Comparativo de procesadores: Ranking de los procesadores en 2023

3._Cuadro comparativo Intel vs AMD

En la actualidad son dos las principales marcas que dominan el mercado de los procesadores, AMD e INTEL, Intel Corporation es una empresa multinacional que fabrica microprocesadores y circuitos integrados especializados.

Como vemos la lucha de INTEL y AMD, su venta en el mercado es muy competitiva. Ambas empresas crean las mismas tecnologías, pero como elegir el mejor procesador para nuestra PC.

  1. En lo personal pues es depende para que uses cada computadora por ejemplo 
  • AMD  tiene mejores gráficos debido ala velocidad de registro, este procesador puede ser para aquellos que les gusta jugar mucho 
  • Intel  es para un uso normal pero la ventaja de este procesador es que va mas rápido 
  • A qui hacemos una comparación entre AMD athlon 64 x2  y  Intel pentium D  posteriormente veremos la ventajas y desventajas 
AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor Intel Pentium D Dual-Core Processor
 Infraestructura  socket AM2  
 Tecnología de Procesamiento 

90 nanometer, SOI (silicon on insulator)

65 nanometer, SOI (silicon on insulator)

65 o 90 nanometer
 Numero de transistores   
154 a 227 millones 
230 millones
Protección de Virus enriquecida
 Tecnologias de bus del sistema  Hyper Transport™ technology hasta 2000MHz, full duplex  
Front Side Bus hasta 800 MHz, Half duplex
 Controlador de memoria integrada    
128-bit + 16-bit ECC unbuffered PC2 6400(DDR2-800), PC2 5300(DDR2-667), PC2 4200(DDR2-533), PC2 3200(DDR2-400)
No, dispositivo lógico discreto en la tarjeta madre.
  Total de procesos para el ancho de Banda del Sistema

Hyper Transport technology: hasta 8.0 GB/s

Memory bandwidth: up to 6.4 GB/s

Total: up to 14.4 GB/s 

Total: hasta 6.4 GB/s 
  3D y instrucciones multimedia   
3DNow!™ technology, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 
  Chipset soportado

  NVIDIA: Nforce Series chipsets

ATI: Radeon Xpress Series chipsets

VIA: K8 Series chipsets

SiS: 75x Series chipsets or greater 

 Intel: 945/955/975 Series

NVIDIA: Nforce Series 

Ventajas y desventajas 

 AMD   Intel 
al momento de la ejecución de software de oficina los procesadores AMD obtienen un mejor rendimiento En la ejecución de software optimizado y la representación de video, como el caso de los diseñadores gráficos que necesitan grandes velocidades y capacidades, Intel ha obtenido mejores resultados.
  cuenta con una ventaja clara al momento de ver el costo de los equipos, además de optimizar de mejor forma la utilización de la memoria DDR2.   En términos energéticos, Intel presenta una clara desventaja al consumir aproximadamente un 86% más de energía que un procesador de igual rendimiento AMD.
  AMD IntelEn la ejecución de juegos de gráficas complejas, AMD tiene una respuesta de mejor calidad que su contraparte Intel.   En rendimiento de audio Intel® obtiene resultados levemente mejores.
  Es más rápido en multimedia.  Es mas lento en multimedia 
  Al momento de realizar trabajos multimedia AMD demuestra mayor eficacia   Las pruebas en trabajos múltiples ejecutados demuestran una clara tendencia a la mayor efectividad en la utilización de procesadores Intel gracias a la tecnología Hyper-Threading que optimiza el procesador.


AMD.  en el consumo de energía es menos eficiente, es muy barato ,  en el factor de enfriamiento no es muy bueno por que se caliente muy rápido, en el factor de velocidad no es muy rápido a comparación de intel, en juegos y multimedia es muy eficiente en la parte de gráficos.

Intel. En el consumo de energía es mas eficiente, su precio es muy alto, en el factor de enfriamiento es muy eficiente ya que no se calienta muy rápido, en el caso de  juegos y multimedia Intel es menos eficiente que AMD.

cada procesador tiene lo suyo pero depende del usuaria que procesador le interese si el usuario  le encanta jugar mucho pues mejor que se compre una computadora con procesador AMD  pero si el usuario utiliza mucho para trabajos tareas Internet Facebook twiter es mejor que se compre una computadora con procesador intel.

