Overclock phenom 965: AMD’s Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition

Overclock AMD Phenom II x4 965 en PC › Hardware › Overclock y modding




338 mensajes
desde oct 2006

Hola, acabo de hacerle un overclock a mi amd phenom II x4 965 lo he llegado a subir a 4.000Mhz subiendo el multiplicador a x20 el NB y HT a 2400Mhz. El caso es que tengo puesto un voltaje de 1.45, Me gustaria subirlo a 4.2 o 4.4 el caso es que subiendo mas el multiplicador no va mas.. ni subiendo mas voltaje ni nada por el estilo… Algún consejo? Las temperaturas en reposo con el oc a 4Ghz son de 35º en reposo y no supera los 50º en full load. Tengo un Corsair H60 como disipador. Gracias y un saludo


Déjate los zapatos. .

1.908 mensajes
y 1 foto
desde sep 2007
en Soviet de Aragón

Página web de KBMSteam ID: keyblademaster15

Tienes la suerte de haber conseguido un procesador excepcional, mi 965 no pasaba de 3.948 a 1.5v.
Dale al fsb hasta 210 y sube voltaje a 1.475



5.994 mensajes
desde abr 2012
en Cuenca

Para subirlo más tienes que subir el NB.

Quiero que me deis vuestra opinion sobre este overclock tanto a las memorias (1333) como al proce. Es lo mas estable que he conseguido.

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5. 994 mensajes
desde abr 2012
en Cuenca

Falta la captura de la pestaña de memorias del cpu-z.
El voltaje me parece alto. Tenía que estar rondando el 1.4v

Al final he decidido bajarle un poco el O.C de 4.01 a 3.958 y con eso bajarle el voltaje de 1.48 que estaba a 1.392 otras 2 horas de prime 95 y se mantiene en 48-49º yo creo que asi se queda.

emeritoaugusto escribió:Falta la captura de la pestaña de memorias del cpu-z.
El voltaje me parece alto. Tenía que estar rondando el 1.4v

Incluyo la captura de las memorias. Busco opiniones gracias!!

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5.994 mensajes
desde abr 2012
en Cuenca

Ok. No está nada mal. Tal vez se podría subir un poquito más pues tienes margen de temperatura.
Prueba a subir el CPU FRECUENCY a 205 a ver si lo aguanta.


Buscando mi sitio

7.137 mensajes
desde oct 2001
en Elche

Gamertag: Ashtyr

Bellido escribió:Hola, acabo de hacerle un overclock a mi amd phenom II x4 965 lo he llegado a subir a 4.000Mhz subiendo el multiplicador a x20 el NB y HT a 2400Mhz. El caso es que tengo puesto un voltaje de 1.45, Me gustaria subirlo a 4.2 o 4.4 el caso es que subiendo mas el multiplicador no va mas.. ni subiendo mas voltaje ni nada por el estilo… Algún consejo? Las temperaturas en reposo con el oc a 4Ghz son de 35º en reposo y no supera los 50º en full load. Tengo un Corsair H60 como disipador. Gracias y un saludo

Sube el NB tan alto como puedas, ganarfas una barbaridad, pero una barbaridad de rendimineto, deja HT lo mas cercano posible a stock, solo empeora el rendimiento subirlo

360 nat


2. 512 mensajes
desde feb 2010

Twitter de 360 natGamertag: nat777PSN ID: xX360natXxSteam ID: xX30natXx

Yo me peleo con pi Phenom y no sube mas de 3.8 no se que pasas ayuda


Buscando mi sitio

7.137 mensajes
desde oct 2001
en Elche

Gamertag: Ashtyr

360 nat escribió:Yo me peleo con pi Phenom y no sube mas de 3.8 no se que pasas ayuda

Es un 965 BE? , es revision C3?

Y has de subir el NB para poder estabilizarlo.

360 nat


2.512 mensajes
desde feb 2010

Twitter de 360 natGamertag: nat777PSN ID: xX360natXxSteam ID: xX30natXx

Ashtyr escribió:

360 nat escribió:Yo me peleo con pi Phenom y no sube mas de 3. 8 no se que pasas ayuda

Es un 965 BE? , es revision C3?

Y has de subir el NB para poder estabilizarlo.

No es el RB-C2 es algún problema esto?
Memorias GSkill ya q las vengance que tengo en el OC daban problemas
Subo el NB el voltaje
La placa es una crosshair IV formula


Buscando mi sitio

7.137 mensajes
desde oct 2001
en Elche

Gamertag: Ashtyr

360 nat escribió:

Ashtyr escribió:

360 nat escribió:Yo me peleo con pi Phenom y no sube mas de 3.8 no se que pasas ayuda

Es un 965 BE? , es revision C3?

Y has de subir el NB para poder estabilizarlo.

No es el RB-C2 es algún problema esto?
Memorias GSkill ya q las vengance que tengo en el OC daban problemas
Subo el NB el voltaje
La placa es una crosshair IV formula

Suben menos que la revision C3, un C3 con buena refrigeracion y buena placa lo podras poner entre 4Ghz y 4,2 Ghz facil , pero 3,8 ya esta bastante bien y mas siendo un C2.

Centrate en subir el NB, y si tendras que subir un poco el voltaje de NB probablemente, NO, repito NOOO subas la velocidad HT, dejala por defecto, subirla solo baja el rendimiento.

360 nat


2.512 mensajes
desde feb 2010

Twitter de 360 natGamertag: nat777PSN ID: xX360natXxSteam ID: xX30natXx

Llega a 4 pero no inicia Windows


Buscando mi sitio

7. 137 mensajes
desde oct 2001
en Elche

Gamertag: Ashtyr

360 nat escribió:Llega a 4 pero no inicia Windows

Dejalo en 3,8 por ahora, sube el NB, de todas formas no sera estable a 4 sin subir el NB,osea que has de hacerlo si o si, una vez tengas el Nb lo mas alto que puedas si quieres seguir probando 4 lo haces, o dejalo en 3,9 que por 100Mhz no te vas a matar.



