Crysis single player demo: Crysis Single Player Demo Download

Download Crysis Demo for Windows


Crysis — A First-Person Shooter Game


Crysis is an award-winning first person shooter video game developed by Crytek in 2021 and released for Microsoft Windows first and later released for the PlayStation 2 in 2021. It’s the prequel to the highly acclaimed Crysis game. In the game, you are required to take part in the global war against the merciless aliens called the «Gnarx». The story is narrated by a protagonist of the game called James Valentine.

A lot of improvements have been made from the original version of Crysis such as the new animation style, better graphics, better weapon effects and the introduction of a multiplayer mode which is available in the in-game menu. Unlike the single-player campaign, in single-player mode you have the freedom to select your own character and do your own thing. However, in multiplayer mode you will be pitted against hordes of enemy soldiers who have fully equipped and highly skilled military forces. In order to emerge victorious, you will be required to quickly outwit your opponent and make use of the wide variety of weapons available to you such as the machine gun, energy rifle, laser gun, miniguns and anti-air guns etc.

There are various special forces that you can choose to join in the war against the Gnarx and these include the recon units, sharpshooters, commandos, mechanized troops, commando bikes and tanks. These special forces help you in your mission by providing you with valuable information regarding the Gnarx’s location through their surveillance cameras. These units also help you in defending yourself when attacked by the aliens. In addition, these units come with their own self-healing abilities so you don’t have to worry about sustaining your health during a battle.



Crysis Demo for Windows
  • Windows 8
Latest update:
Thursday, September 9th 2021




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Crysis 2 PC Single-player Campaign Review

Please note that this post is over a year old and may contain outdated information.

But can it play Crysis? Yes, yes it can. Crysis 2 is overall a more refined, playable, and consistent game than Crysis, and it should run smoothly on a larger number of systems thanks to a combination of less demanding visuals and better optimization for lower spec systems (IE: consoles). Don’t let that deter you though, the game still looks great, though it certainly isn’t the same Far Cry -> Crysis leap in visuals and physics that some were hoping for.

Crytek has made a lot of attempts to console PC players about Crysis 2 going cross-platform (see what I did there?), but make no mistake, there is indeed consolitis. The consolitis shows itself in the smaller size of levels, some buggy behavior, console-centric menu system, and less visual detail and physics than in Crysis.

Visuals aren’t the end-all though, right? While Crysis 2 lacks details and physics, Crytek put a lot more effort into other areas this time around and it shows. The art style, plot progression, character interactions, and gameplay are all more refined and consistent. The amount of linearity and openness in levels is well-balanced and moves the game forward at a consistent pace that isn’t quite as frantic as some Call of Duty games, but is still pretty quick. The linearity of the game will likely annoy some Crysis veterans, and may even cause some to not buy the game outright. I was split on it at first, but did end up enjoying the campaign a lot, even though it does away with most of the sandbox elements of the original.

In the original Crysis and in Warhead, you were presented with levels that allowed you to take very large detours and approach areas from any direction. You could sprint for minutes straight and only cover a very small distance between two objectives. The enemy soldiers tended to be located throughout the level, with congregations near buildings and important points, but many wondering around on patrol. On some levels, such as the first level of Crysis, you could nearly forget about the mission at hand and end up just goofing off for hours.

In Crysis 2, you tend to go from one main engagement area to another in much smaller levels with minimal excess traveling. There isn’t much in the way of timers, but you are still hurried through each level. The smaller levels cuts down on the range of different angles you can approach a situation from. The vertical aspect of some levels helps to add more depth to a confrontation, but they don’t really make up for the sheer size of Crysis and Warhead levels.

In terms of gameplay hours, you will probably put double the hours into the Crysis 2 campaign as you did Crysis (assuming you actually played Crysis straight through without dilly dallying). There is a whole lot more content and there is a fairly consistent transition in level design. There are also more pseudo-control events and low-action cut scenes than in Crysis. Thankfully these don’t take over the game like they do in interactive movies such as Call of Duty Black Ops.

I’m not going to get into the story of Crysis 2, because I don’t want to ruin it. I will say that it takes inspiration from a lot of other games. It feels like Crysis mixed with modern military FPSs like CoD or BF:BC2, and it has a lot of different elements to it. It is far more in-depth than Crysis, and despite its fumbling at times there is a lot more to sink your teeth into.

Now I have a short list of gripes about Crysis 2 that I would like to elaborate on:

The splash screen. Why is there a splash screen when you start up the game? It’s just one more redundant, useless screen that you have to press a button to bypass. And on that note, the PC demo had «Press Start» to continue on the splash screen prior to the demo patch. Fixed in the full version, but not the best first impression.

The menu. It moves around as you move the mouse, making it difficult to click on things. For a console using a joystick, it isn’t an issue, but with a PC mouse you tend to find what you want to click on and then make a quick movement to it. With the moving screen, the button will actually be in a different spot by the time your mouse cursor lands there a fraction of a second later.

Graphics options. Lacking. You only get the basic «Low», «Medium», «High» type settings. See this post for fixes to the lack of graphics options. I didn’t even bother with the in-game settings. And one more thing, there’s no drop-down menu for selecting resolution. You have to click, click, click, click, etc, to change resolution.

No saving, only checkpoints. It can be aggravating to play through large sections multiple times. Perhaps the most annoying part is that you can’t just quit the game when you want. Testing different graphics settings at a certain part of a level is much more difficult as well.

Enemy AI bugs. The AI has been improved in a lot of ways, and can be genuinely challenging; however, there are more than a few bugs. Occasionally, a soldier will stand around doing nothing, even when shooting at or near him. At one point, an enemy solder was sitting in a vehicle while I ran around outside, shooting at him (unable to kill him despite the open window).

Aim delay. When you right-click to aim or stop aiming, there is a brief delay before anything happens. This is more noticeable when unaiming. Controls overall can at times be less than responsive as well, such as when bringing up the weapon modification menu or switching weapons. Crysis and Crysis: Warhead did not have these problems, at least to this degree.

Lean over system. A very cool attempt to do a «take cover» system, but it can be buggy and annoying at times. When next to an object, you can often right-click aim to go into a crouched, cover system, where you look just barely over the top or to the side of an object. How far you are exposed is based on how far in you want to aim, which is cool. If there is any foliage on that object though, forget it. And it can make trying to normal aim difficult when next to an object. It also seems to be rather picky with exactly what objects you can do this with. The PC version of the game could have done better without this feature, which brings me to my next gripe. ..

No lean or prone. The cover system mentioned above is no replacement for lean or prone ability. This is a sad omission from the game and there is no excuse for it. :-[

Invisible walls. Indeed there are invisible walls.

So far Crytek has shown a commitment to patching Crysis 2 on PC to fix the issues that the community is complaining about. The day 1 patch fixed some MP issues and got rid of the idiotic default-enabled aim assist. This is a positive sign, though it does serve to emphasize the observation that Crysis 2 for PC was rushed out. Nowhere is this more obvious than the post-release DX11 patch.

My final opinion of Crysis 2 is still quite positive, despite my gripes. I had a lot of fun playing it. The environments were very impressive and the linearity of it takes you through an interesting story that is pretty long. The downsides of the cross-platform nature are apparent in the bugs and small levels, but the effort put into other areas really sets it apart from the original Crysis. I haven’t played the multiplayer yet (other than the demo), but if it turns out to be good then this will be a very solid game for Crytek, even though they’ve slightly forsaken the PC market in making it.

Demo showdown: Crysis 3 multiplayer beta

Crysis 2 was a controversial release; Crytek’s renowned ‘maximum game’ ethos was put on hold in favour of targeting multiple platforms, much to the annoyance of the PC hardcore. It took the release of a DirectX 11 patch and a high-res art upgrade to placate the fans, but the results were more than worth it — it’s still one of our ‘go to’ games for sheer visual spectacle. This time around, we suspect there’ll be no such complaints. The focus on extreme visual quality is back in Crysis 3, with the development team building this sequel around high-end graphics cards in order to deliver a visual masterpiece worthy of the next generation of gaming hardware.

The single-player component of Crysis 3 will almost certainly push the graphical envelope further than its online counterpart, but regardless, the recently released multiplayer beta allows us to get some idea of how CryEngine 3 has evolved over the last couple of years, plus we get an early preview of Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 image quality and performance. Are the ‘vintage’ consoles up to the task of running a Crysis game that is even more visually demanding than the last?

From the off, it’s clear that much has changed in Crysis 3 in terms of the environments and how they are integrated with gameplay. The dilapidated, man-made cityscapes of New York are now combined with sprawling organic locations situated in various bio domes. Two distinct locations are available in the beta: a museum stage set in a large and murky swamp and an old abandoned airport, slowly deteriorating and overgrown with foliage. Here, Crytek manages to infuse elements from the first and second games in the series into its latest work.

There are also two very different game modes on offer, complementing the change in scenery: Crash Site focuses on direct team assaults to capture dropped alien pods, while Hunter offers up more stealth and strategy as one set of players become cloaked nano-suit assassins taking down military personnel using high-powered bows.


PS3Crysis 2’s streaming issues are significantly improved, with only a few instances where higher quality assets actually pop into the scene during gameplay — usually this happens when first loading in a level and occasionally during a match. Between platforms, LOD transitions are initially faster on the PS3, resulting in some lower resolution textures and geometry pop-in on the 360, though this usually equalises during gameplay with foliage draw distances being a tad closer on the PS3.



