V100 vs 2080 ti: Deep Learning GPU Benchmarks — V100 vs 2080 Ti vs 1080 Ti vs Titan V

Deep Learning GPU Benchmarks — V100 vs 2080 Ti vs 1080 Ti vs Titan V

What’s the best GPU for Deep Learning? The 2080 Ti. We benchmark the 2080 Ti vs the Titan V, V100, and 1080 Ti.

At Lambda, we’re often asked «what’s the best GPU for deep learning?» In this post and accompanying white paper, we evaluate the NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti, RTX 2080, GTX 1080 Ti, Titan V, and Tesla V100.

View Lambda’s GPU workstation


As of February 8, 2019, the NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti is the best GPU for deep learning. For single-GPU training, the RTX 2080 Ti will be…

  • 37% faster than the 1080 Ti with FP32, 62% faster with FP16, and 25% more costly.
  • 35% faster than the 2080 with FP32, 47% faster with FP16, and 25% more costly.
  • 96% as fast as the Titan V with FP32, 3% faster with FP16, and ~1/2 of the cost.
  • 80% as fast as the Tesla V100 with FP32, 82% as fast with FP16, and ~1/5 of the cost.

All experiments utilized Tensor Cores when available and relative cost calculations can be found here. You can view the benchmark data spreadsheet here.


A Lambda deep learning workstation was used to conduct benchmarks of the RTX 2080 Ti, RTX 2080, GTX 1080 Ti, and Titan V. Tesla V100 benchmarks were conducted on an AWS P3 instance with an E5-2686 v4 (16 core) and 244 GB DDR4 RAM.

Results in-depth

Performance of each GPU was evaluated by measuring FP32 and FP16 throughput  (# of training samples processed per second) while training common models on synthetic data. We divided the GPU’s throughput on each model by the 1080 Ti’s throughput on the same model; this normalized the data and provided the GPU’s per-model speedup over the 1080 Ti. Speedup is a measure of the relative performance of two systems processing the same job.

Throughput of each GPU on various models; raw data can be found here.

We then averaged the GPU’s speedup over the 1080 Ti across all models:

FP32 and FP16 average speedup vs 1080 ti.

Finally, we divided each GPU’s average speedup by the total system cost to calculate our winner:

FP32 and FP16 performance per $. Units are speedup / k$.

Under this evaluation metric, the RTX 2080 Ti wins our contest for best GPU for Deep Learning training.

2080 Ti vs V100 — is the 2080 Ti really that fast?

How can the 2080 Ti be 80% as fast as the Tesla V100, but only 1/8th of the price? The answer is simple: NVIDIA wants to segment the market so that those with high willingness to pay (hyper scalers) only buy their TESLA line of cards which retail for ~$9,800. The RTX and GTX series of cards still offers the best performance per dollar.

If you’re not AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud then you’re probably much better off buying the 2080 Ti. There are, however, a few key use cases where the V100s can come in handy:

  1. If you need FP64 compute. If you’re doing Computational Fluid Dynamics, n-body simulation, or other work that requires high numerical precision (FP64), then you’ll need to buy the Titan V or V100s. If you’re not sure if you need FP64, you don’t. You would know.
  2. If you absolutely need 32 GB of memory because your model size won’t fit into 11 GB of memory with a batch size of 1. If you are creating your own model architecture and it simply can’t fit even when you bring the batch size lower, the V100 could make sense. However, this is a pretty rare edge case. Fewer than 5% of our customers are using custom models. Most use something like ResNet, VGG, Inception, SSD, or Yolo.

So. You’re still wondering. Why would anybody buy the V100? It comes down to marketing.

2080 Ti is a Porsche 911, the V100 is a Bugatti Veyron

The V100 is a bit like a Bugatti Veyron. It’s one of the fastest street legal cars in the world, ridiculously expensive, and, if you have to ask how much the insurance and maintenance is, you can’t afford it. The RTX 2080 Ti, on the other hand, is like a Porsche 911. It’s very fast, handles well, expensive but not ostentatious, and with the same amount of money you’d pay for the Bugatti, you can buy the Porsche, a home, a BMW 7-series, send three kids to college, and have money left over for retirement.