1.474 mensajes
desde sep 2010
en La costera (Valencia)

Steam ID: pacotp

Bellido escribió:Hola, acabo de hacerle un overclock a mi amd phenom II x4 965 lo he llegado a subir a 4.000Mhz subiendo el multiplicador a x20 el NB y HT a 2400Mhz. El caso es que tengo puesto un voltaje de 1. 45, Me gustaria subirlo a 4.2 o 4.4 el caso es que subiendo mas el multiplicador no va mas.. ni subiendo mas voltaje ni nada por el estilo… Algún consejo? Las temperaturas en reposo con el oc a 4Ghz son de 35º en reposo y no supera los 50º en full load. Tengo un Corsair H60 como disipador. Gracias y un saludo

No puedes tirar de fsb y bajar el multi, mi 555@ 955 hace los 4ghz sin despeinarse y apretándolo un poco con una matx del montón hace los 4,5ghz (solo para benchear).



2.200 mensajes
desde dic 2009
en Córdoba

Gamertag: Jose Caballero

sacre escribió:

Bellido escribió:Hola, acabo de hacerle un overclock a mi amd phenom II x4 965 lo he llegado a subir a 4. 000Mhz subiendo el multiplicador a x20 el NB y HT a 2400Mhz. El caso es que tengo puesto un voltaje de 1.45, Me gustaria subirlo a 4.2 o 4.4 el caso es que subiendo mas el multiplicador no va mas.. ni subiendo mas voltaje ni nada por el estilo… Algún consejo? Las temperaturas en reposo con el oc a 4Ghz son de 35º en reposo y no supera los 50º en full load. Tengo un Corsair H60 como disipador. Gracias y un saludo

No puedes tirar de fsb y bajar el multi, mi 555@ 955 hace los 4ghz sin despeinarse y apretándolo un poco con una matx del montón hace los 4,5ghz (solo para benchear).

alucinante seguro que el procesador te costó 2 duros y tienes el rendimiento de un procesador el doble de caro..



1.474 mensajes
desde sep 2010
en La costera (Valencia)

Steam ID: pacotp

JRCG01 escribió:
No puedes tirar de fsb y bajar el multi, mi 555@ 955 hace los 4ghz sin despeinarse y apretándolo un poco con una matx del montón hace los 4,5ghz (solo para benchear).


alucinante seguro que el procesador te costó 2 duros y tienes el rendimiento de un procesador el doble de caro..[/quote]

Creo que me costó 80€ hace como año y medio, para mi los 80€ mejor gastados en hardware en mucho tiempo. Evidentemente los 4,5 a 1,52v fue solo para ver a donde llegaba, pero este mutante pasa de 4ghz como quad con menos de 1,4v algo perfectamente valido para 24/7.


パブロ フェルナンデズ

590 mensajes
desde nov 2006
en Villarreal

Página web de NekairTwitter de NekairGamertag: N3k4irPSN ID: NekairSteam ID: Neka

En mi caso, un C3 comprado este año, a 4.0 ghz 1.4v sin despeinarse y estables como una roca, en una asus M5A97 EVO R2. 0. Tambien aguanta 4.2 a 1.450v pero me parece abusar del proc, ya tiene un rendimiento bestial no necesito apretarle tanto las clavijas.

El rendimiento por euro gastado es cojonudo, el combo de proc y placa me costo 190€.


Volver a Overclock y modding

AMD Phenom II processor. Features AMD Phenom II X4 940, AMD Phenom II X4 945, AMD Phenom II X4 955, AMD Phenom II X4 965. The yokudzokorora uye overclocking AMD Phenom II X4 processors

AMD anozivikanwa somunhu nokutengesa soro chaitwa, yemazuva ano yepamusoro uye, panguva imwe chete inokwanisika processors zvakasiyana-siyana kombiyuta mhando. mukurumbira kwazvo Russia uye munyika kwava nemutsara AMD Phenom II Chip kugadzirwa maererano muchiso. Uyewo, yainyanya kushandiswa nadzurudzo X4 processors chaienzanirana dzakasiyana mutsetse. chip izvi dzinoratidzwa sezvo mukuru-nokukurumidza, ichiita mabasa akawanda, uye optimally wakanyatsokodzera kuti overclocking. Ndezvipi dzavo huru maitiro? Chii ano IT-vanachiremba maererano kubudirira Phenom II machipisi nadzurudzo X4 kuitei?

General ruzivo pamusoro kwakakwana lineup pamusoro machipisi

AMD Phenom II mhuri processors dzinobva yepamusorosoro Micro-mhando K10. The akakodzera mutsetse Chip zvinogadzirisa varipo, vakagadzirira pamwe nhamba cores kubva 2 kusvika 6. X4 machipisi, kuva nemhuri pasi kukurukurwa, uyewo kuva neShato kuchikuva yakataurwa AMD. chip avo vane 6 cores, anoreva Leo papuratifomu.

AMD akaita akasunungura AMD Phenom II Chips akawanda vakapiswa shanduro: Thuban, Zosma, Deneb, Heka, uye naVaCallisto. Vose vaudzewo muitiro — 45 nm. Asi kusiyana navo kunogona kurondwa zvinokosha chaizvo.

Somuenzaniso, processors takagadzirira Thuban nadzurudzo cores 6 uye mamiriyoni 904 transistors, vane nzvimbo 346 sq. mm. Ukuru rechitatu nenhanho cache ndangariro pamusoro Chips ino mhando — 64GB, zvakaenzana kungoitwa mirayiridzo. Chechipiri chechetere cache — 512 KB, wechitatu — 6 Mb. The processors vari inowirirana norudzi RAM modules DDR2 uye DDR3. Power kunwa chip — mune zvakawanda pakati 95 uye 125 watts or. Processors chokuita mutsetse uyu zvakasimba anogona anoshanda frequencies kubva 2.6 kusvika 3,3 GHz, kana harnessing zvokusarudza Turbo Core — kusvika 3,7 GHz.