PCShadow draw distances are shorter on the PS3: transitions between low and higher quality shadow maps are easily seen as you move closer to them. Low resolution shadows are also in abundance on both systems. Use of PCF (percentage closer filtering) on the PS3 results in some distinct saw-tooth edges being visible, while on the 360 dithered penumbras help to reduce these artifacts. Naturally, PC owners get higher resolution shadows which are much better filtered, and thus appear far smoother as a result.



PCThere is an abundance of foliage on all three versions of Crysis 3, but particularly on PC where we see plenty of extra trees and bushes dotted about the environments. As such the landscape appears visibly more fleshed out and fully featured than on console. The greenery on the PS3 appears considerably softer than on the 360 due to the heavier upscale blur taking place, though there haven’t been any specific cut-backs in this area.



PCThe impressive object blur effect found in Crysis 2 has been removed from the console versions of this sequel — in multiplayer at least — with just a camera-based implementation present. This is rendered in higher precision on the PC, along with object blur being retained.



PCThe lighting model is identical on the consoles but is visibly more complex on the PC, where we see the inclusion of additional light sources (including single bounce global illumination) along with a lens flare effect that enhance the presence of lights shafts. A greater number of shadows are also cast by these light sources and as a result environments appear richer and have more depth than on the 360 or PS3.



PCAbsent from the console versions of Crysis 3, the inclusion of SSAO (screen-space ambient occlusion) on the PC adds considerable depth to various scenes, helping to create more atmospherically shaded scenes. A good example can be seen on the small cliff edge in the above shot, where the ambient shading naturally complements the areas bathed shadow, lending a more organic look to the environment.

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Both of the maps chosen for the beta feature environments that deliver a good sense of scale absent from some of the multiplayer locations in the last game, even if the player is limited in how far they can travel due to invisible bounding areas situated around the maps. On the PC, these areas are wonderfully realised with superb lighting (including Crytek’s single bounce global illumination implementation), highly detailed texture work and modelling, along with plenty of lush foliage which all helps to the create the distinct feel of a man-made landscape being reclaimed by nature — here we find the ‘maximum game’ ethos is clearly in effect. A range of anti-aliasing modes also keep things looking smooth enough without necessarily incurring a large performance hit; we used SMAA (Updated: sub-pixel morphological anti-aliasing), but FXAA and traditional MSAA are also available.

Compared to the stock release of Crysis 2, it’s clear that there have been no compromises where this sequel is concerned, to the point where even running in low settings on PC yields a vastly superior visual experience to either console. The downside is that you’ll need a dual GPU set-up to max out the game using the ‘very high’ preset while running at steadily playable frame-rates (though Nvidia’s upcoming single GPU Titan hardware might have something to say about that). Our Radeon 7870 test rig managed between 20-50FPS when running the game on its highest setting in 720p, although dialling back a few settings to medium or low, along with tweaking other options — such as motion blur — allowed for a ballpark 1080p60 without feeling short-changed on the quality of the visual experience.

As you may expect, there are some significant downgrades in the console versions of Crysis 3 as Crytek attempts to transplant the ambitious visuals to significantly less powerful hardware. Foliage is considerably pared back, the geometry complexity of the environments is reduced, and lower quality artwork is employed throughout the two maps available in the beta. The end result is that the world rendered on the consoles doesn’t appear quite as organic and alive as it does on the PC, although the general atmosphere is retained.

«Crysis 3 looks sensational, but can current-gen consoles handle the increased visual complexity with a smooth frame-rate?»

A selection of gameplay clips encompassing both maps currently available on the Xbox 360 version of the Crysis 3 multiplayer beta.

The main point of difference between the console versions revolves around streaming and rendering resolution. In terms of the former, the PS3 has an obvious advantage (particularly at the beginning of each round and after respawns) in terms of more quickly streaming artwork, though during gameplay the two are more evenly matched. For its part, the 360 features improved texture filtering and slightly longer draw distances in general — particularly where shadow rendering is concerned.

Resolution remains identical to that of Crysis 2 (1152×720 on 360 and 1024×720 on the PS3) but the use of the firm’s ‘post AA’ has been jettisoned in favour of what we believe to be shader model anti-aliasing (SMAA) which uses a different kind of temporal filter that features less double image ‘ghosting’ artifacts on fast-moving scenes and objects. Some texture blurring is apparent on both consoles, as are shimmering jaggies on more finely detailed parts of the environment, but the 360 game regularly comes across as the sharper of the two.

Crytek appears to be carrying out a fine balancing act in bringing the more ambitious environments to console hardware while still retaining a decent level of performance. That said, the inclusion of large locations fleshed out with more natural, organic detail does have some noticeable repercussions. The mostly solid 30FPS update found in Crysis 2’s multiplayer modes is compromised by frequent drops in frame-rate, particularly during hectic scenes involving lots of players and transparent alpha effects.

«The evidence suggests that like Crysis 2 before it, individual engine settings have been tuned to better suit the respective capabilities of each current-gen console.»

More action from the Crysis 3 multiplayer beta — this time it’s the PlayStation 3 version encountering the mathematical precision of our frame-rate analysis tools.

Perhaps in order to combat this, object blur is dropped on console Crysis 3 (in multiplayer at least) with just a camera-based effect remaining, resulting in more noticeable judder. However, even the camera effect appears to be used sparingly: post-processing only seems to be employed on faraway detail, while it is not in effect at all on anything in the foreground — spinning around while stationary demonstrates this quite clearly.

Thankfully, the overall downgrade in fluidity here is less severe than the sub-20FPS drops during Crysis 2’s campaign mode, although the dips in performance can be a little off-putting. Frame-rates are generally lower during matches situated on the museum stage, where the inclusion of water effects, environment reflections and foliage cause more of a performance hit. This is a much more significant issue on the PS3 in both maps, where the level of fluidity tends to drop even lower when the engine is heavily stressed. Both versions have their own performance issues, although we see the 360 gaining a small advantage with slightly higher frame-rates on average overall.

Factoring in the more varied environments and diverse gameplay modes, the Crysis 3 multiplayer beta represents a tangible improvement over its predecessor on all platforms, even if some of the graphical upgrades do appear to trade fluidity in favour of spectacle. From a gameplay perspective at least, the reduced smoothness is a concern, especially in a multiplayer scenario where controller response is so crucial. Of course, the real test comes with the single-player campaign where we fully expect a genuine showcase for the capabilities of CryEngine 3. We’re fascinated to see how the game plays out on current-gen consoles, but it’s the PC version that intrigues us the most, serving as Crytek’s shop window for what its engine is capable of on the mainstream gaming hardware of tomorrow…

Crysis: Singleplayer-Demo zum Download

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Die Singleplayer-Demo zu Crysis enthlt das erste Level (laut Entwickler rund 45 Minuten Spielzeit) und den Sandbox2-Editor — fr DirectX 9 und 10.

Beta-Grafikkarten-Treiber fr Crysis: nVidia

Minimum Systemanforderungen
Betriebssystem: Windows XP oder Windows Vista
Prozessor: 2,8 GHz und schneller (XP) oder 3,2 GHz und schneller (Vista)
Arbeitsspeicher: 1,0 GB RAM (XP) oder 1,5 GB RAM (Vista)
Grafikkarte mit 256 MB RAM**
Festplattenspeicher: 12 GB
Soundkarte: DirectX 9.0c kompatibel

Empfohlene Systemanforderungen
Betriebssystem: Windows XP oder Windows Vista
Prozessor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.2GHz oder AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+
Arbeitsspeicher: 2,0 GB RAM
Grafikkarte: nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS/640 oder vergleichbar

* Untersttzte Prozessoren: Intel Pentium 4 2,8 GHz (3,2 GHz fr Vista) oder schneller, Intel Core 2,0 GHz (2,2 GHz fr Vista) oder schneller, AMD Athlon 2800+ (3200+ fr Vista) oder schneller.
** Untersttzte Grafik-Chipsets: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT oder besser; ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (Radeon X800 Pro for Vista) oder besser.

(Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported. Integrated chipsets are not supported. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required.)

Oberdepp schrieb am

Alter, es ist ein PC-Shooter. Das spielt man mit Maus und Tastatur. Vorallem wegen den groen Arealen spielt man es mit Maus und Tastatur.
Aber zur Info: die Pad-Untersttzung soll miserabel sein. Ich wei nur, dass Crysis bei mir meinen am PC hngenden Xbox 360 zwar erkennt, aber getestet habe ich es noch nicht.


Abdelhamid schrieb am

Cooles game nur habe ich das problem das ich es nicht mit meinem game pad spielen kann hat sonst noch jemand das problem ?


DdCno1 schrieb am


VistaKilla schrieb am

Also, auf meim PC zuhause funktioniert es bbeellsst langsam und Sound abgehackt mit Vista(SP2) und NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT; und auf dem PC meines Opas mit XP(SP3) und NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT funktioniert es sehr schnell und mit sehr schner qualitt! Kann mir jemand helfen warum bzw. was das problem is und wie ich es beheben kann(ich vermute Shader oder sowas, Treiber sin aktuell und ausserdem hab ich genug speicher, ca. 512MB)?


I_dont_know schrieb am

ich hab mal noch nee frage… habe mir soeben die demo heruntergeladen aber kaann das spiel nich starten.. finde das symbol nich.. funktioniert einfach nich..


schrieb am Zitieren

Zum Thema

Crysis 2 PC Demo Impressions

«It is questionable whether Crysis 2 will be a mandatory addition to the collection of fans of the original.»

