U808D: Datasheet search site, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors and other semiconductors.

The Intel 8008 support page

Collect and share information and software about Intel’s 8008
— the world’s first 8 bit CPU, introduced April 1972

This site is neither operated nor maintained by
Intel is a registered trademark of the Intel Corp, USA

Table of contents

  • Preface
  • Some history
  • General description
  • Registers and flags
  • Instruction set
    • CPU control group
    • Input and output group
    • jump group
    • call and return group
    • load group
    • arithmetic group
    • rotate group
  • Pinout
    • Pin functions
    • The 8008 machine states
  • Datasheets
  • Identify a 8008
  • Vintage computers using the 8008 CPU
  • Homebrew computers with 8008 CPU
  • Cross-Assembler
  • BASIC interpreter
  • PL/M compiler
  • Simulators and Emulators
  • Photo gallery of Intel 8008 chips (on other pages)
  • Prices at eBay
  • EPROM burner capable of burning Intel 1702A


When I was searching the web for information about the Intel 8008
a few years ago, little to none information was available. So I
started collecting the bits spread around and began representing
them here.

Meanwhile, the situation has changed. Wikipedia hosts an
excellent article
and a number of scanned datasheets are available.

Special thanks to Klemens Krause,
who maintains a great computer
museum that provided me lots of information and inspiration.

Some history

The Intel 8008 is the world’s first 8 bit microprocessor introduced
in April 1972. The 8008 was originally code named the 1201. The
developers were Ted Hoff, Stan Mazor, Hal Feeney, and Federico Faggin.

Intel designed it for Computer Terminal Corporation (CTC) for use
in it’s Datapoint 2200 terminal, but because the 8008 was delivered too
late and did not meet CTC’s expectations, they didn’t used it. Intel
then brought the rights back and marketed the chip on it’s own.

General description

The Intel 8008 runs at 0.5 MHz, the 8008-1 at 0.8 MHz. It contains
3500 transistors realized in PMOS technology at 10-micron. For
comparison, an Intel Pentium 4 consists of 178.000.000 transistors
manufactured in 0.13-micron.

It was used in dumb terminals, general calculators, bottling machines, and for general data/character manipulation.

The 8008 microprocessor contains an accumulator A plus 6 scratch registers B, C, D, E, H and L, each 8 bit wide. H
& L acts as a pointer to memory, providing an virtual register M. This is the only way on the 8008 to access the memory.

Separate from the memory, 8 input ports and 24 output ports can be accessed.

The chip has a 8 bit wide data bus and 14 bit wide address bus,
which can address 16 KB of memory. Since Intel could only manufacture
18 pin DIP packages at 1972, the bus has to be three times multiplexed.
Therefore the chip’s performance is very limited and it requires a lot
external logic to decode all signals.

Very crude interrupt support is given, since the registers can’t be pushed on the hardware stack. If you really need this, you could attach FIFO RAMs
like the SN74LS222 or SN74ALS232 to an I/O port.

Though often heard, it’s not true that the Intel 8008 would be
«twice a Intel 4004» that was introduced one year before. The 4004 has
a harvard architecture and 16 registers while the 8008 has a
von Neumann architecture and 7 registers.

The 8008 family is also referred to as the MCS-8.

Intel 8008 registers and flags

The 8008 microprocessor contains an 8 bit wide accumulator A plus 6
scratch registers B, C, D, E, H and L, each 8 bit wide. H & L acts
as a pointer to memory, providing an virtual register M. This is the
only way on the 8008 to access the memory. H contains the high
significant byte and L the lower significant byte of the 14 bit address.

Sign, Zero, Parity and Carry-flags are available though the 8008 has
no flag register. These four flag bits can be tested with conditional
JMP, CALL and RETurn instructions.

Intel 8008 instruction set

The instruction set of the Intel 8008 can be divided into 7 groups: the CPU control, Input and output, jump, call and return, load, arithmetic and the rotate group.

There are two sets of mnemonics resulting in identically binary
values. The old mnemonics are the first one published at 1972. Intel
changed the mnemonics around the year 1975. Both sets are described
below. The old set is designed to simplify things, it consists of three
characters which can be coded into 16 bits making a lookup-table very

CPU control group

binary old new Description
0 0  0 0 0  0 0 x HLT HLT  
1 1  1 1 1  1 1 1 HLT HLT  

Input and output group

binary old new Description
0 1  0 0 M  M M 1 INP IN port MMM
0 1  R R M  M M 1 OUT OUT port RRMMM (RR <> 0)

Jump group

binary old new Description
0 1  x x x  1 0 0 JMP JMP unconditionally jump
0 1  0 0 0  0 0 0 JFC JNC JMP if  carry = 0
0 1  0 0 1  0 0 0 JFZ JNZ JMP if result <> 0
0 1  0 1 0  0 0 0 JFS JP JMP if   sign = 0 (positive)
0 1  0 1 1  0 0 0 JFP JPO JMP if parity = odd
0 1  1 0 0  0 0 0 JC JC JMP if  carry = 1
0 1  1 0 1  0 0 0 JZ JZ JMP if result = 0
0 1  1 1 0  0 0 0 JS JM JMP if   sign = 1 (negative)
0 1  1 1 1  0 0 0 JP JPE JMP if parity = even

Call and return group

binary old new Description
0 1  x x x  1 1 0 CAL CALL unconditionally call subroutine
0 1  0 0 0  0 1 0 CFC CNC CALL if  carry = 0
0 1  0 0 1  0 1 0 CFZ CNZ CALL if result <> 0
0 1  0 1 0  0 1 0 CFS CP CALL if   sign = 0 (positive)
0 1  0 1 1  0 1 0 CFP CPO CALL if parity = odd
0 1  1 0 0  0 1 0 CC CC CALL if  carry = 1
0 1  1 0 1  0 1 0 CZ CZ CALL if result = 0
0 1  1 1 0  0 1 0 CS CM CALL if   sign = 1 (negative)
0 1  1 1 1  0 1 0 CP CPE CALL if parity = even
0 0  x x x  1 1 1 RET RET unconditionally return
0 0  0 0 0  0 1 1 RFC RNC RET if  carry = 0
0 0  0 0 1  0 1 1 RFZ RNZ RET if result <> 0
0 0  0 1 0  0 1 1 RFS RP RET if   sign = 0 (positive)
0 0  0 1 1  0 1 1 RFP RPO RET if parity = odd
0 0  1 0 0  0 1 1 RC RC RET if  carry = 1
0 0  1 0 1  0 1 1 RZ RZ RET if result = 0
0 0  1 1 0  0 1 1 RS RM RET if   sign = 1 (negative)
0 0  1 1 1  0 1 1 RP RPE RET if parity = even
0 0  A A A  1 0 1 RST RST call subroutine at adrs AAA000

Load group

binary old new Description
1 1  D D D  S S S Lds MOV d,s load d with content of s
1 1  D D D  1 1 1 LdM MOV d,M load d with content of Mem
1 1  1 1 1  s s s LMs MOV M,s load M with content of s
0 0  d d d  1 1 0 LdI MVI d Load register d with data
0 0  1 1 1  1 1 0 LMI MVI M Load Memory M with data b

Arithmetic group

binary old new Description
1 0  0 0 0  s s s ADs ADD s add contents of s to A
1 0  0 0 0  1 1 1 ADM ADD M add contents of M to A
0 0  0 0 0  1 0 0 ADI ADI b add constant b to A
1 0  0 0 1  s s s ACs ADC s add contents of s + CY to A
1 0  0 0 1  1 1 1 ACM ADC M add contents of M + CY to A
0 0  0 0 1  1 0 0 ACI ACI b add constant b + CY to A
1 0  0 1 0  s s s SUs SUB s sub contents of s from A
1 0  0 1 0  1 1 1 SUM SUB M sub contents of M from A
0 0  0 1 0  1 0 0 SUI SUI b sub constant b from A
1 0  0 1 1  s s s SBs SBB s sub contents of s + CY from A
1 0  0 1 1  1 1 1 SBM SBB M sub contents of M + CY from A
0 0  0 1 1  1 0 0 SBI SBI b sub constant b + CY from A
1 0  1 0 0  s s s NDs ANA s logical AND of s and A to A
1 0  1 0 0  1 1 1 NDM ANA M logical AND of M and A to A
0 0  1 0 0  1 0 0 NDI ANI b logical AND of const b and A to A
1 0  1 0 1  s s s XRs XRA s logical XOR of s and A to A
1 0  1 0 1  1 1 1 XRM XRA M logical XOR of M and A to A
0 0  1 0 1  1 0 0 XRI XRI b logical XOR of const b and A to A
1 0  1 1 0  s s s ORs ORA s logical OR of s and A to A
1 0  1 1 0  1 1 1 ORM ORA M logical OR of M and A to A
0 0  1 1 0  1 0 0 ORI ORI b logical OR of const b and A to A
1 0  1 1 1  s s s CPs CMP s compare s with A, set flags
1 0  1 1 1  1 1 1 CPM CMP M compare M with A, set flags
0 0  1 1 1  1 0 0 CPI CPI b compare const b with A, set flags
0 0  d d d  0 0 0 INd INR d increment register d (d<>A)
0 0  d d d  0 0 1 DCd DCR r decrement register d (d<>A)

Rotate group

binary old new Description
0 0  0 0 0  0 1 0 RLC RLC rotate content of A left
0 0  0 0 1  0 1 0 RRC RRC rotate content of A right
0 0  0 1 0  0 1 0 RAL RAL rotate content of A left through CY
0 0  0 1 1  0 1 0 RAR RAR rotate content of A right through CY

Each I-instruction (immediate addressing mode) is followed by a second byte containing the data.
Each JMP- and CALL-instructions are followed by two bytes containing
the address. The LSB follows first, then the MSB. Since the 8008 uses
only 14 address lines, the most significant two bits are ignored.

Intel 8008 pinout

                        ____    ____
		      _|    \__/    |_
	     --> Vdd |_|1         18|_| Interrupt <--
		      _|            |_
	     <--> D7 |_|2         17|_| Ready <--
		      _|            |_
	     <--> D6 |_|3         16|_| Phase 1 <--
		      _|            |_
	     <--> D5 |_|4  Intel  15|_| Phase 2 <--
		      _|            |_
	     <--> D4 |_|5  8008   14|_| Sync  -->
		      _|            |_
	     <--> D3 |_|6         13|_| S0 -->
		      _|            |_
	     <--> D2 |_|7         12|_| S1 -->
		      _|            |_
	     <--> D1 |_|8         11|_| S2 -->
		      _|            |_
	     <--> D0 |_|9         10|_| Vcc <--

Pin functions

D0-D7 bi-directional address/data-bus.
Interrupt (input, active high). Interrupt request is generated by I/O devices.
Ready (input, active high). If pulled to Low, the CPU waits for slow memory.
Phase 1, Phase 2 (input). Two-phase clock, non-overlapping. The microprocessor needs this to generate a four-phase-clock internally.
Sync (output, active high). Indicates that the current machine cycle is the opcode fetch cycle
of an instruction execution
S0-S2 (output, active high). Machine status-signals, described below
Vdd, Vcc Provide -9V at Vdd and +5V at Vcc to operate at TTL-levels

The 8008 machine states:

Name S2 S1 S0 Function
wait 0 0 0 Wait for slow memory
T3 0 0 1 Data input/output (memory access)
T1 0 1 0 Less significant address byte
stop 0 1 1 Wait for interrupt (HLT)
T2 1 0 0 More significant address byte + cc2 + cc1
T5 1 0 1 Internal data transfer
T1I 1 1 0 Like T1, but interrupt recognized
T4 1 1 1 Internal data transfer

cc2 and cc1 provided at T2-state give more information about the T3-state:

Name cc2 cc1 Function
PCI 0 0 Instruction Cycle. The first byte (containing the opcode) is read from the memory
PCR 1 0 Read Cycle. Data or following parts of the opcode are read from the memory
PCC 0 1 Command Cycle. Input-Output-Instruction. Whether a byte shall be read or written depends on the address
PCW 1 1 Write Cycle. Write data to memory


  • MCS-8 at bitsavers
  • Various documents are at
    Bryan’s Old Computers and at the bottom of

Identify a 8008

The part’s name varies depending on the manufacturer.

  • Intel

    D8008-1 e.g. lets you know:

    1. Package type
      • C = Side-brazed ceramic DIP
      • D = ceramic DIP
      • P = Plastic DIP
    2. Part number 8008
    3. Frequency
      • blank = 0.5 MHz
      • -1 = 0.8 MHz
  • Microsystems International

    MF8008R = 0. 5 MHz, MF8008-1R = 0.8 MHz, 18-pin ceramic DIP,
    Gray ceramic/gold top/gold pins — no further information available.

  • 8008 by Siemens

    SAB8008-1C = 0.8 MHz, 18-pin ceramic DIP, Purple ceramic/gold top/gold pins- no further information available.

  • Clones by east german VEB Funkwerk Erfurt

    The equivalent name is U808D or VB808D for the military version, both running at 0.5 MHz — no further information available.

Vintage computers

Some early designs used the 8008. Follow the external links to get more informations about these computers.

  • Mark-8
    • The Mark-8 at oldcomputers.com
    • Mark-8 Minicomputer
    • A Mark-8 Experience
    • The Mark-8 Minicomputer
  • MCM 70/700
    • The Micro Computer Machines MCM/70
    • MCM Model 782 APL
  • NBI Hantu
  • R2E Micral
  • Robotron K 1510 / PBT 4000
    • Robotron PBT4000, robotrontechnik. de (German)
    • Robotron K1510, Museum FH-Brandenburg (German)
  • Scelbi 8H, Scelbi 8B
    • SCELBI Computer Museum
    • Scelbi 8H, Scelbi 8B
    • The 8008 and Scelbi
    • SCELBI’s Wikipedia page
  • MIL MOD-8 and GNC-8
  • Bill-1 by Litton Data Systems

Homebrew Computers

  • emuf08 (German)
  • 8008 Computer «Clock»
  • SCELBI 2002
  • LC-8008

Cross Assemblers

  • The
    Macroassembler AS by Alfred Arnold has been my favorite assembler for
    many years. It’s latest version supports the 8008 now, with both old and new
    instruction sets. AS is available for almost any platform a C compiler exists
  • SB-Assembler is a free cross-assembler supporting a lot of CPUs including the 8008
  • AS8 by
    Thomas E. Jones is a small 8008 Assembler written in ANSI-C, source code is
    available, as well as a Windows executable. The original web pages
    The Mark-8 Minicomputer and AS8 User’s Manual are offline.

BASIC interpreter

  • SCELBAL is a BASIC interpreter written in assembler, published by
    SCELBI COMPUTER Consulting, Inc.

    8008chron.com hosts another version of the code.

PL/M for the Intel 8008

  • Gary Kildall programmed a PL/I
    compiler for the 8008 in FORTRAN and called it
    I wish, that compiler would appear somewhere…

Simulators and Emulators

  • SIMH, emulates a lot of historic computers including a SCELBI-8B
  • 8008 Simulation In JavaScript running SCELBAL
  • Semi-Decent 8008 Emulator
  • 8008/SCELBI OS/X Emulator Program
  • Sim8008 by Andreas Gebhardt, Simulator with assembler and
    debugger for Windows, in German only

Photo gallery of Intel 8008 chips (on other pages)

  • cpu-zone.com — watch’em all! 😉
  • cpu-world. com
  • cpu-collection.de
  • Ken Shirriff’s blog — Die photos and analysis

Prices at eBay

Date Price Location Description
2005-11-07 US $123.50 Silverdale, WA, USA Intel C8008, date code 76xx
2005-11-06 EUR 24.17 Trier, Germany MF8008R, military version by Microsystems International, date code 7439
2005-10-31 EUR 26.50 Germany U808 by MME, NOS, yellow and green marking, east german clone
2005-10-01 US $61.66 Bouvancourt, France Intel C8008 CPU, date code 7512, Malaysia, NOS
2005-09-29 US $60.00 Newmarket (Toronto), Canada Intel C8008 Processor, date code 7619, Philippines, grey ceramic DUP, one of the end pins broken, some scratches on the top
2005-09-08 US $188. 50 Vermont, USA Intel 8008-1, gold plated ceramic DIP
2005-09-02 US $47.23 APO, AP, USA Intel C8008-1, date code 7701, Malaysia, guaranteed of being in excellent condition, authentic and functioning
2005-09-02 US $42.00 APO, AP, USA Intel C8008, date code 7729, Hong Kong, guaranteed of being in excellent condition, authentic and functioning
2005-08-03 US $44.77 Ottawa, ON, Canada Intel C8008-1, Malaysia 1977, date code 7701, out of some ancient HP lab equipment (02640-60008)
2005-08-03 US $56.55 Ottawa, ON, Canada Intel C8008-1, Phillipines 1976, date code 7640, out of some ancient HP lab equipment (02640-60008)
2005-08-02 US $46.00 Newmarket (Toronto), Canada Intel C8008, grey ceramic DIP with gold leads, date code 7730, Hong Kong, pin 9 missing, part of the ceramic has chipped away
2005-07-08 US $57. 00 APO, AP, USA Intel C8008-1 3157A, date code 7705, Malaysia, NOS
2005-07-08 US $103.50 APO, AP, USA Intel C8008 03398, date code 7740, Malaysia, NOS
2005-07-04 EUR 36.50 Fohrde, Germany U808D by MME, east german clone
2005-06-26 US $55.57 Brighton, Michigan, USA Intel 8008-1

EPROM burner for Intel 1702A

The very first 8 bit CPU often ran its programs off the very first
EPROMs: the Intel 1702 and Intel 1702A, each holding 256 Bytes.

They are very different compared to later, more common EPROMs so that it’s
very hard to find a programmer these days, that is capable of burning
these beasts:

  • Simple 1702A EPROM Programmer by Stephen H. Lafferty

Martin Feberhard designed a new EPROM burner based on a modern
microcontroller: MFeberhard 1702A Programmer. Have a look at the Yahoo group
Altair Computer Club.

Dexovo Hexadecimální Doupě • 8008

I když se nás týká jen okrajově, přeci jen je to i naše historie.

Na Martinově osmibitovém blogu se objevila zajímavá reportáž ze stavby repliky stroje SCELBI 8H.
Milovníky exotických procesorů musí nadchnout to, že obsahuje procesor Intel 8008.

Intel 8008 vyvinula společnost Computer Terminal Corporation pod označením 1201 ne jako přímé rozšíření, ale s částečným využitím návrhu Intel 4004 (vyvinutého m.j. Federico Fagginem, později autorem 8080 a Z80, zakladatelem Zilogu – mimochodem 4004 byl sice až druhý mikroprocesor na světě, ovšem TMS-1000, vyvinutý u Texas Instruments ještě před 4004, se na trh dostal teprve 3 roky po Intelu). Na vývoji 1201 se měl podílet i Intel a Texas Instruments, ale návrhy posílané z Intelu se ukázaly být nefunkční a z většiny nebyly do výsledného čipu zapracovány. Zajímavé je, že CTC nakonec od jednopouzdrové implementace upustila a svůj Datapoint 3300 realizovala pomocí TTL diskrétní logiky (takže první komerčně vyráběný stroj s instrukční sadou 8008 vlastně žádnou 8008 neobsahoval – navíc Datapointy byly “jen” inteligentní termminály, ne počítače). Aby nemusela platit Intelu za podíl na vývoji, prostě jim hotový návrh čipu přenechala.
Intel přejmenovat 1201 na 8008 a začal prodávat. (Intel, firma vyrábějící paměti, před 4004 ani mikroprocesory dělat nechtěla s oddůvodněním, že na jeden počítač stačí jen jeden mikroprocesor, zatímco paměťových čipů je potřeba mnohem víc a tudíž je z toho i větší vejvar; navíc hlavní odběratelé pamětí byli výrobci počítačů a Intel měl strach, že při výrobě mikroprocesoru ho budou považovat za konkurenta a budou si zdroj paměťových čipů hledat jinde.)

Prvním počítačem s 8008 tak mohl být britský stroj vyvíjený v EMI. Proč nebyl?
Vývoj začal snad ještě na 1201 nebo předprodukční verzi 8008, kterou v EMI doplnili o externí zálohovaný stack, který přežil i vypnutí počítače. Operační systém byl v ROM a tak nebylo potřeba u počítače konstruovat čelní panel. V roce 1972 byl připraven funkční vzorek pro předvedení managementu EMI, který se ale rozhodl projekt počítače ukončit.

Intel samozřejmě stavěl vlastní počítače s procesorem 8008, Intellec 8 (též MDS-8). Zajímavé je, že sice měly po vzoru minipočítačů čelní panel s přepínači a světýlky, ale ty pro systém s vlastní ROM (v případě Intellecu) nebyly vlastně potřeba. U amatérských konstrukcí mikropočítačů bez vlastní ROM sloužily většinou k zobrazování obsahu paměti, ovšem bez možnosti zobrazení obsahu interních registrů procesoru, jako to bylo možné na minipočítačích. Na některých (SCELBI) se takto do paměti dostat nedalo a čelní panel sloužil jen přístupu na sběrnici (ukládání dat do paměti se pak nedělo postupným procházením adres paměti a změnou jejich obsahu, ale zadáváním posloupnosti instrukcí procesoru pro naplnění registrů hodnotou a následné uložení do RAM).
Intellecy se primárně neprodávaly, používali je interně vývojáři, jako operační systém byl použit MDS-DOS (pro pozdější 8080 verzi Intellecu, “Intellec 8 MOD 80”, připravil Garry Kildall, který předtím pro Intel napsal cross-assembler pro 8008 ve Fortranu, operační systém CP/M, který ale Intel odmítl a nahradil vlastním ISIS, což spíš než operační systém bylo vývojové prostředí).

Když se ale podíváte na manuál pro Intellec 8 (MDS-8), v pravém horním rohu titulní stránky uvidíte ještě jeden počítač.
Byl jím “Sacramento State“, vyvíjený na univerzitě v Sacramentu jako součást medicínského projektu COMERES (Computerised Medical Records System). Podrobné informace o SacState (včetně výpisů 8008 kódu) najdete ZDE.
Počítač byl sice dokončen (jako první kompletní americký mikropočítač včetně periferií a DOSu, a díky barevnému terminálu od IBM i s barevným výstupem), ale nebyl z různých důvodů vyráběn – byl složitý, 8008 neměl dostatečnou rychlost pro přímou komunikaci s diskovým řadičem, což se obcházelo různými (drahými) buffery (SacState používal 3 MB harddisk vytažený z mainframu), a jako programovací jazyk pro SacState byl použit BAL od IBM (Basic Assembly Language), což byl problém i z hlediska autorského práva. (Udává se, že použití BAL byl i problém československého počítače Consul 2715, postaveného z řezů kompatibilních s Intel 3000 – pod názvem Basic Assembly Language očekávali uživatelé Basic a místo toho na ně vybaflo něco jako makroassembler, navíc s instrukční sadou nekompatibilní s tehdy u nás dobře dokumentovaným 8080. )

Francouzi si (z popudu ministerstva zemědělství, pro které minipočítače stavěné z diskrétní logiky, jako DEC PDP-8, byly drahé) postavili svůj Micral, který měl profesionální zpracování s designem skříně dodržujícím trendy té doby – přiznané dřevo na bočnicích, lesklé chromované ovládací prvky a masivní přepínače – a před sebou poměrně dlouhou a světlou budoucnost. Zpočátku šlo o čistě 8008 systém založený na vlastní sběrnici Pluribus, složený z jednotlivých a poměrně jednoduchých karet (procesorová karta, paměťová karta, …). Velmi brzy dostal (díky implementaci bufferu) diskový řadič.
Postupně byly pro Pluribus vytvořeny i procesorové karty s 8080, ze Z80 a 8088, což byl trochu paradox, neboť díky 14bitové sběrnici původního 8008 byl i při instalaci 8088 přímo dostupný paměťový prostor omezen na 16 kB.
Až po dlouhých deseti letech byla firma R2E, vyrábějící Micral, prodána firmě Bull, která pokračovala ve výrobě 8088 systémů a provedla hladký přechod na výrobu IBM PC klonů.
Zajímavé je, že zatímco dění v USA ovlivňovalo celý svět, francouzský počítač na dění v USA žádný vliv neměl.

