
The Forum is a collaboration between CBMS, Achieve and the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas, Austin. Support for the Forum is provided by grants from the Teagle Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the National Science Foundation (#1840722) as well as Pearson and Texas Instruments.

The Forum is supported by a planning committee:

Katey Arrington (Dana Center)
Diane Briars (CBMS Chair)
 Ted Coe (Achieve)
Dewey Gottlieb (ASSM)
Amy Getz (Dana Center)
Karen Graham (NCTM)         
  Susie Hakansson (TODOS)
Jennifer Nordstrom (MAA)
Brea Ratliff (BBA) Karen Saxe (AMS)  Connie Schrock (NCSM)
 Doug Sovde (Dana Center)
Jane Tanner (AMATYC) Uri Triesman (Dana Center)    

As well as the following staff members:

David Bressoud, Director

Kelly Chapman, Administrative Coordinator