Best mining card: Best mining GPU 2023: The best graphics card for Bitcoin and Ethereum

Best GPU for Mining Crypto in 2022 and Graphic Cards Hashrate


Zifa Mae
August 16, 2022
8 m

Crypto mining is a process of verifying and adding transactions to a public ledger known as a blockchain. In order to do this, miners need to solve complex computational problems. In return for their efforts, miners are rewarded with crypto coins, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Shiba, Ravencoin, etc.

While any computer can be used for crypto mining, the process is very resource intensive and can quickly damage hardware that is not designed for it. For this reason, many people use dedicated crypto mining rigs, which are specifically designed for mining. Blockchain mining can be done using a variety of computing devices, although they often fall into one of three categories: CPU, GPU, or ASIC. Today, we will talk about graphics cards (GPUs).

Table of Contents

How To Choose a Graphics Card For Mining?

As the popularity of cryptocurrencies continues to grow, so does the demand for mining rigs – specialised computers designed to mine digital currencies.

For those looking to get involved in the mining industry, one key decision is how many graphics cards to include in their rig. While a single card can be enough to get started, investing in a rig with multiple cards can provide a number of benefits. For one, it can significantly increase the amount of currency that can be mined. Additionally, multiple cards can also help to improve stability and reduce the risk of downtime. 

As such, for those serious about making money from cryptocurrency mining, a multi-card rig is often the best option. It is worth mentioning that the prices of these rigs are very high – around 9,000 USD – for this reason they are not affordable for everyone. Because of this, many miners join dedicated mining pools. This is a group of people who come together to mine crypto coins. By joining a pool, you can share the costs and increase your chances of earning rewards.

When choosing a graphics card for crypto mining, there are several things to consider.

First, you need to consider memory speed. This is important because the faster it is, the faster the graphics card can mine coins. You also need to consider the price of the GPU, and how much you can afford to spend. Crypto mining can be expensive, so you need to make sure that you have the budget that can cover the initial investment. 

Why Are Graphics Cards Used For Mining?

In 2021, sales of graphics cards skyrocketed, and not because of an increase in demand for high quality gaming visuals. Instead, it happened because of the ability of GPUs (Graphic Power Units) to mine cryptocurrencies. Unlike CPUs that can only run one code in series, GPUs can mine different segments of a cryptocurrency’s blockchain at the same time and operate with different algorithms in a collaborative manner.

How does it work? A specific software offers the same mathematical problem to both our GPU and the other miners connected to the network simultaneously; the first mining node to solve it gets a reward in the cryptocurrency being mined. The higher the hash rate (computational power) of the graphics card or a group of cards, the more chances it has to solve the mathematical problem (algorithm) and get the corresponding reward.

The Best Graphics Cards For Mining Cryptocurrencies

The two main manufacturers of graphics cards are Nvidia and AMD. When choosing the brand and model, we must take into account the return on investment (ROI), i.e. how long it will take us to recover the money invested in the GPU. You can read more about mining calculators in our article.

Here is the list of the most powerful graphics cards on the market for crypto mining:

  • Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090
  • AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
  • AMD Radeon VII
  • Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti
  • Nvidia GTX 1660 Super
  • AMD Radeon RX 580

Now, let’s take a closer look at the best mining GPUs!

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090

The RTX 3090 is the most powerful card in the NVIDIA RTX 30 series. It’s ideal for setting up an Ethereum mining rig. This card, built on Ampere architecture, is one of the most efficient in terms of profit per day. It allows mining various crypto coins and tokens such as Ethereum (ETH), Swap (XWP), Ravencoin (RVN), Grin (GRIN), and more. It has 24 GB of VRAM and 10,500 CUDA cores for gaming.

Cons: its price is very expensive, somewhere around 3500 USD. As a result, it takes longer (around 360 days) to cover its cost and start making a profit.


  • Power Consumption: 350 Watts.
  • Hashrate: 125 MH/s.
  • Profit per day: up to 15 USD

You can buy it on Amazon or Bestbuy.

AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT

A GPU launched by AMD in 2019, the RX 5700 series uses FinFET (fin field-effect transistor). This technology reduces power consumption by having few electronic components. AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT can mine ETH, GRIN, RVN, ZEL, XHV, ETC and BEAM. One of its disadvantages is its high price.


  • Power consumption: 225 Watts
  • Hashrate: 54 MH/s
  • Profit per day: 6.5 USD

You can purchase it on Amazon.

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti

Compared to the GTX 1060 and GTX 1070 versions, the GTX 1080 Ti consumes more power but provides a higher gain and has an improved graphics memory. It offers a wide variety of cryptocurrencies to mine but Ethereum is its “workhorse”.


  • Power Consumption: 213 Watts
  • Hashrate: 34 MH/s
  • Profit per day: 3 USD

You can buy it here.

