1050 ti vs 2070: GTX 1050 Ti vs RTX 2070 Game Performance Benchmarks (i7-6700K vs i7-8700K)

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti vs Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Mobile Benchmarks, Specs, Performance Comparison and Differences

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti vs Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Mobile

Comparison of the technical characteristics between the graphics cards, with Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti on one side and Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Mobile on the other side. The first is dedicated to the desktop sector, it has 768 shading units, a maximum frequency of 1,4 GHz, its lithography is 14 nm. The second is used on the laptop segment, it includes 2304 shading units, a maximum frequency of 1,4 GHz, its lithography is 12 nm. The following table also compares the boost clock, the number of shading units (if indicated), of execution units, the amount of cache memory, the maximum memory capacity, the memory bus width, the release date, the number of PCIe lanes, the values ​​obtained in various benchmarks.

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Specification comparison:

Graphics card

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Mobile
Market (main)


Release date

Q4 2016

Q1 2019
Model number


GPU name





GeForce 10

GeForce 20 Mobile

14 nm

12 nm

3. 300.000.000

Bus interface

PCIe 3.0 x16

PCIe 3.0 x16
GPU base clock

1.291 MHz

1.215 MHz
GPU boost clock

1.392 MHz

1.440 MHz
Memory frequency

1.752 MHz

1.750 MHz
Effective memory speed

7 Gbps

14 Gbps
Memory size

4 GB

8 GB
Memory type


Memory bus

128 Bit

256 Bit
Memory bandwidth

112,1 GB/s

448,0 GB/s

75 W

115 W
Max display resolution

7680 x 4320@60Hz (DP),

4096 x 2160@60Hz (HDMI),

2048 x 1536 (VGA)

Cores (compute units, SM, SMX)


Shading units (cuda cores)


2. 304




Cache memory

1 MB

4 MB
Pixel fillrate

44,5 GP/s

92,2 GP/s
Texture fillrate

66,8 GT/s

207,4 GT/s
Performance FP16 (half)


Performance FP32 (float)


Performance FP64 (double)


207,4 GFLOPS


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Price: For technical reasons, we cannot currently display a price less than 24 hours, or a real-time price. This is why we prefer for the moment not to show a price. You should refer to the respective online stores for the latest price, as well as availability.

We can better compare what are the technical differences between the two graphics cards.

Performance comparison with the benchmarks:

Performance comparison between the two processors, for this we consider the results generated on benchmark software such as Geekbench 4.

FP32 Performance in GFLOPS
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Mobile

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti


The difference is 210%.

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average of the performances got with these graphics cards, you may get different results.

Single precision floating point format, also known as FP32, is a computer number format that typically occupies 32 bits in PC memory. This represents a wide dynamic range of numeric values that employs a floating point.

See also:

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Max-QNvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Mobile


Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti AMD equivalentNvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Mobile AMD equivalent


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NVIDIA is now resupplying 4-year old GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Pascal GPUs to AIBs

The GTX 1050 Ti series had launched on October 25th, 2016. More than 4 years later, NVIDIA has decided to resupply the chips to AIBs in order to meet the demand for low-end SKUs.

A video posted by Tech Yes City covers the topic of NVIDIA resupplying the GTX 1050 Ti series to retailers. One of the retailers confirms to TYC that GTX 1050 Ti cards were not available for nearly two years, only to reappear again in 2021.

Last month it was rumored that NVIDIA has begun resupplying TU106 GPUs for RTX 2060 graphics cards, but so far we have not seen an increased presence of this SKU on the market. At the same time, NVIDIA is now allegedly focusing on even older chips, such as the GP107-based GTX 1050 Ti series.

The 4GB graphics cards will certainly not deliver a high-end experience, but there is a good reason why NVIDIA is focusing on this SKU. Firstly, the supply of low-end GPUs is really low. The global pandemic has substantially increased the demand for entertainment and not all customers are willing to spend hundreds of dollars for a new graphics card. Wider availability of RTX 2060 and GTX 1660 would certainly release some pressure on supply channels. Meanwhile, retailers are to witness the popularity of the RTX 3060 model, which should launch two weeks from now.

Secondly, the 4GB cards are no longer attractive to GPU miners. The Ethereum mining now requires more than 4GB VRAM, which basically put lots of Radeon RX 470 and RX 570 cards back on the market. If you are tight on a budget, buying one of those cards might be a good alternative.