O SCELBI-8H toho napsal dost už Martin. Včetně toho, že se první inzerát na něj objevil v březnu roku 1974 (v radioamatérském časopise QST, takže “počítačovými” kutily prakticky nepovšimnut, byl to ale snad první inzerát na amatérský kit založený na mikroprocesoru) a že byl (částečně kvůli nemoci svého tvůrce) tento projekt prodělečný.
Zkratka SCELBI znamenala Scientific, Electronic, Biologic, protože hlavní pole nasazení minipočítačů a prvních mikropočítačů, které měly minipočítače vlastně zastoupit nebo nahradit, bylo v laboratořích. SCELBI bylo z 256 bajtů rozšiřitelné na 4 kB RAM, což představovalo tehdy opravdu hromadu čipů (Intel měl jistě radost, pokud se objednávaly u něj).
Jako médium pro ukládání dat používaly tyto levné počítače dálnopisný vstup s možností připojení čtečky děrné pásky nebo, místo řadiče disků, kartu pro připojení kazetového magnetofonu.

Týž rok jako SCELBI se objevil i Mark-8, dokonce hned na titulní stránce červencové radioelektroniky (1974). Bylo možné si objednat plány na stavbu (těch se prodalo 10 000) nebo neosazené desky (těch se prodalo 2 000 sad, bohužel neměly prokovené otvory a to znesnadňovalo stavbu, navíc byl Mark-8 pro amatérskou stavbu relativně složitý).
Přesto vznikly i uživatelské kluby tohoto pozoruhodného počítače. Díky tomu, že si ho lidé stavěli sami, mívá výsledný stroj různé (tady) podoby (nebo tady).

Kromě “amatérských” konstrukcí vznikaly i počítače vytvořené firmami, které se nevyráběly a byly vytvořeny v jednom nebo několika málo kusech pro vnitřní potřebu podniku. Takovým 8008 strojem byl i BEHEMOTH z roku 1974 – postavený opět jako náhrada minipočítače. Byl skvěle vybavený – měl (údajně mizerný) matematický koprocesor a dokonce (vektorový) grafický výstup – “displaylist” v paměti byl vyčítán DMA a přes DA převodníky posílán na obrazovku osciloskopu. Pracoval s děrnými štítky.
BEHEMOTH sloužil tvorbě hudby, takže měl zvukový generátor a interface pro připojení kláves.
Poměrně podrobné informace včetně schémat najdete ZDE.

Abychom byli dějinně úplní, nesmíme zapomenout na jednoduchý počítač s 8008, který navrhnul jakýsi Paul Allen. jeho přítel Bill Gates měl pro tento počítač napsat interpret Basicu. Tento jednoduchý systém chtěli nabídnout pro řízení provozu, za tám účelem si založili společnost Traf-O-Data (Traf jako traffic). Nevím, jestli počítač fyzicky existoval, nebo jen na papíře, ani, zda Bill opravdu Basic pro 8008 napsal, ale všichni vědí, že se pak objevil Altair 8800, Allen napsal emulátor procesoru 8080, Bill Gates koupil od spolužáka rutiny pro práci s plovoucí řádovou čárkou a vytvořili tak Basic pro 8080, který prodávali pod značkou Micro-soft (tehdy ještě s pomlčkou).

U nás v Konstrukční příloze Amatérského rádia (což byla z nějakého důvodu bašta počítačových inženýrů, kteří jinak neměli do jakého periodika se vrtnout) roku 1982 (tedy po téměř deseti letech) vyšel plánek na stavbu počítače VSS808.
Otázka je, kde uprostřed socialismu sebrat intelácký procesor 8008 (a nekrást).

CPU-Zone 8008

CPU-Zone 8008


(8008 die core)

  April 1972
Category:   8-bit microprocessor
  8008 0.5MHz
8008-1 0.8MHz
Technology:   P-channel
silicon gate MOS technology

Number of transistors:
  3,500 (10 microns)

Addressable memory:
  16K x 8-bits
Number of
  48 with a 8 level stack, seven 8-bit
registers and interrupt abilities




The 8008 was developed in tandem with the 4004 and was intended
to be a custom chip for CTC (later
Datapoint) but was rejected because it was too slow

The G8008 was sold to
Godbout Electronics in
Oakland for use and sale in the hobby market.

Second source:
  Siemens and Microsystems International was second source to
Intel 8008.
East German clones was also made of the 8008.


C8008 C8008 C8008 C8008 C8008 C8008
N. D.C Philippines
C8008 C8008 C8008      
C8008-1 C8008-1 C8008-1 C8008-1 C8008-1 C8008-1
N. D.C
C8008-1 C8008-1 C8008-1 C8008-1    
(HP House Marking)
D8008 D8008-1 D8008-1      
N. D.C          


Microsystems International        
MF8008R MF8008-1R        
7511 7540        




FunkWerk Erfurt          



Pin configuration





AMI  Chips 
Fairchild  GDR 


 Hughes Aircraft 


Microsystems International 


Poland  Philips 


SGS Thomson  SGS
SSS Signetics 
Synertek Toshiba 

Weitek  Xtend   





40-pin DIP


40-pin DIP


40-pin DIP


40-pin DIP

Chips  CPU






ceramic PGA






44-pin plastic LCC/40-pin DIP,8 bit,Motorola


40-pin DIP,8
bit,Motorola 650x





40-pin DIP,8
bit,Motorola 650x

Fairchild  CPU




40-pin DIP


40-pin DIP





18-pin DIP, Intel 8008 processor





40-pin DIP,8
bit,Motorola 650x

















PA-7000 32-bit 66MHz 32/35/48/66 256KB I

256KB D
  96 I

96 D


32-bit 125MHz

  120 2 Yes INT



32-bit 100MHz 48/60/64/75/80/96/100 1KB I
64 2 No INT



32-bit 140MHz 100/120/140 2KB

120 2 Yes INT





32-bit 180MHz 132/160/165/180 64KB I

64KB D
96 2 No INT

PA-RISC,1996. 7?




64-bit 230MHz 160/180/230 1MB I

  96 4 Yes INT






64-bit 300MHz

  120 4 Yes INT


PA-RISC,1997. 5




64-bit 440MHz
512KB I

  160 4 Yes INT





64-bit 550MHz 500/550/552 512KB I

  160 4 Yes INT


PA-RISC,2000. 1




64-bit 875MHz 625/650/750/875 768KB I

1.5MB D
  240 4 Yes INT


PA-8800 64-bit 1GHz 1000 1.5MB I

1.5MB D
480 8 Yes INT




32-bit 60MHz 33/60 8KB I

  32 I

64 D
1(?) No(?) INT


32-bit 150MHz 150 8KB I

16KB D
512KB I

512KB D
128 I

128 D
2 No(?) INT


Hughes Aircraft CPU




40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit

Kruger  CPU




Mostek  CPU




40-pin DIP,8-bit


32-bit  processor,64-pin DIP,Motorola
68000 family





40-pin DIP








386,132-pin ceramic PGA

Maxwell  CPU





Microsystems International  CPU




18-pin DIP, Intel 8008 processor







40-pin DIP






40-pin DIP,8bit, used in Apple II,
Commodore PET, VIC20, NES

DIP,8 bit,Motorola 650x


40-pin DIP,8
bit,Motorola 650x

40-pin DIP,8
bit,Motorola 650x,Commodore C64

6510 in newer C64 models

16bit, 6502 compatible, used
in Apple IIgs, SuperNES

National Semiconductor Ұ뵼




40-pin DIP,4-bit
slice processor


4bit data bus 12bit address









40-pin DIP,8
bit,Motorola 650x





40-pin DIP,8
bit,Motorola 650x


40-pin DIP





40-pin DIP. i8085




Poland  CPU




8080 processor

Philips  CPU




40-pin DIP






40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit

Rockwell  CPU




40-pin DIP,8
bit,Motorola 650x


40-pin DIP,8
bit,Motorola 650x


28/40-pin DIP,8 bit,Motorola 650x


28-pin DIP,8 bit,Motorola 650x

SGS Thomson  CPU




40-pin DIP,Motorola


32bit, 16bit










Z80 (Z8400) 2. 5,4,8MHz

Z80L (Z8400L) 1,1.5,2.5MHz

Z8001 4,6,10MHz





40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit

Signetics  CPU




2-bit  processor,28-pin DIP


40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit



32bit, 16bit

Synertek  CPU




40-pin DIP,8-bit


40-pin DIP,8-bit processor


40-pin DIP,8-bit processor


28-pin DIP,8-bit processor


28-pin DIP,8-bit processor


28-pin DIP,8-bit processor

Thompson  CPU




40-pin DIP,Motorola


40-pin DIP,Motorola


40-pin DIP,Motorola


40-pin DIP,Motorola


40-pin DIP,Motorola


40-pin DIP,4-bit
slice processor


32bit, 16bit
plastic LCC


16bit data,48-pin
plastic DIP

Toshiba  CPU




40-pin DIP








Intel 3002,2-bit 
processor,28-pin DIP


AMD 2901,40-pin DIP


AMD 2903


AMD 2909,40-pin DIP


Intel 8080,40-pin DIP


Intel 8080,40-pin DIP


Intel 8080,40-pin DIP


Intel 8085,40-pin DIP







40-pin DIP,8
bit,Motorola 650x

Weitek  CPU










FPU for 386

FPU for 386

FPU for 486





Xtend  CPU




68-pin plastic LCC

Home Computers Behind The Iron Curtain

I was born in 1973 in Czechoslovakia. It was a small country in the middle of Europe, unfortunately on the dark side of the Iron Curtain. We had never been a part of Soviet Union (as many think), but we were so-called “Soviet Satellite”, side by side with Poland, Hungary, and East Germany.

My hobbies were electronics and – in the middle of 80s – computers. The history of computers behind the Iron Curtain is very interesting, with a lot of unusual moments. For example – communists at first called cybernetics as “bourgeois’ pseudoscience” (as well as sociology or semiotics), “used to enslave a mankind by machines”. But later on they understood the importance of computers, primarily for science and army. So in 50s the Eastern Bloc started to build its own computers, separately and “in its own way.”

The biggest problem was a lack of modern technologies. There were a lot of skilled and clever people in eastern countries, but they had a lot of problems with the elementary technical things. Manufacturing of electronics parts was divided into diverse countries of Comecon – The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. In reality, it led to an absurd situation: You could buy the eastern copy of Z80 (made in Eastern Germany as U880D), but you couldn’t buy 74LS00 at the same time. Yes, a lot of manufacturers made it, but “it is out of stock now; try to ask next year”. So “make a computer” meant 50 percent of electronics skills and 50 percent of unofficial social network and knowledge like “I know a guy who knows a guy and his neighbor works in a factory, where they maybe have a material for PCBs” at those times.

We can talk a lot about Czechoslovak computers, for example the SAPO computer (7000 relays and 400 vacuum tubes, 1958) or Epos 2 (1968, diodes and transistors). Later on Comecon decided to build clones – better said “unlicensed pirate copies” – of western computers, namely IBM-360 or DEC PDP-11. In 1974 Comecon came with another strategy: build a line of small computers.

Just for context: at those times the CoCom embargo denied the export of modern technology to the Soviet bloc, for example modern CPUs (e. g. 68000). But eastern manufacturers made their own copies, based on reverse engineering, espionage and datasheets. Czechoslovak IC manufacturer Tesla made 8080 clone MHB8080 and copy of Intel 3000, a Germany supplier made 8008 and Z80 clones (U808D and U880D), Soviets produced 8080 and 8086 clones, Bulgarian plants made, for example, floppy disk mechanics etc.

I have to apologize to all other post-Comecon countries. They had their own home computer scenes, but I don’t know details about their computers etc. But we can say each country behind the Iron Curtain made its own home computers in 80’s. It was half on half “own design” and “clone of a western computer”. For example, Bulgarians had “Pravetz” computers, compatible with Apple II (but one type was compatible with Oric-1).

In Czechoslovakia, there was the major electronics factory named Tesla. Its name should be an abbreviation of “Technika Slaboprouda” (“Low Voltage Technology” in English), but I guess it obviously referred to [Nicola Tesla]. It was formed as a holding of diverse electronics-related plants. One Tesla made semiconductors, another one made TVs, yet another produced record player chassis. It was a little bit of competition in the world of “total cooperative” (I remember they taught us that “competition is bad” in basic school, because “workers should cooperate in developing of socialism, neither compete nor rival”).

One of Czechoslovak computer prodigies, [Eduard Smutný], together with his twin brother [Tomáš] designed the industrial computer JPR-12, based on Israeli ELBIT, and pushed it into production in Tesla. Some years later they made JPR-1, the simple 8bit computer, based on 8080. One important moment about this computer was that these designers published complete schematics and PCBs in Czechoslovak hobby magazine “Amatérské Rádio”. It was curious – you could not buy parts like LEDs in a store, but there was a very strong hobbyist’s scene. These people made radio transmitters or home automation or HiFi amplifiers. The communist regime surprisingly supported them (or better say: don’t repressed them) in their activities, because it felt the economy needed technically skilled people.

The JPR-1 was a single board computer with 8080 and its support chips (8224 and 8228) and some memory on a board. [Smutný] also designed other boards, for example alphanumeric TV display, port board, memory board, membrane keyboard, serial ports etc. Tesla made a whole line of these boards as an industrial computer, named SAPI. [Smutný] also made a Z80-based equivalent JPR-1Z, because (as he said) JPR-1 could work as CP/M machine, but Turbo Pascal needed Z80 instructions.

Tesla Ondra.

His last computer was “Ondra” (1986) – simple Z80-based computer with 64kB of RAM, built on single board, embedded in single case with the keyboard. Author says it was inspired by Sinclair’s ZX-81, but he couldn’t rely on ULA or similar custom VLSI, so he designed all these functions like RAM refresh or display timing as very clever hardware hacks, based on 8253 timers / counters and other parts, available in Comecon. Tesla made just about 1000 pieces of this computer, the majority of them was used in clubs of youth electronics.


Other Tesla computers were designed by Slovak engineer [Roman Kišš]. The first one, PMI-80, was a classic Single Board Computer, like e.g. well known KIM-1. PMI-80 has 8080 equivalent MHB8080, 1 kB RAM, 8255 PIO (you can add second PIO and expand the port lines), calculator keyboard (5×5 matrix) and calculator LED display (9 positions). Its monitor takes 1kB of ROM. Users can connect some hardware to control and store the programs on cassette tape (all controlled by software, no special IC). PMI-80 was widely used as a school computer or as a simple industrial computer.

The second computer, designed by [Kišš] , was PMD 85. The “85” doesn’t refer to Intel 8085. Kišš says he was inspired by Hewlett-Packard’s computer HP-85. PMD 85 has 32kB of user RAM, 16kB of video RAM, 4kB of Monitor ROM and it was based on 8080A. PMD 85 came with EPROM module with built BASIC G. G is for Graphic – and PMD 85 was the first Czechoslovak 8bit computer with fine graphic mode 288 x 256 pixels (Black and White).

PMD 85-1

PMD-85 became quite popular. It had his drawbacks; sockets for some IOs weren’t precise and some IO could sometimes overheat. On the other hand, it was really the best Czechoslovak computer of the time. Tesla made some successors, named PMD 85-2, PMD 85-2A and PMD 85-3, with better keyboard, more memory, color display or ALL RAM mode. Czech fans made a lot of games and utilities for PMD, as well as hardware add-ons, from industrial printer interface to a joystick interface. PMD still has a strong community in both Czech and Slovak Republic till today and you can buy or build for example floppy disk drive or MIF-85 – a sound interface based on SAA1099.

PMD has some clones, namely Maťo, Zbrojováček or Didaktik Alfa, manufactured not by Tesla, but by a co-op, a school supplier, or the arms manufacturer Zbrojovka Brno.

If PMD-85 was the most beloved computer, its cousin, the IQ-151 was the widely hated one. It was designed by Czech company ZPA, a research plant focused on industrial automation. IQ-151 was a very big and heavy computer. It contains “mainboard” with 8080 CPU and some support parts, dock for expansion module and the infamous power supply which overheated, but it couldn’t provide enough power for more than two modules. If you wanted to work you have to connect at least a display module and a BASIC module. It was really a horrible computer. Poorly designed, poorly manufactured, with terrible keyboard seemingly based on a doorbell. The manufacturer made some necessary changes later on, but users disliked IQ-151.

The IQ-151 was planned as a school computer and some schools actually got it. At the dawn of the Eastern Bloc, the IQ-151 was upgraded to work in a local area network, with some kind of CP/M. The Mathematics and Physics department at the Charles University in Prague developed their own operating system, AMOS, and a Pascal compiler.

Let me say a little remark about “home computers”. Ondra or PMD-85 were home computers as we understand this term now: single case with keyboard, cassette tape as storage and TV for video out. But “home” is strongly misleading in the conjunction with Czechoslovak computers. The price of these computers was really fantastic – six month average salary or so, so the majority of production was bought by schools, clubs, industrial plants or research institutes. Technically, there were home computers, but almost nobody had these computers really at home as own, personal computer.

So the question is: What did we have in our households as our real home computer? Simple answer is: Everything we could smuggle from Western Germany, Austria or Britain. The most popular brands were Sinclair and Atari. You could buy, unofficially, of course, Sinclair ZX Spectrum and Atari 800 XL at prices about one month salary. Sometimes some official importer went mad and bought 1000 pieces of Sharp MZ-821 and sold them on the local market. The same situation was with Sord m5 – there were about 1000 m5s in Czechoslovakia. At the end of 80s some Amigas or Atari STs appeared in Czechoslovakia, but again individually imported.

But none of these importers ever imported any literature, manuals, just anything, so Czechoslovak computer fans were “hackers with a reason”. Total lack of information made us find fragments of knowledge almost everywhere. In hobby magazines, bad photocopies of foreign catalogs, books, foreign magazines. My friend, for example, had only an Atari 800XL, a list of instruction names for 6502 and disassembler software, so he reconstructed the whole instruction code table and meaning of codes by trial and error. I rewrote his remarks and “discoveries” on my typewriter in three exemplars, sent them to club newsletter.

Needless to say there was not only the official electronics and radio magazine Amatérské Rádio, but some computer clubs issued their own magazines too. They were published at varying levels of quality, from four papers joined by paperclip to professional brochures, issued in series of tens or hundreds copies. Members of these clubs shared their knowledge, lent documentation and made copies of software, from cassette to cassette, free of charge. Yes, it was breaking the copyright, and it was everywhere – from hobbyists to big corporations.

The ZX Spectrum and Atari 800XL

There was two strong scenes: one around Sinclair/Spectrum, and one around Atari, both with thousands of owners. Some people had Commodore C64, some Sord, Sharp MZ or Amstrad CPC, with tens or hundreds owners of each type. But there was rare computers too. For example, my friend’s father on his business trip “to the West” bought a Laser 210, which was rare computer here. It was very expensive, so he did not buy any software or something more. My friend then had a computer with literally no software or knowledge, he had a User Manual only, and he couldn’t find anyone with the same computer to share info or software.

Talking about software – the situation was even more ridiculous! Try to guess – how many software titles for home computers could you buy in Czechoslovak software shops in 1987? No, it wasn’t 1000. Not even 500. Neither 100 nor 50… No, not 10. The correct answer is: You couldn’t buy software in a shop! There were no shops with software or computer games. It was smuggled and copied from western countries. On the other side the lack of software meant that nearly every computer owner had to learn a little bit programming, at least in BASIC. There were a lot of skilled programmers who wrote games, compilers, and database programs. Another curiosity: when you wrote a software, it was illegal to sell it! That only became legal in 1988 and you still had to get an authority agreement.

To answer to the question “why Czechoslovak home computers uses primarily cassette tapes and not floppy disks?” Because you couldn’t simply buy a floppy disk at your local shop. There were five or ten better equipped shops in the whole country and they maybe had floppy disks. They got for example ten boxes of 5.25” floppies, sold out in one hour, and no more for two, three, six months… The only solution was smuggling, or black market. It got slightly better at the end of 80s.

Didaktik Gama

In 1987 manufacturer of school supplies Didaktik Skalica, maker of PMD clone Didaktik Alfa, made another computer named Didaktik Gama – a real clone of ZX Spectrum, extended with 8255 PIO and with RAM expanded to 80 kB. They bought a lot of original ULAs somewhere, so they built ZX Spectrum clone and started to sell it for a reasonable price. At the very end of 80’s we could buy this Czechoslovak computer at home for about one month salary.

This was the official part of Czechoslovak personal computers. We have to mention two local phenomena. The first one was a “capitalist enclave” – JZD Slušovice (JZD means ‘agricultural cooperative’). Its leader built a market oasis with a lot of economical exceptions, so they could buy ICs directly for foreign currencies, Dollars or Deutsche Marks. Therefore they made very sophisticated computers with contemporary design, for example based on Z80, with two floppy drives, RAM disk and CP/M. Oh, pardon, not CP/M, it was MIKROS or TNS-DOS – it was totally compatible with CP/M, but it was unlicensed. At the end of 80s they planned 16-bit computers compatible with PC, but then the Eastern Bloc collapsed and we could buy the original PC directly, mainly at the sales in neighbor countries like Austria or Germany.

The second phenomenon of these times was hobby computers. Mentioned earlier Amatérské Rádio published a lot of schematics and PCBs for different single board computers from Czechoslovak hobbyists. These computers had only one or very few exemplars. Amatérské Rádio itself published its own modular computer system Mikro-AR. But the most weird design I can remember was Mistrum computer – it was compatible with ZX Spectrum, but ULA was simulated by a bunch of chips from 74LSxx line. An unbelievable piece, a monument of an era in which people could develop computers, but couldn’t do it easy as “buy components and build”, the era of true hacking not for fun, but of necessity.

When the Eastern bloc fell down, we quickly filled the technological gap and started to use contemporary hardware, buy software (well… slowly) and adapt ourselves to standard computer economics (I worked with AT286 and laser printer in my first job in spring 1992). But you know – we sometimes reminisce our first computers…

Czechoslovak “home computers” from behind the Iron Curtain – or better say “Officially-made 8bit computers you could meet in 80’s”:

JPR-1 (SAPI-1):

Multi board computer, based on 8080A, 1kB RAM, up to 8kB EPROM. Other boards added RAM, EPROM, TV display 20 lines x 40 characters, QWERTY membrane keyboard etc. Built-in MIKRO BASIC and monitor. Its primary aim was industry.





Single board school CPU 8080A, 1.1111MHz (10MHz / 9), 1kB RAM, 1kB ROM, 25 key calculator type keyboard, 9 digit 7 segment LED display. Built-in monitor. Tape I/O. Created as didactic tool for technical schools.



PMD 85-1

CPU 8080A, 2. 048MHz, 48kB RAM (later models with 56kB or 64kB), 4 kB ROM (later model with 8kB). Standard QWERTY keyboard, TV OUT 288×256 monochrome graphics, 25 lines, 48 chars. Last model can use 8 colors, first model just 4: black, white, grey and blinking). Tape deck as storage. 1bit beeper. Two parallel ports, serial port (8251). It uses ROM cartridges with BASIC (later you could buy Pascal too).





School computer, based on CPU 8080A, 2MHz, 32kB RAM (up to 64), 6kB EPROM (+ cartridges), 32 lines x 32 characters TV OUT (later 64 characters per line), you can add graphic monochrome module with 512×256 pixels resolution. Single bit speaker. 5 expansion slots, two of them were permanently taken by display adapter and BASIC. Very poor power supply, tends to overheat.

Tesla Ondra:

Very rare computer. CPU U880D (Z80 clone from GDR), 2MHz, 64kB RAM, 4kB ROM, TV display 20 lines x 40 chars, graphic mode 320 x 240 monochrome. QWERTY keyboard, tape interface. BASIC was on the tape and you had to load it before use.


Didaktik Gama:

ZX Spectrum clone with original ULA (later models Didaktik M and Didaktik Kompakt from early 90’s use ULA1 from USSR, so the display was square shaped instead of rectangle and there were some timing incompatibilities). It was the first real home computer you could buy.


[Martin Malý] works as a media technology consultant and team leader of developers for some Czech newspapers. He has experience from startups and did a lot of web projects (e.g. was a Lead developer, Programmer, Administrator, Manager and Ideologist for a cutting edge Czech blogging system called Bloguje.cz).

His biggest hobby, beside programming, is microelectronics and old computers. He did some task programming on railroad engines, based on microcontrollers (8051 family, AVR, Microchip) and some “homebrew” gadgets, computers etc. He joined his two hobbies together in ASM80.com – an online IDE and assembler for 8bit CPUs.

[Martin] is an Evangelist and Teacher of New Web Technologies (OpenID, OAuth, cloud computing, HTML5, Node.js, Coffeescript and other stuff) as well as Evangelist of HTML5 development for mobile devices.

He does quite a bit of writing – starting with some juvenile textperiments, continuing through a series of blogs and online magazines, and he ended up as an Editor-in-Chief of zdrojak.cz – an online mag about web technologies.