And if you think I’m going overboard with the Porsche analogy, you can buy a DGX-1 8x V100 for $120,000 or a Lambda Blade 8x 2080 Ti for $28,000 and have enough left over for a real Porsche 911. Your pick.

Raw performance data

FP32 throughput

FP32 (single-precision) arithmetic is the most commonly used precision when training CNNs. FP32 data comes from code in the Lambda TensorFlow benchmarking repository.

Model / GPU 2080 2080 Ti Titan V V100 1080 Ti
ResNet-50 209.89 286.05 298.28 368.63 203.99
ResNet-152 82.78 110.24 110.13 131.69 82.83
InceptionV3 141.9 189.31 204.35 242.7 130.2
InceptionV4 61.6 81 78.64 90.6 56.98
VGG16 123.01 169.28 190.38 233 133.16
AlexNet 2567.38 3550.11 3729.64 4707.67 2720.59
SSD300 111. 04 148.51 153.55 186.8 107.71
FP16 throughput (Sako)
  • FP16 (half-precision) arithmetic is sufficient for training many networks. We use Yusaku Sako benchmark scripts. The Sako benchmark scripts have both FP16 and FP32 results. From here you can clearly see the 2080 Ti beating out the 1080 Ti’s FP16 performance.
Model/GPU 2080 2080 Ti Titan V V100 1080 Ti
VGG16 181.2 238.45 270.27 333.33 149.39
ResNet-152 62.67 103.29 84.92 108.54 62.74
FP32 (Sako)
Model/GPU 2080 2080 Ti Titan V V100 1080 Ti
VGG16 120.39 163.26 168.59 222.22 130. 8
ResNet-152 43.43 75.18 61.82 80.08 53.45
FP16 Training Speedup over 1080 ti
Model/GPU 2080 2080 Ti Titan V V100 1080 Ti
VGG16 1.21 1.60 1.81 2.23 1.00
ResNet-152 1.00 1.65 1.35 1.73 1.00
FP32 Training Speedup
Model/GPU 2080 2080 Ti Titan V V100 1080 Ti
VGG16 0.92 1.25 1.29 1.70 1.00
ResNet-152 0.81 1.41 1.16 1.50 1.00

Price Performance Data (Speedup / $1,000 USD) FP32

Model/GPU 2080 2080 Ti Titan V V100 1080 Ti
Price Per GPU (k$) 0. 7 1.2 3 9.8 0.7
Price Per 1 GPU System (k$) 1.99 2.49 4.29 11.09 1.99
AVG 0.51 0.55 0.33 0.16 0.50
ResNet-50 0.52 0.56 0.34 0.16 0.50
ResNet-152 0.50 0.53 0.31 0.14 0.50
InceptionV3 0.55 0.58 0.37 0.17 0.50
InceptionV4 0.54 0.57 0.32 0.14 0.50
VGG16 0.46 0.51 0.33 0.16 0.50
AlexNet 0.47 0.52 0.32 0.16 0.50
SSD300 0.52 0.55 0.33 0.16 0.50

Price Performance Data (Speedup / $1,000 USD) FP16

Model/GPU 2080 2080 Ti Titan V V100 1080 Ti
AVG 0. 56 0.65 0.37 0.18 0.50
VGG16 0.61 0.64 0.42 0.20 0.50
ResNet-152 0.50 0.66 0.32 0.16 0.50


  • All models were trained on a synthetic dataset. This isolates GPU performance from CPU pre-processing performance.
  • For each GPU, 10 training experiments were conducted on each model. The number of images processed per second was measured and then averaged over the 10 experiments.
  • The speedup benchmark is calculated by taking the images / sec score and dividing it by the minimum image / sec score for that particular model. This essentially shows you the percentage improvement over the baseline (in this case the 1080 Ti).
  • The 2080 Ti, 2080, Titan V, and V100 benchmarks utilized Tensor Cores.
Batch sizes used
Model Batch Size
ResNet-50 64
ResNet-152 32
InceptionV3 64
InceptionV4 16
VGG16 64
AlexNet 512
SSD 32

All benchmarks, except for those of the V100, were conducted using a Lambda Vector with swapped  GPUs. The exact specifications are:

  • RAM: 64 GB DDR4 2400 MHz
  • Processor: Intel Xeon E5-1650 v4
  • Motherboard: ASUS X99-E WS/USB 3.1
  • GPUs: EVGA XC RTX 2080 Ti GPU TU102, ASUS 1080 Ti Turbo GP102, NVIDIA Titan V, and Gigabyte RTX 2080.