Chips AMD Phenom II muna Zosma okunatsiridza vane 4 neerekitironi. cache zviratidzi ndiwo kufanana processor Thuban. Saizvozvowo, ndizvo chete vatsigire RAM modules. Achitaura simba kunwa — kune Chips kuti vanomhanya pa 65 watts or mukati Zosma mutsetse, asi panewo avo kuti upise simba 140 watts or. Processors mu nadzurudzo iyi kushanda panguva kakawanda 3 GHz, mumwe Turbo Core nzira inogona nokukurumidza kuti 3.4 GHz.

Microchips tiri Deneb mutsetse 4 neerekitironi. Vari vakapakata mamiriyoni 758 transistors uye vane nzvimbo 258 mativi mamita. mm. Zviratidzi ose cache ndangariro — zvakafanana mune Chip okunatsiridza inokurukurwa pamusoro. The chete zvinogona kutaurwa pamusoro padanho rutsigiro ndangariro modules uye moyo michina. Processors chokuita Deneb okunatsiridza vanogona anoshanda frequencies kubva 2.4 kusvika 3,7 GHz.

Chips mukati Heka chipset mutsetse chaizvoizvo dzinoenderana chips huru zvatariswa Deneb, asi ivo ishande cores matatu chete. Kubva muzvigadzirwa nemaonero dzinomirira processors Deneb pamwe 1st vasingadiwi core. Zvinogona kuonawo kuti frequencies vaitsigira machipisi Heka, — iri kuwanda 2.5 3 GHz. Uyezve, pakati chikuva ichi processors vane avo kuti dzine kudyiwa 95 watts or.

Chimwe nadzurudzo of AMD Phenom II Chips — naVaCallisto. Uyewo Chips kuti ndiko kwairi, uye Deneb processors dzinenge kufanana, asi basa iri 2 cores. Ndiko, ivo vanomiririra Deneb Chips pamwe vakaremara cores 2. Processors edzinza ichi anoshanda frequencies 3 kusvika 3.4 GHz, simba kudyiwa 80 watts or.

Pakati rakajairika mhando mu Russian Phenom II processors — avo kuti chokuita ayo mudzinza Deneb.

Chips AMD Phenom II, ukama ichi Michina series, zvinowanikwa zvinotevera dzakakurumbira neshanduro: X4 940, zviri X4 945, zviri X4 955, X4 965. Panewo flagship muenzaniso mutsetse X4 — X4 980. Funga processor zviri machipisi izvi zvakawanda.

Features Processor X4 940

The processor yokutanga, iyo tichadzidza — AMD Phenom II X4 940. The zvechadenga Chip ndeinotevera.

Processor nadzurudzo X4 940 unoshanda panguva kakawanda 3 GHz, achishandisa chokuwanziridza chinoita 15 dzakabatana. Chip pamwe 4 nuclei. Process michina pasi iyo Chip unoitwa — 45 nm. Musha processor cache pamwero 1 AMD Phenom II ndiyo 128 KB, wechipiri — 2 Mb, wechitatu — 6 Mb. A akagadzirwa mirayiridzo vanotsigirwa ne Chip: MMX, SSE mushanduro 2, 3 uye 4, 3DNow! The processor inowirirana michina yakadai AMD64 / EM65T, uye NX Bit. Max kushanda tembiricha iri Chip AMD Phenom II — 62 inegumi. nezvigadziko mhando rinotsigirwa Chip — AM2 +.

Zvinogona kucherechedzwa, iri processor AMD Phenom II X4 945 zvatariswa ndiwo anoita zvakafanana. The musiyano chete — X4 945 Chip inogona kuvhiyiwa rimwe AM3.

Features uye Chip Mumagazini shanduro X4 955

zvino isu kudzidza chaizvo pakati machipisi AMD Phenom II X4 955. The zvechadenga Chip ndeinotevera.

The processor ari vaiona nadzurudzo unoshanda panguva kakawanda 3.2 MHz pamwe kuroorana multiplier 16. The kuyeuka controller ane akavaka — kwayo bandwidth inokwana 21 Gbit / chik. Huwandu CPU cache rakasiyana munhu ane muenzaniso dzatakurukura pamusoro — kunyanya AMD Phenom II X4 945. The zvechadenga Chip pakutsigira chikuru Multimedia uye kadambari ruzivo zvakafanana kuti rakadzika-mugumo processors. Reserve Chip uchishandisa tembiricha kuri 62 inegumi. Pakati rinonyatsooneka zvakanakira AMD Phenom II processor 955 ari nadzurudzo X4 — kugarisana negondobwe modules DDR3 mhando.

Ndezvipi hwokuita yaibvira chip fari? Unogona kuteerera migumisiro zvimwe miedzo processor ichi. Cherechedza kuti chero kunge kubudirira pasi nemamiriro kushandiswa Chip pachiimbwa zvinoriumba akadai:

— mhando motherboard ASUS M4A79T, kutsigira zvigadziko AM3;

— 4 GB RAM DDR3 nadzurudzo.

Sezvo miedzo pavaiita IT-Nyanzvi, AMD Phenom II processor, pamwe DDR3 ndangariro modules yekudyidzana mberi zvakafanana zvechadenga machipisi, izvo ndakagadza mune PC vakapakata DDR2 RAM nadzurudzo. Naizvozvo, chinhu chinokosha munzvimbo mikana yokuita Chip unowana zvayo mukwanisi zvimwe yepamusorosoro uye Hardware zvinoriumba.

X4 955 Overclocking

Funga chimwe chinhu uchishandisa AMD Phenom II X4 955 CPU — overclocking. Noruzivo IT-nyanzvi dzinokurudzira kuti kushandisa kwainoita multi-basa utility Overdrive mune shanduro 3.0.