Developer: Crytek
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: First Person Shooter
Platform (s) : PC, PS3, X360
Release Date: March 25, 2011

Crysis, the 2007 PC-exclusive shooter developed by Crytek, is still famous for being one of the most technologically advanced video games ever. It offered jawdropping graphics in large, open environments, making for one of the most visually satisfying video games to date. Crysis is still used as a benchmarking tool for new rigs, as its technical refinements naturally came with excessive system requirements. Some attributed this to poor optimisation, but seeing as Crysis still stands as the best-looking video game out there, especially when modded, the game more than warrants the steep system requirements, being a future-proof video game like no other.


Crysis wasn’t just about the visuals, though. With some extremely solid sandbox gameplay, satisfying gunplay, a high-tech nanosuit with tons of features and in-game weapon customisation, Crysis provided one of the best single player campaigns in a first person shooter this generation. Needless to say, Crysis 2, which is scheduled for release at the end of this month, is anticipated by many. After experiencing the multiplayer demo, though, I am not sure if this game is directed at fans of the original Crysis.


The previous two Crysis games (a standalone expansion named Crysis Warhead was released in 2008) didn’t really focus on the multiplayer component, although Warhead provided a pretty neat multiplayer experience with the ‘Crysis Wars’ add-on, which offered a pretty unique take on the concept.


While it would’ve been interesting to see Crytek expanding on this concept in the next installment in the series, Crysis 2’s multiplayer has, judging by the demo, very little to do with the previous multiplayer offerings of the series. With its small maps, recoilless guns and a streamlined (read: stripped) version of the Nanosuit, the game seems to concede a lot in an effort to appeal to the mainstream.


Whereas Crysis was a progressive, unconventional take on the FPS genre, the Crysis 2 demo implies that Crytek went for a more conventional and safe approach this time around, giving in to some of the genre’s more recent trends. The multiplayer component features the inevitable perks, popularised by the Call of Duty series, in addition to an RPG-esque leveling system that the latter-named series is known for as well.

The gameplay itself reflects this. The action as is fast-paced and arcadey as you would expect from the more mainstream-oriented structure. The gunplay in Crysis 2 strongly resembles the way guns are handled in Call of Duty. The sound effects of the guns are very similar to Activision’s war-themed shooter and the trend of having practically recoilless guns has also been carried over to Crysis 2.

As was feared by PC gamers, the Crysis 2 demo implies that Crytek’s sophomore entry into the series has suffered a bit from multiplatform development, in that it suffers from the same limitations as some other multiplatform sequels to PC-focused originals (such as FEAR 2). The Nanosuit has been ‘streamlined’: maximum speed and maximum strength have been integrated into the general gameplay. The player now makes floaty Halo-esque jumps by default instead of having to trigger them with maximum strength. The same goes for maximum speed, which now returns as a simple sprint button.


While this may seem comfortable, these movements do still require energy, so the freedom of movement is actually diminished by this system. Running out of energy, which will happen a lot during the intense multiplayer battles, can prevent you from quickly escaping a hot zone. Some will say this is part of what makes this game attractive tactically, but I personally prefered the system of Crysis Wars, which actually provided a deeper tactical element due to there being more possibility to stick with a certain power and develop a personal style. Prone and lean have also been removed, although they may still be present in the game’s single player campaign.


Judging by the demo, Crysis 2 has gone through a transformation and made quite some concessions to appeal to today’s mainstream FPS audience. While the original Crysis wasn’t a particularly obscure niche title either, it did have its own unique feel, and if the demo is anything to go by, the series is at risk of entering the overpopulated territory of run-of-the-mill shooters only set apart by a few gimmicks.

However, it must be said that multiplayer wasn’t the main draw of the original Crysis or the Warhead expansion, and the success of this game will mostly depend on how the single player turns out. The first signs aren’t particularly promising in this respect, though, and it thus remains questionable whether Crysis 2 will be a mandatory addition to the collection of fans of the original.

Jesse Dolman, NoobFeed

Crysis 2 | Crysis Wiki

Crysis 2




Electronic Arts


Cevat Yerli


Tony Davis
Peter Horzapfel
Erik Staub


Sten Hübler


Markus Mohr


Richard K. Morgan


Borislav Slavov
Tilman Sillescu
Hans Zimmer
Lorne Balfe


Crysis series




Microsoft Windows
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360


NA: March 22, 2011
AU: March 24, 2011
EU: March 25, 2011


First-person shooter


Single-player, multiplayer

Crysis 2 is the sequel to Crysis, released on March 22, 2011. It is the first game to use the heavily modified CryENGINE 3.


  • 1 Story
  • 2 Gameplay
    • 2.1 Main modes
    • 2.2 Secondary Modes
    • 2.3 Nanosuit Modules
  • 3 Multiplayer
  • 4 Retail Versions
  • 5 Info
    • 5.1 Characters
    • 5.2 Organizations
    • 5.3 Weapons
      • 5.3.1 Assault Rifles
      • 5.3.2 Submachine Guns
      • 5.3.3 Shotguns
      • 5.3.4 Sniper Rifles
      • 5. 3.5 Sidearms
      • 5.3.6 Heavy Weapons
      • 5.3.7 Explosives
      • 5.3.8 Others
    • 5.4 Attachments
    • 5.5 Vehicles
  • 6 Marketing
    • 6.1 Media
    • 6.2 Leaked Beta
    • 6.3 Multiplayer Demo
  • 7 Reception
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 Gallery
  • 10 Video
  • 11 External links
  • 12 References


Crysis 2 Missions:

In at the Deep End
Second Chance
Sudden Impact
Road Rage
Lab Rat
Gate Keepers
Dead Man Walking
Seat of Power
Dark Heart
Semper Fi or Die
Corporate Collapse
Train to Catch
Unsafe Haven
Power Out
Eye of the Storm
Masks Off
Out of the Ashes
A Walk in the Park


Set in 2023, three years after the events of the first Crysis, the game begins with news footage of a large outbreak of the Manhattan Virus, a gruesome disease that causes complete cellular breakdown, and panic about an alien invasion by the Ceph, the tentacled, squid-like alien race behind the incident of Crysis. Due to the breakdown in social order within New York City, Manhattan is placed under Martial Law, and under contract from the US Department of Defense, soldiers from C.E.L.L., a private military company run by the Crynet corporation, police the chaos.

A United States Marine Corps Force Recon unit is deployed to New York City by submarine to extract former Crynet employee Doctor Nathan Gould, who may have vital information on combating the alien race. However, insertion goes awry, with the Cephaloids destroying the sub, and Force Recon Marine «Alcatraz» being left as the only apparent survivor. Delta Force officer Prophet saves Alcatraz, and is distressed with the situation, expecting the squad to support him. Left with no other choice since he himself has been infected by the Manhattan virus, Prophet gives Alcatraz his suit, the futuristic and high-tech Nanosuit 2.0. He then kills himself so that the Nanosuit will stop associating itself with him and be able to assimilate with Alcatraz. Assuming that Alcatraz is Prophet, Gould gets in contact with him and asks him to take the Marines to his laboratory. Prior to the incident, Prophet had been targeted by CELL Commander Dominic Lockhart as an active biohazard due to having been infected with the Manhattan virus, and also in part due to ethical disagreements regarding the side effects of wearing the Nanosuits (with Prophet describing the wearers as «Dead Men Walking»). Because of this, Alcatraz also faces combat with CELL operatives, who believe that he is Prophet because of his Nanosuit. While on his way to Gould’s laboratory, Alcatraz witnesses several CELL helicopters shooting down a Ceph dropship, which crashes not far from his position. Gould asks that he head for the crash site and search for any alien tissue samples. Alcatraz is unsuccessful, and the crash site is attacked by a Ceph soldier. Alcatraz kills it and manages to gather alien tissue from its corpse, which causes some sort of reaction within his Nanosuit. Alcatraz meets up with Gould only to be met with initial hostility when he finds out that he is not Prophet. However, when the suit plays Prophet’s last recorded message, Gould relents and informs Alcatraz that because of the reaction to the alien tissue, or «Nano Catalyst», the Nanosuit’s deep layers may contain a solution to stop the Manhattan virus and combat the Ceph. Gould and Alcatraz commit to further scans at a Crynet base on Wall Street, and find out that Alcatraz was mortally wounded when Prophet rescued him, and that the Nanosuit is the only thing keeping Alcatraz alive. The scans are cut short when CELL forces led by Commander Lockhart and Tara Strickland, daughter of U.S. Marine Corps Major Strickland from the first game, ambush Alcatraz and Gould.

During the middle of a prisoner transfer outside the building, the Ceph attack the CELL personnel and a massive alien spire rises from underneath the Crynet building, releasing a spore-based bio-weapon that kills most of the CELL troops in the immediate area. Alcatraz is left stranded and isolated for a period of time while dealing with a Nanosuit malfunction brought upon by the spore bio-weapon. The suit is rebooted remotely by Crynet director Jacob Hargreave, a centenarian who apparently had foreknowledge of the Ceph and spent most of the previous century designing the Nanosuit from stolen Ceph technology as a defense against them. Under Hargreave’s orders, Alcatraz enters one of the alien spires to test whether the Nanosuit’s systems can interface with the aliens’ technology. The experiment fails, due to the Nanosuit not being powerful enough to ensure the insertion. In the meantime, the US Department of Defense rescinds the authority of CELL over Manhattan and deploys US Marines in their place under the command of Marine Colonel Barclay. They then attempt to drown the aliens out of lower Manhattan by ordering an air strike on the city’s flood barrier. Washed away by the resulting wave of water, Alcatraz is later found by Marines, including his Marine comrade Chino, who survived the submarine’s destruction. The Marines enlist his aid in evacuating civilians to Grand Central Terminal, the city’s primary evacuation point.