Comparativa de procesadores amd vs intel




Actualmente vivimos en una era en donde encontraremos una batalla de frecuencias y tecnologías se desarrolla con las constantes actualizaciones en procesadores, por una parte encontramos las CPU ofrecidas por la poderosa marca Intel y por otra parte la promesa del alto rendimiento de los procesadores amd.

Actualmente encontramos la marca Intel con la presentación de sus procesadores Intel Core de 10ma generación y mientras prepara lo que será la onceava generación, AMD ha hecho la presentación de su nueva generación de Ryzen 9 5000 equipados con la microarquitectura zen 3.

Tal vez quieras leer : Los mejores procesadores AMD

¿Cuáles ventajas puedes obtener al elegir los procesadores de AMD?

Los procesadores de la empresa Advanced Micro Devices son la mejor opción para conseguir una CPU de alto rendimiento sin necesidad de hacer un mayor desembolso, la serie que más se destaca es la Ryzen y actualmente se ha hecho mención a su nueva generación de procesadores 5000.

Todos tus procesos, actividades y videojuegos estarán respaldados por la micro arquitectura Zen desarrollada por AMD, aumentando el rendimiento, la memoria y también reduciendo la emisión de calor gracias a un consumo adecuado de energía.

Una de las características de AMD es contar con una gran cantidad de núcleos como también de hilos, de tal modo que la tecnología multihilo será una capacidad de gran utilidad en los momentos en que tus procesos requieran de un gran rendimiento.

¿La CPU de Intel se quedará atrás?

Los procesadores de la gigante azul Intel es reconocido por ofrecer altas velocidades en el rendimiento del reloj, siendo frecuencias altas desde su punto base como también al momento de alcanzar su tecnología boost.

Si algo permite reconocer un procesador de Intel es su tecnología Turbo Boost, el cual te permitirá ejercer un rendimiento superior en el momento en que tu CPU sienta que es necesario ejercer, actualmente podrás encontrar microchips que pueden alcanzar hasta 5GHz.

La tecnología multihilo de AMD es conocida en Intel como HyperThreading, se diferencia que como Intel cuenta con velocidades brutas, al momento de que los hilos ofrecen más rendimiento a un núcleo, será un incremento considerable de velocidad, seguro lo notarás al instante.

¿Buscas el procesador ideal para tu ordenador?

El procesador adecuado para trabajar en ofimática y contar con alto rendimiento

Intel Core i3 : Ejerce el rendimiento eficaz para trabajar en software de ofimática y ver videos en altas resoluciones.

AMD Ryzen 3:
Es la opción más adecuada si buscas contar con alto rendimiento a un precio reducido.

Los más adecuados para software de exigencia media

Intel Core i5:
Ofrece frecuencias adecuadas para experimentar software de gama media, emite poco calor para así evitar fallos en nuestros componentes.

AMD Ryzen 5:
Sin duda alguno es uno de los favoritos por usuarios que experimentan plataformas online como también los videojuegos al contar con un mejor rendimiento en gráficos.

Explorar y sacar el máximo provecho a tu ordenador

Intel Core i7 e i9
: Son las gamas más altas de los procesadores Intel, si bien cuentan con altas frecuencias también ofrecen tecnologías que incrementarán la velocidad considerablemente.

AMD Ryzen 7 y 9 :
Son la serie de procesadores que ejercen los más altos rendimientos de AMD, equipados con micro arquitectura Zen 2 y 3 son capaces de ofrecer altas velocidades altas y contar con un adecuado caché.

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Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of business processes (Benchmarking)

Benchmarking technology allows enterprises to improve the performance and efficiency of business processes by selecting and using the best (reference) processes for given indicators. As a result, by improving the activities of the enterprise, its competitiveness increases.

Benchmarking can be:

  • internal — comparing the work of departments of your own company, identifying best practices and disseminating them;

  • competitive — tracking and analyzing differences in key indicators with competitors’ enterprises, borrowing their experience;
  • cross-industry — comparison of the company with indirect competitors in terms of certain parameters, functions, processes.

Internal benchmarking is most often used, when the best technologies, standards and methods of work are identified through the mechanism of comparative analysis of the performance of one enterprise with the indicators of more successful enterprises of the holding. This is how many global holdings work, studying and applying the experience of more successful enterprises that are part of them, and considering benchmarking as a tool to improve business and achieve competitive advantages.

The information obtained with the help of benchmarking is intended for the heads of all holding structures and is aimed at supporting management decision-making at various levels. Having dynamic data on the company’s activities, as well as recommendations for improving the situation, managers are able to make the right management decisions.