AMD Radeon VII

AMD Radeon VII is the first GPU to use a 7nm processor. It also has 16GB of memory, which makes it ideal for mining cryptocurrencies, particularly Ethereum and Bitcoin.


  • Power Consumption: 250 Watts
  • Hashrate: 93 MH/s
  • Profit per day: 8 USD

You can buy it on Amazon by clicking here.

Comparison Chart Of Graphics Cards For Mining

Graphic card model Power consumption  Hashrate Estimated profit p/day
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 350 W 125 MH/s  15 USD
AMD Radeon RX5700 XT 225 W 54 MH/s  6.5 USD
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 213 W 34 MH/s 3 USD
AMD Radeon VII  250 W 93 MH/s 8 USD

Top Affordable Graphics Cards For Mining

It requires at least 4 to 6 graphics cards to build a basic rig, which makes it quite a hefty expense that not all people can afford. For example, if we wanted to put together a rig to mine Ethereum with 6 AMD Rx 580 GPUs, we would have had to invest around 7,000 USD.

If you want to make money with crypto mining but are hesitant to spend that much money on hardware, don’t fret! Here’s a list of cheap graphics card models that can be perfect for cryptocurrency mining.

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti is undoubtedly a monster of a graphics card. Don’t let its low price of 399 USD fool you: it does not mean low quality, but quite the opposite. Based on NVIDIA’s latest Ampere architecture it is ideal for both mining cryptocurrencies and enjoying video games. This card is estimated to start providing an actual return on investment in around 225 days.


  • Power consumption: 130 Watts
  • Hashrate: 60 MH/s
  • Profit per day: 7.18 USD

It can be purchased on most popular marketplaces like Amazon or Bestbuy.

Nvidia GTX 1660 Super

Launched in October 2019, Nvidia GTX 1660 Super combines three factors that make it a very attractive option: it is cheap, it has low power consumption and has great efficiency. Unlike other GPUs, Nvidia GTX 1660 Super allows you to recover your investment in a relatively short time. It allows you to mine Ethereum (ETH), Firo (FIRO), Ravecoin (RVN), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Swap (XWP), Aeternity (AE) and BitTubeCash (TUBE).

One of its biggest disadvantages is its low VRAM of only 6 GB.

  • Power consumption: 120 W
  • Hashrate: 31.74 Mh/s
  • Profit per day: 0.74 USD

You can buy it on Amazon.

AMD Radeon RX 580

Among all the RX400 and the RX500 series models, AMD Radeon RX 580, released in April 2017, is the graphics card that offers the highest profitability. Moreover, it has an affordable price of around 300 USD. This card is mainly used for Ethereum mining, but it can also mine Ethereum Classic (ETC) and Expanse (EXP).

  • Power consumption: 150 W
  • Hashrate: 13.98 Mh/s
  • Profit per day: 2.85 USD

Extra Tips For Choosing Mining Hardware

  1. Consider gaming performance. If you’re planning on using your mining rig for gaming as well as mining, you’ll want to make sure it can handle the demands of gaming.
  2. Estimate your budget. AMD GPUs tend to be more affordable than Nvidia GPUs, so if you’re working with a limited budget, AMD may be the way to go.
  3. Decide whether you want to mine with a GPU or a CPU. GPU mining tends to be more efficient than CPU mining, but it also requires more expensive hardware.
  4. Choose which cryptocurrency you want to mine. There are many different cryptocurrencies out there, and each one has its own specific algorithm. Do some research and choose the coin that best suits your needs.

By keeping these factors in mind, you’ll be able to choose the best mining hardware for your needs.


There is no such thing as one universal best mining GPU. Different types of mining require different hardware, and the best way to find the right hardware for your needs is to do your research and ask fellow miners for advice. There are many online platforms where crypto miners share their thoughts and experiences, so make sure to check them out before making any decisions. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! Fellow miners are usually happy to help out and offer advice.

What do you think is the best mining GPU? Don’t forget to share your own take on the best graphics cards for mining in the comment section below!

Disclaimer: Please note that the contents of this article are not financial or investing advice. The information provided in this article is the author’s opinion only and should not be considered as offering trading or investing recommendations. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. The cryptocurrency market suffers from high volatility and occasional arbitrary movements. Any investor, trader, or regular crypto users should research multiple viewpoints and be familiar with all local regulations before committing to an investment.

Best graphics card for mining in 2023

Let’s find you the best mining GPU

Updated: Jan 25, 2023 3:35 pm

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Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho it’s off to mining cryptocurrency we go. Just like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, mining cryptocurrency is not as popular as it once was, but for some, it can still earn a profit.

A lot of the major cryptos are still going strong, with others just starting to hit their stride. Whether you have been mining for years or are a complete newbie, you are going to want the best graphics card for mining.

In this article, we are going to be looking at the five best GPUs for mining, a brief introduction as to what cryptocurrency mining is all about, and what the best GPU would be for your needs.