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English (USA) Pronunciation
English (USA) Pronunciation
English (USA) Pronunciation
English (USA) Pronunciation
English (USA) Pronunciation
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English (USA) Pronunciation
English (Welsh) Pronunciation
Finnish Pronunciation
French (France) Pronunciation
French (France) Pronunciation
French (France) Pronunciation
French (France) Pronunciation
French (France) Pronunciation
French (Canada) Pronunciation
French (Canada) Pronunciation
French (Canada) Pronunciation
German Pronunciation
German Pronunciation
German Pronunciation
German Pronunciation
German Pronunciation
German Pronunciation
Hindi Pronunciation
Icelandic Pronunciation
Icelandic Pronunciation
Italian Pronunciation
Italian Pronunciation
Italian Pronunciation
Italian Pronunciation
Italian Pronunciation
Japanese Pronunciation
Japanese Pronunciation
Japanese Pronunciation
Japanese Pronunciation
Korean Pronunciation
Korean Pronunciation
Norwegian Pronunciation
Norwegian Pronunciation
Norwegian Pronunciation
Polish Pronunciation
Polish Pronunciation
Polish Pronunciation
Polish Pronunciation
Polish Pronunciation
Polish Pronunciation
Portuguese (Brazil) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Brazil) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Brazil) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Brazil) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Brazil) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Portugal) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Portugal) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Portugal) Pronunciation
Portuguese (Portugal) Pronunciation
Russian Pronunciation
Russian Pronunciation
Russian Pronunciation
Russian Pronunciation
Romanian Pronunciation
Slovak Pronunciation
Spanish (USA) Pronunciation
Spanish (USA) Pronunciation
Spanish (Castilian) Pronunciation
Spanish (Castilian) Pronunciation
Spanish (Spain) Pronunciation
Spanish (Spain) Pronunciation
Spanish (Spain) Pronunciation
Spanish (Spain) Pronunciation
Spanish (Spain) Pronunciation
Spanish (Mexico) Pronunciation
Swedish Pronunciation
Swedish Pronunciation
Swedish Pronunciation
Turkish Pronunciation
Turkish Pronunciation
Welsh Pronunciation
Ukrainian Pronunciation

Decoder — command — The Big Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas, article, page 3

Page 3

The command code containing 1 in bit 7 enters the diagnostic command decoder CA . The micro-diagnostics program contains basically standard repetitive sequences of commands that load micro-commands into the control memory information register, execute them and compare the results with standards. With their help, various fields of the microinstruction register are filled with the contents of the RgDG. If there is a 1 in bit 4 of the Set Groups command code, the accumulated micro-instruction is executed. The execution of each microcommand is accompanied by a comparison of the last bits of the microcommand address with the reference values ​​of these bits specified by bits 5 and 6 of the Set Groups command code. This checks the execution of all analysis micro-operations that change the value of the last bits of the micro-command address. A mismatch between these values ​​causes an AV transition error trigger to be set, diagnostics to stop, and the cause of the stop to be displayed on the display.

Block diagram of the microprocessor U 808 D.

Commands read from RAM are transferred to the command register and decoded in the command decoder . The instruction pool in the U808D microprocessor is 48 instructions. From the command decoded and to be processed, the appropriate cycle control follows.

The MP control unit includes a P/C command register, command decoder D1 / L and g — him control — synchronization SU S, built on the microprogram principle.

In addition to the section control signals KM1804VU1, KM1804VU2 provides control of the command counter, PLA of the command decoder and the microinstruction register.

The remote control system receiver consists of a radio receiver that receives command signals and a command decoder that extracts and generates commands for turning on or off the executive relays. Therefore, one of the designs of the crane control equipment provides for the transmission of a larger number of commands.

On the strobe signal ACCEPT THE COMMAND accompanying the command from the USC, it is decoded by the command decoder . The signal from the corresponding output of the decoder excites one of the command register mode triggers. The transition of the adapter, as well as the entire data link, from the control state, in which it is possible to perform the connection establishment procedure, to the data transfer mode is accompanied by setting the trigger in the control node to a single state, issuing the TEXT signal.

The circuit in which the processor converts the instruction code into special control signals is called the instruction decoder .

Structural diagram of typewriter control when it is connected to a channel.

It contains the necessary units for generating control signals, registers, address decoder and command decoder , unit for monitoring transmitted and received parity information.

Command information is selected from the OP and entered on the command register RK, from the output of which it enters the command decoder DshK, implemented on programmable ROM. With the help of DshK, the starting address of the microprogram for the execution of an individual command or group of commands is formed. To combine the microprograms of some commands, indirect control by the command code is used by the BO processing unit. The basis of the BO is a 16-bit ALU built on the basis of a 4-bit microprocessor section K1804BC1 containing an adder, 16 local memory cells, an additional register, shifters, data transmission multiplexers and control circuits. The input of the BO receives information from the shifter. Information from the built-in OP or OR is received by the switch.

The interface includes a register for temporary storage of information, switched buffers of this register with the internal circuit of the device, command decoders and addresses coming to this device.

Line printer components.| General block diagram of an alphanumeric printer.

The following are highlighted on it: the block for interface with the BSC channel, the PC status register, the RUS updated status register, command decoder DShK , VUZ recording control unit, BN buffer drive, BUP print control unit, BOOM mechanism control unit and PM printing mechanism.

Although the function of the instruction register is limited, its role in the operation of the microprocessor is great, since the output of this register is part of the instruction decoder .







Technology — manufacturing — chip

Page 1

microchip manufacturing technology can be not only the same as described above. For their manufacture, ceramic or glass plates are taken as a substrate. Connections between the components of the race-film circuit are obtained by deposition of a film of gold or silver on the substrate in high vacuum; Ni-chromium or tantalum films are used to form resistors.

Manufacturing technology of microcircuits of the first group is called glider, and the technology for manufacturing microcircuits of the second group is called planar-epitaxial.

Features of manufacturing technology of microcircuits determine the specifics of their drawings. In the manufacture of a hybrid thin-film integrated circuit, drawings of multilayer boards are developed. These drawings show the placement and truss of elements and their connections.

Enclosures and panels for LSI.

At present, chip manufacturing technology has reached a level that allows you to create large integrated circuits.

Depending on the manufacturing technology, microcircuits are divided into semiconductor and film. Film circuits, in turn, are divided into thin-film and thick-film. The former are obtained by the methods of thermal evaporation of materials and cathode sputtering, the latter by the methods of silk-screen printing and the burning of special pastes into ceramics. A variety of thin-film microcircuits used in the microwave range are microstrip circuits. According to the degree of unification and application in REA, microcircuits are divided into microcircuits of wide and private use.

With the development of highly integrated chip manufacturing technology and MOS technology, it became necessary to eliminate the operation of large-scale drawing of the original photomask of the chip.

The instruction cycle time of the U808D microprocessor is determined by chip manufacturing technology . In the p-MOS technology used here, the maximum cycle time is 135 µs.

The nature of these bonds depends on the method of isolation and chip manufacturing technology . To a lesser extent, the substrate affects the parameters of transistors when using dielectric insulation.

The manufacturing technology of microcircuits of the first group is called glider, and the manufacturing technology of microcircuits of the second group is called planar epitaxial.

Increasing the complexity of ICs, tightening requirements for their reliability, expanding areas of application with a constant increase in the ranges of operational influences require not only improved design and manufacturing technology for microcircuits, but also a clear organization of a unified approach to solving methodological issues in assessing the quality and reliability of ICs. An important place is given to the testing of ICs.

The holographic method is becoming more and more widely used for solving various problems, such as pattern recognition, building high-capacity memory blocks, input and output of information, in manufacturing technology for microcircuits, and many others.

If the manufacturing technology of microcircuits is known, then the physical structure is selected, the physical parameters are calculated for it, and on the basis of these data, the parameters of active and passive elements are calculated. If the existing technology does not meet the requirements of the designed microcircuit, first, physical structures are calculated based on the electrical parameters of the active elements, and then the technological modes are determined.

To increase the speed of MESL elements, it is necessary to reduce the barrier capacitances of p-n junctions, parasitic capacitances of conductors, base resistance, limit the number of loads and increase the cut-off frequency of transistors. All this is achieved by improving the design and chip manufacturing technology . The decrease in resistance RK is limited by the increase in power consumption.

Changes in the computer market were caused by the advent of chips, which made it possible to create mini-computers available to small organizations. These computers were well received (and still sell well), but new changes were coming. The development of manufacturing technology for microcircuits led to the creation of small computers (microcomputers) in terms of performance quite comparable to mini-or even large computers, but having such a low price that they became available not only to any small organization, but also to individual users. And when these computers began to be sold really in mass quantities and in a large number of different models, the need to create advanced software available to the user in any store became obvious.




I…IE | AVT Market — online directory of radio components

|| B || C
|| D || E
|| F || G
|| H || I
|| J || K
|| L|| M
|| N || O
|| P || Q
|| R || S
|| T || U
|| V || W
|| X || Y
|| Z || m
|| 0..1N || 1NA..1R || 1S

|| 2N || 2NA..2S
|| 2SA || 2SB
|| 2SC || 2SD
|| 2SH..2SJ || 2SK
|| 2T..3
|| 3N || 3SJ..3SK
|| 3T..9|| 10..99
|| 100..999 || 1000..9999 || 10000..


I…IE || IFB…IP || IP…IRC832
|| IRC840…IRF247 || IRF250…541
|| IRF542…832 || IRF833…9640
|| IRF9641…IRFD223 || IRFD310…IRFh350
|| IRFh450…IRFJ131 || IRFJ132…IRFM9240
|| IRFP040…IRFP452 || IRFP453…IRFR9010
|| IRFR9012. ..IRFS442 || IRFS443…9132
|| IRFS9133…IRFZ24S || IRFZ25…iT3812A-AS
|| ITR17052…IZ5





Short Description

Short Description




Comparison types

Comparison types

I GaAs-N-FET =2SK1196 (Type-Code/Stempel/marking) 51 see photo see 2SK1196
I C Si-N+R =UN7231 (Type-Code/Stempel/marking) 39 see photo see UN7231
I9 Si-Di 1SS336 (Type-Code/Stempel/marking) 35 see photo see 1SS336
i1103 dRAM-IC 1024 Bit 18-DIP see photo U253D
i1302 ROM-IC 2048 Bit 24-DIP see photo U501D
i1602A PROM-IC 256×8 Bit 24-DIP see photo U551D
i1702A EPROM-IC 256×8 Bit 24-DIP see photo U552C
i2102A sRAM-IC 1024 Bit 16-DIP see photo U202D
i2114 sRAM-IC 1024×4 Bit 18-DIP see photo . ..2114…,U214D
i2115 sRAM-IC 1024×1 Bit 16-DIP see photo U215D
i2124 sRAM-IC 1024×4 Bit 18-DIP see photo U224D | UL224D | US224D | VL224D
i2125 sRAM-IC 1024×1 Bit 16-DIP see photo U225D
i2147H sRAM-IC 4096×1 Bit 18-DIP see photo …2147…
i2148 sRAM-IC 1024×4 Bit 18-DIP see photo . ..2148… | U2148C
i2308 ROM-IC 8192-Bit, mask.-progr. 24-DIP see photo U506D
i2364 ROM-IC 8192×8 Bit 28-DIP see photo MN2364 | U2364D
i2616 PROM-IC 2048×8 Bit 24-DIP see photo U2616D
i2708 EPROM-IC 1024×8 Bit 24-DIP see photo U555C
i2716 EPROM-IC 2048×8 Bit 24-DIP see photo . ..2716… | U2716C
i2764 EPROM-IC 8192×8 Bit, 200ns 28-DIP see photo …2716…
i3245 I/O-IC =mA9645 see photo see mA9645
i4016 sRAM-IC 2048×8 Bit 24-DIP see photo MN4216 | MN4316
i8008 mP-IC 8-Bit CPU 18-DIP see photo U808D
i8205 TTL-IC Schottky,1/8 ​​binary dec. 16-DIP see photo DS8205D
i8212 TTL-IC Schottky,8-Bit bus driver 24-DIP see photo DS8212D
i8216 TTL-IC Schottky,4-Bit bus driver 16-DIP see photo DS8216D
i8272 I/O-IC Floppy Disk Controller 40-DIP see photo U8272D
i8282 TTL-IC Schottky,8-Bit bus driver 20-DIP see photo DS8282D
i8283 TTL-IC Schottky,8-Bit bus driver 20-DIP see photo DS8283D
i8286 TTL-IC Schottky,8-Bit bus driver 20-DIP see photo DS8286D
i8287 TTL-IC Schottky,8-Bit bus driver 20-DIP see photo DS8287D
i23128 ROM-IC 16384×8 Bit, 250ns 28-DIP see photo MN23128
i82720 MOS-IC Graphic-Display-Controller see photo U82720D
IA MOS-N-FET-e =mPA602T (Type-Code/Stempel/marking) 46 see photo see mPA602T
IBB1488B OP-IC Dual, Series 158 8-DIP see photo see MC1458
IC Si-N =2SC3016 (Type-Code/Stempel/marking) 35 see photo see 2SC3016
ICE see photo
ICL108. .. OP-IC mA108… see photo see mA108…
ICL741… OP-IC mA741… see photo see mA741
ICL7106 A/D-IC A/D-Converter, 3.5 digit 40-DIP see photo TSC7106A | kr572pv5
ICL7107 A/D-IC A/D Converter 40-DIP see photo TSC7107A | kr572pv2
ICL7136 A/D-IC 3.5 Digit A/D-Converter 40-DIP see photo C7136D
ICL7650CPD CMOS-OP-IC Chopper stabilizer ±9V 14-DIP see photo U7650DD
ICL7660CAP CMOS-IC volt. conv., 0…+70C 8-DIP see photo U7660DC
ICL7660CSA CMOS-IC =ICL7660CAP:-25…+85C 8-DIP see photo U7660DG
ICM7555CD LIN-IC =NE555:CMOS-Version,Min,0…+70C 8-MDIP see photo
ICM7555CFE,CN CMOS-IC =NE555:CMOS-Version,0…+70C 8-DIC/DIP see photo KS555N
ICM7555ID LIN-IC =NE555:CMOS-Version,Min,-40. ..+85C 8-MDIP see photo
ICM7555IFE,IN LIN-IC =NE555:CMOS-Version,-40…+85C 8-DIP see photo
ICM7555MFE,MN LIN-IC =NE555:CMOS-Version,-55…+125C 8-DIC/DIP see photo
ICM7556 CMOS-IC =KS556N 14-DIP see photo KS556N
ID Si-N =2SC3127 (Type-Code/Stempel/marking) 35 see photo see 2SC3127
IE Si-N =2SC3722K-E (Type-Code/Stempel/marking) 35 see photo see 2SC3722K-E
Find: to: avt-market. narod.ru

|| B || C
|| D || E
|| F || G
|| H || I
|| J || K
|| L|| M
|| N || O
|| P || Q
|| R || S
|| T || U
|| V || W
|| X || Y
|| Z || m
|| 0..1N || 1NA..1R || 1S

|| 2N || 2NA..2S
|| 2SA || 2SB
|| 2SC || 2SD
|| 2SH..2SJ || 2SK
|| 2T..3
|| 3N || 3SJ..3SK
|| 3T..9|| 10..99
|| 100..999 || 1000..9999 || 10000..


I…IE || IFB…IP || IP…IRC832
|| IRC840…IRF247 || IRF250…541
|| IRF542…832 || IRF833…9640
|| IRF9641…IRFD223 || IRFD310…IRFh350
|| IRFh450…IRFJ131 || IRFJ132…IRFM9240
|| IRFP040…IRFP452 || IRFP453…IRFR9010
|| IRFR9012…IRFS442 || IRFS443…9132
|| IRFS9133…IRFZ24S || IRFZ25…iT3812A-AS
|| ITR17052…IZ5