The benchmarking project consists of the following stages:

  • definition of business processes to be optimized;

  • development of KPI (key performance indicators) for business processes requiring optimization;
  • description of business processes at the analyzed enterprises of the holding;
  • analysis of business processes of the holding enterprises;
  • comparison of business processes according to selected KPIs;
  • selection of the best (reference) business processes, their standardization;
  • replication of reference business processes at all enterprises of the holding;

  • systematic monitoring and control of KPI at the analyzed enterprises of the holding.

In what situations is a project needed?

Situation 1
The company plans to enter foreign markets. To remain competitive in the global global economy, you need to change quickly.

Situation 2
Competition in the market is intensifying due to the emergence of fundamentally new achievements, technologies and advantages. In order to keep up with the level of global competitors, it is necessary to quickly reorganize and implement someone else’s achievements.

Case 3
The company needs to obtain a quality certificate, such as ISO. As a rule, such a need arises in connection with the appearance of foreign partners in the company. Often one of the requirements imposed on a company so that it can be admitted to a tender for the right to become a supplier to a foreign company is the presence of certain certificates confirming the compliance of the quality of production, products, and management with international standards.

Case 4
Even in the absence of obvious problems, the company may experience a drop in growth and a decrease in profits. In this case, benchmarking helps to solve non-obvious problems.

What tasks does the project solve?

  • Formalization of the KPI system for assessing the activities of the enterprise.
  • An objective assessment of existing technologies, standards and methods of the company.
  • Implementation of optimal technologies, standards and methods of work.

  • Identification of weaknesses, concentrating efforts on those elements that most significantly affect the overall efficiency of the enterprise.

What results will be achieved?

  • Increasing the efficiency of the company’s activities through the introduction of the most optimal technologies, standards and methods of work.
  • A developed KPI system that allows you to objectively evaluate the current technologies, standards and methods of the company.

  • Optimization of expenses of each enterprise of the holding.
  • The ability to make informed decisions about the number of personnel required to carry out business processes.
  • The presence of a system that allows you to receive clear and objective information about the effectiveness, quality, cost and effectiveness of processes.
  • The ability to identify and eliminate existing shortcomings and shortcomings in the activities of all enterprises of the holding by replicating reference business processes.

More about the project «Comparative analysis of the efficiency of business processes (benchmarking) in TNK-BP», stage

More about the project “Comparative analysis of the efficiency of business processes (benchmarking). Optimization of business processes and organizational structure at TNK-BP, Stage 2

    Comparative analysis of business process diagnostic methods

    Introduction and problem statement: At the beginning of each business process description project, the analyst is faced with the task of choosing priority processes for optimization. It is characterized by the main questions: How to understand how deeply it is necessary to work out and describe processes? How to identify «problem areas»? How to calculate the processes that prevent profit. How many processes need to be improved? Business optimization is a rather long, complex and costly process, so it is necessary at the initial stage to determine how much work needs to be done and how many resources will be needed for this. At the same time, the customer is often interested in what effect should be expected from the work being done. When optimizing business processes, the Pareto principle works [1], which once again proves the importance of primary diagnostics. The method should allow in the shortest possible time and with minimal effort, both on the part of the customer and on the part of the analyst, to understand the scope of the work ahead, the optimization plan in accordance with the problems and goals of the organization. nine0003

    An important link when working on any project is the head of the enterprise, he must know and understand the value created by working on the project and be involved. If it is possible to convince the manager of the company to take a direct part in the work on the optimization of the organization, then many problems can be avoided, such as the indifferent attitude of the staff, going beyond the established time and resource constraints.

    The need for a primary analysis is that there can be more than a thousand processes in an enterprise, and it is not always expedient to describe each of them, this is due to the fact that the cost and resource consumption are quite large, and the description cannot always be given by one effect that covered at least the costs. Thus, there is a need to rank processes for the order in which processes are described and optimized. nine0003

    It is very common to find diagnostic methods using one standard questionnaire for a specific industry. At the same time, they consist of questions for the management, sometimes for employees, as a result of which, the results are formed one-sided and subjective, and do not always correspond to reality. This is due to the fact that in order to form a complete picture of the state of the business, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of not only senior managers, but also middle managers and employees, as well as customers who can point to shortcomings that are not known or important to the staff of the company being optimized. nine0003

    Criteria for the analysis of diagnostic methods: To identify express diagnostic methods, all methods must be evaluated according to the following criteria:

    The timing and analysis of the results is the total time spent on the examination and should take no more than a month.