Zvechokwadi, zvinokwanisika kuti overclock uye kubudikidza Bios, asi kubatanidzwa of akacherekedza chirongwa anobvumira kugadzirisa mabasa pasina restarting ari PC. Zvezvisarudzo zvinoumba utilities — BEMP. Her kubatanidzwa of CPU anogona nyore zvikuru ronyura kumhanyisa muoti. basa iri zvinosanganisira nokuvumba kukurukurirana Overdrive purogiramu paIndaneti Database, rine mazita akanakisisa tsika pamusoro wachi aimhanya uye dzimwe nzira zvinodiwa rikurumidze chip. Very semishonga Smart Profiles nzira, riri Overdrive chirongwa. With payo, mumwe rokushandisa anogona zvakanaka-chuna chip fari kumhanyisa rikurumidze.

Overdrive Features uyewo kukubvumira kuchinja kuti kumhanyisa processor AMD Phenom II X4 ari siyana mafomu kumhanya pakombiyuta. Somuenzaniso, kana munhu chirongwa unoshanda chete-Threaded Mode, inodzidzisa anogona kushandisa Software zvakakodzera kuderedza kakawanda pamusoro Chip 3 4 cores kuitira kuti 4th kuwedzera pokupedzisira kuwedzera nokukurumidza apo tiine optimum kuita tembiricha.

Enzanisa X4 955 Competitors

How yemakwikwi Shanduro iyi ine processor AMD Phenom II X4? Kuongorora kwakaitwa nesu maererano tichienzanisa zvakafanana Chip zvinhu kungasava zvakakwana zvakawanda, asi isu tiri, kamwe zvakare, tinogona kuongorora migumisiro okufananidza miedzo machipisi akabata IT-unyanzvi. The yepedyo mukwikwidzi processor, mubvunzo, — Intel Core 2 Quad Q 9550 nadzurudzo.

Sezvo benchmarks Chip mhinduro kubva Intel iri nokukurumidza Chip kubva AMD, asi chete zvishoma. Practical kukosha kana ukamhanya mitambo uye mafomu vanachiremba akazivisa musiyano hakusi zvichida kuva. Uyewo, zvingaitwa akadai Intel Core I7 shanduro 920, zvakanaka mberi mhinduro kubva AMD, uye Q9550 processor. Muchiitiko chino, zvose ICs zvitatu Kazhinji kwakafanana kumusika ukoshi. Zvinogona kucherechedzwa kuti processor AMD Phenom II ari nadzurudzo ane zvikuru yemakwikwi ari Multimedia nemiedzo kupfuura svomhu. Saka, kana muchiedza zvakakosha kuyera chokupika rakafanana dambudziko mu modes siyana — kuti zvimwe chinangwa maonero Chip nezvaanogona.

Features uye zvinogonekwa of Chip iri shanduro X4 965

zvino isu kudzidza mukana Chip AMD Phenom II X4 965. The zvakaita redunhu ichi ndeinotevera.

Standard CPU uchishandisa maitikiro — 3.4 GHz. The paakati pamusoro Chip voltage — 1,4 V. Other parameters ari processor, zvarwo, akafanana kumuduku mutsetse X4 yokutevedzera. Zvinogona kucherechedzwa kuti Chip inogona kushandiswa nezvemarudzi maviri nezvigadziko — AM3 uye AM2 +. ndangariro controller, riri kuiswa mune processor inowirirana, akavapindurawo, pamwe 2 mureza RAM — DDR2 uye DD3.

Kumhanyisa Chip X4 965

Ngationei kudzidza papi kumhanyisa kunogona kubudirira AMD Phenom II X4 965. zvinogona kucherechedzwa kuti vaiona mutsetse processors wakanyatsokodzera chinangwa kuchinja voltage revarombo. Somuenzaniso, kana vamwe zvemberi mhinduro kubva Intel vave kusagadzikana kana exponent pakati 1,65 V kana yakakwirira, kuti AMD Chips uchishanda modes dzakadaro zvizere stably.

Sezvo AMD Phenom II X4 miedzo Chip kumhanyisa ari vaiona nadzurudzo achibvumira kuti kakawanda 3. 8 GHz. Nenzira, pamusoro chete mugumisiro zvinogona kuwanika, uye kumhanyisa ari nadzurudzo X4 processor 955. Sezvataona IT-vanachiremba, zviri hunonzi zvinogoneka mhanyisa X4 Chip 965 kusvika kakawanda 4 GHz, aripo yakatsiga panguva PC. Asi nyaya nekumwisa mufananidzo uyu, ari processor kungava kusagadzikana mune dzimwe modes. Maererano nenyanzvi, kuongorora shanduro iyi AMD Phenom II, iyo kumhanyisa ari Chip havagoni chete kugadzirisa zvazvakanakira Chip iri miedzo, asi kuzadzisa kuchikosha kumhanyisa zviri PC iri tsika.

Zvinogona kucherechedzwa kuti ezvidzidzo kumhanyisa ari nadzurudzo processor 965 X4 asingagoni chete kwacho nezvinhu coefficients. IT-ruzivo unyanzvi uyewo kushandisa nzira maererano izvo Chip kumhanyisa kubudirira nokuwedzera kakawanda indices Northbridge. Per Se zvingaderedzwa kuti ukoshi zvakafanana 2.6 GHz. Zvakakosha kuronga mubereki, izvo ndakagadza processor, kutsigira zvaida nokushanda kwadzinoita of chip.

An zvikuru chinokosha chipi kumhanyisa pamusoro Chip, kusanganisira AMD Phenom II — zvechadenga kutonhora ino. Munhu anokunda basa pamwe processor iri kuipa nzira, zvingasava kukwanisa nechokwadi akatsiga nokushanda Chip, uye nokudaro yose PC zvarwo. Naizvozvo kutonhora maitiro kungada kugadzwa pamwe yakakwirira turnover.

Kana kuedza overclocking Chips uyewo kubatsira kuva nepurogiramu inoita-chaicho nguva Tracking yacho processor tembiricha. Kunyange vakarongeka kutonhora hurongwa Chip mune dzimwe nguva vangava kusagadzikana — inodzidzisa kunokosha kwete kusuwa nguva izvi uye nguva kugadzirisa overheating yacho chip.