Let’s get stuck in and find the best GPU for you miners out there.

Our Top Picks


The Best Graphics Card For Mining



Another Excellent Graphics Card For Mining

MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Ventus 6GB


The Best All-round GPU For Mining

MSI GAMING GeForce RTX 2060 Ventus 6GB

Things to Consider Before Buying a Mining GPU

When on the lookout for a new mining graphics card, there are a few things you need to consider first. You want to take note of how much memory the GPU has, its power draw, and how much it is going to cost.

Getting a large yield from your mining will take some time or obviously a large initial investment, so it is important to consider external costs like electricity. Making these considerations will allow you to minimize your costs and maximize your profits which are going to be crucial for making back your investment.

Remember to calculate power consumption if you are going for a multi-GPU setup as you may need a very powerful PSU to power your mining system. A standard 750 W PSU can handle two powerful GPUs so be wary!

It is worth noting to look out for two years+ warranty on products you are buying for your mining rig. This is important as your system will most likely be running 24/7, and this can harm your components a lot faster.

What is Cryptocurrency Mining?

You have probably heard of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, right? Well, the idea behind them is that you would generate and transfer these currencies without the need of any bank.

What you use to mine with can vary quite a bit. In the past, before the boom, it was quite common to see CPUs being used. Over time, with GPUs being better equipped to guess more correct strings per second, they soon took over.

To mine in a secure manner, a computer will try to guess a string. The number of guesses your machine makes is known as a hash rate, so we want a GPU that has a higher hash rate when it comes to mining.

Is An AMD Or Nvidia GPU better for Mining?

When it comes to mining cryptocurrencies, you may find that certain graphics cards favor some algorithms over others. So what card you choose could be largely down to what you want to mine.

Typically, Nvidia cards are quite balanced when it comes to hash rate and power draw. AMD cards tend to require more research and work to get the best results. This means you will need to be experienced or willing to learn to overclock and how to use your BIOS.

Nvidia’s hardware normally costs more than AMD’s, which opens the door to personal preference. If you can find a good deal on an Nvidia card, then snap it up as they tend to have a smaller learning curve when it comes to overclocking.


The Best Graphics Card For Mining




MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Ventus 6GB


MSI GAMING GeForce RTX 2060 Ventus 6GB




EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB

In-depth Review


The Best Graphics Card For Mining


At the top of our list is the shiny new 2070 Super which is not only a brilliant gaming GPU but a great one for mining cryptocurrency too!

The Zotac Gaming GeForce RTX 2070 Super has a Zhash of 86 Sol/s with a mid-high power draw (215W).  It will eat more electricity than a couple of cards on this list but also much less than the 1080 TI and 2080 TI.

This GPU is quite reasonably priced, and it can perform close enough to the 2080Ti to make this the stand-out winner. If you can grab a deal on one of these cards you won’t be disappointed.


Another Excellent Graphics Card For Mining

MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Ventus 6GB

The 1660 TI is powerful, indeed and a more affordable mining option. Altering the core and memory settings probably won’t increase your hash rate with this GPU, but you can reduce the power draw from 120 W to 90 W if you adjust the TDP.

The GPUs performance and temps remain stable under mining conditions, and as further development takes place, this can only get stronger.

If you push this GPU too far, it will have a negative effect on your hash rate, but overall this is a great option.


The Best All-round GPU For Mining

MSI GAMING GeForce RTX 2060 Ventus 6GB

If you can still get your hands on a GTX 1070 8GB for a good price, then you should go for it. If not though, the RTX 2060 is one efficient bit of kit.

This model supports Turing architecture, and although its features are modest when compared to a 2080 TI, it is a lot cheaper and still performs well for its price.

With power consumption at around 160 W, it sits in the middle ground of this list. You can certainly mine for a profit with this card and at a relatively low price.


A High-end GPU Capable Of Brilliant Mining Results


If you already own a 1080 TI and are considering upgrading the mining rig, then it may be best to wait for a drop in prices first. The 2080 TI outperforms the 1080 TI, shocking I know.

This powerful beast has the advantages of Turing architecture as well as ray-tracing technology. The 2080 TI consumes the most power on the list and costs a lot of money, but it mines like a monster.


A solid Mining GPU

EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB

With the release of the new RTX GPUs and their Turing architecture, the 1080 TI has become a bit of an old dog. That being said, this old dog has some new tricks up its sleeves and would be a great addition to your mining rig for the right price.

The GTX 1080 TI is ideal for mining cryptocurrency and ain’t half bad in the gaming department either. This GPU will cater to most miners’ needs, and if it wasn’t so expensive, it might have featured higher on this list.

Despite its age, the 1080 TI remains one of the most powerful GPUs out there, and it will power through the mining, just make sure you have the funds.

Best Graphics Card For Mining frequently asked questions