    Labor costs and time costs on the part of the customer’s employees — they should be minimal and due to the fact that employees are often overloaded and filling out a huge number of questionnaires and participating in numerous interviews give a negative attitude on the part of the employee and manager. nine0003

    Analyst Qualification Requirements — a criterion showing the importance and necessity of high qualification and extensive experience of a business analyst.

    Outcomes are business process areas that are used to analyze the performance of a business model. These include: lack/overabundance of documents, areas of irresponsibility/double responsibility, «Problems» of processes (in nominal order), finding bottlenecks in the process, identifying «cost centers», automation capabilities, lack/overabundance of processes, selecting a process for reorganization. nine0003

    Comparative analysis of business process diagnostic methods: For comparison, the 10 most popular methods and diagnostic methods are used, which are most often used to obtain primary and complete information about the state of the enterprise.

    Hierarchy analysis method

    • Analysis period: from 2 to 4 months.
    • Labor and time costs on the part of the customer’s employees — average time.
    • Analyst Qualification Requirements: Qualification is not important. nine0011
    • Results: zones of irresponsibility/double responsibility, lack/overabundance of processes, selection of a process for reorganization.

    Analytic Hierarchy Process developed by Thomas Saaty. In order to use the method of hierarchies, it is necessary to determine the strategic goal and relative criteria for the importance of processes, as well as calculate the weight coefficients for the elements of each level of decomposition.

    The essence of the method is to compare a group of experts of business processes according to criteria that are agreed in advance with the head of the enterprise[2]. After that, the processes are decomposed, at each level the elements are compared in pairs, and based on the weight coefficient estimated by each expert, the consistency of judgments is checked. Next, a number of alternatives are proposed that calculate consistency with the process. In conclusion, they are ranked by importance and impact on the strategic goal. nine0003

    Visual qualitative analysis

    • Analysis period: from 2 weeks to 3 months.
    • Labor and time costs on the part of the customer’s employees are minimal if the processes are described.
    • Analyst Qualification Requirements: High qualification.
    • Results: lack/overabundance of documents, areas of irresponsibility/double responsibility, lack/overabundance of processes, selection of a process for reorganization.
    • nine0016

      The analysis of graphic schemes is used to identify duplication of work, lack or excess in documents, in material resources and in personnel. This method assumes that the processes are already described and there are no errors or shortcomings in the schemes. The method involves a consistent review of each function of the process, a meaningful analysis is performed, and the composition of the incoming and outgoing information, documentation and other resources necessary for work in the process is determined. Next, you need to find out the reasons for the lack of missing information from the owners and executors of the process. At the end of the analysis, a report is generated with all the identified defects in the work of the enterprise. nine0003

      Ranking based on subjective assessment

      • Analysis period: from 2 weeks to 3 months.
      • Labor and time costs on the part of the customer’s employees are minimal if the processes are described.
      • Analyst Qualification Requirements: High qualification.
      • Results: zones of irresponsibility/double responsibility, lack/overabundance of processes, selection of a process for reorganization.

      This method is used at the preparatory stage, as a primary diagnostic method. At the beginning, a list of business processes of the enterprise is compiled, then a table is formed in which the importance of the processes is indicated vertically, and the efficiency, that is, the state of the processes, is horizontally indicated. Experts arrange processes into fields according to their understanding of the current state of the processes. Further, the results of all processes are compared and a summary report is compiled, which shows which processes it is necessary to start a detailed description of the enterprise. nine0003

      Process analysis against standard requirements (based on ISO 9001)

      • Analysis period: from 3 weeks to 2.5 months.
      • Labor and time costs on the part of the customer’s employees are minimal if the processes are described.
      • Analyst qualification requirements: average, knowledge of GOSTs.
      • Results: «Problems» of processes (in naming order).

      This method is based on ISO 9001 and PDCA cycle created by Walter Shewhart and Edwards Demming. It is assumed that the processes, owners and performers are defined for the use of this analysis. Based on ISO, a questionnaire is developed, distributed to all participants in the processes, after which the answers are processed for the compliance of the results for each process. In the end, it is necessary to understand whether all processes and their components are regulated, whether a continuous improvement cycle is used.


      • Analysis period: from 1 to 4 weeks. nine0011
      • Labor costs and time costs on the part of the customer’s employees are minimal.
      • Analyst Qualification Requirements: No requirements.
      • Results: zones of irresponsibility/double responsibility, lack/overabundance of processes, selection of a process for reorganization, «Problems» of processes (in nominal order).