Basa kuti ihama kuwedzera processor maitikiro zviratidzi zvakananga yaifanira zvishoma nezvishoma, tichidzivisa chimbichimbi kuchinja zvinokosheswa akakodzera parameters. Kana Chip iri kumhanya pasina chero zvikanganiso uye zvinogamuchirika kupisa pane imwe kakawanda, zvinokwanisika kuti zvishoma kuwedzera nayo, uye zvino kusvikira, kusvikira wasvika pakupedzisira chokupika chip fari, achimhanya stably.

The flagship womuenzaniso — X4 980

Zvichida kupfuura kufunga anofanira rwakabhadharwa kuna flagship womuenzaniso mutsetse X4 — processor AMD Phenom II X4 980. Very yakakurumbira imwe dikidiki kuva, izvo kukiyiwa coefficient uye saka yava kunyanya rikwezve overclocking chip.

Zvikurukuru, kiyi rwokugadzira zviri processor ichi uwirirane avo vane Somuenzaniso, AMD Phenom II X4 945. The zvechadenga Chips iri uwandu cache ndangariro uye anotsigira zvinodiwa zvavo zvakafanana kuti womuduku zvivezwa X4 mutsetse. Zvisinei, The Chip, ane hwakanyatsorwisa yakakwirira azvipire simba rakawanda — 125 watts or. Asi nokuti mukuru-magumo processor nokukurumidza — 3,7 GHz — nhamba iri kuonekwa chaizvo Zvakanyanya Kunaka Panguva Yepamuviri.

Flagship Phenom II X4 mutsetse: yokuedzwa

Kuedza Chip iri mubvunzo, zvinoratidza kuti ayo waivako zvinoenderana kuti vaikudzwa yemashoko ari kukwikwidza pefiyumu — Intel, wakaitwa, kunyanya, pahwaro Micro-mapurani Sandy Bridge. Uyezve, mune dzimwe miedzo, dzakadai nhau, ari mudziyo mukuru dzimwe dzomuzana simba — zvakadai Somuenzaniso, Intel Core i5-2500. Kana isu kutaura zvinobudirira nokukurumidza tambo zviridzwa kushanda Chips akadai AMD Phenom II X4 980, tinogona anokwezvera nepurogiramu akadai Everest. Chirongwa ichi chiri pasuru umo zvakawanda chakaita zvokugadzirwa nemiedzo. Pakati pevaya — CPU Queen, CPU Photoworx, CPU Zlib. miedzo izvi kuti tikwanise kuongorora chokupika ICs vari kunzwisisa.

Zvinokosha kucherechedza kuti benchmarks kuti chikamu Everest purogiramu, zvakakwana kujairana kuedza kumhanya ari processors iri kwadzinoita mawa kunobatanidza vakawanda kadambari shinda. Ndiko, mukufamba miedzo inogona zvizere monica Chip core. The zvakawanda, ari kumusoro achava chokupika chaiyo pakati processor.

Quite anoratidza IT-vanachiremba vanodavira migumisiro kuyera chokupika chip fari X4 980 ari kwadzinoita zvinoyangarara-pfungwa kushandiswa. The akakodzera bvunzo mhinduro kubva AMD, senyanzvi katsamba, chivimbo mberi yemakwikwi processors kubva Intel. Chimwe chinoshamisa chishandiso kuyera kumhanya ari machipisi — PC Mark chirongwa. Nokuti iniwo hwokuratidza kunzwisisa mune processor vanokwanisa kudzidza. Muchiitiko chino, Chip kuvhenekwa neChikomonisiti sezvo pedyo sezvinobvira ezvinhu zvavo chaicho hunobatsira kushandiswa. Somuenzaniso, chirongwa ichi vanogona kuongorora processors, simba web Browsing muoti kana rokutendeutsa mumwe faira mhando kune mumwe.

Kuongorora AMD Phenom II Chip mikana iri kupiwa nadzurudzo zvinoratidza migumisiro yakanaka. Chimwe akakurumbira pakati IT-Nyanzvi bvunzo — 3D Mark. Kunoitawo kuti vaongorore yaibvira processors vari rudzi chaienzanirana mwero mutoro 3D-mitambo. Maererano nenyanzvi, chip fari X4 980 — pakati Mhedziso vatungamiri ayo pamusika chidimbu maererano kunoguma 3D Mark yokuedza chirongwa nokukurumidza. Uyezve, nyanzvi vakanyora ukuru processor muna 3D Mark modes pane dzimwe machipisi Thuban, izvo vakapakata, Sezvatamboona munyaya ino, 6 cores.

Hapana nezvinetso X4 980 Chip kugadzikana kana kushanda huru chidzitiro zvisarudzo. Asi kusvikira kumhanya playback puranga — mune dzimwe modes zvinogadzirisa kubva AMD, maererano nenyanzvi, vachiri kutarisa dika processors kubva AMD. Zvisinei, mune chaiyo Gameplay musiyano iri kubudiswa kumhanya pakati mapuranga Intel uye AMD Chips, kuchengetwa miedzo, hazvina kunge kuchioneka.


Chinhu chokutanga kutaura pamusoro Phenom II, takurukura kuti muenzaniso mutsetse X4 965 kana muduku, AMD Phenom II X4 940, — unhu dzinotaurwa ayo Chips akafanana chaizvo. Chips zvinosiyana kunyanya kakawanda, mune zvimwe zviitiko — mhando zvigadziko anotsigirwa. okunatsiridza All kuti mutsetse X4 processors vanokweretesa pachavo zvakanaka overclocking ndokutarira kupfuura yemakwikwi pamusoro colour ose analogs kubva Intel. Panyaya kwesayenzi nezvaanogona ose machipisi mutsetse AMD Phenom II X4 — maitiro machipisi, vanotsigira mitemo inotipa kugumisa kuti AMD akaita akatanga kugadzirisa ayo zvakazara akura anogona kunzi sezvo zvemberi iri runoenzanirana Chip chidimbu. Processors, unokosha kuti mutsara X4, ndiye Zvakanyanya Kunaka Panguva Yepamuviri negadziriso kuti vanhuwo User mabasa, uye nokuda kumhanya dhimanda mitambo.

AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition Review


Key Specifications

  • Review Price: £178.99

It may come as something of a surprise, being that its Phenom CPUs have been AMD’s high-end chips ever since they launched at the start of 2008, but it’s only with the launch of the Phenom II X4 965 BE that AMD has made its fastest ever CPU. Clocked at 3.4GHz, it finally surpasses the highest mark reached by its dual core sibling the Athlon 64 X2, which was released back in 2007 and ran at 3.2GHz (the recent 955 BE did equal this but not surpass it). Not that Intel is any different, its highest clocked chip was the single-core Pentium 4 570 that ran at 3.8GHz and was around back in 2004.

The point is, over the last few years the focus has been on getting better overall performance and this can be achieved far more easily through having multiple cores rather than having one faster core. Also, processor design has improved so that performance enhancements (even in single core parts) have come without clock speed increases. As such, it’s taken us a number of years to get back to the point where raw clock speed is at the level it once was. That’s enough of a history lesson for now, though. Let’s crack on with the review proper.

The Phenom II X4 965 BE, then, is a quad core CPU built on the same architecture and manufacturing process as AMD’s previous top dog, the 955 BE. At least that’s how it appears from the outside. AMD has assured us that it has revised its manufacturing process slightly to allow such a fast processor to be produced. However, despite the CPU’s name, this doesn’t seem to have involved any black magic as the predominant reason AMD seems to have been able to achieve such a high clock speed is by increasing the default voltage of the CPU. The 955 BE used a reference voltage of 1.32V whereas the 965 BE has upped this to 1.4V. This might seem like a small change but it does mean the CPU’s TDP has also risen from 125W to 140W.

This is all in stark contrast to Intel’s impending Core i5 CPUs, which use a new architecture and employ new technology to allow better performance without increasing overall clock speed and thus power draw or heat output. Unfortunately, AMD’s next generation of CPU designs aren’t ready yet so it has had to keep trying to push clock speed up to remain competitive with Intel. Until Core i5 actually arrives, though, we can’t say for certain which the better bet is.

Elsewhere the 965 BE’s features are the same as we’ve seen on previous Phenom IIs so if you want the full low down on the architectural intricacies of the chip then check out our reviews of the Phenom II X4 810 and Phenom II X3 720 Black Edition as well as the Phenom II X4 940.

With so little to talk about in the way of features, the last thing to note before we move onto testing is that this CPU is a Black Edition. This refers to its unlocked multiplier which theoretically makes overclocking very easy. As we found with the 955 BE, though, adjusting the multiplier isn’t the only way to effectively overclock a CPU and Intel’s rival chips were able to keep up in the overclocking stakes by adjusting other parameters. We’ll see how this chip fares in a moment.

”’Test Setup”’

The 965 BE’s main competitor is currently Intel’s Core 2 Q9550 so that’s the CPU we’ll be concentrating our comparisons on. However, as this is AMD’s fastest chip, we’ve also included results for Intel’s fastest chip, the Core i7 965 (hmmm, coincidental names there). The next closest competitor from Intel is the Core i7 920 and AMD’s second fastest chip is the 955 BE, so we’ve included figures for these two as well.

”’Common System Components”’

AMD ATI Radeon 4870 X2 Graphics Card
Western Digital Raptor X 150GB Hard Drive
Pioneer BDC-S02BK Blu-ray Drive

2 x 1GB Qimonda IMSh2GU03A1F1C-10F PC3-8500 DDR3 RAM

Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit.

”’Core i7 Test System”’

Asus P6T Deluxe

”’Core 2 test System”’

Asus P5E3 Motherboard

”’AMD Phenom II AM3 Test System”’

Asus M4A79T Deluxe Motherboard


Starting with our gaming benchmarks, the 965 BE really impresses, clearly coming out on top in the low resolution Crysis test though just missing out to the Intel Q5550 in the high resolution, 1,920 x 1,200, test. It’s a less rosy picture when we look at Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, where the multi-core power of the i7 965 maintains a healthy lead. Nonetheless, the Phenom II X4 965 BE certainly holds its own against other CPUs in its price bracket.

3D rendering has always been a strength of Intel’s processors and while the 965 BE’s increased clock speed closes the gap a bit, our results in the popular Cinebench and POVRay benchmarks show it still has a way to catch up. It’s a similar story in our file compression tests, though the margins are so small that we wouldn’t call it as quite so conclusive. Also, against its price competitor, the Q9550, the 965 BE holds its own.

Looking at mp3 encoding, it’s a reasonably close run thing until we look at the DBPowerAmp batch test. Here, again, the multicore advantage of the i7 processors pays dividends but more importantly the Q9550 doesn’t pull away from the 965 BE.

Our penultimate test is in image editing using Photoshop Elements 4.0. This is a really good test for showing baseline, single-core performance and in this case demonstrates that the 965 BE is very competitive, even against the all conquering i7 965.

Finally, we’ve looked at video encoding performance using VirtualDub (running in single thread mode) and AutoMKV, which is a multi-threaded test. In VirtualDub, it’s a close call between the Q9550 and 965 BE with the latter just coming out on top (but both still trail both Core i7 chips). As for AutoMKV, it’s essentially exactly the same situation. The Core i7’s are simply more efficient CPUs and still the choice if you’re looking for ultimate performance. Nevertheless, the 965 BE is impressive for its price in terms of default clock speed performance. The real question now, is how does it overclock?

We started our overclocking attempts using AMD’s Overdrive utility but very quickly encountered problems. The software was throwing up all sorts of false readings and generally just didn’t seem to be stable so instead we resorted to overclocking through the BIOS.

We started out conservatively, upping the multiplier from 17x to 18x and giving us a total clock speed of 3. 6GHz. This was completely stable so we continued onto 19x for a total clock speed of 3.8GHz. This also seemed pretty stable, booting into windows and starting some benchmarks, but after a short while it crashed. We therefore upped the CPU voltage to 1.5V and found this to be stable. Moving further on, we tried 19.5x and 1.55V to give us a stable 3.91GHz, which wasn’t a bad start.