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Part 10

    To search for a manufacturing country by a known type of IC
leadership of the countries
CMEA members are served by an auxiliary table 3.2.
table 3.2
 ____________ ____ ____________ ____ ____________ ____ _______
_____ ____
| | || | || | ||
     | |
| IC Type Country| IC Type Country| IC Type Country| IC type
| | || | || | ||
     | |
|1IE90SHM |RB ||4066BPC |VR ||74196PC |VR ||74LS175
PC |VR |
|1IE95SHM |RB ||4069UBPC |VR ||74197PC |VR ||74LS190
PC |VR |
|1LB00SHM |RB ||4071BPC |VR ||74198PC |VR ||74LS191
PC |VR |
|1LB04SHM |RB ||4073BPC |VR ||74199PC |VR ||74LS192
PC |VR |
|1LB10SHM |RB ||4081BPC |VR ||7420PC |VR ||74LS193
PC |VR |
|1LB40SHM |RB ||4093BPC |VR ||7421PC |VR ||74LS194
PC |VR |
|1LP6880 |RB ||4098BPC |BP ||7423PC |BP ||74LS20P
C |BP |
|1LP6885 |RB ||4116PC-15 |VR ||74248PC |VR ||74LS253
PC |VR |
|1LP6886 |RB ||4116PC-20 |VR ||74259PC |VR ||74LS257
PC |VR |
|1LP6887 |RB ||4116PC-25 |VR ||7425PC |VR ||74LS258
PC |VR |
|1LP6888 |RB ||4508BPC |VR ||7426PC |VR ||74LS259
PC |VR |
|1LP75361 |RB ||4510BPC |VR ||74279PC |VR ||74LS266
PC |VR |
|1LP8216 |RB ||4511BPC |VR ||7427PC |VR ||74LS27P
C |BP |
|1LP8226 |RB ||4516BPC |VR ||74283PC |VR ||74LS295
PC |VR |
|1MP1496R |RB ||4518BPC |VR ||74290PC |VR ||74LS298
PC |VR |
|1I123 |RB ||5603APC |VR ||74293PC |VR ||74LS30P
C |BP |
|1OI277 |RB ||5623APC |VR ||74298PC |VR ||74LS32P
C |BP |
|1I555SM |RB ||7400PC |VR ||7430PC |VR ||74LS38P
C |BP |
|1PK1408M |RB ||7401PC |VR ||7432PC |VR ||74LS40P
C |BP |
|1PS75450 |RB ||7402PC |VR ||7437PC |VR ||74LS42P
C |BP |
|1RN01B |RB ||7403PC |VR ||7438PC |VR ||74LS47P
C |BP |
|1RN723/S |RB ||7404PC |VR ||7439PC |BP ||74LS74P
C |BP |
|1723/SR |RB ||7405PC |VR ||7440PC |VR ||74LS85P
C |BP |
|1RN7805CP |RB ||7406PC |VR ||7441PC |VR ||74LS86P
C |BP |
|1RN7812CP |RB ||7407PC |VR ||7442PC |VR ||74LS90P
C |BP |
|1RN7815CP |RB ||7408PC |VR ||7443PC |VR ||74LS92P
C |BP |
|1RN7905CP |RB ||74104PC |VR ||7444PC |VR ||74LS93P
C |BP |
|1RN7912SR |RB ||74105PC |VR ||7445PC |VR ||74LS95p
C |BP |
|1RN7915CP |RB ||74107PC |VR ||7446PC |VR ||74S188P
C |BP |
|1RP1060 |RB ||74109PC |VR ||7447PC |VR ||74S287P
C |BP |
|1CA311E |RB ||7410PC |VR ||7448PC |VR ||74S387P
C |BP |
|1CA311M |RB ||74116PC |VR ||7449PC |VR ||75107PC
     | BP |
|1CA527/S |RB ||7411PC |VR ||7450PC |VR ||75108PC
     | BP |
|1CA710 |RB ||74121PC |VR ||7451PC |VR ||75109PC
     | BP |
|1TD74ShM |RB ||74122PC |VR ||7453PC |VR ||75110PC
     | BP |
|1UM6601 |RB ||74123PC |VR ||7454PC |VR ||75121PC
     | BP |
|1UO01A |RB ||74125PC |VR ||7460PC |VR ||75122PC
     | BP |
|1UO101 |RB ||74126PC |VR ||7470PC |VR ||75123PC
     | BP |
|1UO201 |RB ||7412PC |VR ||7472PC |VR ||75124PC
     | BP |
|1UO301 |RB ||74132PC |VR ||7473PC |VR ||75150PC
     | BP |
|1UO5534 |RB ||7413PC |VR ||7474PC |VR ||75154PC
     | BP |
|1UO592R |RB ||74141PC |VR ||7475PC |VR ||75207PC
     | BP |
|1UO709/C |RB ||74145PC |VR ||7476PC |VR ||75208PC
     | BP |
|1UO709/CE |RB ||74148PC |VR ||7477PC |VR ||7520PC
     | BP |
|1UO709/CM |RB ||7414PC |VR ||7480PC |VR ||7521PC
     | BP |
|1UO739 |RB ||74150PC |VR ||7482PC |VR ||7522PC
     | BP |
|1UO741/S |RB ||74151PC |VR ||7483PC |VR ||75234PC
     | BP |
|1UO741/CM |RB ||74152PC |VR ||7485PC |VR ||75235PC
     | BP |
|1UO741/SR |RB ||74153PC |VR ||7486PC |VR ||7523PC
     | BP |
|1UO748 |RB ||74154PC |VR ||7489PC |VR ||7524PC
     | BP |
|1US6270 |RB ||74155PC |VR ||7490PC |VR ||7525PC
     | BP |
|2102APC |BP ||74156PC |BP ||7491PC |BP ||7528PC
     | BP |
|2102APC-2 |BP ||74157PC |BP ||7492PC |BP ||7529PC
     | BP |
|2102APC-4 |BP ||74160PC |BP ||7493PC |BP ||75325PC
     | BP |
|2102APC-6 |BP ||74161PC |BP ||7494PC |BP ||7534PC
     | BP |
|2102BPC |BP ||74162PC |BP ||7495PC |VR ||7535PC
     | BP |
|4001BPC |BP ||74163PC |BP ||7496PC |BP ||75450PC
     | BP |
|4007UBPC |BP ||74164PC |BP ||7497PC |BP ||75460PC
     | BP |
|4010BPC |BP ||74165PC |BP ||74LS00PC |BP ||75491PC
     | BP |
|4011BPC |BP ||74166PC |BP ||74LS02PC |BP ||75492PC
     | BP |
|4012BPC |BP ||74167PC |BP ||74LS03PC |BP ||7621PC
     | BP |
|4013BPC |BP ||7416PC |BP ||74LS04PC |BP ||7641PC
     | BP |
|4016BPC |BP ||74170PC |BP ||74LS08PC |BP ||8080APC
     | BP |
|4017BPC |BP ||74174PC |BP ||74LS10PC |BP ||8212PC
     | BP |
|4020BPC |BP ||74175PC |BP ||74LS123PC |BP ||8216PC
     | BP |
|4022BPC |BP ||74176PC |BP ||74LS12PC |BP ||8224PC
     | BP |
|4023BPC |BP ||74177PC |BP ||74LS132PC |BP ||82S126P
C |BP |
|4027BPC |BP ||74178PC |BP ||74LS138PC |BP ||82S129P
C |BP |
|4028BPC |BP ||74179PC |BP ||74LS139PC |BP ||8308PC
     | BP |
|4029BPC |BP ||7417PC |BP ||74LS145PC |BP ||PC
     | BP |
|4030BPC |BP ||74180PC |BP ||74LS14PC |BP ||PC
     | BP |
|4034BPC |BP ||74181PC |BP ||74LS151PC |BP ||A109D
     | East Germany |
|4042BPC |BP ||74182PC |BP ||74LS153PC |BP ||A110D
     | East Germany |
|4044BPC |BP ||74190PC |BP ||74LS155PC |BP ||A1524D
     | East Germany |
|4049UBPC |BP ||74191PC |BP ||74LS157PC |BP ||A1818D
     | East Germany |
|4050BPC |BP ||74192PC |BP ||74LS162PC |BP ||A2000V
     | East Germany |
|4055BPC |BP ||74193PC |BP ||74LS163PC |BP ||A2005V
     | East Germany |
|4056BPC |BP ||74194PC |BP ||74LS164PC |BP ||A202D
     | East Germany |
|4060BPC |BP ||74195PC |BP ||74LS174PC |BP ||A2030H
     | East Germany |
                                                    Continuation t
tables 3. 2
 ____________ ____ ____________ ____ ____________ ____ _______
_____ ____
| | || | || | ||
     | |
| IC Type Country| IC Type Country| IC Type Country| IC type
| | || | || | ||
     | |
|A2030V |GDR ||B555D |GDR ||D126D |GDR ||DL2632D
     | East Germany |
|A205D |GDR ||B556D |GDR ||D130D |GDR ||DL295D
     | East Germany |
|A210E |GDR ||B584X |GDR ||D140D |GDR ||DL299D
     | East Germany |
|A210K |GDR ||B589N |GDR ||D146D |GDR ||DL374D
     | East Germany |
|A211D |GDR ||B611D |GDR ||D147D |GDR ||DL540D
     | East Germany |
|A220D |GDR ||B615D |GDR ||D150D |GDR ||DL541D
     | East Germany |
|A223D |GDR ||B621D |GDR ||D151D |GDR ||DL8121D
     | East Germany |
|A224D |GDR ||B625D |GDR ||D153D |GDR ||DL8127D
     | East Germany |
|A225D |GDR ||B631D |GDR ||D154D |GDR ||DL8205D
     | East Germany |
|A231D |GDR ||B635D |GDR ||D160D |GDR ||DL8212D
     | East Germany |
|A232D |GDR ||B654D |GDR ||D172D |GDR ||DL8216D
     | East Germany |
|A240D |GDR ||B7240X |GDR ||D174D |GDR ||DL8282D
     | East Germany |
|A241D |GDR ||B761D |GDR ||D175D |GDR ||DL8283D
     | East Germany |
|A244D |GDR ||B765D |GDR ||D181N |GDR ||DL8286D
     | East Germany |
|A250D |GDR ||B861D |GDR ||D191N |GDR ||DL8287D
     | East Germany |
|A255D |GDR ||B865D |GDR ||D192N |GDR ||E100D
     | East Germany |
|A270D |GDR ||C500D |GDR ||D193N |GDR ||E103D
     | East Germany |
|A273D |GDR ||C501D |GDR ||D195N |GDR ||E104D
     | East Germany |
|A274D |GDR ||C502D |GDR ||D200D |GDR ||E108D
     | East Germany |
|A277D |GDR ||C504D |GDR ||D201D |GDR ||E110D
     | East Germany |
|A281D |GDR ||C520D |GDR ||D204D |GDR ||E120D
     | East Germany |
|A283D |GDR ||C560D |GDR ||D210D |GDR ||E121D
     | East Germany |
|A290D |GDR ||C5650D |GDR ||D220D |GDR ||E126D
     | East Germany |
|A295D |GDR ||C5658D |GDR ||D230D |GDR ||E130D
     | East Germany |
|A301D |GDR ||C565D |GDR ||D240D |GDR ||E140D
     | East Germany |
|A301V |GDR ||C570D |GDR ||D251D |GDR ||E146D
     | East Germany |
|A302D |GDR ||C571D |GDR ||D254D |GDR ||E147D
     | East Germany |
|A3501D |GDR ||C7136D |GDR ||D274D |GDR ||E150D
     | East Germany |
|A3510D |GDR ||CA1000 |VR ||D345D |GDR ||E151D
     | East Germany |
|A3520D |GDR ||CDB400E |Room ||D346D |GDR ||E153D
     | East Germany |
|A4100D |GDR ||CDB403E |Room ||D347D |GDR ||E154D
     | East Germany |
|A4510D |GDR ||CDB404E |Room ||D348D |GDR ||E160D
     | East Germany |
|A718D |GDR ||CDB405E |Room ||D351D |GDR ||E172D
     | East Germany |
|B060D |GDR ||CDB406E |Room ||D355D |GDR ||E174D
     | East Germany |
|B061D |GDR ||CDB407E |Room ||D356D |GDR ||E175D
     | East Germany |
|B062D |GDR ||CDB408E |Room ||D394D |GDR ||E181D
     | East Germany |
|B064D |GDR ||CDB409E |Room ||D395D |GDR ||E191D
     | East Germany |
|B066D |GDR ||CDB410E |Room ||D410D |GDR ||E192D
     | East Germany |
|B080D |GDR ||CDB4121E |Room ||D461D |GDR ||E193D
     | East Germany |
|B081D |GDR ||CDB4122E |Room ||D491D |GDR ||E195D
     | East Germany |
|B082D |GDR ||CDB413E |Room ||D492D |GDR ||E204D
     | East Germany |
|B083D |GDR ||CDB4151E |Room ||D716X |GDR ||E274D
     | East Germany |
|B084D |GDR ||CDB4153E |Room ||D718D |GDR ||E310D
     | East Germany |
|B109D |GDR ||CDB4157E |Room ||DAC08 |Room ||E345D
     | East Germany |
|B110D |GDR ||CDB416E |Room ||DAC32CB10 |GDR ||E346D
     | East Germany |
|B165H |GDR ||CDB417E |Room ||DAC32CB12 |GDR ||E347D
     | East Germany |
|B165V |GDR ||CDB4180E |Room ||DAC32COB10 |GDR ||E348D
     | East Germany |
|B176D |GDR ||CDB4192E |Room ||DAC32COB12 |GDR ||E351D
     | East Germany |
|B177D |GDR ||CDB4193E |Room ||DL000D |GDR ||E355D
     | East Germany |
|B222D |GDR ||CDB420E |Room ||DL002D |GDR ||E356D
     | East Germany |
|B260D |GDR ||CDB430E |Room ||DL003D |GDR ||E412D
     | East Germany |
|B2761D |GDR ||CDB440E |Room ||DL004D |GDR ||E435E
     | East Germany |
|B2765D |GDR ||CDB442E |Room ||DL008D |GDR ||GA800
     | BP |
|B303D |GDR ||CDB446E |Room ||DL010D |GDR ||HAD06
     | BP |
|B304D |GDR ||CDB447E |Room ||DL011D |GDR ||HAD08
     | BP |
|B305D |GDR ||CDB448E |Room ||DL014D |GDR ||HAD10
     | BP |
|B306D |GDR ||CDB450E |Room ||DL020D |GDR ||HAD11
     | BP |
|B308D |GDR ||CDB451E |Room ||DL021D |GDR ||HDA02
     | BP |
|B315D |GDR ||CDB453E |Room ||DL030D |GDR ||HDA03
     | BP |
|B315E |GDR ||CDB454E |Room ||DL032D |GDR ||HDA04
     | BP |
|B315K |GDR ||CDB460E |Room ||DL037D |GDR ||HDA06
     | BP |
|B3170V |GDR ||CDB472E |Room ||DL038D |GDR ||HDA09| BP |
|B3171V |GDR ||CDB473E |Room ||DL040D |GDR ||HDA10
     | BP |
|B318D |GDR ||CDB474E |Room ||DL051D |GDR ||HDA11
     | BP |
|B325D |GDR ||CDB475E |Room ||DL074D |GDR ||HDA12
     | BP |
|B325E |GDR ||CDB476E |Room ||DL083D |GDR ||HDA13
     | BP |
|B325K |GDR ||CDB481E |Room ||DL086D |GDR ||HDA15
     | BP |
|B331G |GDR ||CDB483E |Room ||DL090D |GDR ||HDA16
     | BP |
|B3370V |GDR ||CDB486E |Room ||DL093D |GDR ||HDA17
     | BP |
|B3371V |GDR ||CDB490E |Room ||DL112D |GDR ||HDA18
     | BP |
|B340D |GDR ||CDB492E |Room ||DL123D |GDR ||HDA22
     | BP |
|B341D |GDR ||CDB493E |Room ||DL132D |GDR ||HIA06
     | BP |
|B342D |GDR ||CDB495E |Room ||DL155D |GDR ||HLC03
     | BP |
|B360D |GDR ||CLBM2711EC |Room ||DL164D |GDR ||HMC01
     | BP |
|B380D |GDR ||D100D |GDR ||DL175D |GDR ||HMS02
     | BP |
|B390D |GDR ||D103D |GDR ||DL192D |GDR ||HMS04
     | BP |
|B4002D |GDR ||D104D |GDR ||DL193D |GDR ||HMS11
     | BP |
|B4211D |GDR ||D108D |GDR ||DL194D |GDR ||HMS15
     | BP |
|B461D |GDR ||D110D |GDR ||DL251D |GDR ||HSH02
     | BP |
|B462D |GDR ||D120D |GDR ||DL253D |GDR ||HSH06
     | BP |
|B4761D |GDR ||D121D |GDR ||DL257D |GDR ||HUF03
     | BP |
|B4765D |GDR ||D122D |GDR ||DL259D |GDR ||HUF04
     | BP |
|B511N |GDR ||D123D |GDR ||DL2631D |GDR ||HUF06
     | BP |
                                                    Continuation t
tables 3. 2
 ____________ ____ ____________ ____ ____________ ____ _______
_____ ____
| | || | || | ||
     | |
| IC Type Country| IC Type Country| IC Type Country| IC type
| | || | || | ||
     | |
|HUF07A |VR ||MAC357 |CSFR||MCY74030N |PR ||MH7454
|HUF07B |BP ||MAE150 |CSFR||MCY74035N |PR ||MH7460
|KA601D |GDR ||MAF100 |CSFR||MCY74046N |PR ||MH7472
|KA602D |GDR ||MAS1008 |CSFR||MCY74047N |PR ||MH7474
|KA610D |GDR ||MAS560A |CSFR||MCY74049N |OL ||MH7475
|MA1458 |CSFR||MAS560S |CSFR||MCY74050N |PR ||MH7489
|MA3000 |CSFR||MAS562A |CSFR||MCY74066N |PR ||MH7490
|MA3005 |CSFR||MAS562S |CSFR||MCY74069N |PR ||MH7493
|MA3006 |CSFR||MAS601 |CSFR||MCY74071N |PR ||MH7496
|MA350 |CSFR||MAS602 |CSFR||MCY74072N |PR ||MH74ALS
00 |CSFR|
|MA7805 |CSFR||MAS603 |CSFR||MCY74073N |PR ||MH74ALS
02 |CSFR|
|MA7805P |CSFR||MBA125 |CSFR||MCY74075N |PR ||MH74ALS
03 |CSFR|
|MA7812 |CSFR||MBA145 |CSFR||MCY74077N |PR ||MH74ALS
04 |CSFR|
|MA7812P |CSFR||MBA225 |CSFR||MCY74081N |PR ||MH74ALS
05 |CSFR|
|MA7815 |CSFR||MBA245 |CSFR||MCY74082N |PR ||MH74ALS
08 |CSFR|
|MA7815P |CSFR||MBA530 |CSFR||MCY74511N |PR ||MH74ALS
10 |CSFR|
|MA7824 |CSFR||MBA540 |CSFR||MCY74518N |PR ||MH74ALS
112 |CSFR|
|MA7824P |CSFR||MBA810AS |CSFR||MCY74520N |PR ||MH74ALS
192 |CSFR|
193 |CSFR|
20 |CSFR|
30 |CSFR|
|MAA225 |CSFR||MBA915 |CSFR||MCY7505NB |PR ||MH74ALS
37 |CSFR|
|MAA245 |CSFR||MBA915A |CSFR||MCY7506N |PR ||MH74ALS
38 |CSFR|
|MAA325 |CSFR||MC1024N |PR ||MCY7716R |PR ||MH74ALS
40 |CSFR|
|MAA345 |CSFR||MC1025N |PR ||MCY7851N |PR ||MH74ALS
74 |CSFR|
|MAA435 |CSFR||MC1201N |PR ||MCY7855N |PR ||MH74S00
|MAA436 |CSFR||MC1202N |PR ||MCY7880N |PR ||MH74S03
|MAA501 |CSFR||MC1203N |PR ||MDA1044 |CSFR||MH74S04
|MAA502 |CSFR||MC1203NA |PR ||MDA1044E |CSFR||MH74S10
|MAA503 |CSFR||MC1203NB |PR ||MDA1670V |CSFR||MH74S11
2 |CSFR|
|MAA504 |CSFR||MC1204N |PR ||MDA2010 |CSFR||MH74S18
7 |CSFR|
|MAA525 |CSFR||MC1204NA |PR ||MDA2020 |CSFR||MH74S20
|MAA550 |CSFR||MC1210N |PR ||MDA2054 |CSFR||MH74S20
1 |CSFR|
|MAA550A |CSFR||MC1211N |PR ||MDA4281V |CSFR||MH74S20
|MAA661 |CSFR||MC14005N |PR ||MDA4290V |CSFR||MH74S28
7 |CSFR|
|MAA723 |CSFR||MC14007N |PR ||MDA7770 |CSFR||MH74S37
|MAA723CN |CSFR||MC14008N |PR ||MDAC08C |CSFR||MH74S37
0 |CSFR|
|MAA723H |CSFR||MC14008NA |OL ||MDAC08CC |CSFR||MH74S38
|MAA725 |CSFR||MC14008NB |PR ||MDAC08CP |CSFR||MH74S40
|MAA725B |CSFR||MC14009N |PR ||MDAC08EC |CSFR||MH74S51
|MAA725C |CSFR||MC14009NA |PR ||MDAC08EP |CSFR||MH74S57
1 |CSFR|
|MAA725H |CSFR||MC14009NB |PR ||Mh200 |CSFR||MH74S64
|MAA725J |CSFR||MC14010N |PR ||Mh201 |CSFR||MH74S74
|MAA725K |CSFR||MC14011N |PR ||Mh202 |CSFR||MH8224
|MAA741 |CSFR||MC14013G1 |PR ||Mh2KK1 |CSFR||MH8228
|MAA741C |CSFR||MC14013G2 |PR ||Mh2SD1 |CSFR||MH82S11
|MAA741CN |CSFR||MCA640 |CSFR||Mh2SS1 |CSFR||MH8641
|MAA748 |CSFR||MCA650 |CSFR||Mh2ST1 |CSFR||MHA5085
|MAA748C |CSFR||MCA660 |CSFR||Mh3009|CSFR||MHB1012
|MAA748CN |CSFR||MCA770A |CSFR||Mh3009A |CSFR||MHB1032
|MAB08E |CSFR||MCY1210N |PR ||Mh4001 |CSFR||MHB108
|MAB08F |CSFR||MCY7102NA |PR ||Mh4002 |CSFR||MHB1502
|MAB08G |CSFR||MCY7102NB |PR ||Mh4003 |CSFR||MHB1504
|MAB16E |CSFR||MCY7102NC |PR ||Mh4205 |CSFR||MHB1902
|MAB16F |CSFR||MCY7102ND |PR ||Mh4212 |CSFR||MHB2100
|MAB16G |CSFR||MCY7114NA |PR ||Mh4214 |CSFR||MHB2102
|MAB311 |CSFR||MCY7114NB |PR ||Mh4216 |CSFR||MHB2102
-2 |CSFR|
|MAB360 |CSFR||MCY7114NC |PR ||Mh4226 |CSFR||MHB2102
|MAB398 |CSFR||MCY7161N100 |PR ||Mh4SD2 |CSFR||MHB2102
A-4 |CSFR|
|MAB565JC |CSFR||MCY7161N120 |PR ||Mh4SS2 |CSFR||MHB2114
|MAB565KC |CSFR||MCY7161N150 |PR ||Mh4ST2 |CSFR||MHB2501
|MAB565SC |CSFR||MCY7161N200 |PR ||MH7400 |CSFR||MHB2502
|MAB565TC |CSFR||MCY7161N250 |PR ||MH7403 |CSFR||MHB2503
|MAB566JC |CSFR||MCY71C03N |PR ||MH7404 |CSFR||MHB2503
|MAB566KC |CSFR||MCY7304NAA |PR ||MH7405 |CSFR||MHB2716
|MAB566SC |CSFR||MCY7304NAB |PR ||MH7410 |CSFR||MHB4001
|MAB566TC |CSFR||MCY7304NAC |PR ||MH74141 |CSFR||MHB4002
|MAC01 |CSFR||MCY7346N |PR ||MH74150 |CSFR||MHB4006
|MAC01D |CSFR||MCY74000N |PR ||MH74151 |CSFR||MHB4011
|MAC01H |CSFR||MCY74001N |PR ||MH74154 |CSFR||MHB4012
|MAC08A |CSFR||MCY74002N |PR ||MH74164 |CSFR||MHB4013
|MAC111 |CSFR||MCY74008N |PR ||MH74188 |CSFR||MHB4015
|MAC155 |CSFR||MCY740102N |PR ||MH74192 |CSFR||MHB4020
|MAC156 |CSFR||MCY740103N |PR ||MH74193 |CSFR||MHB4024
|MAC157 |CSFR||MCY74011N |PR ||MH7420 |CSFR||MHB4029
|MAC160 |CSFR||MCY74012N |PR ||MH7430 |CSFR||MHB4030
|MAC16A |CSFR||MCY74013N |PR ||MH7437 |CSFR||MHB4032
|MAC198 |CSFR||MCY74019N |PR ||MH7438 |CSFR||MHB4035
|MAC24A |CSFR||MCY74023N |PR ||MH7440 |CSFR||MHB4046
|MAC24E |CSFR||MCY74025N |PR ||MH7442 |CSFR||MHB4047
|MAC28A |CSFR||MCY74027N |PR ||MH7450 |CSFR||MHB4049|CSFR|
|MAC355 |CSFR||MCY74028N |PR ||MH7451 |CSFR||MHB4050
|MAC356 |CSFR||MCY74029N |PR ||MH7453 |CSFR||MHB4051
                                                    Continuation t
tables 3. 2
 ____________ ____ ____________ ____ ____________ ____ _______
_____ ____
| | || | || | ||
     | |
| IC Type Country| IC Type Country| IC Type Country| IC type
| | || | || | ||
     | |
|MHB4052 |CSFR||MMC4051 |Room ||MMP311 |Room ||TMX18PC
     | BP |
|MHB4053 |CSFR||MMC4052 |Room ||MMP5002 |Room ||U1001C
     | East Germany |
|MHB4066 |CSFR||MMC4053 |Room ||MMP5005 |Room ||U1011C
     | East Germany |
|MHB4068 |CSFR||MMC4054 |Room ||MMP5007 |Room ||U1021D
     | East Germany |
|MHB4076 |CSFR||MMC4055 |Room ||MMP5009|Room ||U1059D
     | East Germany |
|MHB4081 |CSFR||MMC4056 |Room ||MMP708 |Room ||U114D
     | East Germany |
|MHB4098 |CSFR||MMC4060 |Room ||MMP710 |Room ||U116XS
     | East Germany |
|MHB4099 |CSFR||MMC4066 |Room ||MMP711 |Room ||U117X
     | East Germany |
|MHB4116 |CSFR||MMC4067 |Room ||MZh215 |CSFR||U118F
     | East Germany |
|MHB4116-3 |CSFR||MMC4068 |Room ||MZh245 |CSFR||U125D
     | East Germany |
|MHB4116-4 |CSFR||MMC4069|Room ||MZh265 |CSFR||U126D
     | East Germany |
|MHB4311 |CSFR||MMC4070 |Room ||MZh285 |CSFR||U130X
     | East Germany |
|MHB4503 |CSFR||MMC4071 |Room ||MZJ115 |CSFR||U131G
     | East Germany |
|MHB4518 |CSFR||MMC4072 |Room ||MZK105 |CSFR||U132X
     | East Germany |
|MHB4543 |CSFR||MMC4073 |Room ||SAS560S |BP ||U1331XS
     | East Germany |
|MHB4555 |CSFR||MMC4075 |Room ||SAS560S |Room ||U192D
     | East Germany |
|MHB5902 |CSFR||MMC4076 |Room ||SAS570S |BP ||U202D
     | East Germany |
|MHB5902-4 |CSFR||MMC4077 |Room ||SAS570S |Room ||U2148C
     | East Germany |
|MHB6561 |CSFR||MMC4078 |Room ||SAS6600 |VR ||U214C
     | East Germany |
|MHB8035 |CSFR||MMC4081 |Room ||SAS6700 |VR ||U215C
     | East Germany |
|MHB8048 |CSFR||MMC4082 |Room ||ST72CII |Room ||U2164C2
0 |GDR |
|MHB8080A |CSFR||MMC4093 |Room ||TAA550 |Room ||U2164C2
0/1 |GDR |
|MHB8243 |CSFR||MMC4095 |Room ||TAA550A |BP ||U2164C2
5 | GDR |
|MHB8251 |CSFR||MMC4096 |Room ||TAA550B |VR ||U224D
     | East Germany |
|MHB8255A |CSFR||MMC4097 |Room ||TAA550C |BP ||U225D
     | East Germany |
|MHB8282 |CSFR||MMC4098 |Room ||TAA661E |Room ||U2364D
     | East Germany |
|MHB8283 |CSFR||MMC4503 |Room ||TAA691 |BP ||U2365D
     | East Germany |
|MHB8286 |CSFR||MMC4508 |Room ||TBA120AS |BP ||U253D
     | East Germany |
|MHB8287 |CSFR||MMC4510 |Room ||TBA120S |BP ||U256D
     | East Germany |
|MHB8608 |CSFR||MMC4511 |Room ||TBA120T |VR ||U2616D
     | East Germany |
|MHB8708 |CSFR||MMC4516 |Room ||TBA120U |VR ||U2716D
     | East Germany |
|MHB8804 |CSFR||MMC4518 |Room ||TBA120U |Room ||U2732D
     | East Germany |
|MHB9110 |CSFR||MMC4520 |Room ||TBA315E |Room ||U400
     | BP |
|MHB9200 |CSFR||MMC4543 |Room ||TBA315N |Room ||U402
     | East Germany |
|MHBC |CSFR||MMC760 |Room ||TBA520 |VR ||U403
     | East Germany |
|MHBC |CSFR||MMC761 |Room ||TBA530 |BP ||U501
     | East Germany |
|MHB9500 |CSFR||MMC9500 |Room ||TBA530 |Room ||U505D
     | East Germany |
|MHC1502 |CSFR||MMN2102 |Room ||TBA540 |VR ||U5200D
     | East Germany |
|MHC1504 |CSFR||MMN2102-2 |Room ||TBA560C |VR ||U551D
     | East Germany |
|MHC |CSFR||MMN2102-4 |Room ||TBA570A |Room ||U552C
     | East Germany |
|MHCC |CSFR||MMN2102-6 |Room ||TBA570C |Room ||U555C
     | East Germany |
|MHCC |CSFR||MMN2114 |Room ||TBA790 |Room ||U6516D
     | East Germany |
|MHD148 |CSFR||MMN2114-2 |Room ||TBA790K |Room ||U706D
     | East Germany |
|MMC300 |Room ||MMN2114-3 |Room ||TBA790T |Room ||U708D
     | East Germany |
|MMC351 |Room ||MMN4027-2 |Room ||TBA790U |Room ||U713D
     | East Germany |
|MMC4000 |Room ||MMN4027-3 |Room ||TBA800 |VR ||U714P
     | East Germany |
|MMC4001 |Room ||MMN4027-4 |Room ||TBA800A |VR ||U731D
     | East Germany |
|MMC4002 |Room ||MMN4116-2 |Room ||TBA810AS |VR ||U74HCT0
0DK |GDR |
|MMC40104 |Room ||MMN4116-3 |Room ||TBA810DAS |VR ||U74HCT0
2DK |GDR |
|MMC40107 |Room ||MMN4116-4 |Room ||TBA810DS |VR ||U74HCT0
4DK |GDR |
|MMC4011 |Room ||MMN8080 |Room ||TBA810S |VR ||U74HCT1
38DK |GDR |
|MMC4012 |Room ||MMN80CPU |Room ||TBA820 |VR ||U74HCT2
42DK |GDR |
|MMC4013 |Room ||MMN80CTC |Room ||TBA920 |BP ||U74HCT2
43DK |GDR |
|MMC4014 |Room ||MMN80DMA |Room ||TBA920S |VR ||U74HCT3
73DK |GDR |
|MMC4015 |Room ||MMN80PIO |Room ||TBA940 |Room ||U74HCT3
74DK |GDR |
|MMC4016 |Room ||MMN80SIO |Room ||TBA950 |VR ||U74HCT5
33DK |GDR |
|MMC4017 |Room ||MMN8205 |Room ||TBA950-1 |Room ||U74HCT5
34DK |GDR |
|MMC4018 |Room ||MMN8214 |Room ||TBA950-2 |Room ||U74HCT7
4DK |GDR |
|MMC40181 |Room ||MMN8216 |Room ||TBA970 |BP ||U74HCT8
6DK |GDR |
|MMC4019 |Room ||MMN8224 |Room ||TBA990 |VR ||U8032C
     | East Germany |
|MMC40192 |Room ||MMN8226 |Room ||TCA150T |Room ||U8047PB
     | East Germany |
|MMC40193 |Room ||MMN8228 |Room ||TCA640 |Room ||U8047PG
     | East Germany |
|MMC4020 |Room ||MMN8238 |Room ||TCA650 |Room ||U804D
     | East Germany |
|MMC4021 |Room ||MMN8251 |Room ||TCA660 |Room ||U806D
     | East Germany |
|MMC4022 |Room ||MMN8255 |Room ||TDA1035 |VR ||U807D
     | East Germany |
|MMC4023 |Room ||MMN8257 |Room ||TDA1044 |VR ||U808D
     | East Germany |
|MMC4024 |Room ||MMP01 |Room ||TDA1046 |Room ||U810D
     | East Germany |
|MMC4025 |Room ||MMP02 |Room ||TDA1057-1 |VR ||U8246PB
     | East Germany |
|MMC4027 |Room ||MMP03 |Room ||TDA1057-2 |VR ||U8246PG
     | East Germany |
|MMC4028 |Room ||MMP06 |Room ||TDA1057-3 |VR ||U824G
     | East Germany |
|MMC4029|Room ||MMP102 |Room ||TDA1170 |Room ||U825G
     | East Germany |
|MMC4030 |Room ||MMP106 |Room ||TDA1170S |VR ||U826G
     | East Germany |
|MMC4031 |Room ||MMP107 |Room ||TDA1170SH |VR ||U82720D
     | East Germany |
|MMC4035 |Room ||MMP115 |Room ||TDA1190 |VR ||U8272D
     | East Germany |
|MMC4040 |Room ||MMP116 |Room ||TDA2530 |VR ||U827G
     | East Germany |
|MMC4041 |Room ||MMP117 |Room ||TDA2530 |VR ||U828G
     | East Germany |
|MMC4042 |Room ||MMP119|Room ||TDA440 |VR ||U830G
     | East Germany |
|MMC4043 |Room ||MMP122 |Room ||TDA440N |Room ||U834G
     | East Germany |
|MMC4044 |Room ||MMP124 |Room ||TDA440P |Room ||U8611DC
08-1 |GDR |
|MMC4047 |Room ||MMP131 |Room ||TDA9503 |VR ||U8611DC
08-xx|GDR |
|MMC4048 |Room ||MMP156 |Room ||TMC100 |VR ||UA8001C
     | East Germany |
|MMC4049 |Room ||MMP160 |Room ||TMC200 |VR ||UA8002C
     | East Germany |
|MMC4050 |Room ||MMP190 |Room ||TMC77SPC |VR ||UA8010C
     | East Germany |
                                                    Continuation t
tables 3. 2
 ____________ ____ ____________ ____ ____________ ____ _______
_____ ____
| | || | || | ||
     | |
| IC Type Country| IC Type Country| IC Type Country| IC type
| | || | || | ||
     | |
|UA855D |GDR ||UCY7474N |PR ||UL1202N |PR ||V4007D
     | East Germany |
|UA8563D |GDR ||UCY7475N |PR ||UL1203N |PR ||V40098D
     | East Germany |
|UA856D |GDR ||UCY7476N |PR ||UL1204N |PR ||V4011D
     | East Germany |
|UA857D |GDR ||UCY7483N |PR ||UL1211N |PR ||V4012D
     | East Germany |
|UA858D |GDR ||UCY7485N |PR ||UL1220N |PR ||V4013D
     | East Germany |
|UA880D |GDR ||UCY7486N |PR ||UL1221N |PR ||V4015D
     | East Germany |
|UB855D |GDR ||UCY7490N |PR ||UL1231N |PR ||V4017D
     | East Germany |
|UB8563D |GDR ||UCY7492N |PR ||UL1241N |PR ||V4019D
     | East Germany |
|UB856D |GDR ||UCY7493N |PR ||UL1242N |PR ||V4023D
     | East Germany |
|UB857D |GDR ||UCY7495N |PR ||UL1244N |PR ||V4027D
     | East Germany |
|UB858D |GDR ||UCY74H00N |PR ||UL1245N |PR ||V4028D
     | East Germany |
|UB880D |GDR ||UCY74h20N |PR ||UL1261N |PR ||V4029D
     | East Germany |
|UB8810D |DDR ||UCY74h50N |PR ||UL1262N |PR ||V4030D
     | East Germany |
|UB8811D |GDR ||UCY74H50N |PR ||UL1265P |PR ||V4034D
     | East Germany |
|UB8820D |GDR ||UCY74H53N |OL ||UL1321N |OL ||V4035D
     | East Germany |
|UB8821D |GDR ||UCY74H72N |OL ||UL1351N |OL ||V4042D
     | East Germany |
|UB8830D |DDR ||UCY74H74N |PR ||UL1354N |PR ||V4044D
     | East Germany |
|UB8831D |GDR ||UCY74LS00N |OL ||UL1355N |OL ||V4046D
     | East Germany |
|UB8840M |DDR ||UCY74LS01N |OL ||UL1370N |OL ||V4048D
     | East Germany |
|UB8841M |DDR ||UCY74LS02N |OL ||UL1401P |OL ||V4050D
     | East Germany |
|UB8860M |DDR ||UCY74LS03N |OL ||UL1402P |OL ||V40511D
     | East Germany |
|UB8861M |DDR ||UCY74LS04N |OL ||UL1403P |OL ||V4051D
     | East Germany |
|UC8810D |GDR ||UCY74LS05N |OL ||UL1413G |OL ||V4066D
     | East Germany |
|UC8811D |GDR ||UCY74LS08N |OL ||UL1440T |OL ||V4093D
     | East Germany |
|UC8820M |DDR ||UCY74LS09N |OL ||UL1480P |OL ||V4520D
     | East Germany |
|UC8821M |GDR ||UCY74LS109N |OL ||UL1481P |OL ||V4531D
     | East Germany |
|UC8830D |DDR ||UCY74LS10N |PR ||UL1481T |PR ||V4538D
     | East Germany |
|UC8831D |GDR ||UCY74LS11N |OL ||UL1482K |OL ||V4585D
     | East Germany |
|UC8840D |GDR ||UCY74LS157N |OL ||UL1490N |OL ||ZTC33
     | Room |
|UC8841D |GDR ||UCY74LS158N |OL ||UL1495N |OL ||vA709
     | Room |
|UC8860M |DDR ||UCY74LS15N |OL ||UL1496K |OL ||ATA723
     | Room |
|UC8861M |DDR ||UCY74LS174N |OL ||UL1496R |OL ||ATA726
     | Room |
|UCY7400N |OL ||UCY74LS175N |OL ||UL1497K |OL ||ATA733
     | Room |
|UCY7401N |OL ||UCY74LS20N |OL ||UL1497R |OL ||ATA741
     | Room |
|UCY7402N |OL ||UCY74LS27N |OL ||UL1498K |OL ||ATA741H
     | Room |
|UCY7403N |OL ||UCY74LS32N |OL ||UL1498R |OL ||inA741J
     | Room |
|UCY7404N |OL ||UCY74LS74N |OL ||UL1520L |OL ||ATA741JH
     | Room |
|UCY7406N |OL ||UCY74S00N |OL ||UL1540N |OL ||ATA741JN
     | Room |
|UCY7407N |OL ||UCY74S03N |OL ||UL1550L |OL ||ATA741N
     | Room |
|UCY7408N |OL ||UCY74S10N |OL ||UL1601N |OL ||inA758
     | Room |
|UCY7409N |OL ||UCY74S11N |OL ||UL1609N |OL ||ATA7805
     | Room |
|UCY74107N |PR ||UCY74S132N |PR ||UL1611 |CSFR||inA7812
     | Room |
|UCY7410N |OL ||UCY74S135N |OL ||UL1611N |OL ||ATA7815
     | Room |
|UCY74121N |OL ||UCY74S157N |OL ||UL1621N |OL ||ATAA145
     | Room |
|UCY74123N |OL ||UCY74S158N |OL ||UL1811N |OL ||inE555
     | Room |
|UCY74132N |OL ||UCY74S15N |OL ||UL1901KI |OL ||inE555H
     | Room |
|UCY74145N |OL ||UCY74S20N |OL ||UL1958N |OL ||inE555N
     | Room |
|UCY74150N |OL ||UCY74S22N |OL ||UL1959N |OL ||inE561
     | Room |
|UCY74151N |OL ||UCY74S405N |OL ||UL1970N |OL ||inE565
     | Room |
|UCY74153N |OL ||UCY74S412N |OL ||UL1975N |OL ||in M301A
     | Room |
|UCY74154N |OL ||UCY74S414N |OL ||UL1976N |OL ||in M301AN
     | Room |
|UCY74155N |OL ||UCY74S416N |OL ||UL1980N |OL ||in M305
     | Room |
|UCY74157N |OL ||UCY74S424N |OL ||UL7211D |GDR ||inM317
     | Room |
|UCY74164N |OL ||UCY74S426N |OL ||UL7501N |OL ||in M3189
     | Room |
|UCY74165N |OL ||UCY74S428N |OL ||UL7505L |OL ||in M323
     | Room |
|UCY7416N |OL ||UCY74S438N |OL ||UL7506G |OL ||in M324
     | Room |
|UCY74174N |OL ||UCY74S482N |OL ||UL7506L |OL ||in M339II
     | Room |
|UCY74175N |OL ||UCY74S483N |OL ||UL7508G |OL ||in M381
     | Room |
|UCY7417N |OL ||UCY74S486N |OL ||UL7508L |OL ||in M382
     | Room |
|UCY74180N |OL ||UCY74S487N |OL ||UL7512L |OL ||in M387
     | Room |
|UCY74181N |OL ||UCY75107N |OL ||UL7515G |OL ||in M3900A
     | Room |
|UCY74182N |OL ||UCY75108N |OL ||UL7515L |OL ||in M3900B
     | Room |
|UCY74192N |OL ||UCY75110N |OL ||UL7518G |OL ||in SM230
     | Room |
|UCY74193N |OL ||UCY75450N |OL ||UL7518L |OL ||mA3065P
C |BP |
|UCY74194N |OL ||UCY75451N |OL ||UL7523N |OL ||mA3089P
C |BP |
|UCY74198N |OL ||UCY75452N |OL ||UL7524G |OL ||mA556PC
     | BP |
|UCY7420N |OL ||UD8810D |GDR ||UL7524L |OL ||mA709PC
     | BP |
|UCY7430N |OL ||UD8811D |GDR ||UL75N05L |OL ||mA710PC
     | BP |
|UCY7437N |OL ||UD8820M |GDR ||UL75P05L |OL ||mA723PC
     | BP |
|UCY7438N |OL ||UD8821M |GDR ||ULA1000L |OL ||mA733PC
     | BP |
|UCY7440N |OL ||UD8830D |DDR ||ULA6102N |OL ||mA739PC
     | BP |
|UCY7442N |OL ||UD8831D |GDR ||ULA6111N |OL ||mA741PC
     | BP |
|UCY7447N |OL ||UD8840M |GDR ||ULY7701N |OL ||mA747PC
     | BP |
|UCY7450N |OL ||UD8841M |GDR ||ULY7710N |OL ||mA748PC
     | BP |
|UCY7451N |OL ||UD8860M |GDR ||ULY7710NA |OL ||mA749PC
     | BP |
|UCY7453N |OL ||UD8861M |GDR ||ULY7711N |OL ||mA758PC
     | BP |
|UCY74547N |OL ||UL1000L |OL ||ULY7722N |OL ||mA777PC
     | BP |
|UCY74548N |OL ||UL1042N |OL ||ULY7724N |OL ||mA7805
     | BP |
|UCY74549N |OL ||UL1101N |OL ||ULY7741N |OL ||mA7812K
C |BP |
|UCY7454N |OL ||UL1102N |OL ||ULY7747N |OL ||mA7812U
C |BP |
|UCY7460N |OL ||UL1111N |OL ||ULY7855N |OL ||mA7815K
C |BP |
|UCY7472N |OL ||UL1121N |OL ||UP7211D |GDR ||mA7815U
C |BP |
|UCY7473N |OL ||UL1200N |OL ||V4001D |GDR ||mA7824K
C |BP |
                                                    Continuation t
tables 3. 2
 ____________ ____ ____________ ____ ____________ ____ _______
_____ ____
| | || | || | ||
     | |
| IC Type Country| IC Type Country| IC Type Country| IC type
| | || | || | ||
     | |
|mA7824UC |VR ||CM14029R |RB ||SM7708 |RB ||SM8501
     | RB |
|mA7905 |VR ||SM14511R |RB ||SM7716 |RB ||SM8501-
1 |RB |
|mA7912UC |VR ||SM3006 |RB ||SM7720 |RB ||SM8501-
2 |RB |
|mA7915UC |VR ||SM3020 |RB ||SM7732 |RB ||SM8501-
3 |RB |
|mA7924UC |VR ||SM601 |RB ||SM7800 |RB ||SM8501-
4 |RB |
|mA796UC |VR ||SM601R |RB ||SM7804 |RB ||SM8514-
20 |RB |
|BMK3 |RB ||SM602 |RB ||SM7832 |RB ||SM8514-
30 |RB |
|BMK5 |RB ||SM603R |RB ||SM7832L |RB ||SM8514-
45 |RB |
|BMK7 |RB ||SM604 |RB ||SM7832N |RB ||SP01A
     | RB |
|GS01V |RB ||SM604R |RB ||SM7864R |RB ||TSh01V
     | RB |
|GS02V |RB ||SM605 |RB ||SM7864RL |RB ||TSh02A
     | RB |
|GS03V |RB ||SM605R |RB ||SM7864RN |RB ||US03V
     | RB |
|GS05A |RB ||SM606 |RB ||SM8001 |RB ||US04V
     | RB |
|GS06A |RB ||SM607 |RB ||SM8002 |RB ||US05V
     | RB |
|GS07A |RB ||SM608 |RB ||SM801 |RB ||US06V
     | RB |
|GS08A |RB ||SM609|RB ||SM8102A |RB ||US08V
     | RB |
|GS09A |RB ||SM610 |RB ||SM8102A-2 |RB ||US09V
     | RB |
|GS10A |RB ||SM621 |RB ||SM8102A-4 |RB ||US10A
     | RB |
|GS11A |RB ||SM622 |RB ||SM8102A-6 |RB ||US11A
     | RB |
|GS12A |RB ||SM630 |RB ||SM8104 |RB ||US12A
     | RB |
|GS13A |RB ||SM631 |RB ||SM8104-2 |RB ||US13A
     | RB |
|DCH01A |RB ||SM632 |RB ||SM8104-3 |RB ||US14A
     | RB |
|DCH02A |RB ||SM633 |RB ||SM8104-4 |RB ||US15A
     | RB |
|KT02A |RB ||SM650 |RB ||SM8104-6 |RB ||US16A
     | RB |
|MF01V |RB ||SM674 |RB ||SM8108 |RB ||US18A
     | RB |
|MF02A |RB ||SM7200 |RB ||SM8114 |RB ||FN01V
     | RB |
|PD01V |RB ||SM7300 |RB ||SM8116-1 |RB ||FN02V
     | RB |
|PD02V |RB ||SM7400 |RB ||SM8116-2 |RB ||FN03A
     | RB |
|SM14001R |RB ||SM7508 |RB ||SM8116-3 |RB ||FN04A
     | RB |
|CM14007R |RB ||CM751R |RB ||CM8116-4 |RB ||TsAP-10R
X | RB |
|SM14011R |RB ||SM757 |RB ||SM8164-1 |RB ||_______
|CM14013R |RB ||CM758-1 |RB ||CM8164-2 |RB |
|CM14027R |RB ||CM758-2 |RB ||CM8164-3 |RB |