Hargreave contacts Alcatraz and reveals that the Nanosuit is busy analyzing the alien tissue samples that Alcatraz had previously recovered and is currently rewriting its own code to interface with alien technology. He tells Alcatraz and his marine allies to take a detour to the Hargreave-Rasch building, an office building of Crynet’s parent company, Hargreave-Rasch. There, Alcatraz is told to find a stabilizing agent in the bio-lab to facilitate the Nanosuit’s analyzing process, but CELL operatives guarding the building under the command of Lockhart still believe that Alcatraz is Prophet, and attempt to kill him. The Hargreave-Rasch complex is attacked by a Ceph «pinger» robot and is completely flooded, washing Alcatraz out of the building and leaving him unable to enter the bio-lab. Seeing that the cause is lost, Hargreave tells Alcatraz to regroup with the marines at Grand Central to help evacuate civilians. At the terminal, Alcatraz is reunited with Gould, who had apparently «escaped» Strickland, leading to the skepticism of Colonel Barclay. Knowing that Strickland is an ex-Navy SEAL, Barclay concludes that Strickland released Gould from captivity. Grand Central Terminal is overrun by Ceph forces, but Alcatraz manages to hold them off long enough for the evacuation trains to depart, and escapes the building’s destruction.

Due to the hasty and incomplete evacuation from Grand Central, Alcatraz is then tasked with defending a secondary evacuation point at Times Square, when another alien spire rises from the ground. By this time, the Nanosuit had finished processing the alien spores, and Alcatraz manages to enter the spire, allowing his Nanosuit to interface with it and re-purpose the spores to be lethal to the Ceph. This causes a cataclysmic self-destruction of the Ceph in the area, and apparently removes all traces of the biological warfare agent. Alcatraz makes his way to Roosevelt Island to infiltrate a Crynet complex named «The Prism», where Hargreave resides, and manages to kill Lockhart, but is captured by Hargreave, who wants the Nanosuit for himself and attempts to remove the Nanosuit from Alcatraz’s body. However, the Nanosuit rejects its removal since it had already completely assimilated with its wearer, revealing memories of Prophet’s fallout with Hargreave. Alcatraz is saved by Strickland, who reveals herself to be an undercover CIA operative and ordered Alcatraz’s deployment. Alcatraz attempts to capture Hargreave, but Hargreave reveals that he has been in a vegetative state for over a century since an encounter with the Ceph at Tunguska, and that Hargreave’s consciousness is only able to communicate and interact through the use of an entirely computerized system. He gives Alcatraz the last Nanosuit upgrade, the «Tunguska Iteration», before the Cephaloids invade the island. Hargreave triggers a countdown timer for the self-destruct system of the complex, and convinces the remaining CELL forces to aid Alcatraz’s exfiltration. Alcatraz barely escapes the massive explosion, which destroys much of Roosevelt Island and the Queensboro Bridge. On the shores of Manhattan, Alcatraz meets Gould, Strickland, and Chino.

Alcatraz is notified by Colonel Barclay that the US Department of Defense has decided to launch a Tactical Nuclear Strike on Manhattan Island, with little regard for collateral damage. Barclay warns Alcatraz that unless he can come up with a better plan, the strike would likely be carried out despite the risk of dangerous nuclear fallout. A massive alien spire appears in Central Park, and lifts much of the park into the air. With the peripheral aid of Gould, Strickland, and Barclay, Alcatraz assaults the floating section of Central Park and succeeds in making his way to the central alien spire. He enters the spire, and his Nanosuit, with the Tunguska Iteration upgrade, is able to repurpose the spire’s bio-weapon to turn against the Ceph, killing all Ceph in New York in the process. Alcatraz, while unconscious, communicates with Prophet (whose memories, experiences, and personality had been stored in the suit), who states that, while the mission in New York is a success, they have more work to do, since the Ceph had ancient constructs built all over the world, and were not only limited to New York and the Lingshan Islands. The Nanosuit, before rebooting again, states assimilation complete, and Prophet’s memories are now «assimilated» into Alcatraz. Upon waking up in Central Park, Alcatraz receives a broadcast from Karl Ernst Rasch, the other founder of Hargreave-Rasch, asking for his name. Climbing out of the crater and speaking for the first time in the game, Alcatraz responds «They call me Prophet».


The game developers stated that there is more «verticality» to Crysis 2 because of the skyscrapers throughout New York. This verticality can also be reached by some free movement abilities like climbing up ledges the player can’t reach or sliding over the ground. The game has a tighter storyline, but still retains the sandbox-like nature encompassing a variety of gameplay styles.

The aliens, or «Ceph», stand on two legs and resemble Predators. The aliens have powerful weapons and seem to have superhuman strength and agility, potentially aided by what appears to be mechanical exosuits, which also act as their armour. The hostile third faction is C.E.L.L., a private military organization. They use guns and vehicles like normal humans, and wear armored biohazard suits. Crysis 2 features the addition of the Nanosuit 2, an upgraded version of the original Nanosuit. The largest change is that there are 2 main modes rather than 4. Each of the two main modes can be modified with modules. Strength and speed are still usable modes, but they can’t be accessed with a radial menu. They are integrated into normal functions of the suit. When the player sprints, the speed mode activates, accompanied the sound when it activates in the prequel. When the player holds down the jump button, the strength jump will be activated and the player jumps higher. The HUD changes depending on which of the two different modes is active. Unlike the previous games, Crysis 2 allows the player to stomp, kick, and punch.

Main modes

  • Cloak mode: generates an active camouflage for the Nanosuit and suppresses any sounds done by the wearer.
  • Armor mode: This mode increases the protection of the Nanosuit greatly, at the cost of some speed and agility. Upper body strength is given to the wearer.
  • Weapon mode: Default mode. When energy is drained while in other suit modes, the suit automatically changes the mode to Weapon mode.

Secondary Modes

  • Power Mode: Passive Mode which is only activated when the user does actions which require power e.g. Power Sprinting, Power Melee, Power Jumping, and Power Aiming, etc.
  • Tactical Mode: Reconnaissance Mode, the user is allowed to tag important objects such as ammo, weapons, and even enemies. This mode makes the user vulnerable as he/she has no weapons however this mode consumes no energy.

Nanosuit Modules

The suit can be customized with Nanosuit modules to cater to the player’s playstyle. Nanosuit Modules can also give additional abilities to the player. When for example the module «Air Stomp» is applied, the player can perform a stomp when in the air which can eliminate enemies who are below them. Like the weapon customization, the player can customize their Nanosuit on the fly in the Singleplayer campaign. There are 12 different modules in the Singleplayer campaign, and up to 60 Nanosuit Modules in Multiplayer, which are divided into Armor, Stealth, and Weapon Categories. In the Singleplayer campaign, there is also a Tactical category, containing three modules which are in the Armor, Stealth, and Weapons categories in Multiplayer.


Crysis 2’s multiplayer features experience points, unlockable features when you reach certain ranks (for example, when you reach rank 5, you can create your own loadout), a ranking system that goes to Level 50, customizable loadouts, and kill-streaks.

As of May 31 2014, the multiplayer modes in Crysis and Crysis 2 for PC are no longer playable as a result of GameSpy Technology shutting down all their hosting services. The multiplayer mode in the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Crysis 2 remain playable.

Retail Versions

The Limited Edition of Crysis 2 is available at the same price as the regular game, but in limited quantities. It comes with bonus experience points to «immediately boost the player up to Rank 5, giving access to all the preset class loadouts», a digital camo weapon skin for the SCAR, the «Hologram Decoy» attachment for the SCAR, and unique in-game platinum dog tags. The Indian Version, on pre-order, also includes the Threat Detector Suit Module (Early Access), and, on buying from the EA store, a gold dog tag and desert camo for SCAR.

The Nano Edition of Crysis 2, which was only available through pre-order, includes the Limited Edition copy of the game in a Steelbook case, an 11″ statue of Alcatraz posed on top of a New York City taxi, an art book, and a Nanosuit backpack «modeled after the in-game super suit.» The Nanosuit backpack is large enough to accommodate a 17″ laptop. As of September 26, 2010, the Nano Edition was made available for pre-order on the EA website for a $149.95 price tag but was sold out before March 2011. After the game’s launch, those who pre-ordered the Nano Edition had their shipment delayed. EA gave the affected customers a 75% off coupon as compensation.