After this we started experimenting more and more until at one point we were able to start benchmarks at 4.19GHz (220MHz x 19) though it quickly crashed. With so many settings to play with we’re confident that this could’ve been made stable but we ran out of time, to really fiddle with all of them and find the right balance, so we settled on calling 3.91GHz our best with this CPU. However, as is always the case with overclocking, the price you pay for more performance is more power consumption. We saw our idle system power consumption rise from 200W to 250W while load power consumption went from 288W to 340W.

In contrast, in our testing, Intel’s closest competitor, the Q9550, overclocked to 3.4GHz, without any extra voltage and these CPUs have been known to push 4GHz with a normal air cooler. However, the sheer ease of overclocking of the 965 BE would make us opt for this chip.

Finally, we come to look at value, and it’s here that the 965 BE really starts to make sense, even considering its middling performance. A decent AM3 motherboard can be had for about £70, while the 965 BE itself is going for about £180 making for a total system cost of £250. In contrast, the cheapest Core i7 motherboard you’ll find is around £140 and the cheapest CPU is £205, making the system cost £345. A Core 2 system does match the Phenom II system for price but, considering that whole platform is being replaced within a matter of months and there are unlikely to be anymore CPUs made for it, we’d avoid plumping for it now.


The AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE is AMD’s fastest ever CPU, in every sense of the word and it matches any CPU available for a similar price in terms of performance. Add in its unlocked multiplier to make overclocking easier and you have a CPU that should be worthy of recommendation. Unfortunately with Intel set to release its Core i5 CPUs in the next couple of months, and with early indications suggesting they’ll be very fast, they may be worth the wait. But if you need a new, affordable chip now, AMD has you covered.


”’3D Rendering”’

”’File Compression”’

”’MP3 Encoding”’

”’Image Editing”’

”’Video Encoding”’

”’Power Consumption”’

Score in detail

  • Value 9

  • Performance 9

Processor AMD Phenom II X4 820

Home / Processors / AMD Phenom II X4 820

  • Edelmark rating 5 out of 10;
  • Release date: August, 2009;
  • Number of cores: 4;
  • Frequency: 2. 8 GHz;
  • Power consumption (TDP): 95W;

Specifications AMD Phenom II X4 820

General parameters

Clock speed 2.8 GHz
Cores 4
Socket AM3
Unlock cores No


NX-bit (XD-bit) present Yes
Virtualization support Yes
Instructions supported SSE4a
Support for dynamic frequency scaling (CPU Throttling) Yes

Integrated graphics

Graphics core No
Brand No
Latest DirectX No
Number of displays supported No
Graphics core clock speed No
Maximum clock frequency No
3DMark06 No

Parts and features

Architecture x86-64
Threads 4
Second level cache (L2) 2MB
Second level cache per core (L2) 0. 5 MB/core
L3 cache 4MB
Level 3 cache per core (L3) 1 MB/core
Process 45 nm
Maximum processors 1
Voltage range 0.9 — 1.43V
Operating temperature Unknown — 71°C

Overclocking Phenom II X4 820

Overclock review core 4.5
Acceleration clock 3.16 GHz
Water-cooled boost clock 2.8 GHz
Air cooled boost clock 3.16 GHz

Power consumption

Power consumption 95W
Annual cost of electricity (NON-commercial use) $22.89/year
Annual cost of electricity (commercial use) 83. 22 $/year
Capacity per W 1.47pt/W
Average energy consumption 77.19W


Clock frequency 2.000 MHz

Comparison of Phenom II X4 820 with similar processors


Performance using all cores.

Tests used: PCMark 8 Home 3.0 Accelerated, PassMark, Geekbench 3 Multi-Core.

Phenom II X4 820 4.5 out of 10
Phenom II X4 965 5.4 out of 10
Core i5 3570K 6.8 out of 10

Performance per core

Base performance per processor core.

Tested on: PassMark (Single Core), Geekbench 3 Single Core, Geekbench 3 AES Single Core.

Phenom II X4 820 3.5 out of 10
Phenom II X4 965 4.4 out of 10
Core i5 3570K 7. 6 out of 10

Integrated Graphics

Integrated GPU performance for graphics tasks.

Phenom II X4 820 0.0 out of 10
Phenom II X4 965 0.0 out of 10
Core i5 3570K 5.4 out of 10

Integrated graphics (OpenCL)

Integrated GPU performance for parallel computing.

Tested on: CompuBench 1.5 Bitcoin mining, CompuBench 1.5 Face detection, CompuBench 1.5 Ocean Surface Simulation, CompuBench 1.5 T-Rex, CompuBench 1.5 Video composition.

Phenom II X4 820 0.0 out of 10
Phenom II X4 965 0.0 out of 10
Core i5 3570K 5.0 out of 10

Performance per W

How efficiently the processor uses electricity.

CPU tests performed on: Fire Strike, CompuBench 1.5 Bitcoin mining, CompuBench 1. 5 Face detection, CompuBench 1.5 Ocean Surface Simulation, CompuBench 1.5 T-Rex, CompuBench 1.5 Video composition, PCMark 8 Home 3.0 Accelerated, PassMark, Geekbench 3 Multi- Core, PassMark (Single Core), Geekbench 3 Single Core, Geekbench 3 AES Single Core, TDP.

Phenom II X4 820 5.4 out of 10
Phenom II X4 965 5.1 out of 10
Core i5 3570K 9.2 out of 10

Price-performance ratio

How much you overpay for performance.

CPU tests performed on: Fire Strike, CompuBench 1.5 Bitcoin mining, CompuBench 1.5 Face detection, CompuBench 1.5 Ocean Surface Simulation, CompuBench 1.5 T-Rex, CompuBench 1.5 Video composition, PCMark 8 Home 3.0 Accelerated, PassMark, Geekbench 3 Multi- Core, PassMark (Single Core), Geekbench 3 Single Core, Geekbench 3 AES Single Core, Price.