Intel 8008

Intel 8008

4004ˤΥץåȤȡ8008Ȥʤޤ8 bitޥץåǤ͡Intelˤޤȡ1972ǯ41ȯɽ10 ump-MOSץ3500ĤΥȥ?ѤȤʤäƤޤɸʤǤϥåȿ500 kHz8 bitβø̿μ¹Ի֤20 usǤ800 kHzåư8008-1Ȥ֤ι®ȯɽƤޤ80084004Ƴȯ줿ΤǤϤޤ4004γȯǡ8008γȯץȤΩ夬äƤޤκݤ4004߷׼Ԥȴ8008γȯˤ餻ޤΤᡢ4004μΥץåȤꡢ4004ƱλʤȤ߷פˤʤäƤޤ߷׼Ԥ̤ʾ塢4004ܵҤˤɤΤ褦ɾ뤫狼ʤ֤̤θܵҤ꤬äǡüLSIȤƳȯϤޤäᡢΤ4004ȻƤȤ¿ޤ

SiemensҤι®8008ǤSAB8008-1CȡɥVEB Kombinat RobotronҤ8008öåפU808D

̤Λˡǡ ᥿ ѥ? ǡ τǡintelҥ ʤʤʤ ˤʤ ޤˤ8008ʸޤ͡> intelҥ 饤 ޤ ޤ ޤ ᥿? ƥʤ äƥʤτǡυ ܥ ǥ?ѥ️ 褦 º ϥ³ƥ ޤ

400416ԥäτf800818ԥԥäƥ ޤ4004 ʊɸūѥʊɸūѥäƥ ޤ18 ԥɸūȵ˻ פ ū ū ե ե ߥ ǥttl ե ǥϡ14ԥ16ԥѥѥɸǥ ᤿ cmosvelop ե ʊǥ intelҥμʤǥ1103ʥ ߥ ؤɲ ǿ¤ˤǥȼ ơ ơ80081818

Vdd 1 18 INT
D7 2 17 READY
D6 3 16 CLK1
D5 4 15 CLK2
D4 5 14 SYNC
D3 6 13 S0
D2 7 12 S1
D1 8 11 S2
D0910 Vcc

ɥ쥹֤16 KByteǡ14ܤΥɥ쥹饤ɬפʤϤǤ18ԥ?Ϥ4004ΤȤƱ褦ˡ8ܤΥʬ䤷ƥɥ쥹̡ɥ쥹̡̿ǡžȡ֤˹ԤäƤޤΤۤ̿μ¹ԥơȤɬפǡ쥸βøξˤ10å?ޤäơ500 kHzåǤβø̿¹Ի֤Ϻû20 usȤʤ櫓Ǥʤ̿ʤɤξǤ22åɬפ̿᤬ޤä̿3 Byte̿ˤʤäƤΤǤ3 Byte֤ɤ߹िӤ˥ɥ쥹̡ɥ쥹̡̿ɤ߹ߤȤ??֤Τǡ22åɬפȤʤΤǤɸŪʾʥѥå˲Ǥ͡
S0 — S2ϥơǡCLK1, CLK2, Syncυ ߥ? ȥ 碌 ơcpu?τϩƿꤷƥʤƥϥʤ ޤ? ȥ 쥹d0 — d7˽fƥ 뤫 鳰 쥹 쥹 ϥꥢѥǻd0 — d7˽fƥǡ?˽?ȥ٤ƴϩǥ ߥ? ƥʤƥϥʤ ޤ? ޤ? 㤤 㤤 ttl icǥϩτѥǡ10ĥ20ĥǥ ─ ̣⽸٤㤫äLSI⤢Ǥ顢餷ԥ塼ˤϥȤμղϩ─ǹ碌60Ĥ100ĤICȤ ṹ碌뤳Ȥˤʤ䤤Ǥ8008ȤʤꤺäȳڤȤ櫓Ǥ
Ready٤ȥ٤ȥ ߥ? ˻ȥǡint ǥint8008fȡ8080ʊͤ˳ ߱1̿ɤ߹ ǥ¹ԥ ޤ rSt̿call̿ɤ ߹ ޤ ߥ 롼 ƥӽ ƥӽ ߤˤʤ ߤˤʤ ߤˤʤ ޤ ơʤɤβɤˤäƹfǥɤυ ߥ? rst̿hϳhϳf 褤 ⡢ ޤ
ʤVcc+5 VVdd-9 VˤƻȤޤԥ֤狼褦ˡGNDԥ?ʤȤ˵ĤƤ8008p-MOSץ¤줿ICǤꡢp-MOS ICTTL³ȤȤơGNDԥ+5 VˤƥեȤ뤳ȤˤäTTLȥ?եƤޤΤ褦ˤƻȤϥåɥ٥1 — 2 Vնˤʤ뤷ϤH٥3 V٤ˤʤΤǡTTL٥˰פޤϤL٥-1 Vʲˤʤ礬Τǡʥԡ?⤤Τǥץɤ0 V˥פƤ ⹽ʤˡTTLȤƤ⥯ץɤ¢ƤʤϤåå̤ξMOSϤ³ȡ˲ǽ֤
4004ϻǹ⥯750 khzư1̿̿10. 8 usưτf8008500 khzå20 us̿ ᥵ˤʤ 뤿 뤿 츫 ǽ ʤäƥ 褦 ޤ ޤ8 bitñ̤α 黻5 — 8 bitñ̤ɽʸǡǥ4004ͭˤʤ ޤ4004ǥromɽʸɤλ ޤ4004ʤɤ ӥ ӥ ϥ⤦ʣʥǡ˻ȥ ȥ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ ȥτ imes


4004Ǥ4 bit16ĤΥåѥåɥ쥸strong 8008Ǥ8
ȡH쥸L쥸ڥˤ16 bitHL쥸Ƥꥢɥ쥹ȤƲᤷơHL쥸λؤ̿ǻȤ뤳ȤǤޤĤޤHL쥸δܻ(HL)M쥸Ȥۥ쥸ؤλȤΤ褦˰̿ηϤˤʤäƤޤ쥸åȤϡճʤۤ8080ȻƤȻפޤBC, DE, HLȥڥˤƤʤΤϡڥǰ̿᤬M쥸Ȱʳ¸ߤʤǤ16 bitΥ쥸ɤø?ȤȤäǤޤ?Ǥ顢M 쥸ȤȤƤ⡢256 Bytestr褦ʥϤؤƤǤȤ8008ΤʤƤ⡢8080Z80¸¿Ǥ礦8080Z80ǻȤƤ쥸̾դϡ8008ʤäƤȤ狼Uncle

̿ɽʲ˼strɤˤĤƤɽθˤ expansive

̿ᥳ ֥ɽ clock ̣
11 ddd sss MOV rm, r 10/14 move
11 ddd 111 MOV r, M 16 move from M register
00 ddd 110 MVI rm, imm 16/18 move immediate
00 ddd 000 INR rx 10 increment register
00 ddd 001 DCR rx 10 decrement register
10,000 sss ADD rm 10/16 add
10 001 sss ADC rm 10/16 add with carry
10 010 sss SUB rm 10/16 subtract
10 011 sss SBB rm 10/16 subtract with carry (borrow)
10 100 sss ANA rm 10/16 and
10 101 sss XRA rm 10/16 exclusive or
10 110 sss ORA rm 10/16 or
10 111 sss CMP rm 10/16 compare
00 000 100 ADI imm 16 add immediate
00 001 100 ACI imm 16 add immediate with carry
00 010 100 SUI imm 16 subtract immediate
00 011 100 SBI imm 16 subtract immediate with carry
00 100 100 ANI imm 16 and immediate
00 101 100 XRI imm 16 exclusive or immediate
00 110 100 ORI imm 16 or immedeate
00 111 100 CPI imm 16 compare immediate
01 xxx 100 JMP addr 22 jump
01 000 000 JNC addr 18/22 jump if carry reset
01 001 000 JNZ addr 18/22 jump if not zero
01 010 000 JP addr 18/22 jump if plus
01 011 000 JPO addr 18/22 jump if parity odd
01 100 000 JC addr 18/22 jump if carry set
01 101 000 JZ addr 18/22 jump if zero
01 110 000 JM addr 18/22 jump if minus
01 111 000 JPE addr 18/22 jump if parity even
01 xxx 110 CALL addr 22 call subroutine
01 000 010 CNC addr 18/22 call subroutine if carry reset
01 001 010 CNZ addr 18/22 call subroutine if not zero
01 010 010 CP addr 18/22 call subroutine if plus
01 011 010 CPO addr 18/22 call subroutine if parity odd
01 100 010 CC addr 18/22 call subroutine if carry set
01 101 010 CZ addr 18/22 call subroutine if zero
01 110 010 CM addr 18/22 call subroutine if minus
01 111 010 CPE addr 18/22 call subroutine if parity even
00 vvv 101 RST vec 10 restart (1 Byte subroutine call inst. )
01 00m mm1 IN inport 16 input A from I/O port
01 rrm mm1 OUT outport 12 output A to I/O port
00 000 00x HLT 8 stop and wait for interrupt
11 111 111 HLT
00 000 010 RLC 10 rotate left
00 001 010 RRC 10 rotate right
00 010 010 RAL 10 rotate left through carry
00 011 010 RAR 10 rotate right through carry
00 xxx 111 RET 10 return from subroutine
00 000 011 RNC 6/10 return from subroutine if carry reset
00 001 011 RNZ 6/10 return from subroutine if not zero
00 010 011 RP 6/10 return from subroutine if plus
00 011 011 RPO 6/10 return from subroutine if parity odd
00 100 011 RC 6/10 return from subroutine if carry set
00 101 011 RZ 6/10 return from subroutine if zero
00 110 011 RM 6/10 return from subroutine if minus
00 111 011 RPE 6/10 return from subroutine if parity even

