most common among the processors on which we and our users performed testing.

Next, let’s compare the different generations of AMD Ryzen processors available for our testing.

The junior model of the AMD Ryzen 5 3400G processor showed an 11. 5% increase in performance compared to its previous generation counterpart.

The average AMD Ryzen 5 3600 achieved a 22.4% improvement over the second generation processor.

The AMD Ryzen 7 3700X was compared with the previous two generations. It turned out that between AMD Ryzen 7 1700 and AMD Ryzen 7 2700 the difference is + 21.3%. Between AMD Ryzen 7 3700X and AMD Ryzen 7 2700 — already 23.4%. The difference between AMD Ryzen 5 3700X and AMD Ryzen 5 2700X is 13.4%, which is similar to the bottom model. Apparently, these processors are groping for the performance limit of the current generation and cannot boast of a large performance increase.

Graphs and ranking scores are nice, but what do they mean to the end user? After all, just an increase of 11.5% or 22.4% points does not say anything special. And these figures mean that the speed of opening KOMPAS-3D documents from disk has increased by an average of 11.5% or 22.4%, operations and model rebuilding will be faster.