Phenom II X4 820 6.7 out of 10
Phenom II X4 965 6. 7 out of 10
Core i5 3570K 6.9 out of 10

Total Edelmark rating

Total processor rating.

Phenom II X4 820 5.0 out of 10
Phenom II X4 965 5.1 out of 10
Core i5 3570K 8.4 out of 10

Benchmarks Phenom II X4 820

GeekBench 3 (Multi-core)

Phenom II X4 820 5.101
Core i5 3570K 10.311
Phenom II X4 965 6.266

GeekBench 3 (Single Core)

Phenom II X4 820 1.463
Core i5 3570K 3.213
Phenom II X4 965 1.774

GeekBench 3 (AES single core)

Phenom II X4 820 112,900 MB/s
Core i5 3570K 2,650,000 MB/s
Phenom II X4 965 137,800 MB/s

GeekBench (32-bit)

Phenom II X4 820 4. 969
Core i5 3570K 10.832
Phenom II X4 965 5.974

GeekBench (64-bit)

Phenom II X4 820 6.338
Core i5 3570K 11.824
Phenom II X4 965 6.445


Phenom II X4 820 6.338
Core i5 3570K 15.009
Phenom II X4 965 7.939


Phenom II X4 820 3.427
Core i5 3570K 7.152
Phenom II X4 965 5.916

PassMark (Single Core)

Phenom II X4 820 979
Core i5 3570K 2.012
Phenom II X4 965 1.361

Video reviews

Unboxing e Instalação — Processador AMD Phenom II X4 820 !!!

AMD Phenom II X4 is a gaming processor?

Which chipsets support unlocking processor cores?

It should be noted that not all motherboards support the ability to unlock AMD processor cores. You will only be able to unlock cores if your BIOS supports Advanced Clock Calibration (ACC) or a similar technology.

ACC technology is used in the following chipsets:

  • GeForce 8200
  • GeForce 8300
  • NFORCE 720D
  • NFORCE 980
  • Chipseta with a southern bridge with a south bridge of type SB7502, there are also southern bridges of type SB7502. that do not support ACC technology, but instead support similar technologies. These chipsets include chipsets with southbridges like:

    • SB810
      sse2 ✔ ✔ sse3 ✔ ✔ ssse3 ❌ ✔ sse41 ❌ ✔ sse4a ✔ ✔ SSE42 ❌ ✔ FMA3

      0026 amd64 ❌ ✔ amd_v ❌ ✔ xop ❌ ✔ avx ❌ ✔ avx_11 ❌ ✔ F16C ❌ ✔ AES ✔ CVT16 0027

      ❌ ✔


      In nominal mode, this processor has a minimum frequency of 3.0 GHz. Additionally, support for AMD’s proprietary TurboCore technology was implemented in this processor. Its essence boils down to the fact that in the case of solving a task of increased complexity, the level of chip performance increased by increasing the clock frequency. Also, with a significant increase in temperature, the frequency value decreased. The maximum frequency in the nominal mode is 3.4 GHz.

      Checking unlocks and testing cores

      In order to make sure that unlocked AMD processor cores really work, it is best to use informational utilities like CPU-Z. However, even if you make sure that the unlock was successful, this does not mean that the unlocked kernels will work without problems. In order to fully test their performance, it is recommended to conduct a thorough test of all processor parameters. Also, the failure of the unlocking process may be indicated by computer malfunctions, and sometimes the inability to boot it. In the latter case, you will have to resort to clearing the BIOS memory and resetting it to the factory default state (we talked about how to carry out this process in a separate article).

      If new cores are found to be faulty, the user can disable them at any time using BIOS options. In addition, you should keep in mind that the operation of unlocking processor cores works only at the BIOS level, and not at the level of the processors themselves. In the event that you put a processor with unlocked cores on another motherboard, they will still be locked.

      And I would like to note one more thing. Although unlocking a processor is not equivalent to overclocking it, however, increasing the number of working cores of your processor will automatically increase the heat dissipation of the processor die. Therefore, perhaps, in this case, it makes sense to think about upgrading the cooler cooling the processor.

      Junior relative

      Since the novelty has received the proud name of Black Edition, then, accordingly, the company packed the crystal in a black strict box. There are practically no bright graphic elements on it. On the front, only information about the model family and in the corner are the main specifications. The buyer can immediately note the increased frequencies — up to 3 GHz, a large amount of cache memory and a processor socket.

      There is nothing unusual inside. In addition to the crystal, inside we find instructions and a cooler for AMD Phenom II X2 550 BE. As practice shows, despite the presence of a cooling system, users prefer to purchase an additional cooler. But for some, the branded version will do.

      The appearance of the processor did not present anything unusual. Front service information with codes and abbreviated wording. At the back, you can count 938 pins, which are designed for the AM3 connector type. In addition, this option is also compatible with the older generation of connectors — AM2 +.

      It is worth mentioning right away that this crystal was codenamed Callisto. There are four cores inside, but half of them work, so the model is considered dual-core. The 45nm process technology is used. Consumes a processor of 80 watts. The clock frequency is 3. 1 GHz. Cache memory has three levels. The total volume is 7 MB.

      Among other things, AMD Phenom II X2 550 BE supports a lot of technologies. For example, software has been introduced that helps protect the system from viruses, and more specifically, from those “parasites” that can cause a buffer full error. Also on the “board” of this crystal, one could find technology that helps two operating systems function on one computer.

      It was possible to reduce the power consumption of the crystals and the noise of computing systems. AMD CoolCore was responsible for regulating the operation of inactive processor blocks, which, in turn, affected power consumption and heat dissipation. The memory could reach 1333 MHz.

      Those users who were able to unlock two dormant cores got an excellent processor. The dual-core model has evolved into a quad-core model. The chip with a starting frequency of 3100 MHz had a high overclocking potential. But even without overclocking, performance has already increased by almost 50%.