̿ᥳɤ xȥӥȥӥȥӥ0/1τɤǥ⤫ ޤʤ dddϥǥƥ͡ ?͡SSSϥ 쥸vvvϥꥹȥ٥ȥɽ͡07 ֥ɽ0, 8, 10h, 18h, 20h, 28h, 30h, 38hτ ˸ƥӽ ˸ƥӽ 쥹 vecɽτ⤢ˡmmi/o ݡ ?ͤ ?ͤut̿ˤĥƥϥrr1, 2, 3τ 줫 ͤ?ƥϥƥɥ 쥹rr0ˤ
clock̿¹ԤɬפʥåڥɤrmȻΤΤc1/c2ɽƤơºgrrꤵ줿Ȥc1åMꤵ줿Ȥˤc2å Ḥ롣Ʊ̿ξ硢郎ΩʤäȤc1åΩȤc2åᥤ롣
֥ɽΥڥǡʸǽ ᤫƤΤˤĤ enlarged expanded A, B, C, D, E, H, LΤ줫rmA, B, C, D, E, H, L, MΤ줫rxB, C, D, E, H, LΤ줫 and holy imm8 bitǡaddr14 bitɥ 쥹ɽ͡ʥǤϾ2 bit0ͤ᤿16 bitdzǼˡvec, inport, outportˤĤƤ˿줿Ȥꡣ

쥸̾ ddd/sss r rm rx
    A 000 * *
    B 001 * * *
    C 010 * * *
    D 011 * * *
    E 100 * * *
    H 101 * * *
    L 110 * * *
    M 111*

Ölh쥸r, rm, rx˴ Östrong*

̿ˡ˥åȥӥåȥѥȤδط狼äΤǡ֥ե֥?ޤ͡ե饰Ѳ8080Ʊ黻Ϥ̿ǤΤѲMOV̿ǤѲʤȤͤʤĤǤ˾̿ᤫ狼褦Carry, Sign, Zero, Parity¸ߤ뤳Ȥͤơˡߥ졼ǤǤ礦åǺܤƤΤǡ»֤Ǥɤ줯餤μ¹Ի֤ɬפˤʤ뤫׻Ǥޤ͡䤬8008Υߥ졼Cǽ?ơåȿ20 MHz386ޥǼ¹ԤȤǤ˼ʪ⥷䥥졼BD餤®äunk졼Ϥɤ餫ȤȥǥåѤǡ̿¹ԥåη׻Ȥand졼Υᥤ롼פǥȥ졼⡼ɥåȤ®äθʤäΤˡʪ®æϤpli˥ѥƥȽɽԤäƤpli 9003


10 MOV L, C ; BC쥸HL쥸
16 MOV B, M ; ZǡB
10 INR L ; žɥ쥹Υgua
18/22 JNZ MC1
10 INR H
10 MC1: MOV C, L ; BC쥸HLᤷ
10 MOV L, E ; HLDE쥸 increasedԡΤɡ
10 MOV E, B ; Bž٤ǡäƤΤǡ
10 MOV B, H ; LƤ enlarged
10 MOV H, D ; E쥸žꤷơ狼ˤ
14 MOV M, E ; ԡ˽
10 INR L ; ž襢ɥ쥹Υ
18/22 JNZ MC2
10 INR H
10 MC2: MOV D, H
10 MOV E, L
16 SUI 1 ; žλȽDCR AϻȤʤ
10 RET

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 5 INX H
 5 INX D
 5 DCX B
 5 MOV A, B ; DCXǤϥե饰ѲʤΤBC0ƥ
 4 ORA C
10 RET

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Radio components of the GDR (reference book) | hardware

Universal Low Noise Tape Recorder/Playback Path



bus buffer chip

Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Analogue

DO 7 Germanium diode (pair) 40V 15 mA
2GA113 DO 7 Germanium diode (pair) 25V 30 mA
2OA646 DO 7 Germanium diode (pair) 40V 15 mA
4GA114 DO 7 Germanium diode (4 pcs.) 25V 30 mA
7212 Hybrid Broadband Antenna Amplifier IC
A109D DIL 14 Universal Operational Amplifier PDF: 298K µA709
A110D DIL 14 Comparator with TTL 9 output0011