  • James «Alcatraz» Rodriquez, the main character
  • Laurance «Prophet» Barnes
  • Nathan Gould
  • Jacob Hargreave
  • Tara Strickland
  • Lockhart
  • Chino
  • Sherman Barclay
  • Karl Rasch


  • Ceph Fleet
  • CryNet Systems
    • C.E.L.L.
  • United States of America
    • United States Marine Corps
    • United States Navy
    • United States Air Force


Assault Rifles
  • SCAR is the standard assault rifle of the military in Crysis 2. It holds up to 40 rounds per magazine and boasts a good balance of accuracy, rate of fire and damage.
  • SCARAB is the carbine version of the SCAR, although it is slightly less powerful than its larger cousin its higher rate of fire and increased mobility make it well suited for close-range fights.
  • Grendel Heavy Assault Rifle, is a 24-round 3-shot battle rifle that offers superior accuracy and damage at the cost of mobility and rate of fire.
Submachine Guns
  • Feline SMG, a bullpup SMG with a 60 (+1) round magazine. Its 1200 rounds per minute rate of fire make it a devastating weapon at close range.
  • K-Volt, is an electrostatic pellet submachine gun that delivers powerful electric shocks to its target. Because of this it is not only very effective against soft targets but also heavily armored units (including nanosuit equipped soldiers).
  • Jackal shotgun, a semi-automatic/automatic shotgun with a 7 (+1) round box magazine.
  • Marshall shotgun, a pump-action shotgun based on the shotgun in Crysis.
Sniper Rifles
  • DSG-1 is a .405 caliber sniper rifle that is both powerful and accurate, Its magazine holds 6 (+1) rounds and unlike its previous versions, it is now a semi-automatic rifle.
  • Gauss rifle is an immensely powerful electromagnetic anti-material rifle. It was designed to replace the previous generations of .50 caliber sniper rifles, combining increased power and muzzle velocity with reduced recoil.
  • M12 Nova pistol offers decent damage with low recoil. Its magazine holds 20 (+1) rounds.
  • Hammer, a heavy semi-automatic pistol with increased damage and has 9 (+1) rounds per magazine.
  • Majestic, is a revolver with high damage, but a cylinder capacity of only 6 rounds, and it cannot be silenced.
Heavy Weapons
  • MK60 Mod 0, a machine gun seen in the multiplayer demo that resembles the M60E4.
  • L-TAG Grenade Launcher, a 6-shot grenade launcher.
  • X-43 Microwave Incendiary Klystron Emitter, a weapon that can be best be described as «Flamethrower 2.0». It uses incredibly lethal weaponized microwaves that could literally boil a human from the inside, set flammable objects on fire with continued exposure, and explode sealed objects containing liquids.
  • Frag grenade. It seems that now the player can’t throw it while holding another weapon. It has the same launch reticule of the L-TAG but upside down.
  • JAW rocket launcher differs from the LAW rocket launcher in that it is a single shot, single-use system, but due to its light weight a soldier can carry multiply JAW rockets.
  • C4
  • Smoke Grenade
  • Knife (only used with stealth kills)
  • Fists (only used in standard melee)
  • Mounted machine gun (detachable) that resembles the 20mm machine gun from Crysis Warhead.


  • Laser sight
  • Gauss attachment
  • Light shotgun
  • Grenade launcher attachment
  • Reflex sight
  • Assault scope
  • Sniper scope
  • Silencer
  • Holographic decoy
  • Extended clip


  • The two types of VTOL seen in the first Crysis still belong to U.S.M.C
  • Stalker Exosuit
  • UH-60 Black Hawk
  • Taxi Cabs
  • Transit Buses
  • Miscellaneous Civilian Vehicles
  • AH50 attack helicopter belongs to C. E.L.L
  • C.E.L.L LTV (Light Tactical Vehicle)
  • Marine LTV
  • VL-90 APC Transport(Armored Personnel Carrier)
  • ICV (Infantry Carrier Vehicle)



The first information was released early February 2010 in a German Magazine. In April, Crytek showcased a demo to certain gaming organizations. Crytek also released two teaser trailers [1][2] and two videos of the Nanosuit 2 [3][4].

Leaked Beta

On February 14, 2011, a leaked beta of Crysis 2 was released on Torrent sites. The leaked beta is a Developer Build from January containing the full singleplayer campaign and multiplayer, but contains major glitches, can only run on DX9, and is missing textures. In response, Crytek stated that it was a major disappointment and that piracy can ruin PC marketing. The statement was considered to be totally ironic as Crytek didn’t release a demo at the time of the leak. However, Crytek was surprised with all the support they have garnered from fans, saying that they should «keep it up».

Multiplayer Demo

On January 25, 2011, a Crysis multiplayer demo for the Xbox 360 was released as well as the PC demo (released later on March 1, 2011). The demo contains the maps Skyline and Pier 17, two playable modes: Team Instant Action and Crash Site, eight available weapons (SCAR, DSG-1, M12 Nova, Mk.60, M17 grenade, M34 flashbang, the heavy machine gun turret, and the Jackal shotgun), and a few attachments.

The PS3 version of the demo was released on March 15. However, it was removed from the PlayStation Network after issues were encountered.

The Xbox 360 demo during its release contains numerous connection problems, causing many users to be unable to play the demo. In response, Crytek promised that they will fix the connection problems and will get it shortly.


Crysis 2 received «generally favorable» reviews on Metacritic getting a metascore of 86/100 on PC,[1] 85/100 on PS3,[2] and 84/100 on Xbox 360. [3]


  • This is the first Crysis game to feature an enemy faction that is American.
  • This is the first Crysis game to not feature any domestic animals.
  • This is the first Crysis game to be set in an urban area rather than a jungle.
  • This is the first Crysis game to be released on consoles.
  • Fictional film posters can be seen in outside areas, but the release dates are in 2024, a year after the game.
  • The Crytek logo can be seen on some posters in the game, such as bus stops.
  • Compared to Crysis, Crysis 2 is much more linear.



Crysis 2 Intro

Crysis 2 TV Episode 2

Crysis 2 TV Episode 1

Crysis 2 Gameplay — Sudden Impact Part-1 (HD)

Crysis 2 — First Ever Gameplay HD

Crysis 2 Out of The Ashes

Crysis 2 — Prophet’s Journey Trailer

Crysis 2 Decimation Pack Trailer

Crysis 2 — The Wall trailer (v2)

External links

  • Crysis 2 on Wikipedia
  • Crysis 2 on RAWG


  1. ↑ Metascore for Crysis 2 on PCMetacritic, Retrieved March 6, 2020
  2. ↑ Metascore for Crysis 2 on PS3Metacritic, Retrieved March 6, 2020
  3. ↑ Metascore for Crysis 2 on Xbox 360Metacritic, Retrieved March 6, 2020

Square Enix showed a new game Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis, which will retell the plot of the Final Fantasy VII saga

Recently, the Final Fantasy VII remake team reminded about the game FF VII Ever Crisis, and now they showed a small video

Square Enix has revealed a new entry in the Final Fantasy franchise. Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis opening CGI cinematic available.

This is a single player RPG divided into chapters that « covers the entire Final Fantasy VII timeline, including the events of the original game and all Final Fantasy VII compilations [compilations], as well as new story elements written by the Final Fantasy VII Remake story and script writer Kazushige Nojima, related to the lineage of SOLDIER [Shinra Corporation Elite Squad]

Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis is scheduled to launch on Android and iOS in 2022.

There is also a teaser for FF VII Ever Crisis:

2022-02-01 19:54:57

Boris Piletsky

Final Fantasy VII Remake

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September 29 20:22


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Walking city.

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The era of remasters and remakes. Do you need re-releases of old games?


September 26 20:03


The trend of the last five years is the re-release of old video games in a new wrapper. Talented studios are bringing back beloved video games in a new, reimagined form. And greedy publishers cash in on the nostalgia and community love for the brand. But do modern gamers really need re-releases of old products?

Square Enix showed the opening video of Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis — the new game will retell the plot of the entire Final Fantasy VII saga






Square Enix
Final Fantasy VII
final fantasy
Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis


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Publisher Square Enix has released the opening CG of the first chapter of the mobile RPG Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis . The cutscene focuses on young Shinra soldiers going on a new mission.

Watch the video below :

Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis is described as a chapterized single-player RPG that will retell the entire story of Final Fantasy VII to the widest possible audience on mobile platforms .

The episodes of Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis appear to be released in chronological order of the saga’s overall storyline, rather than in the order in which the original games were released.

In other words, the first part of Ever Crisis will cover the events of the battle royale of Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier, followed by a retelling of the story of Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII, which in turn will result in a new adaptation of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, after which users will be able to relive the main adventures of the mercenary Cloud Strife from the classic Final Fantasy VII.

The first chapter of Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis is expected to launch on mobile devices this year. In addition, , as part of the 25th anniversary of the original Final Fantasy VII, players are waiting for other surprises and announcements of .

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Kremlingames — Russian expert

There is, unlike the cunning sciences,
Not at all cunning one:
Kremlingames is a post-Soviet IT firm that creates strategy PC games in which the player is given the opportunity to rewrite the history of Russia and other countries of the world. The company was founded in 2014. The main developers — Vasily Kostylev and Maxim Chornobuk — live in the countries that were fragments of the USSR. To improve their creations, the creators work closely with the players, conducting frequent surveys and listening to criticism with wishes. Their first games were completely free, but «Crisis in the Kremlin» and subsequent major projects are currently sold on Steam, however, without DRM protection and without a ban on free non-commercial distribution. Old games, on the other hand, are distributed on a «hand-to-hand» basis.