All benchmarks, except for those of the V100, were conducted with:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)
  • CUDA 10.0
  • TensorFlow 1.11.0-rc1
  • cuDNN 7.3

The V100 benchmark was conducted with an AWS P3 instance with:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
  • CUDA 9.0
  • TensorFlow 1.12.0.dev20181004
  • cuDNN 7.1


How we calculate system cost

The cost we use in our calculations is based on the estimated price of the minimal system that avoids CPU, memory, and storage bottlenecking for Deep Learning training. Note that this won’t be upgradable to anything more than 1 GPU.

  • CPU: i7-8700K or equivalent (6 cores, 16 PCI-e lanes). ~$380.00 on Amazon.
  • CPU Cooler: Noctua L-Type Premium. ~$50 on Amazon.
  • Memory: 32 GB DDR4. ~$280.00 on Amazon.
  • Motherboard: ASUS Prime B360-Plus (16x pci-e lanes for GPU). ~$105.00 on Amazon.
  • Power supply: EVGA SuperNOVA 750 G2 (750W). ~$100.00 on Amazon.
  • Case:NZXT H500 ATX case ~$70.00 on Amazon
  • Labor: About $200 in labor if you want somebody else to build it for you.

Cost (excluding GPU): $1,291.65 after 9% sales tax.

Reproduce the benchmarks yourself

All benchmarking code is available on Lambda Lab’s GitHub repo. Share your results by emailing [email protected] or tweeting @LambdaAPI. Be sure to include the hardware specifications of the machine you used.

Step One: Clone benchmark repo
git clone https://github.com/lambdal/lambda-tensorflow-benchmark.git --recursive
Step Two: Run benchmark
  • Input a proper gpu_index (default 0) and num_iterations (default 10)
cd lambda-tensorflow-benchmark
. /benchmark.sh gpu_index num_iterations
Step Three: Report results
  • Check the repo directory for folder <cpu>-<gpu>.logs (generated by benchmark.sh)
  • Use the same num_iterations in benchmarking and reporting.
./report.sh <cpu>-<gpu>.logs num_iterations

We are now taking orders for the Lambda Blade 2080 Ti Server and the Lambda Quad 2080 Ti workstation. Email [email protected] for more info.

You can download this blog post as a whitepaper using this link: Download Full 2080 Ti Performance Whitepaper.

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Compare NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti and NVIDIA Tesla V100 PCIe 32 GB

Comparative analysis of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti and NVIDIA Tesla V100 PCIe 32 GB video cards by all known characteristics in the categories: General information, Specifications, Video outputs and ports, Compatibility, dimensions, requirements, API support, Memory.
Analysis of video card performance by benchmarks: PassMark — G3D Mark, PassMark — G2D Mark, Geekbench — OpenCL, CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Face Detection (mPixels/s), CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Ocean Surface Simulation (Frames/s), CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — T -Rex (Frames/s), CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Video Composition (Frames/s), CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Bitcoin Mining (mHash/s), GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Frames), GFXBench 4.0 — Manhattan (Frames), GFXBench 4.0 — T-Rex (Frames), GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Fps), GFXBench 4.0 — Manhattan (Fps), GFXBench 4.0 — T-Rex (Fps), 3DMark Fire Strike — Graphics Score.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti


NVIDIA Tesla V100 PCIe 32 GB


Why Choose NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti

  • vs 1230 MHz
  • 12% more core clock in Boost mode: 1545 MHz vs 1380 MHz
  • 8x more memory clock(s): 14000 MHz vs 1752 MHz
  • 2. 4 times more performance in GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Frames) benchmark: 23659 vs 9969
  • About 6% more performance in GFXBench 4.0 — Manhattan (Frames) benchmark: 3718 vs 3521
  • 90 about 6% more performance in GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Fps) benchmark: 23659 vs 9969

  • About 6% more performance in GFXBench 4.0 — Manhattan (Fps) benchmark: 3718 vs 3521

nine0039 14000 MHz vs 1752 MHz

Issue date 20 September 2018 vs 27 March 2018
Core frequency 1350 MHz vs 1230 MHz
Boost core clock 1545 MHz vs 1380 MHz
Memory frequency
GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Frames) 23659 vs 9969
GFXBench 4. 0 — Manhattan (Frames) 3718 vs 3521
GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Fps) 23659 vs 9969
GFXBench 4.0 — Manhattan (Fps) 3718 vs 3521

Reasons to choose NVIDIA Tesla V100 PCIe 32 GB

  • About 4% better performance in Geekbench — OpenCL benchmark: 144501 vs 138925
9003 OpenCL Geekbench4 —


144501 vs 138925
GFXBench 4.0 — T-Rex (Frames) 3360 vs 3358
GFXBench 4.0 — T-Rex (Fps) 3360 vs 3358

Benchmark comparison

GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
GPU 2: NVIDIA Tesla V100 PCIe 32 GB

Geekbench — OpenCL
GFXBench 4. 0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Frames)
GFXBench 4.0 — Manhattan (Frames)
GFXBench 4.0 — T-Rex (Frames)


GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Fps)
GFXBench 4. 0 — Manhattan (Fps) nine0036

GFXBench 4.0 — T-Rex (Fps)


nine0039 3521

nine0039 3718

Name NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti NVIDIA Tesla V100 PCIe 32 GB
PassMark — G3D Mark 21886
PassMark — G2D Mark 942
Geekbench — OpenCL 138925 144501
CompuBench 1. 5 Desktop — Face Detection (mPixels/s) 394.035
CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Ocean Surface Simulation (Frames/s) 5451.484
CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — T-Rex (Frames/s) 41.133
CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Video Composition (Frames/s) 173.697
CompuBench 1.5 Desktop — Bitcoin Mining (mHash/s) 1963.652
GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Frames) 23659 9969
GFXBench 4. 0 — Manhattan (Frames) 3718
GFXBench 4.0 — T-Rex (Frames) 3358 3360
GFXBench 4.0 — Car Chase Offscreen (Fps) 23659 9969
GFXBench 4.0 — Manhattan (Fps) 3521
GFXBench 4.0 — T-Rex (Fps) 3358 3360
3DMark Fire Strike — Graphics Score 14614

Performance comparison




nine0039 1x HDMI, 3x DisplayPort, 1x USB Type-C

nine0039 14000 MHz


NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti NVIDIA Tesla V100 PCIe 32 GB
Architecture Turing Volta
Codename TU102 GV100
Issue date 20 September 2018 March 27, 2018
Price at first issue date $999
Place in the ranking 19 206
Price now $1,279. 99
Type Desktop Workstation
Price/performance ratio (0-100) 17.22 nine0043

Boost core clock 1545MHz 1380MHz
Core frequency 1350MHz 1230MHz
Process 12nm 12 nm
Power consumption (TDP) 250 Watt 250 Watt
Number of transistors 18,600 million 21,100 million
Floating point performance 14. 131 gflops
Number of shaders 5120
Texturing speed 441.6 GTexel/s
Video connectors No outputs
Interface PCIe 3.0 x16 PCIe 3.0 x16
Length 267mm
Additional power connectors 2x 8-pin 2x 8-pin
DirectX 12. 0 (12_1) 12.0 (12_1)
OpenGL 4.6 4.6
Memory frequency 1752 MHz
Maximum memory size 32GB
Memory bandwidth 897.0 GB/s
Memory bus width 4096 Bit
Memory type HBM2

Future Nvidia GPUs tested | Page 2