PDF: 982K SN72710N
A1524D DIL 18 Stereo volume control PDF: 572K TDA1524
A1670V Multiwatt 15 ULF 30 W PDF: 309K TDA1670A
A1818D DIL 20 PDF: 355K LM1818
A2000V Multiwatt 11 Two-channel ULF 2×5 W PDF: 476K TDA4925
A2005V Multiwatt 11 Two-channel ULF 2×20 W PDF: 476K TDA2005
A2014DC DIL 8 Video switch TEA2014
A202D DIL 16 Recording, microphone and playback amplifier PDF: 137K TDA1002
A203 DIL 12 ULF 3W
A2030H, A2030V TO 220-5 ULF 16 W PDF: 325K TDA2030
A204 DIL 12 Vertical Amplifier 5 W PDF: 18K
A205 DIL 12 ULF 5W PDF: 757K
A208 DIL 12 ULF 3W PDF: 603K
A209 DIL 12 Vertical Amplifier 4. 5 W PDF: 226K
A210E DIL 12 ULF 6 W without heatsink PDF: 139K TBA810AS
A210K DIL 12 ULF 6 W with heatsink PDF: 139K TBA810S
A211D DIL 14 ULF 1W PDF: 988K TAA611
A220D DIL 14 IF 0 .. 12 MHz PDF: 2.7M TBA120S
Type Housing Tag Description Datasheet Similar
A223D DIL 14 IF, demodulator, volume control PDF: 1.5M TBA120U
A224D DIL 14 FM amplifier for ceramic filter operation, demodulator PDF: 938K TBA120T
A225D DIL 18 FM IF and PDF: 417K TDA1047
A230D DIL 16 Color Converter Amplifier RY/BY -> RGB PDF: 403K
A231D DIL 16 Color Converter Amplifier RY/BY -> RGB PDF: 409K (TBA530)
A232D DIL 16 RGB matrix PDF: 587K TDA2532
A240D DIL 14 Video amplifier for B&W and color TV PDF: 387K TDA440
A241D DIL 16 Video amplifier and demodulator with AGC for B/W and color TV PDF: 144K TDA2541
A244D DIL 16 Receiver AM PDF: 201K TCA440
A250D DIL 14 Video processing circuit PDF: 433K TBA950
A252 DIL 14 Horizontal Timing Circuit PDF: 418K
A255D DIL 16 Horizontal synchronization circuit PDF: 427K TDA2593
A270D DIL 16 Video Amplifier PDF: 499K TBA970
A273D DIL 16 Volume and stereo balance control PDF: 111K TCA730
A274D DIL 16 Stereo treble and bass tone control PDF: 99K TCA740
A277D DIL 18 LED driver for forming a level indication strip with 12 LEDs PDF: 569K (UAA180)
A281D DIL 14 Receiver AM-FM-CB PDF: 1. 8M TAA981
A283D DIL 16 Single-chip AM/FM receiver PDF: 263K TDA1083
A290D DIL 14 FM stereo decoder with PLL MC1310P
A295D DIL 14 SECAM color channel switch PDF: 119K
A301D DIL 14 Proximity switch PDF: 844K (TCA205A)
A301W DIL 8 (301) Proximity switch PDF: 844K (TCA205A)
A302D DIL 4 Threshold key PDF: 585K TCA345A
A3048DC DIL 16 Infrared receiver TDA3048
A311D DIL 18 Camera Controller PDF: 43K
Type Housing Tag Description Datasheet Similar
A321G PLCC 48 Camera Controller PDF: 766k
A3501D DIL 28 PAL/SECAM decoder PDF: 340K TDA3501
A3510D DIL 24 PAL decoder PDF: 262K TDA3510, MCA3510
A3520D DIL 28 SECAM decoder PDF: 288K TDA3520, K174XA16 [1, 2]
A4100D DIL 22 AM/FM receiver TDA4100
A4510D DIL 18 PLL stereo decoder PDF: 309K TCA4510
A4511D DIL 18 PLL stereo decoder PDF: 328K TCA4511
A4555D DIL 28 Multi-system decoder (PAL, SECAM, NTSC 3. 58 MHz and NTSC 4.43 MHz) TDA4555
A4565D DIL 18 Scheme of signal propagation and delay in the color decoding path TDA4565
A4580D DIL 28 Color Converter Amplifier RY/BY -> RGB TDA4580
A902D DIL 4 Schmitt trigger for PDF: 186K
A910 DIL 14 Camera Controller
B060D DIL 8 060 / 60. BIFET Low Power Operational Amplifier PDF: 184K TL060
B061D DIL 8 BIFET Low Power Operational Amplifier PDF: 184K TL061
B062D DIL 8 BIFET Low Power Operational Amplifier PDF: 184K TL062
B064D DIL 14 BIFET Low Power Operational Amplifier PDF: 184K TL064
B066D DIL 8 BIFET Low Power Operational Amplifier PDF: 184K TL066
B080D DIL 8 Operational amplifier with JFET inputs PDF: 107K TL080
B082D DIL 8 Operational amplifier with JFET inputs PDF: 107K TL082
B083D DIL 14 Operational amplifier with JFET inputs PDF: 107K TL083
B084D DIL 14 Operational amplifier with JFET inputs PDF: 107K TL084
B109D DIL 14 Universal Operational Amplifier PDF: 298K µA709
B110D DIL 14 Comparator with TTL output PDF: 982K SN72710N
B125/110-20 Metal Single phase rectifier bridge (silicon diodes) 125V 20A PDF: 520K
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar
B165 TO 220-5 Powerful op-amp 20 W PDF: 125K L165
B176D DIL 8 176 Programmable Operational Amplifier PDF: 83K µA776
B177D DIL 14 Programmable Operational Amplifier PDF: 83K µA177
B20/15-20 Metall Single phase rectifier bridge (silicon diodes) 20V 20A PDF: 520K
B222D DIL 14 Double push-pull mixer PDF: 128K
B250/220-20 Metall Single phase rectifier bridge (silicon diodes) 250V 20A PDF: 520K
B2600DG DIL 18 Switching power supply controller chip
B260D DIL 16 Switching power supply controller IC (with bipolar output stage) PDF: 432K TDA1060
B2761D DIL 8 2761 Open Collector Output Operational Amplifier PDF: 499K TAA2761A
B2765D DIL 8 2765 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TAA2765A
B2765S DIL 8 Operational amplifier with open collector output
B2960VG Multiwatt-15 Switching power supply controller chip PDF: 557K L296
B303D DIL 14 Proximity switch PDF: 1. 4M (TCA205A)
B3040DA DIL 28 Driver sensor for board testers PDF: 381K
B304D DIL 14 Proximity switch PDF: 1.4M (TCA205A)
B305D DIL 14 Proximity switch PDF: 1.4M (TCA205A)
B306D DIL 8 306 Proximity switch PDF: 1.4M (TCA205A)
B308D DIL 14 ULF for telephones PDF: 242K (TBA830)
B315D DIL 14 Power Transistor Assembly Q2T2222
B315E DIL 12 Power Transistor Assembly Q2T2222
B315K DIL 12 Power Transistor Assembly Q2T2222
B3170V TO 220-3 Linear Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator PDF: 1. 4M LM317T
B3171V TO 220-3 Linear Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator PDF: 1.4M LM317HV
B318D DIL 14 ULF for telephones PDF: 242K (TBA830)
B325D DIL 14 Power Transistor Assembly Q2T2222
Type Housing Tag Description Datasheet Similar
B325E DIL 12 Power Transistor Assembly Q2T2222
B325K DIL 12 Power Transistor Assembly Q2T2222
B331G DIL 14 Dynamic Compression Hearing Aid Amplifier PDF: 67K WC501G
B3370V TO 220-3 Linear Adjustable Negative Voltage Regulator PDF: 1. 4M LM337T
B3371V TO 220-3 Linear Regulated Negative Voltage Regulator PDF: 1.4M LM337HV
B340D DIL 14 Transistor assembly PDF: 106K
B340S SO 14 340 / B34* Transistor assembly
B341D DIL 14 Transistor assembly PDF: 106K
B341D DIL 14 Transistor assembly
B342D DIL 14 Transistor assembly PDF: 106K
B342D DIL 14 Transistor assembly
B360D DIL 14 Power Transistor Assembly TPQ2222
B360E DIL 12 Power Transistor Assembly TPQ2222
B360K DIL 12 Power Transistor Assembly TPQ2222
B3718VC Multiwatt-15 Stepper motor driver TEA3718
B380D DIL 14 Pack of 4 bipolar transistors TPQ2221
B380E DIL 12 Pack of 4 bipolar transistors TPQ2221
B380K DIL 12 Assembly of 4 bipolar transistors TPQ2221
B384D DIL 20 Power circuit (telephone)
B385D DIL 16 Line test circuit (telephone)
B386D DIL20 Feed pattern (telephone)
B3870D DIL 28 Analog processor for subscriber connection (telephone)
B390D DIL 18 Miniature DC motor controller
B391D DIL 18 Motor processor for cassette drives PDF: 437K
B3925DD DIL 20 Motor processor for floppy drives
Type Body Label Description Datasheet Analog
B40/35-20 Metall Single phase rectifier bridge (silicon diodes) 40V 20A PDF: 520K
B4002D DIL 16 Driver for fast switching transistors PDF: 641K UAA4002DP
B411DD DIL 8 BiFET Precision Operational Amplifier LF411
B4206D DIL 16 Current controlled speed controller PDF: 858K
B4207D DIL 18 Speed ​​controller with tachometer PDF: 1. 1M
B4211D DIL 18 Speed ​​controller with tachometer, phase control (rotation angle U211
B451G SIL 4 Magnetoresistive (proximity) switch (Hall effect) PDF: 306K SAS251
B452G SIL 4 Magnetoresistive (proximity) switch (Hall effect) PDF: 306K SAS251S4
B453G SIL 4 Magnetoresistive (proximity) switch (Hall effect) PDF: 306K SAS251S5
B460G SIL 4 Hall sensor with analog output PDF: 270K
B461G SIL 4 B61 Proximity switch (Hall effect) PDF: 986K SAS261S4
B462G SIL 4 B62 Proximity switch (Hall effect) PDF: 986K SAS261
B466GA SIL 4 Hall sensor for automotive ignition systems PDF: 325K
B467G SIL 4 Linear Hall sensor
B4761D DIL 14 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TAA4761A
B4765D DIL 14 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TAA4765A
B511N TO 92-2 Temperature sensor 1 µA/K PDF: 111K (AD590)
B555D DIL 8 Timer with 200 mA output PDF: 222K LM555CN
B556D DIL 14 Timer with 200 mA output (2 channels) PDF: 222K LM556CN
B589N TO 92-2 Reference voltage generator 1. 235 V PDF: 116K AD589
B611D DIL 6 611 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TCA311A
B615D DIL 6 615 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TCA315A
B621D DIL 6 621 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TCA321A
B625D DIL 6 625 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TCA325A
B631D DIL 6 631 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TCA331A
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar
B635D DIL 6 635 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TCA335A
B654D DIL 14 Servo bridge driver PDF: 94K SN2865
B721D DIL 18 4-channel precision current source PDF: 256K
B761D DIL 6 761 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TAA761A
B765D DIL 6 765 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TAA765A
B80/70-20 Metall Single phase rectifier bridge (silicon diodes) 80V 20A PDF: 520K
B861D DIL 6 861 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TAA861A
B865D DIL 6 865 Operational amplifier with open collector output PDF: 499K TAA865A
BSY34 TO 39 Si-transistor NPN 40V 0. 6A 2.6W BSY34
C500D DIL 20 Analog processor PDF: 903K TL500
C501D DIL 20 Analog processor PDF: 903K TL501
C502D DIL 20 Digital part of the processor with output to the 7-segment display PDF: 903K TL502
C504D DIL 28 Digital part of the processor with BCD output PDF: 876K
C520D DIL 16 3-digit A/D converter with BCD output PDF: 171K AD2020
C560C DIL 16 8-bit Latched DAC PDF: 264K AD558
C5650C DIL 24 10-bit DAC PDF: 550K
C5658C DIL 24 8-bit DAC PDF: 530K
C565C DIL 24 12-bit DAC PDF: 550K AD565
C570C DIL 18 8-bit ADC PDF: 768K AD570
C571C DIL 18 10-bit ADC PDF: 768K AD571
C574C DIL 28 12-bit ADC with 8-bit data bus PDF: 535K AD574JD
C670C DIL 18 8-bit ADC, tri-state outputs PDF: 327K AD673JD
C7136D DIL 40 3½-digit ADC with LCD output PDF: 602K ICL7136
CM8001 DIL 16 RAM 256 x 1 PDF: 181K
D1. .. TTL standard logic SN74…
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar
D122 Dual Channel Memory Amplifier PDF: 274K SN7522
D123 Two Channel Memory Amplifier PDF: 274K SN7522
D2… High Speed ​​TTL Logic SN74H…
D345 DIL 16 BCD to 7-segment decoder PDF: 399K
D346 DIL 16 BCD to 7-segment decoder PDF: 399K
D347 DIL 16 BCD to 7-segment decoder PDF: 399K
D348 DIL 16 BCD to 7-segment decoder PDF: 399K
D351 DIL 14 Divisor counter PDF: 214K
D355 DIL 18 Timer PDF: 546K
D356 DIL 18 Timer PDF: 546K
D394 DIL 18 Bridge driver PDF: 263K
D395 DIL 18 IC for stepper motor control PDF: 141K
D410 DIL 14 Three logic elements: 4NAND, 3NAND, 2NAND with one inverted input PDF: 1M SAA1029
D461 DIL 14 2 2NAND gates with TTL level conversion — MOS PDF: 605K SN75361
D4803 DIL 18 8-channel driver PDF: 389K ULN2803
D4813 DIL 18 8-channel driver ULN2813
D4823 DIL 18 8-channel driver ULN2823
D491 DIL 14 4 transistor drivers PDF: 91K
D492 DIL 14 6-channel digital driver PDF: 144K SN75492
D4981 DIL 18 8-channel driver UDN2981
D4983 DIL 18 8-channel driver UDN2983
D6221 SIP 15 4-channel bipolar driver
D716X Chip 28 Thermal head control IC PDF: 596K
D718D DIL 24 Driver for driving 16 LEDs PDF: 448K UAA2022
DA4071 Hybrid, 16-bit DAC PDF: 572K
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar to
DAC32 Hybrid 10/12-bit DAC
DL. .. Low Power Schottky TTL SN74LS…
DL2631 DIL 16 V.11 Digital Amplifier Driver PDF: 570K AM26LS31
DL2632 DIL 16 V.11 digital buffer receiver PDF: 570K AM26LS32, KR559IP11
DL75113 DIL 16 Line transmitter
DL8121 DIL 20 8-bit comparator PDF: 286K AMZ8121
DL8127 DIL 24 System Clock Generator PDF: 716K AM8127
DL8136 DIL 20 8-bit decoder AMZ8136
DL8640 DIL 14 4-bit bus receiver
DL8641 DIL 16 4-bit receiver/bus driver
DS2510 DIL 16 4-bit shift register
DS2610 DIL 16 4-channel receiver and bus transmitter
DS80612 DIL 18 Clock generator
DS8205 DIL 16 Binary decoder 3 bits to 8 outputs PDF: 225K
DS8212 DIL 24 8-bit memory driver PDF: 454K
DS8216 DIL 16 4-bit bi-directional bus driver PDF: 541K
DS8282 DIL 20 8-bit memory bus driver PDF: 364K
DS8283 DIL 20 8-bit memory bus driver PDF: 364K
DS8286 DIL 20 8-bit bi-directional bus driver PDF: 167K
DS8287 DIL 20 8-bit bi-directional bus driver PDF: 167K
DS8601 DIL 20 DMA chip
DS8609 DIL 40 Serial to Parallel Converter
DS8638 DIL 20 8-bit bi-directional bus driver
E1. .. TTL standard logic SN54…
E2… TTL High Speed ​​Logic SN54H…
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar
E310 DIL 16 Incandescent lamp control circuit PDF: 187K
E351 DIL 14 Divisor counter PDF: 214K
E355 DIL 18 Timer PDF: 546K
E356 DIL 18 Timer PDF: 546K
E412 DIL 18 Logic 3-bit driver, tri-state outputs PDF: 520K
E435 DIL 12 Logic driver PDF: 394K PZL135S
FAR. . LCD indicators
FAR03A 30 8 digits with days of the week
FAR04A 28 8 digits
FAR06A 33 8 digits with exponent
FAR08A 30 8 digits with days of the week
FAR09A 37 3 ½ digits with units
FAR11A 26 3 ½ digits with small seconds
FAR50A LC multimeter display
FAT.. Transmissive LCDs
FAT02B 48 3¾ digits (hours) with small seconds and days of the week at the bottom
FAT07B 26 3¾ digits (hours)
FAT12B 48 3¾ digits (hours) with small seconds and days of the week at the top
GA100 DO 7 Germanium diode 20V 20mA PDF: 970K AA131
GA101 DO 7 Germanium diode 40V 15mA PDF: 970K AA119
GA102 DO 7 Germanium diode 60V 12mA PDF: 970K AA134
GA103 DO 7 Germanium diode 80V 10mA PDF: 970K
GA104 DO 7 Germanium diode 110V 10 mA AA117
GA105 DO 7 Germanium diode 20V 20 mA AA130
GA106 DO 7 Germanium diode 25V 20 mA
Type Housing Mark Description Datasheet Analog
GA107 DO 7 Germanium diode 60V 20 mA
GA108 DO 7 Germanium diode 80V 20 mA
GAY60 DO 7 Germanium diode 20V 75 mA PDF: 138K
GAY61 DO 7 Germanium diode 20V 100 mA PDF: 138K FD4
GAY62 DO 7 Germanium diode 20V 100 mA PDF: 138K FD7
GAY63 DO 7 Germanium diode 40V 100 mA PDF: 138K
GAY64 DO 7 Germanium diode 80V 75 mA PDF: 138K
GAZ14 DO 7 Germanium diode 25V 20 mA
GAZ15 Germanium diode 25V 20 mA
GAZ16 DO 7 Germanium diode 25V 20 mA
GAZ17 DO 7 Germanium diode 25V 20 mA PDF: 152K
GC100 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 10V 15 mA 30 mW PDF: 61K
GC101 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 10V 15 mA 30 mW PDF: 57K
GC112 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 80V 150 mA PDF: 65K
GC115 TO-18 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 50 mA
GC116 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 150 mA PDF: 366K AC116
GC117 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 150 mA PDF: 363K AC150
GC118 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 150 mA PDF: 363K AC160
GC120 TO-18 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 150 mA
GC121 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 250 mA PDF: 373K AC123
GC122 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 33V 250 mA PDF: 365K AC170
GC123 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 66V 250 mA PDF: 361K AC170
GC301 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 32V 1A PDF: 378K AC131
GD100 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 1. 3A 2W 100kHz PDF: 113K
GD110 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 1.3A 2W 200kHz PDF: 126K
Type Housing Tag Description Datasheet Similar
GD120 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 33V 1.3A 2W 200kHz PDF: 113K
GD125 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 66V 1.3A 2W 200kHz PDF: 126K
GD130 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 66V 1.3A 2W 200kHz PDF: 123K
GD150 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 3A 5W 200kHz PDF: 130K
GD160 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 18V 3A 5. 3W PDF: 262K
GD170 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 30V 3A 5.3W PDF: 262K AD162
GD175 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 48V 3A 5.3W PDF: 263K AD155
GD180 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 60V 3A 5.3W PDF: 261K AD152
GD240 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 25V 3A 10W PDF: 237K
GD241 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 35V 3A 10W PDF: 252K AD138
GD242 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 48V 3A 10W PDF: 253K AUY26
GD243 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 60V 3A 10W PDF: 251K
GD244 TO-66 Germanium transistor PNP 70V 3A 10W PDF: 252K
GE115 1 mA germanium tunnel diode with mounting lugs
GE116 Germanium tunnel diode 1 mA
GE117 10 mA germanium tunnel diode with lugs
GE118 Germanium tunnel diode 10 mA
GE123 Germanium tunnel diode 1 mA with mounting lugs
GE124 Germanium tunnel diode 1 mA
GE125 10 mA germanium tunnel diode with lugs
GE126 Germanium tunnel diode 10 mA
GF100 TO Germanium transistor PNP 10V 15 mA PDF: 57K OC44
GF105 TO Germanium transistor PNP 10V 15 mA PDF: 58K OC45
GF105 TO Germanium transistor PNP 10V 15 mA PDF: 58K OC45
GF120 TO-18 Germanium transistor PNP 15V 10 mA 10 MHz AF105
GF121 TO-18 Germanium transistor PNP 15V 10 mA 25 MHz AF136
Type Housing Tag Description Datasheet Similar to
GF122 TO-18 Germanium transistor PNP 15V 10 mA 30 MHz AF116
GF126 TO Germanium transistor PNP 25V 10 mA 10 MHz PDF: 216K
GF128 TO Germanium transistor PNP 25V 10 mA 100 MHz PDF: 65K AF126
GF130 TO Germanium transistor PNP 25V 10 mA 10 MHz PDF: 178K AF127
GF131 TO Germanium transistor PNP 25V 10 mA 100 MHz PDF: 254K AF125
GF132 TO Germanium transistor PNP 25V 10 mA 100 MHz PDF: 184K AF124
GF139 TO Germanium transistor PNP 25V 10 mA 10 MHz PDF: 211K
GF145 TO-72 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 10 mA 860 MHz PDF: 391K AF139
GF146 TO-72 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 10 mA 260 MHz PDF: 9572K
GF147 TO-72 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 10 mA 900 MHz PDF: 159K
GF180 TO-72 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 10 mA 10 MHz
GF181 TO Germanium transistor PNP 25V 10 mA 100 MHz PDF: 195K
GP119 Lens Germanium photodiode 20V 30 mW 70µA
GP120 Lens Germanium photodiode 20V 30 mW 125µA
GP121 Lens Germanium photodiode 50V 30 mW 70µA
GP122 Lens Germanium photodiode 50V 30 mW 125µA
GS109 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 50 mA PDF: 83K
GS111 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 200 mA 1. 2µs PDF: 68K
GS112 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 200 mA 0.9µs PDF: 68K
GS121 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 100 mA PDF: 143K
GS122 TO-1 Germanium transistor PNP 20V 100 mA PDF: 164K
GY099 DO 1 Germanium rectifier diode 12V 0.1A
GY100 DO 1 Germanium rectifier diode 24V 0.1A
GY101 DO 1 Germanium rectifier diode 40V 0.1A
GY102 DO 1 Germanium rectifier diode 75V 0.1A
Type Body Label Description Datasheet Analog
GY104 DO 1 Germanium rectifier diode 150V 0. 1A
GY105 DO 1 Germanium rectifier diode 200V 0.1A
GY109 DO Germanium rectifier diode 12V 1A
GY110 DO Germanium rectifier diode 24V 1A
GY111 DO Germanium rectifier diode 40V 1A
GY112 DO Germanium rectifier diode 75V 1A
GY113 DO Germanium rectifier diode 100V 1A
GY114 DO Germanium rectifier diode 150V 1A
GY115 DO Germanium rectifier diode 200V 1A
GY120 DO Germanium rectifier diode 20V 10A
GY121 DO Germanium rectifier diode 40V 10A
GY122 DO Germanium rectifier diode 65V 10A
GY123 DO Germanium rectifier diode 100V 10A
GY124 DO Germanium rectifier diode 150V 10A
GY125 DO Germanium rectifier diode 200V 10A
IA338D DIL 16 Voltage controlled function generator PDF: 313K
INA30 Hybrid chip, instrumentation amplifier PDF: 326K
INA52 Hybrid chip, instrumentation amplifier PDF: 326K
ISA30 Decoupling Amplifier Hybrid IC
L110 DIL 18 CCD line (sensor) 256 pixels PDF: 519K CCD110
L133 DIL 24 CCD line (sensor) 1024 pixels PDF: 859K CCD133
L143C DIL 24 CCD line (sensor) 2048 pixels PDF: 343K
L172C DIL 24 CCD line (sensor) 512 pixels PDF: 374K
L211 DIL 24 CCD matrix (sensor) 190 x 244 pixels
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar to
L220 DIL 24 CCD matrix (sensor) 512 x 576 pixels
LC815 Germanium PNP transistor 10V 50mA
LC824 Germanium PNP transistor 10V 150mA
LF871 Germanium PNP transistor 10V 15mA PDF: 87K
LF880 Germanium PNP transistor 10V 10mA 2MHz PDF: 87K
LF881 Germanium PNP transistor 10V 10mA 10MHz PDF: 87K
MB101 (opto) GaAs-LED + Si-NPN phototransistor PDF: 70K CNY21
MB102 (opto) GaAs-LED + Si-NPN phototransistor PDF: 319K
MB104 DIL 6 IR-LED + Si-NPN phototransistor PDF: 80K CNY17
MB105 DIL 6 IR-LED + Si-NPN phototransistor PDF: 195K CNY75
MB106 (opto) GaAs-LED + Si-NPN phototransistor PDF: 433K CNY21
MB110 DIL 6 GaAs-LED + Si-photodiode PDF: 76K MCD2
MB111 DIL 8 GaAs-LED + Si-photodiode + TTL amplifier MCL611
MB123 (opto) Open optocoupler with slot, GaAs-LED + Si-phototransistor TIL138
MB125 (opto) Reflective optocoupler, GaAs-LED + Si-phototransistor SFH900
MB126 3 Reflective optocoupler, GaAs-LED + Si-phototransistor PDF: 178K SFH900
MB130 DIL 6 IR-LED + Si-NPN phototransistor PDF: 373K
MB131 DIL 6 IR-LED + Si-NPN phototransistor PDF: 373K
MB132 DIL 6 IR-LED + Si-NPN phototransistor PDF: 373K SFH600
MB133 DIL 6 IR-LED + Si-NPN phototransistor PDF: 373K CNY17
MB134 DIL 6 IR-LED + Si-NPN phototransistor PDF: 373K CNY17
MB135 DIL 6 IR-LED + Si-NPN phototransistor PDF: 373K SFH609
MDD16 DO 240 Diode module Si 100V. ..1600V 16A PDF: 188K
MDD25 DO 240 Diode module Si 100V…1600V 25A PDF: 188K
MDD40 DO 240 Diode module Si 100V…1600V 40A PDF: 188K
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar
MDD63 DO 240 Diode module Si 100V…1600V 63A PDF: 327K
MQE10 (opto) 7-segment LED, 3 digits
MQh300 (opto) Line of 24 green LEDs PDF: 259K
O4A657 Plast 4 germanium diodes 40V 15 mA
OA601 Cartridge Germanium Diode 5V 15mA 3. 5GHz
OA602 Cartridge Germanium Diode 5V 15mA 3.5GHz
OA603 Cartridge Germanium Diode 10V 20mA 3.5GHz
OA604 Cartridge Germanium Diode 10V 20mA 3.5GHz
OA605 Cartridge Germanium Diode 20V 20mA 3.5GHz
OA625 DO 7 Germanium diode 20V 20mA PDF: 970K
OA626 DO 7 Germanium diode 20V 20 mA
OA645 DO 7 Germanium diode 40V 15mA PDF: 970K
OA647 DO 7 Germanium diode 25V 20 mA
OA665 DO 7 Germanium diode 60V 12mA PDF: 970K
OA666 DO 7 Germanium diode 60V 20 mA
OA685 DO 7 Germanium diode 80V 10mA PDF: 970K
OA686 DO 7 Germanium diode 80V 20 mA
OA705 DO 7 Germanium diode 110V 10 mA
OA720 Germanium diode 20V 50mA PDF: 138k
OA721 Germanium diode 20V 75mA PDF: 138k
OA741 Germanium diode 40V 75mA PDF: 138k
OA780 Germanium diode 80V 50mA PDF: 138k
OA900 Si-diode 25V 100mA
OA901 Si-diode 50V 100mA
OA902 Si-diode 75V 100mA
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar
OA903 Si-diode 150V 100mA
OA904 Si-diode 250V 100mA
OA905 Si-diode 350V 100mA
S114 DIL 10 Timer chip for 4. 19 MHz quartz type Bastler U114 PDF: 710K
SA403 DO red dot Switching Si diode 25V 30mA
SA412 DO yellow dot Switching Si diode 20V 80mA BA177
SA415 Switching Si diode 50V 100mA BA218
SA418 DO green dot Switching Si-diode 80V 100mA BAY61
SAL41 41 Dual Si diode 20V 20mA
SAL43 43 Si diode assembly 20V 20mA
SAL45 45 Si diode assembly 20V 20mA
SAM42 42M. Dual Si diode 20V 20mA PDF: 80K
SAM43 43M. Si diode assembly 20V 20mA PDF: 80K
SAM44 44M. Si diode assembly 20V 20mA PDF: 80K
SAM45 45M. Si diode assembly 20V 20mA PDF: 80K
SAM62 62M. Dual Si diode 20V 20mA PDF: 105K
SAM63 63M. Si diode assembly 20V 20mA PDF: 105K
SAM64 64M. Si diode assembly 20V 20mA PDF: 105K
SAM65 65M. Si diode assembly 20V 20mA PDF: 105K
SAX32 Dual Si diode 25V 30mA
SAX33 Si diode assembly 25V 30mA
SAX34 Si diode assembly 25V 30mA
SAX35 Si diode assembly 25V 30mA
SAX36 Si diode assembly 25V 30mA
SAX42 Dual Si diode 15V 30mA
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar to
SAX43 Si diode assembly 15V 30mA
SAX44 Si diode assembly 15V 30mA
SAX45 Si diode assembly 15V 30mA
SAX46 Si diode assembly 15V 30mA
SAX52 Dual Si diode 25V 50mA
SAX53 Si diode assembly 25V 50mA
SAX54 Si diode assembly 25V 50mA
SAX55 Si diode assembly 25V 50mA
SAX56 Si diode assembly 25V 50mA
SAX62 Dual Si diode 15V 30mA
SAX63 Si diode assembly 15V 30mA
SAX64 Si diode assembly 15V 30mA
SAX65 Si diode assembly 15V 30mA
SAX66 Si diode assembly 15V 30mA
SAY10 4 red stripes Switching Si diode 50V 175mA PDF: 111K
SAY11 3 red stripes, 1 yellow Switching Si diode 50V 175mA PDF: 111K
SAY12 Miniplast orange label Switching Si diode 50V 300mA BAY42
SAY14 3 red stripes, 1 blue Switching Si diode 25V 115mA PDF: 121K
SAY15 3 red stripes, 1 black Switching Si diode 15V 75mA PDF: 121K
SAY16 Miniplast green dot Switching Si-diode 30V 300mA BAY41
SAY17 Miniplast red dot Switching Si diode 50V 175mA -BA147
SAY18 Miniplast yellow dot Switching Si diode 25V 115mA -BA147
SAY20 Miniplast blue label Switching Si diode 15V 75mA BAY93
SAY30 Miniplast 30Y. Switching Si diode 25V 30mA PDF: 81K BA216
SAY32 Miniplast 32Y. Switching Si-diode 25V 50mA PDF: 81K BA217
Type Body Label Description Datasheet Similar to
SAY40 Miniplast 40Y. Switching Si diode 15V 20mA PDF: 81K BA116
SAY42 Miniplast 42Y. Switching Si diode 15V 30mA PDF: 81K BAY52
SAY50 Miniplast Dual Si diode 25V 30mA PDF: 50K
SAY52 Miniplast Dual Si diode 25V 50mA PDF: 60K
SAY60 Miniplast Dual Si diode 15V 20mA
SAY62 Miniplast Dual Si diode 15V 30mA
SAY73 Miniplast White mark Switching Si diode 50V 300mA BAY42
SAZ12 Si-diode 18V 300mW 10GHz
SAZ13 Si-diode 18V 300mW 20GHz
SAZ54 Si-varicap 90V 6W PDF: 66K
SAZ61 Si-varicap 60V 1. 5W PDF: 56K
SAZ71 Si-varicap 30V 1W PDF: 41K
SC116 TO 18 Si-transistor PNP 20V 0.1A 0.3W
SC117 TO 18 Si-transistor PNP 30V 0.1A 0.3W
SC118 TO 18 Si-transistor PNP 60V 0.1A 0.3W
SC119 TO 18 Si-transistor PNP 80V 0.1A 0.3W
SC206 Miniplast red and bright blue dots Si-transistor NPN 20V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 127K BC148
SC207 Miniplast red and yellow dots Si-transistor NPN 20V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 127K BC149
SC236 Miniplast C36 Si-transistor NPN 20V 0. 1A 0.2W PDF: 137K
SC237 Miniplast C37 Si-transistor NPN 45V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 137K BC237
SC238 Miniplast C38 Si-transistor NPN 20V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 137K BC238
SC239 Miniplast C39 Si-transistor NPN 80V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 137K BC239
SC307 Miniplast 307 Si-transistor PNP 45V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 106K BC307
SC308 Miniplast 308 Si-transistor PNP 20V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 106K BC308