  • 1 Games
    • 1.1 Crisis in the Kremlin
      • 1.1.1 «The Fall of the Empire»
      • 1.1.2 «Russia on fire»
    • 1.2 «Ostalgie»
    • 1.3 China: Mao’s Legacy
    • 1.4 Microgames
      • 1.4.1 Euromaidan
      • 1.4.2 Kremlincracy
      • 1.4.3 «Paths of history»
      • 1.4.4 «The Collapse»
  • 2 Gallery
  • 3 Links


Crisis in the Kremlin

Collapse of the Empire

The main project of the company is the game Crisis in the Kremlin: Collapse of the Empire . [1] The game is dedicated to the theme of Perestroika in the USSR. The original version of the game was on the FireURQ engine, but shortly before the opening of the site, in March 2015, it was ported to GameMaker , and since 2016 the game has been developed on the Unity engine. By February 2016, the game had implemented a rough internal policy system, with which the player interacts through the establishment of certain doctrines and the enactment of laws. Foreign policy is presented in the form of: a detailed World Map (Europe, Asia and Oceania, Africa, both Americas) with buttons for interaction with countries, doctrines, events, as well as indicators of «relations with the USA / China». The game has the ability to form the Soviet government, budget distribution, detailed statistics and three types of events. The game is turn-based: the player slowly makes changes in policy, changes the budget, and moves on to the next month through an event that can be reacted to by choosing one of the options (see example in the review on Comte).

On March 20, 2017, the game became available for purchase on Steam[2]. And it is noteworthy that the first patch was released on March 26th. [3]

Trailer for the English version of the game «Crisis in the Kremlin»

Separately, it is necessary to say about the sound design. The soundtrack will use the music of Viktor Argonov, specifically the techno-opera 2032: The Legend of the Unfulfilled Future, for which permission has been obtained. [4][5] In addition to it, Soviet songs [6] and compositions of the group «Mama Russia» [7] sound in the game. The player can choose any of the three soundtracks in the «Settings» menu.

Finally, in terms of graphics, the game cannot boast of special frills, but its replay value, coupled with the achievement system, draws you in and immerses you in an alternative world of the past for a long time.

The game received extremely positive feedback from the players on Steam, being the most popular and most developed project of Kremlingames so far.

On August 22, 2017, DLC «The Accident» [8] was released, in which the player gets the Ukrainian SSR at his disposal and plays as Vladimir Shcherbytsky. The addon’s storyline is an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which can be both prevented by 3 different options (fire, explosion of one reactor, explosion of 3 reactors), and avoided, while receiving Gorbachev’s instructions to carry out Perestroika (which can be performed, ignored, or not performed in full volume). The DLC has its own economic system (more user-friendly), its own soundtrack, a separate save system, and its own Steam endings and achievements.

Russia on Fire

Crisis in the Kremlin 2: Russia on Fire wanted to be based on Crisis in the Kremlin, adding, among other things, the ability to transfer saves from the first version. To the great regret of the players, it remained raw, with annoying minor errors, but relatively playable. It is made on the FireURQ engine and is completely text based. Now the game is distributed «from hand to hand» [9] and enjoys a certain popularity among streamers [10].


In the summer of 2017, the development of the second full-fledged game began — «Ostalgie» [11]. It is dedicated to the events of 1989-1990 in Eastern Europe and is based on a new engine that supports many more features (expanded diplomacy, the ability to build, a more subtle political system). The game was released on Steam on March 25, 2018.

In the game, you can lead the GDR, Romania, Bulgaria and Poland, and how to strengthen the position of local left regimes and start democratic reforms, you can also try to build your own formation of socialism. At the same time, the player can both accelerate the collapse of the socialist camp, and stop it and even strengthen the position of socialism in the world. All the characters in the game are real historical figures of the affected period, each of which has a certain influence on the situation in the country and the socialist camp. Also, the game allows both to help the conservatives in the USSR and China to roll back the «reforms» and stop the «perestroika», and to speed them up. The Soviet Union can end the game both with a historical option, and with the victory of the GKChP and the restoration of the socialist camp (if its countries have already liberalized, but have not yet joined NATO, Soviet troops will be brought in), it can prevent the GKChP and slow down «perestroika» as much as possible. Under certain conditions, a military coup is taking place in the USSR with the assassination of Gorbachev and the adversaries of «perestroika» coming to power, who will begin its rollback.

Trailer for the Russian-language version of the game «Ostalgie»

The tree of sciences includes three branches and separately the technology of atomic weapons (for the development of which drawings and a test site are needed), which allow you to significantly strengthen the special services, switch to an automated economy and build Cybersyn, legalize GMOs.

Special mechanics implemented for some countries — austerity regime in Romania, preparation for the «Round Table» in Poland, internal party discussion in Bulgaria. The player can also help Afghanistan fight militants, help Yugoslavia crush separatists, sponsor communist revolutions in Algeria, Nepal, Somalia and Ethiopia, withdraw Greece from NATO, help demilitarize both Germanys, speed up the North Korean nuclear program, and much more.

The soundtrack of the game is a selection of songs from the GDR, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Albania from the period 1944-1992. The soundtrack of the Hungarian People’s Republic stands out in particular, in which the main place is given to the songs of the pop group «Neoton Familia» [12], representing the now extinct genre of «socialist pop music».

At the end of the game, the player is given detailed statistics about the future of the country and the world.

The game has received a lot of positive feedback from players on Steam.

On November 15, 2018, the first DLC was released for the game called «Ostalgie: Legacy of Hoxha» [13], making Hungary, Albania and Czechoslovakia available for the game — each with its own characteristics within the existing game mechanics (intra-party struggle between Kara Gross and Režo Niersch in Hungary, the exit from isolation in Albania and the struggle between supporters and opponents of the federation in Czechoslovakia). It received generally positive feedback from players on Steam.

China: Mao’s Legacy

In the spring of 2018, the development of the third global game — «China: Mao’s Legacy» [14], dedicated to the People’s Republic of China in the period 1976-1985, began. It was developed on the engine of its predecessor with the use of the economic functionality of the «The Accident» DLC for «Crisis in the Kremlin». The game was released on Steam on May 25, 2019.

The player receives in his China six months before the death of Mao Zedong, for which he must have time to enlist the support of the CCP and the people in order to bring the country to 1985 years old. In the game, you can control all the parameters of China — the political system, economy, army, intelligence agencies, regulate family policy, freedom doctrines and much more.

New is the Politicians system, which features authentic Chinese politicians as well as game-generated characters. The player can appoint them to posts (State Council, Central Military Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and 5 regional committees of the CCP), support, persecute, exile, and prosecute. In the game, among others, representatives of the «Gang of Four» and «Small Gang of Four» are also represented.

Trailer of the Russian-language version of the game «China: Mao’s Legacy»

The player also has a goal — to expand the global influence of the PRC. To do this, you can either go for the restoration of relations with the USSR (and join the Warsaw Pact and the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance), deepen the course towards partnership with the United States, or go your own way by forming your own alliances of the AKB (military) and the ECO (economic). China can draw dozens of countries of the world, including those in Europe, into its Sphere of Influence.

A separate topic is the ability to influence the situation in the Soviet Union and prevent Mikhail Gorbachev from coming to power. At the same time, China can (with membership in the Warsaw Pact and CMEA) seize leadership in these blocs.

Deng Xiaoping, the author of the Chinese reforms, and the future «Chinese Gorbachev» Zhao Ziyang play a big role in the game. They can, as in history, come to power and start a policy of reform and openness with the introduction of market relations and the opening of special economic zones.

The game also has the possibility of returning Hong Kong (Hong Kong), Macau (Macao), the offshore islands of Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, the annexation of the state of Arunachal Pradesh and the collapse of China into 3 parts and the transfer of power to the reformist wing of the CCP, as well as the ability to provoke unrest to Tiananmen Square 10 years earlier, with further deepening of reforms.

The game’s soundtrack consists of 10 songs written by composer Nikita Mishkevich [15] specifically for the game in the genre of «modern with Chinese characteristics» and 30 songs from China that are not protected by copyright.

At the end, the player is shown windows with detailed statistics on the state of affairs in the country and the world.

The game received generally positive feedback from players on Steam, but was blocked in China for its critical moments against Chinese reformers, as well as for the involvement of disgraced politicians in it 1989 years of Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang.


In addition to Crisis in the Kremlin: The Fall of the Empire, others have been created by the company. [16] Their code is not as well developed, and, accordingly, they are not as addictive.


The first one, Euromaidan, is dedicated to the Ukrainian crisis. The first version was based on the FireURQ engine and had a radically different graphic design and game code. Euromaidan became a full-fledged game after the transfer to GameMaker . The protagonist in the game can be the legitimate president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, or any of the main contenders for his place during the Euromaidan. The game is similar to Crisis in the Kremlin. Multiplayer has been added to this game, where two players can play as Novorossiya and Ukraine during the conflict in Donbass. The game with the transition to a new engine ( GameMaker ) significantly improved graphics, while maintaining replayability.

The first version of the game (text version) made the company famous in many respects and enjoys a certain popularity among the players, spreading «from hand to hand» [17].


The microgame Kremlincracy was inspired by the psychological word game «Mafia», invented by Denis Davydov, a student at Moscow State University.[18] The goal of the player is to seize the supreme power and keep it for at least three years. There are three scenarios to choose from:

  1. Death of Lenin.
  2. Death of Brezhnev.
  3. Alternative Russia, where President D. Medvediy continued Yeltsin’s policy.
Paths of History

The Paths of History microgame was a promising project. In the game, you can, playing for a certain Masonic lodge, lead the country and lead it to victory or defeat — as you like. Initially, Soviet, German, American and Chinese campaigns were planned, but instead of the last two, a campaign dedicated to Perestroika and a script editor were added. The player has access to country statistics and the ability to choose between candidates for the post of head of state, with corresponding consequences — in the German company there was a choice between the Ost plan and the Ribbentrop plan, and in the campaign dedicated to Perestroika, reform options are offered. The game had decent graphics, but the replay value suffered greatly due to the lack of choices.