      SWOT analysis is a tool for a qualitative preliminary assessment of the process. The data obtained on its basis can be used in the future to clarify the reasons for the low efficiency of the process and determine the indicators that characterize it [3]. nine0003

      SWOT analysis involves identifying strengths and weaknesses, threats to deterioration and opportunities for improvement. It is important that each business process has its own table. The analysis begins with a survey of managers and specialists of the enterprise. Next, the results of the survey are processed, a rating of answers is formed based on answers that are similar in meaning. Then build a SWOT analysis table for each of the processes.

      Highlighting problem areas

      • Analysis period: from 2 weeks to 3 months.
      • Labor and time costs on the part of the customer’s employees are minimal if the processes are described.
      • Analyst Qualification Requirements: High qualification.
      • Results: zones of irresponsibility/double responsibility, lack/overabundance of processes, selection of a process for reorganization.

      This method is used to determine the further direction of the analysis, deeper and more informative. First, an enlarged scheme of business processes is formed. Further, when communicating with the manager and employees participating in the processes, problem areas are formed in each of the described processes. The result is a brief description of each of the processes, which makes it possible to focus on the identified «problem areas». nine0003

      FSA+ simulation

      • Analysis period: from 1 to 5 months.
      • Labor costs and time costs on the part of the customer’s employees are maximum.
      • Analyst Qualification Requirements: High qualification.
      • Results: lack/overabundance of documents, areas of irresponsibility/double responsibility, finding bottlenecks in the process, identification of «cost centers», automation opportunities, lack/overabundance of processes. nine0011

      Processes must be defined in order to start the FSA analysis. Next, a general analysis of the cost of business processes at the enterprise is carried out, where, with the help of simulation modeling, temporary (execution time), resource (material, quantity, cost per piece) and labor (quantity, cost per person / hour, the possibility of replacement, work schedule) parameters [ four]. Based on the data obtained, the main, additional and unnecessary functional costs are determined and analyzed. Next, a comparative analysis of alternative options for reducing costs in production, marketing and management by streamlining the functions of structural divisions of the enterprise is carried out. The last stage, with the help of simulation modeling, is the analysis of the proposed improvement of the enterprise’s activities [5]. nine0003

      CFU ranking

      • Analysis period: from 4 days to 4 weeks.
      • Labor costs and time costs on the part of the customer’s employees — a guide to the formation of strategic indicators and peer review.
      • Analyst Qualification Requirements: Intermediate.
      • Results: Process selection for reorganization.

      To use this method, you need to know the mission, vision and strategic goals. Based on them, a list of key success factors is formed, after which a specific weight is assigned to each. Next, you need to make a list of business processes of the organization. After that, the influence of the process on the achievement of KFU and the problematic nature of the process are revealed by expert means. At the end, the answers of all experts are compared and the final rank of processes is formed. nine0003

      Responsibility distribution matrix

      • Analysis period: from 2 weeks to 3 months.
      • Labor and time costs on the part of the customer’s employees are minimal if the processes are described.
      • Analyst Qualification Requirements: High qualification.
      • Results: areas of irresponsibility/double responsibility, selection of process for reorganization.

      To start working on an analysis using the division of responsibility method, you must have a list of processes and an organized organizational structure. Further, on the basis of interviews, the method of observation and analysis of the documentation, a table is filled in, where the list of problems is vertical, and employees of the organization are horizontal. The table records the responsible and performers for each process. Thus, a visual report appears with information about duplication of responsibility and areas of irresponsibility. nine0003

      Ranking importance/problem/possibility of changes

      • Timeframe for analysis: from 1 to 5 weeks.
      • Labor costs and time costs on the part of the customer’s employees are minimal for employees and average for management and top management.
      • Analyst Qualification Requirements: High qualification.
      • Results: «Problems» of processes (in nominal order), shortage/overabundance of processes, selection of a process for reorganization. nine0011

      This method is somewhat similar to the KFU ranking method, but it combines several methods, which allows you to get a more general picture of the current state of the enterprise.

      First, it is revealed how important each of the processes is for achieving the goals. This can be found out by applying the expert method, the method of questioning and interviewing. Then the average value for each of the processes is formed [6]. Further, the problematic nature of the processes is revealed, either the identification of key problems that impede the achievement of goals and it is fixed to which process it belongs, or when describing the processes, all problems are identified, and subsequently ranked by the number in the process. The last step is to analyze the possibility of the process to change and cost analysis.