SC309 Miniplast 309 Si-transistor PNP 80V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 106K BC309
Type Housing Tag Description Datasheet Similar
SCE237 SOT 23 B[D/E] Si-transistor NPN 45V 0. 1A 0.2W PDF: 539K BC847
SCE238 SOT 23 C[D/E] Si-transistor NPN 20V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 539K BC848
SCE239 SOT 23 D[D/E/F] Si-transistor NPN 80V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 539K BC849
SCE307 SOT 23 N[C/D/E] Si-transistor PNP 45V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 717K BC857
SCE308 SOT 23 O[C/D/E] Si-transistor PNP 20V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 717K BC858
SCE309 SOT 23 P[C/D/E] Si-transistor PNP 80V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 717K BC859
SCE535 SOT 89 B[A/B/C/D] Si-transistor NPN 45V 1A 0,8W BCX54
SCE536 SOT 89 A[A/B/C/D] Si-transistor PNP 45V 1A 0. 8W BCX51
SCE537 SOT 89 B[E/F/G/M] Si-transistor NPN 60V 1A 0,8W BCX55
SCE538 SOT 89 A[E/F/G/M] Si-transistor PNP 60V 1A 0.8W BCX52
SCE539 SOT 89 B[H/I/K/L] Si-transistor NPN 80V 1A 0,8W BCX56
SCE540 SOT 89 A[H/I/K/L] Si-transistor PNP 80V 1A 0.8W BCX53
SD168 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 300V 3A 12.5W PDF: 49K
SD335 TO 126 Si-transistor NPN 45V 1.5A 12.5W PDF: 247K BD135
SD336 TO 126 Si-transistor PNP 45V 1. 5A 12.5W PDF: 88K BD136
SD337 TO 126 Si-transistor NPN 60V 1.5A 12.5W PDF: 247K BD137
SD338 TO 126 Si-transistor PNP 60V 1.5A 12.5W PDF: 88K BD138
SD339 TO 126 Si-transistor NPN 80V 1.5A 12.5W PDF: 247K BD139
SD340 TO 126 Si-transistor PNP 80V 1.5A 12.5W PDF: 88K BD140
SD345 TO 126 Si-transistor NPN 45V 3A 20W PDF: 161K BD233
SD346 TO 126 Si-transistor PNP 45V 3A 20W PDF: 231K BD234
SD347 TO 126 Si-transistor NPN 60V 3A 20W PDF: 161K BD235
SD348 TO 126 Si-transistor PNP 60V 3A 20W PDF: 231K BD236
SD349 TO 126 Si-transistor NPN 80V 3A 20W PDF: 161K BD237
SD350 TO 126 Si-transistor PNP 80V 3A 20W PDF: 231K BD238
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar to
SD401 TO 220 Si-transistor NPN 45V 10A 90W
SD402 TO 220 Si-transistor PNP 45V 10A 90W
SD403 TO 220 Si-transistor NPN 60V 10A 90W
SD404 TO 220 Si-transistor PNP 60V 10A 90W
SD405 TO 220 Si-transistor NPN 80V 10A 90W
SD406 TO 220 Si-transistor PNP 80V 10A 90W
SD407 TO 220 Si-transistor NPN 100V 10A 90W
SD408 TO 220 Si-transistor PNP 100V 10A 90W
SD409 TO 220 Si-transistor NPN 120V 10A 90W
SD410 TO 220 Si-transistor PNP 120V 10A 90W
SD451 TO 220 Composite Si transistor NPN 45V 10A 90W
SD452 TO 220 Composite Si transistor PNP 45V 10A 90W
SD453 TO 220 Composite Si transistor NPN 60V 10A 90W
SD454 TO 220 Composite Si transistor PNP 60V 10A 90W
SD455 TO 220 Composite Si transistor NPN 80V 10A 90W
SD456 TO 220 Composite Si transistor PNP 80V 10A 90W
SD457 TO 220 Composite Si transistor NPN 100V 10A 90W
SD458 TO 220 Composite Si transistor PNP 100V 10A 90W
SD459 TO 220 Composite Si transistor NPN 120V 10A 90W
SD460 TO 220 Composite Si transistor PNP 120V 10A 90W
SD600 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 80V 3A 10W
SD601 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 50V 3A 10W
SD602 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 80V 3A 10W
SD802 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 100V 5A 50W
SD812 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 200V 4A 50W PDF: 155K
Type Body Label Description Datasheet Analog
SF016 TO 39 Si-transistor PNP 45V 0. 6A 0.6W
SF018 TO 39 Si-transistor PNP 45V 0.6A 0.6W
SF116 TO 39 Si-transistor PNP 20V 0.1A 0.6W
SF117 TO 39 Si-transistor PNP 30V 0.1A 0.6W
SF118 TO 39 Si-transistor PNP 60V 0.1A 0.6W
SF119 TO 39 Si-transistor PNP 80V 0.1A 0.6W
SF121 TO 39 Si-transistor NPN 20V 0.1A 0.6W PDF: 125K
SF122 TO 39 Si-transistor NPN 33V 0.1A 0.6W PDF: 125K BSY91
SF123 TO 39 Si-transistor NPN 66V 0. 1A 0.6W PDF: 125K BSY92
SF126 TO 39 Si-transistor NPN 20V 0.1A 0.6W PDF: 154K BSY51
SF127 TO 39 Si-transistor NPN 30V 0.1A 0.6W PDF: 154K BSY53
SF128 TO 39 Si-transistor NPN 60V 0.1A 0.6W PDF: 154K BSY55
SF129 TO 39 Si-transistor NPN 80V 0.1A 0.6W BSY55
SF131 TO 18 Si-transistor NPN 20V 0.05A 0.3W PDF: 221K BF184
SF132 TO 18 Si-transistor NPN 40V 0.05A 0.3W PDF: 221K BF115
SF136 TO 18 Si-transistor NPN 20V 0. 2A 0.3W PDF: 237K 2N708
SF137 TO 18 Si-transistor NPN 12V 0.2A 0.3W PDF: 237K BFY39
SF150 TO 39 Si-transistor NPN 160V 0.05A 0.6W
SF215 Miniplast F15 / white label Si-transistor NPN 20V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 146K BF254
SF216 Miniplast F16 / bright blue label Si-transistor NPN 40V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 146K BF241
SF225 Miniplast F25 Si-transistor NPN 25V 0.025A 0.2W PDF: 551K BF241
SF235 Miniplast F35 Si-transistor NPN 25V 0.025A 0.2W PDF: 204K BF255
SF240 Miniplast F40 Si-transistor NPN 30V 0. 025A 0.2W PDF: 238K BF196
SF245 Miniplast F45 Si-transistor NPN 25V 0.025A 0.2W PDF: 133K BF199
SF357 TO 126 Si-transistor NPN 160V 0.1A 6W PDF: 115K BF457
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar to
SF358 TO 126 Si-transistor NPN 250V 0.1A 6W PDF: 115K BF458
SF359 TO 126 Si-transistor NPN 300V 0.1A 6W PDF: 115K BF459
SF369 TO 126 Si-transistor NPN 250V 0.03A 1.2W PDF: 54K BF469
SF816 TO 92 Si-transistor PNP 20V 0. 5A 0.735W
SF817 TO 92 Si-transistor PNP 30V 0.5A 0.735W
SF818 TO 92 Si-transistor PNP 60V 0.5A 0.735W
SF819 TO 92 Si-transistor PNP 80V 0.5A 0.735W
SF826 TO 92 Si-transistor NPN 20V 0.5A 0.735W
SF827 TO 92 Si-transistor NPN 30V 0.5A 0.735W
SF828 TO 92 Si-transistor NPN 60V 0.5A 0.735W
SF829 TO 92 Si-transistor NPN 80V 0.5A 0.735W
SFE225 SOT 23 HO Si-transistor NPN 25V 0. 025A 0.2W PDF: 104K
SFE235 SOT 23 IO Si-transistor NPN 25V 0.025A 0.2W PDF: 169K BF255
SFE245 SOT 23 LO Si-transistor NPN 25V 0.025A 0.2W PDF: 182K BFS20
SFE250 SOT 23 Si-transistor NPN 5V 50mW
SFE292 SOT 23 Si-transistor NPN 15V 200mW
SFE517 SOT 89 Si-transistor NPN 25V 150mA 1W
SFE569 SOT 89 Si-transistor NPN 250V 50mA 1W
SFE570 SOT 89 Si-transistor PNP 250V 50mA 1W
SM103 Miniplast 03M N-FET 20V 15mA 150mW 3. ..12mA PDF: 117K
SM104 Miniplast 04M N-FET 20V 15mA 150mW 1.5…6.5mA PDF: 117K
SM200 SOT 103 Double Gate MOSFET
SME992 SOT 23 N-channel MOSFET for VHF
SME994 SOT 23 N-channel MOSFET for VHF
SME996 SOT 23 N-channel MOSFET for microwave
Type Housing Tag Description Datasheet Similar
SMY50 DIL 4 MY50 P-channel MOSFET PDF: 79K MEM511
SMY51 DIL 6 MY51 2 P-channel MOSFETs PDF: 79K MEM550DUAL
SMY52 DIL 4 MY52 P-channel MOSFET PDF: 48K MEM517
SMY60 DIL 10 2 P-channel MOSFETs MEM551
SP101 TO-5 Fast photodiode (BPX61)
SP102 TO-5 Fast photodiode (BPX65)
SP103 TO-5 Fast photodiode (BPX63)
SP104 (opto) Avalanche Si-photodiode PDF: 57K BPW28
SP105 (opto) Exposure Meter PDF: 520K BPW21
SP106 (opto) Si-pin photodiode PDF: 371K BPW34
SP107 (opto) Si-pin photodiode
SP109 (opto) Si-pin photodiode PDF: 44K
SP114 (opto) Avalanche Photodiode PDF: 237K (BPW28)
SP116 (opto) Dual Photodiode — Position Sensor PDF: 371K BPX48
SP117 (opto) 4 photodiodes — position sensor PDF: 371K SFh304
SP119 (opto) Photodiode pad PDF: 254K
SP121 (opto) Photodiode range PDF: 254K
SP123 (opto) Photodiode with sensing ring PDF: 371K
SP124 (opto) Photodiode with sensing ring PDF: 371K
SP201 (opto) Phototransistor 4 mm PDF: 78K TIL78
SP211 (opto) Phototransistor (hole mount) PDF: 82K BPX71
SP212 (opto) Phototransistor in miniature package 2 mm BPX81
SP213 (opto) Phototransistor in a 3 mm diameter barrel PDF: 230K SFh409
SP215 (opto) Phototransistor in a cylindrical housing with a diameter of 5 mm BP103
SS125 TO 39 Si-transistor NPN 25V 0. 5A 0.6W
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar to
SS126 TO 39 Si-transistor NPN 50V 0.5A 0.6W
SS200 Miniplast S00 Si-transistor NPN 70V 0.03A 0.15W PDF: 78K
SS201 Miniplast S01 Si-transistor NPN 100V 0.03A 0.15W PDF: 78K BF177
SS202 Miniplast S02 Si-transistor NPN 120V 0.03A 0.15W PDF: 78K BF178
SS216 Miniplast S16 Si-transistor NPN 15V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 149K
SS218 Miniplast S18 Si-transistor NPN 15V 0. 1A 0.2W PDF: 149K
SS219 Miniplast S19 Si-transistor NPN 15V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 149K
SSE200 SOT 23 WG Si-transistor NPN 70V 0.03A 0.15W PDF: 239K
SSE201 SOT 23 WI Si-transistor NPN 100V 0.03A 0.15W PDF: 239K
SSE202 SOT 23 WK Si-transistor NPN 120V 0.03A 0.15W PDF: 239K
SSE216 SOT 23 F[C/D] Si-transistor NPN 15V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 210K
SSE219 SOT 23 G[C/D] Si-transistor NPN 15V 0.1A 0.2W PDF: 210K (BSV52)
SSE550 SOT 89 Si-transistor NPN 45V 0. 5A 1W
SSE551 SOT 89 Si-transistor NPN 60V 0.5A 1W
SSE552 SOT 89 Si-transistor NPN 80V 0.5A 1W
SSE560 SOT 89 Si-transistor PNP 45V 0.5A 1W
SSE561 SOT 89 Si-transistor PNP 60V 0.5A 1W
SSE562 SOT 89 Si-transistor PNP 80V 0.5A 1W
SSY20 TO 39 Si-transistor NPN 40V 0.6A 0.7W BSY34
ST103 TO 220 Thyristor 3A 20mA PDF: 62K
ST108 DO 208 Thyristor 6A 150mA
ST111 M8 SW17 Thyristor 25A 100mA
ST121 M8 SW17 Thyristor 40A 100mA
SU111 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 400V 10A 120W PDF: 575K BU921
SU160 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 700V 5A 12. 5W BU208
Type Body Label Description Datasheet Analogue
SU161 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 700V 2.5A 10W BU205
SU165 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 350V 2.5A 10W BU126
SU167 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 325V 10A 100W PDF: 443K BU326
SU169 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 400V 10A 100W PDF: 443K BUY69A
SU177 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 400V 4A 50W BUX46
SU178 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 400V 6A 60W PDF: 300K BUX82
SU179 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 450V 6A 60W PDF: 300K BUX83
SU180 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 400V 4A 50W BU204
SU186 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 125V 15A 150W PDF: 284K 2N3055
SU187 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 200V 15A 150W PDF: 575K BUX41
SU188 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 250V 20A 150W PDF: 575K BUX42
SU189 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 400V 15A 175W PDF: 575K BUX48
SU190 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 450V 15A 175W PDF: 575K BUX48A
SU191 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 125V 20A PDF: 322K
SU192 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 250V 15A PDF: 322K
SU193 TO 3 Si-transistor NPN 250V 15A PDF: 322K
SU310 TO 218 Composite Si transistor NPN 350V 12A 125W
SU311 TO 218 Composite Si transistor NPN 400V 12A 125W PDF: 342K
SU312 TO 218 Composite Si transistor NPN 400V 12A 125W
SU377 TO 220 Si-transistor NPN 300V 6A 85W PDF: 575K MJE13004
SU378 TO 220 Si-transistor NPN 400V 6A 85W PDF: 252K MJE13005
SU379 TO 220 Si-transistor NPN 400V 6A 85W PDF: 575K BUX84
SU380 TO 220 Si-transistor NPN 400V 6A 85W PDF: 252K BUT11
SU382 TO 218 Si-transistor NPN 400V 9A 125W
SU383 TO 218 Si-transistor NPN 450V 9A 125W
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar to
SU384 TO 218 Si-transistor NPN 450V 9A 125W
SU386 TO 218 Si-transistor NPN 125V 5A 150W PDF: 371K
SU387 TO 218 Si-transistor NPN 200V 8A 150W PDF: 371K
SU388 TO 218 Si-transistor NPN 250V 10A 150W PDF: 371K
SU389 TO 218 Si-transistor NPN 400V 10A 150W PDF: 325K
SU390 TO 218 Si-transistor NPN 450V 8A 150W PDF: 325K
SU391 TO 218 Si-transistor NPN 125V 20A 150W
SU392 TO 218 Si-transistor NPN 160V 15A 150W
SU393 TO 218 Si-transistor NPN 300V 10A 150W
SU508 TO 240 Si-transistor NPN 600V 30A 250W PDF: 416K
SU509 TO 240 Si-transistor NPN 700V 30A 250W PDF: 416K
SU510 TO 240 Si-transistor NPN 800V 30A 250W PDF: 416K
SU518 TO 240 Si-transistor NPN 400V 50A 400W
SU519 TO 240 Si-transistor NPN 700V 50A 400W
SU520 TO 240 Si-transistor NPN 800V 50A 400W
SY170 DO 208 Rectifier Si diode 100V. ..700V 25A SSiE12
SY171 DO 208 Rectifier Si diode 100V…700V 25A SSiE11
SY180 M8 SW14 Rectifier Si diode 100V…1400V 30A
SY180..A M8 SW14 Si Avalanche Diode 100V…1400V 30A
SY185 M8 Rectifier Si diode 50V…600V bis 25A PDF: 82K
SY191 M5 Rectifier Si diode 100V…1600V 20A PDF: 506K
SY192 M6 Rectifier Si-diode 100V…1600V 45A PDF: 386K
SY196 M5 Rectifier Si diode 100V…1000V 15A PDF: 506K
SY197 M6 Rectifier Si diode 100V. ..1000V 25A PDF: 386K
SY2.. Metall Rectifier Si diode 75V…1000V 1A BYY3x
Type Housing Tag Description Datasheet Similar to
SY250 DO Rectifier Si diode 50V…1000V 250A
SY320 DO 27 Rectifier Si-diode 75V…1000V 0.95A BY201
SY330 DO 15 Rectifier Si diode 100V…2000V 0.5A PDF: 84K BY203
SY345 DO 15 Rectifier Si diode 50V…1000V 0.5A BY113
SY346 DO 15 Rectifier Si diode 50V…1000V 0.6A. ..0.8A
SY347 DO 15 Rectifier Si diode 50V…1000V 0.5A…0.7A 1P643
SY351 DO 27 Rectifier Si diode 50V…1600V 3A PDF: 66K BY251
SY356 DO 27 Rectifier Si diode 50V…1000V 2.3A…3A PDF: 80K BYX258
SY360 DO 15 Rectifier Si diode 50V…1600V 0.95A 1N400x
SY361 DO 15 Rectifier Si diode 1000V…1800V 1A 1N4007
SY525 DO 4 Schottky rectifier diode 20V…70V 30A PDF: 281K
SY526 DO 4 Schottky rectifier diode 30V. ..45V 25A PDF: 275K
SY625 DO 4 Rectifier Si diode 50V…200V 28A PDF: 264K
SY710 DO 220 Rectifier Si diode 50V…200V 7A PDF: 304K BAW29
SY715 DO 220 Rectifier Si diode 50V…200V 12A PDF: 338K BVY79
SZ500 M4 Si-zener diode 1V…22V 5% 8W
SZ600 M4 Si-zener diode 0.75V…22V 5% 8W BZY95
SZX18 DO black ring Si-zener diode 1V…33V 10% 0.5W BZX55
SZX19 DO red dot Si-zener diode 5. 1V…33V 5% 0.5W BZX55
SZX21 Miniplast Si-zener diode 1V…24V 5% 0.4W BZX55
SZY20 HC33U black ring Si-zener diode 8.4V TK10 BZY22
SZY21 HC33U yellow dot Si-zener diode 8.4V TK5 BZY23
SZY22 HC33U blue label Si-zener diode 8.4V TK2 BZY24
SZY23 HC33U red dot Si-zener diode 8.4V TK1 BZY25
TTA20 Hybrid chip, instrumentation amplifier PDF: 326K
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar to
U. 88.. Single-chip microcomputer PDF: 672K
U1001C DIL 16 PCM telephone filter chip PDF: 707K
U101 DIL 14 Two P-MOS full adders PDF: 186K
U1011C DIL 16 PCM codec for telephone PDF: 774K
U102 DIL 10 Two P-MOS gates 3OR-NOT PDF: 170K
U1021C DIL 24 Control chip for telephone PDF: 617K
U103 DIL 10 RST trigger P-MOS PDF: 184K
U104 DIL 10 Two P-MOS gates Exclusive OR (XOR) PDF: 168K
U105 DIL 14 6 P-MOS transistors PDF: 149K
U1056D DIL 16 PLL synthesizer PDF: 1. 1M SAA1056
U1059D DIL 16 Frequency divider PDF: 338K SAA1059
U106 DIL 16 6 gates P-MOS 2OR-NOT PDF: 175K
U107 DIL 16 3 P-MOS 2I gates (2 standard gates, 1 gate with differential outputs) PDF: 178K
U108 DIL 22 2 P-MOS JK flip-flops PDF: 216K
U109 DIL 14 P-MOS parity checker PDF: 162K
U111 DIL 24 P-MOS frequency divider 7 x 2:1
U112 DIL 14 P-MOS frequency divider 7 x 2:1 PDF: 156K
U113F Flat Pack 8 Clock chip PDF: 51K
U114D DIL 10 Clock chip 4. 19 MHz
U1159DC DIL 16 Frequency divider chip PDF: 575K
U116S DIL 10 Clock chip 32768 Hz
U117X Chip Clock chip
U118F Plat Pack 8 Clock chip
U121D DIL 28 Inverse 4-bit binary counter PDF: 247K
U122D DIL 28 Inverse 4-bit binary counter PDF: 247K
Type Housing Tag Description Datasheet Similar
U125D DIL 40 4-decade counter with multiplexed output to 7-segment display PDF: 2. 1M
U126D DIL 40 4-decade counter for digital voltmeter PDF: 322K
U1301XS Chip Clock chip for LCD
U1311 Flat Pack 64 Clock chip for timer
U131G PQFP 53 Clock chip for LCD
U1600 QFP 28…124 Programmable logic CMOS
U192D DIL 16 1½-digit 7-segment display decoder PDF: 453K
U202D DIL 16 sRAM 1K x 1 PDF: 358K 2102
U2148D DIL 18 sRAM 1K x 4 PDF: 820K 2148
U214D DIL 18 sRAM 1K x 4 PDF: 682K 2114
U215D DIL 16 sRAM 1K x 1 PDF: 636K P2115
U2164C DIL 18 dRAM 64K x 1 PDF: 1. 3M MCM6664
U224D DIL 18 sRAM 1K x 4 PDF: 442K 6514
U225D DIL 16 sRAM 1K x 1 PDF: 636K P2125
U2316C DIL 24 ROM 2K x 8 PDF: 568K
U2364C DIL 28 ROM 8K x 8 PDF: 445K
U2365C DIL 28 ROM 8K x 8 with address latch PDF: 445K
U253D DIL 18 dRAM 1K x 1 PDF: 395K P1103
U256D DIL 16 dRAM 16K x 1 PDF: 1.5M 4116
U2616D DIL 24 PROM 2K x 8 PDF: 541K
U2632D DIL 24 PROM 4K x 8 PDF: 211K
U2664D DIL 28 PROM 8K x 8
U2716D DIL 24 EPROM 2K x 8 PDF: 541K 2716
U2732D DIL 24 EPROM 4K x 8 PDF: 854K 2732
U2764D DIL 28 EPROM 8K x 8
Type Housing Tag Description Datasheet Similar
U311 DIL 16 5-bit P-MOS shift register PDF: 44K
U32C20 PQFP 68 Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
U352 DIL 10 64-bit P-MOS shift register PDF: 255K MEM3064
U4. .. CMOS logic MC14…
U401D DIL 28 ROM character generator 64 x 50 PDF: 77K
U402D DIL 24 ROM character generator 64 x 40 PDF: 78K
U403D DIL 24 ROM character generator 32 x 80 PDF: 76K
U40511D DIL 16 BCD decoder to 7-segment code with HEX characters PDF: 666K (CD4511)
U4538 DIL 18 RAM Address Buffer Multiplexer
U501D DIL 24 ROM 256 x 8 PDF: 91K P1302
U505D DIL 24 ROM 1K x 8 P2308
U5200 PLCC 64 CMOS Gate Array PDF: 490K
U5300 QFP 124 CMOS Gate Array
U551D DIL 24 PROM 256 x 8 P1602
U552D DIL 24 EPROM 256×8 C1702
U555C DIL 24 EPROM 1024×8 PDF: 104K 2708
U61000 DIL 18 dRAM 1M x 1
U61256DC DIL 16 dRAM 256K x 1 PDF: 1. 3M 41256
U6264DG DIL 28 sRAM 8K x 8 PDF: 146K 8464
U6516D DIL 24 sRAM 2K x 8 PDF: 784K HM6516
U6548D DIL 18 sRAM 1K x 4 PDF: 589K HM6548
U700 DIL 22 Programmable decoder PDF: 49K
U705 DIL 24 Programmable decoder PDF: 97K
U706D DIL 24 Thyristor control IC PDF: 80K
U708D DIL 16 Triac control IC PDF: 816K
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar
U710 DIL 16 Programmable decoder PDF: 91K
U711 DIL 16 Decoder PDF: 68K
U713 DIL 18 Chip for the touch keypad of the telephone
U714PC PLCC 64 Matrix LCD Driver PDF: 900K HD44100
U739DC DIL 28 12-bit ADC
U7650DD DIL 14 CMOS operational amplifier with chopper ICL7650
U7660D DIL 8 Voltage Boost IC PDF: 438K ICL7660
U8030D DIL 40 RS232 serial interface controller PDF: 491K Z8030
U8036D DIL 40 Timer-counter and parallel interface for CPU PDF: 374K Z8036
U8047P PCC 64 Single-chip microcontroller (MCU) PDF: 1. 1M
U804D DIL 16 6-channel DAC PDF: 738K SAB3013
U805D DIL 24 Control controller
U80601 PLCC 68 16-bit microprocessor
U80606 DIL 20 Bus controller
U80608 PLCC 68 Error detection and correction circuit
U80610 PLCC 68 DRAM controller
U806D DIL 24 IR remote control receiver PDF: 2.3M SAB3022B
U80701 PLCC 68 32-bit microprocessor
U8071 PLCC 68 32-bit microprocessor
U807D DIL 24 IR remote control transmitter PDF: 2. 3M SAB3021
U808D DIL 18 8-bit CPU P8008
U82062D DIL 40 Hard disk controller (HDC) PDF: 287K
U821D DIL 28 Calculator chip PDF: 98K
U8246I PCC 24 sRAM 256 x 4 PDF: 670K
U824G PQFO 56 Calculator chip
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar
U82530D DIL 40 RS232 serial interface controller PDF: 491K P82530
U82536D DIL 40 Timer-counter and parallel interface for CPU PDF: 374K Z8536
U825G PQFO 53 Calculator chip with clock function
U826G PQFO 56 Calculator chip
U82720D DIL 40 Graphic display controller PDF: 727K uPD82720
U8272D DIL 40 Floppy Disk Controller (FDC) PDF: 1. 1M I8272
U830C DIL 48 8-bit CPU
U834C DIL 48
U84C00 DIL 40 Z80 CPU CMOS Z84C00
U84C20 DIL 40 Z80 PIO (parallel input/output controller) CMOS (parallel input/output controller) Z84C20
U84C30 DIL 40 Z80 CTC CMOS (Timer-Counter) Z84C30
U84C40 DIL 40 Z80 SIO CMOS (Serial Port Controller) Z84C40
U855 DIL 40 Z80 PIO (Parallel I/O Controller)
U856 DIL 40 Z80 SIO (Serial Port Controller) PDF: 105K
U8560 DIL 40 Z80 SIO (serial port controller equivalent to U856) PDF: 105K
U8561 DIL 40 Z80 SIO (serial port controller, similar to U856) PDF: 127K
U857 DIL 28 Z80 CTC (timer-counter) PDF: 248K
U858 DIL 40 Z80 DMA (direct memory access controller) PDF: 68K
U8611D DIL 40 Single-chip microcomputer PDF: 553K Z8682
U880 DIL 40 Z80 CPU
U9032XC Chip LED string driver PDF: 321K
UA855 DIL 40 Z80 PIO (parallel I/O controller, U855 at 4 MHz)
UA856 DIL 40 Z80 SIO (Serial Port Controller, U856 at 4 MHz) PDF: 127K
UA8563 DIL 40 Z80 UART (serial port controller, 0. ..70°C, frequency 4 MHz) PDF: 127K
UA857 DIL 28 Z80 CTC (timer-counter, U857 at 4 MHz) PDF: 248K
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar to
UA858 DIL 40 Z80 DMA (Direct Memory Access Controller, U858 @ 4 MHz) PDF: 68K
UA880 DIL 40 Z80 CPU (similar to U880, 4 MHz)
UB8001 DIL 48 16-bit microprocessor PDF: 616K
UB8002 DIL 40 16-bit microprocessor PDF: 616K
UB8010C DIL 48 Memory Management Unit (MMU) to UB800x microprocessor PDF: 487K
UB8032C DIL 48 Arithmetic coprocessor (floating point processing, FPU) to UB800x microprocessor
UB855 DIL 40 Z80 PIO (parallel I/O controller, similar to U855)
UB856 DIL 40 Z80 SIO (serial port controller equivalent to U856) PDF: 127K
UB8563 DIL 40 Z80 UART (serial port controller, 0. ..70°C, frequency 2.5 MHz) PDF: 127K
UB857 DIL 28 Z80 CTC (timer-counter, similar to U857) PDF: 248K
UB858 DIL 40 Z80 DMA (direct memory access controller, similar to U858) PDF: 68K
UB880 DIL 40 Z80 CPU, similar to U880
UB8810 DIL 40 Single chip MCU, 2k internal ROM, built-in generator PDF: 351K Z8601
UB8811 DIL 40 Single-chip MCU, 2k internal ROM, power save/shutdown function PDF: 351K Z8601
UB8820 QUIP 64 Single chip MCU, 2k external ROM, built-in generator Z8602
UB8821 QUIP 64 Single-chip MCU, 2k external ROM, power save/shutdown function Z8602
UB8830 DIL 40 Single-chip MCU, Tiny Basic, built-in generator PDF: 351K
UB8831 DIL 40 Single-chip MCU, Tiny Basic, power save/shutdown function PDF: 351K
UB8840 QUIP 64 Single chip MCU 4k ext. ROM int. Osz. Z8612
UB8841 QUIP 64 Single chip MCU 4k ext. ROM power down Z8612
UB8860 DIL 40 Single-chip MCU, version without ROM, built-in generator Z8682
UB8861 DIL 40 Single-chip MCU, no ROM version, power save/shutdown function Z8682
UL224D DIL 18 sRAM 1K x 4 PDF: 442K
UL7211 DIP 40 LCD control circuit PDF: 103K ICM7211
UL8611D DIL 40 Single-chip microcomputer, power save/shutdown function PDF: 553K
Type Housing Tag Description Datasheet Similar
UP7211 DIP 40 LCD control circuit PDF: 103K
US224D DIL 18 sRAM 1K x 4 PDF: 442K
VB855 DIL 40 Z80 PIO (parallel I/O controller, similar to U855, -25. ..+85°C)
VB856 DIL 40 Z80 SIO (serial port controller, similar to U856, -25…85°C) PDF: 127K
VB8563 DIL 40 Z80 UART (serial controller, -25…85°C, frequency 2.5 MHz PDF: 127K
VB857 DIL 28 Z80 CTC (timer-counter, similar to U857, -25…85°C) PDF: 248K
VB880 DIL 40 Z80 CPU (similar to U880, -25…85°C)
VFE15 TO 120 GaAs-FET bis 12 GHz
VK11 7-segment display, 10 digits, red dot 3.4 mmm PDF: 63K
VK12 7-segment display, 9 digits, red dot 3. 4 mmm PDF: 63K
VK15 7-segment indicator, 9digits, red dot 3.4 mmm PDF: 63K
VL224D DIL 18 sRAM 1K x 4 PDF: 442K
VQ110 (opto) Infrared LED, 4 mm PDF: 69K
VQ120 (opto) Infrared LED (for hole mounting) PDF: 374K CQX57I
VQ121 (opto) Infrared LED, 2 mm PDF: 297K LD261
VQ123 (opto) Infrared LED, 3 mm SFh509
VQ125 (opto) Infrared LED, 5 mm LD271
VQ130 (opto) Infrared LED with monitor diode PDF: 41K C30119
VQ150 (opto) Infrared laser LED with monitor diode and Peltier cooler PDF: 653K
VQ170 (opto) Infrared LED PDF: 222K
VQ175 (opto) Infrared LED PDF: 346K
VQA10 (opto) LED 5mm red LS5160
VQA101 (opto) LED 5×1 mm red PDF: 322K CQW60L
VQA102 (opto) LED 5 mm red PDF: 322K
VQA103 (opto) LED 5×2. 3 mm red CQW60L
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar to
VQA12 (opto) LED 4 mm red
VQA13 (opto) LED 5 mm red PDF: 37K TLR116A
VQA13-1 (opto) LED 5 mm red LR5160
VQA14 (opto) LED 2.4×4.85 mm red PDF: 109K LRB480
VQA15 (opto) LED 2 mm red PDF: 53K LRZ181
VQA16 (opto) LED 5 mm red PDF: 653K TLR153
VQA17 (opto) LED 3 mm red PDF: 653K TLR124
VQA18 (opto) LED 5×2 mm red PDF: 109K TLR208
VQA19 (opto) LED 5 mm triangular red PDF: 109K TLR207
VQA201 (opto) LED 5×1 mm green PDF: 322K CQW60L
VQA202 (opto) LED 5 mm green PDF: 322K
VQA203 (opto) LED 5×2. 3 mm green CQW60L
VQA23 (opto) LED 5 mm green PDF: 64K LG5160
VQA24 (opto) LED 2.4×4.85 mm green PDF: 109K LGB480
VQA25 (opto) LED 2 mm green PDF: 482K LGZ181
VQA26 (opto) LED 5 mm green PDF: 653K TLG153
VQA27 (opto) LED 3 mm green PDF: 653K TLG124
VQA28 (opto) LED 5×2 mm green PDF: 109K TLG208
VQA29 (opto) LED 5 mm triangular PDF: 109K TLG207
VQA301 (opto) LED 5×1 mm yellow PDF: 322K CQW60L
VQA303 (opto) LED 5×2. 3 mm yellow CQW60L
VQA33 (opto) LED 5 mm yellow PDF: 67K LY5160
VQA34 (opto) LED 2.4×4.85 mm yellow PDF: 109K LYB480
VQA35 (opto) LED 2 mm yellow PDF: 482K LYZ181
VQA36 (opto) LED 5 mm yellow PDF: 653K TLY153
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar to
VQA37 (opto) LED 3 mm yellow PDF: 653K TLY124
VQA38 (opto) LED 5×2 mm yellow PDF: 109K TLY208
VQA39 (opto) LED 5 mm triangular yellow PDF: 109K TLY207
VQA46 (opto) LED 5 mm orange PDF: 653K TLO153
VQA47 (opto) LED 3 mm orange PDF: 653K TLO124
VQA49 (opto) LED 5 mm triangular orange PDF: 109K TLO207
VQA60 (opto) Bicolor LED 5 mm red/green PDF: 467K LD100
VQA70 (opto) LED 5 mm red dot/yellow dot PDF: 467K
VQA80 (opto) LED 5 mm green dot/yellow dot PDF: 467K
VQB16 (opto) 7-segment indicator [±1. ] 3/4″ red PDF: 435K (HDSP3906)
VQB17 (opto) 7-segment indicator [8] 3/4″ red, common cathode PDF: 435K (HDSP3903)
VQB18 (opto) 7-segment indicator [8] 3/4″ red, common anode PDF: 435K (HDSP3901)
VQB200 (opto) 16-segment indicator 1/2″ green, common cathode PDF: 453K (TLG370)
VQB201 (opto) 16-segment indicator 1/2″ green dot common anode PDF: 453K (TLG371)
VQB26 (opto) 7-segment display [±1.] 3/4″ green dot PDF: 88K (HDSP8606)
VQB27 (opto) 7-segment indicator [8] 3/4″ green, common cathode PDF: 88K (HDSP8603)
VQB28 (opto) 7-segment indicator [8] 3/4″ green, common anode PDF: 88K (HDSP8601)
VQB37 (opto) 7-segment indicator [8] 3. 4 mm red, common cathode
VQB71 (opto) 7-segment display [8] 7 mm red, common anode PDF: 39K
VQB73 (opto) 7-segment indicator [+,-,%] 7 mm red, common anode PDF: 39K
VQC10 (opto) 4 x dot matrix 5×7 red dot 8 mmm PDF: 135K
VQC32 (opto) 3 x 7-segment indicator red dot 3.4 mmm
VQD30 (opto) 7-segment display, 9 digits red 3.4 mmm PDF: 31K HP5082-7449
VQD32 (opto) 12 x 7-segment indicator red 3.4 mmm HP5082-7442
VQE11 (opto) 2 x 7-segment indicator [±1. 8.] red 1/2″ common cathode PDF: 78K TLR326
Type Housing Label Description Datasheet Similar
VQE12 (opto) 2 x 7-segment indicator [±1.8.] red 1/2″ common anode PDF: 78K TLR427
VQE13 (opto) 2 x 7-segment display [8.8.] red 1/2″ common cathode PDF: 78K TLR324
VQE14 (opto) 2 x 7-segment display [8.8.] red 1/2″ common anode PDF: 78K TLR325
VQE21 (opto) 2 x 7-segment indicator [±1.8.l green 1/2″ common cathode TLG326
VQE22 (opto) 2 x 7-segment indicator [±1.8.] green 1/2″ common anode TLG327
VQE23 (opto) 2 x 7-segment indicator [8.

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