The Collapse

The Collapse game-novel [19] was announced immediately after the release of Crisis in the Kremlin. In it, the player in the role of a KGB officer finds himself in the midst of the events of 1991 (going along an alternative branch of history — despite the failure of the State Emergency Committee, Gorbachev and the leaders of the republics signed a new Union Treaty, which increased the destabilization of the situation in the country) and must investigate the death of an important state security officer — simultaneously getting involved in political squabbles and having the opportunity to influence the future of the country. However, due to the start of work on a more important project — Ostalgie — its development was suspended, and in August 2018 it was frozen for an indefinite period. In September 2019year, the developers announced the official cessation of work on the project.



  • — official site
  • VK page
  • Twitter microblogging
  • Youtube channel
  • Kremlingames Steam Page
  • Wikireality article
  • Brief review of the game «Crisis in the Kremlin» on Continentalist
  • Crisis in the Kremlin: Empire Falls wiki
  • Library of guides and reviews on games Kremlingames



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Time Crisis is a Single and Multiplayer Rail Shooter video game developed and published by Namco. The gameplay is similar to the popular game The House of the Death and Virtual Cop, in which the player can take on the role of a police officer. The player holds a light gun and fires at on-screen enemies. He is best known for his system which allows the player to take cover behind a cover to avoid criminal fire and reload his weapon. This takes place in different areas and the game allows the player to complete each location within a given amount of time to reach the next area. The game offers fast and action-packed gameplay to immerse yourself in the ingenious world of the game. Time Crisis includes core features such as different modes, simple controls, time bounces and different game worlds, etc. With quite addictive gameplay, well-written storyline, dynamic background music, and brilliant graphic details. Time Crisis is a great game to play and enjoy.

1. House of the Dead


House of the Dead is a Rail Shooter, Single and Multiplayer video game developed by Wow Entertainment and published by Sega. In this competition, the player can take on the role of an agent named Thomas Rogan and G and his efforts to destroy the deadly products of Dr. Curie’s inhuman experiment, who is a mad scientist. The game allows the player to use a light gun and kill …

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3. Amazing Storm


Razing Storm is another rail shooter puzzle game from Namco Bandai Games. The gameplay of the game is inspired by the popular game Time Crisis. The gameplay of the game is inspired by the famous game The Crisis. The game allows the player to hold a machine gun and defeat all enemy creatures to progress. The gameplay of the game consists of several levels and …

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4. House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return


The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return is an Action-Adventure, First-Person Shooter, Exploration, Single and Multiplayer video game developed and published by Sega. This is another major installment in The House of the Dead series and brings many updates and new features etc. The game introduces a new Boss mode where any boss of the series can be a battle and the player has…

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5. Time Crisis 4


Time Crisis 4 is an Action-Adventure, Single and Multiplayer Shooter video created by Nex Entertainment and published by Namco Bandai Games. This is the fourth major installment in the Time Crisis series and introduces a new storyline with many new features, making the game more exciting and challenging. According to the gameplay, it offers a first-person view and allows the player to explore different locations and…

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6. Ghost Squad


Ghost Squad is an Arcade, Action-Adventure, Shooter, Single and Multiplayer video game by Sega. In this game, the player can take on the role of a squad team leader and the main task of the player is to save all people from a terrorist force that will try to destroy humanity. The game allows the player to move freely in a massive game world, explore different …

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7. Silent Scope


Silent Scope is an arcade, adventure, shooter, single player and multiplayer video based game from Konami. According to the story of the match, terrorist forces are kidnapping the president’s family and the game allows the player to take on the role of a special army officer and start their adventure to save the president’s family. In this competition, the player uses unique gas stations, and the main task of the player is to kill …

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8. Deadly Forces


Lethal Enforcers is an Action-Adventure, Shooter, Single and Multiplayer video game developed and published by Konami. The game takes the player in the United States, Illinois and Chicago, where the player can take on the role of a police officer named Don Marshall. According to the game’s story, Don Marshall receives a call from his department while he is sipping the last drop of his coffee in…

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9. Duck Hunt

Win online Wii U

Duck Hunt is a 2D, Funny, Shooter, Single and Multiplayer video game by Nintendo. In this game, the ultimate task of the player is to shoot the duck that appears on the screen. It is playable in First Person mode and allows the player to hold a light cannon or mouse that aims at the elemental whole duck. The game offers different rounds and in each round the player has ten …

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10. Virtua Cop


Virtua Cop is a Sega First Person Shooter, Single Player and Multiplayer video game. The game allows the player to take on the role of a police officer named Michael Hardy or his partner James Cools. This allows the player to use a light gun and kill all enemy criminals and rescue innocent people to advance in the game. Be careful, the player must save everything…

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11. Pain Train


Pain Train is an Action-Adventure, Horror, First-Person Shooter, Zombie and Single-player video game developed and published by Virtual Top. The game takes place in a fictional world filled with bloodthirsty zombie creatures where the player can take on the role of one of several survival and start his adventure to save the survivor by hitting the number of zombies. The gameplay of the game consists of …

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12. The Void: Resurrected


Nether: Resurrected — Action-Adventure, First-Person Shooter, Horror, Survival, Co-op, Single and Multiplayer video game created by Phosphor Games Studios and published by Nether Production . It is a fast paced shooter video game that allows the player to make quick life saving decisions in a post-apocalyptic environment. Death awaits in every corner of the game, at the top of the building and in the capture of teleporting creatures called «Netshers» …

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13. Six Guns: Gang Showdown

Android IOS

Six-Guns: Gang Showdown is a Single-player, Action-Adventure, and Third-Person Shooter developed and published by Gameloft. In this game, the player controls a cowboy character who can explore an open world in Arizona and Oregon full of deadly events, mysteries and challenges. More than forty missions are available for the game, each new mission has its own difficulties and events. In this game, the main goal of the player is …


14. Brute Force


Brute Force developed by Digital Anvil and published by Microsoft Game Studios. This is an Action-Adventure, Third Person Shooter, Squad, Single and Multiplayer video game that features four team members who fight multiple battles. Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses. The game’s plot set in a Sci-Fi world where man is spread across the galaxy and tensions rise with the risk of a hostile alien race…

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15. Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode


Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode is an Action-Adventure, Combat and Single-player video game developed and published by Vic Tokay . The game is based on the popular manga of the same name. In this game, the player takes control of the Golgo 13 assassin, whose goal is to destroy the leader of the Drek group. As the game progresses, the player must go through several areas such as East Berlin, Rio de …

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16. Confidential Mission


Confidential Mission is an Adventure, Light Shooting, Shooter, Single and Multiplayer video game developed by Hitmaker and published by Sega. The game offers a similar play style to Virtual Cop and The House of the Dead with support for one or two players. According to the gameplay, a group of terrorists stole the Collisions world satellite to carry out criminal activities. CMF sends two agents: Jean Clifford and Howard …

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Games like Crysis: top games like Crysis

Crysis is a game known to every gamer since 2007. Recently, many new titles have appeared that evoke the same emotions as from the first passage of Crysis.

From the very beginning, we were presented with excellent graphics and such quality, from which the video card almost melted. It is also worth considering the eventful plot and excellent gameplay. Crysis is an exceptional game. However, there are games that are at least remotely reminiscent of the cult project of Crytek studio.

Titanfall 2

In Titanfall 2 you have to get your own Titan and go into battle. The new single-player campaign puts a particularly strong emphasis on pilot-Titan interactions. You can also dive into an intense multiplayer mode that has added 6 new Titans and a large number of pilot abilities. The new part of the game has more settings, exciting maps and game modes.

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Destiny 2

Mankind’s last stronghold, the Wanderer, has fallen to the Red Legion. Since the fall of the Wanderer, Guardians throughout the system have lost their «light» — the driving force that makes them who they are. Your hero will discover a shard of Light that will restore his abilities. You will be required to explore the system in order to fight Ghaul.

Improve your abilities, get new skills, test different types of weapons. Do your best to survive and restore the Light that the other Guardians need. Ghaul is ready to take the full power of the Wanderer, and you need to defeat him before it’s too late.



Plunge into a changing world, destroyed by the Anthem — a source of pure energy needed for creation. It causes catastrophes, storms and terrifying mutations. You can perfect the skill of controlling Javelins — powerful exosuits that provide characters with inhuman abilities. In the game, you can improve equipment and learn from more experienced players.

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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

The Call of Duty series of great shooters has often taken the player to the past, but Advanced Warfare offers a glimpse into the war of the future, in which soldiers use exoskeletons. They expand the capabilities of a fighter — he can jump high, cling to surfaces, and also become stronger and more resilient. Doesn’t it remind you of anything?

In addition to the costume, the player gets an improved arsenal of weapons, futuristic equipment (for example, a hoverbike) and various gadgets, drones. The game will definitely appeal to those who love peppy shooters.

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A third-person shooter that debuted on the PS3 and Xbox 360 platforms in 2010 but didn’t make it to PC until 2017. The player will play the role of an American soldier who in the future confronts the «evil Russians». The fighter is dressed in a unique combat suit that has various abilities. For example, at any time the player can use boosters, and if he takes a lot of damage, the suit will go into augmented reality mode, which will briefly slow down time.

In terms of gameplay, this is a good shooter with plenty of weapons and impressive action scenes. The fast pace of the game will certainly appeal to fans of the genre. The game was well received by critics, but due to its late debut on PC, many gamers have not even heard of it.

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This is a co-op fantasy third-person shooter that challenges players to take on the role of ancient Tenno. In battles, they use remote-controlled bodies «warframes» — exoskeletons that have different abilities and characteristics. As in Crysis, here the gamer will feel like a super soldier who cracks down on enemies right and left.

The gameplay is focused on the joint passage of various PvE missions (capture, survival, sabotage, hive, and so on), and the player can use both melee weapons and futuristic guns. The game is often compared to Destiny and Anthem, and in many ways they are similar, only Warframe is free-to-play and has been actively developed since 2013.


DOOM Eternal

Doom Eternal is the sequel to the 2016 Doom game. Returning to the slaughterhouse, you will take on the role of a silent, nameless marine in legendary armor. After the hero has destroyed the demonic creatures on Mars and traveled to other places, he ends up on Earth. However, he learns that Hell is now on Earth. The planet was flooded with hellish hordes and practically exterminated all of humanity.

Your task is to protect the rest of humanity in Doom style: using chainsaws, cannons, your own fists. You must destroy any demon that comes your way, using new weapons such as Ballista and Crucible. You will also face both new and old, classic enemies. Can you save humanity without stopping a single step?


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

Enjoy a gritty, challenging yet flexible multiplayer experience. The game has a large number of different zombies and 3 new adventures. Also in Black Ops was added a battle royale mode — Blackout.

4K resolution, good frame rates and unparalleled PC support make this part of Call of Duty one of the best. Both console and PC users can enjoy this game.

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Space Hulk: DeathWing

Space Hulk: DeathWing is a first-person shooter based on the classic board game Space Hulk. The game was developed on the Unreal Engine 4. You and 3 of your friends can fight the Genestealers in the tunnels of the spaceship. Get new skills and abilities as it will help you and your team in battle. You will try on the role of a Space Marine from the most dangerous battalion — the «Death Wing» of the Dark Angels Order. By earning experience points, you can improve your abilities and unlock new powers.

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Rage 2

Rage is set in a post-apocalyptic future after the Earth collided with the asteroid Apophis (99942). In the first game, you played as Nicholas Rein, a soldier who woke up from suspended animation in an underground bunker. Rage 2 continues the story of the first game: 30 years have passed since the events of the original.

You will play as a completely new character with a new story named Walker. He constantly mentions the events of the first game to help newcomers grasp the plot. Rage 2 is perfect for newcomers, but at the same time, it will appeal to «veterans» as well.

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Metro Exodus

The action takes place in 2035, a quarter of a century after the nuclear war that destroyed the Earth. Only a few thousand people survived. Trying to survive in the subway tunnels, they encounter poisoned elements, mutated monsters and paranormal horrors. Do not forget that society is on the verge of civil war.

As Artyom, the protagonist of the previous installments, you need to leave the metro and lead the Sparta Rangers on a journey through post-apocalyptic Russia in an attempt to find a new life. Explore the wild nature of Russia across spacious and varied levels. According to the plot, you will experience spring, summer, autumn, and a terrible nuclear winter. Combat is combined with stealth in this first-person shooter, as you need to do everything possible to stay alive.

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Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Wolfenstein: Youngblood is the sequel to Wolfenstein II: New Colossus and prequel to Wolfenstein 3. It takes place 19 years after New Colossus, when the Second American Revolution liberated America from Nazi rule. The story takes place in 1980s France. The game focuses on BJ’s twin daughters Jess and Sophie, who are recruits for the Global Resistance against the Nazis. This is an FPS game that can also be played in co-op mode.

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GTFO is a 4-player cooperative horror game. It will appeal to those who want to challenge themselves. You will play in a team of marauders who take valuable artifacts from an underground complex filled with monsters. Gather weapons, tools and resources to help you survive. Try to find the answers you need. Find a way to stay alive.

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Aliens: Colonial Marines

Aliens: Colonial Marines was created by the developers of such legendary titles as Borderlands and Brothers in Arms. This game takes a fresh look at science fiction. Here you can fight with your friends on the side of the most dangerous soldiers in the galaxy — the US Colonial Marines.

You can play alone or with friends in co-op mode for up to 4 people. Upgrade and modify your soldier character to make it more deadly. Become the most dangerous soldier in the Universe to survive and destroy the Alien infestation.

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Halo: Master Chief Collection

In Halo, we meet the super-soldier Master Chief, who, without exaggeration, can be called the mascot of the Xbox. The sci-fi shooters from the series first conquered the said console, and now opened their doors to PC gamers with the Master Chief Collection, which has become an excellent opportunity for a wide audience to touch the recognized masterpieces.

As in Crysis, we will take part in the conflict of the future between humans and an alien race — and both will act as enemies. Halo are basically story-driven action shooters, and the player is given futuristic guns in their hands. Moreover, the protagonist’s armor has a couple of unique abilities, which once again refers us to the main reason for the selection.

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Planetside 2

Planetside 2 is a unique online shooter about the future — the war does not stop even for a minute, even if you exit the game. And while we are writing these lines, fierce battles for territories are unfolding in its open spaces — thousands of gamers, divided by factions, are trying to grab a tasty morsel from the global map using weapons, vehicles and military cunning.

Despite the idea, you are left to yourself in the game — you can freely move around the world, try to capture the point alone and do whatever you want. But it’s better, of course, to team up with other gamers and enjoy epic battles. The game is similar to Crysis in terms of the setting and the fact that different classes of fighters have similar abilities (disguise, regeneration, defense mode, and so on). You can play for free.



With all the controversial opinions about the online shooter Warface that we have now, one cannot deny the fact that Crytek is behind its development, which gave us Crysis. They are similar in setting and graphics — we are once again getting involved in the war of the future, and at the time of release in 2012 the game was one of the most beautiful in its niche.

Warface invites gamers to fight each other in various PvP modes for fighters that differ in class, but we advise you to pay attention to cooperative PvE missions. There are many of them and they are well developed: the developers sent teams to the hot spots of the Earth, and to Chernobyl, and even to Mars.


Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov is a game very different from Crysis. This is a story-driven online first-person shooter that throws us into the fictional modern city of Tarkov and forces us to survive, constantly looking for useful items and dangers on our heads. Why is the game in our selection?

Crysis is distinguished not only by graphics, setting and nanosuit, but also by an interesting weapon customization system — literally on the go, you can turn the machine gun into a kind of sniper by screwing on the scope and silencer. Escape from Tarkov has a flexible and rich upgrade system — almost every part of the weapon can be changed by choosing from a plethora of different modules.

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A free-to-play sci-fi shooter that competes with Crysis in terms of realistic graphics. Crysis is still a pleasure to watch, but ExoMecha really surprises and makes us think that we are facing a first-class action movie.

But the features of the game don’t end on the cover. So, they offer to play for super-soldiers who run fast, jump high, deftly swim and shoot underwater, and also cope with various equipment, be it a buggy or a helicopter. Hot battles are made by giant fighters who, like in Titanfall, at some point appear on the battlefield and shamelessly take all the attention of other participants.

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Space multiplayer shooter that allows you to shoot in zero gravity. Like Crysis and ExoMecha, it is incredibly beautiful — the views of our vast planet are especially mesmerizing. But you will enjoy them under a hail of fire from other gamers, deftly moving through satellites and stations with the help of a cat hook — otherwise you will get lost in space.

Not only the scene can be considered a feature of the game — for example, a protective suit and arsenal here can be personalized by choosing butts, scopes, grips, barrels and other details, as in Crysis.

Game page

Game crisis — Communication — Isengard


    Sent by on 03 January 2014 — 18:49

    Nihao everyone, from time to time I like to play single player games (1 person shooters). Therefore, I ask you to throw someone in what, what is playing. The name of the games … Please send games like:
    1) Cod 4
    2) Warface
    3) Well, in general, shooters are more modern (single games)

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    Start playing on Isengard?

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      Sent by on 03 January 2014 — 18:53

      wow+mousewheel+hunt+bg=zbs shooter

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        Sent by on 03 January 2014 — 18:54

        Nihao everyone, from time to time I like to play single player games (1 person shooters). Therefore, I ask you to throw someone in what, what is playing. The name of the games … Please, throw games like:
        1) Cod 4
        2) Warface
        3) Well, in general, shooters are more modern (single games)

        Crysis — Halo — Star wars Battlefront ( 1 and 2) — Star wars Republic commando —

        Borderlands 1 and 2 ( with a cool cartoon) — Counter Strike Condition Zero —

        • Top

        Sent by 03 January 2014 — 19:00

        and FSU on graphon

        • Top


          Sent by 03 January 2014 — 19:10

          wow+mouse wheel+hunt+bg=zbs shooter

          • Top


            Sent by 03 January 2014 — 19:11

            TRILOGY : Mass Effect,Dead Space,S. T.A.L.K.E.R(Shadow of chernobyl,Clear Sky,Pripyat)

            • Top

            Sent by 03 January 2014 — 19:15

            Nihao everyone, from time to time I like to play single player games (1 person shooters). Therefore, I ask you to throw someone in what, what is playing. The name of the games … Please, throw games like:
            1) Cod 4
            2) Warface
            3) Well, in general, the shooters are more modern (single games)

            F.E.A.R first play. old but intimidating. Far Cry3
            Well, according to the standard, if the soldiers like Battle last

            A very bad person who knows nothing and does not try to find out anything. After all, it combined two vices.

            • Top
